void SendStopCommandToServices() { _serviceCache.Each((name, service) => { var message = new StopService(name); _actorCache[name].Send(message); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RouteService routeService = new RouteService(); StopService stopService = new StopService(); Console.WriteLine("Copy open date from New Taipei city open data platform start!"); routeService.Backup(); stopService.Backup(); Console.WriteLine("Copy open date from New Taipei city open data platform finsh!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void ServiceContextActionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceParameters ServiceParams = new ServiceParameters(); ServiceParams.ServiceName = SelectedService; NetworkParameters NetParams = new NetworkParameters(); NetParams.RemoteSystemName = MachineName; RemoteExecutionManager RemoteExec = new RemoteExecutionManager(); if (ServiceAction == ServiceActionType.StartService) { StartService Start = new StartService(); Start.ServiceParameters = ServiceParams; RemoteExec.Command = Start; RemoteExec.NetParams = NetParams; IResult StartResult = RemoteExec.Execute(); if (StartResult.Result == ExecutionResultType.Passed) { MessageBox.Show(SelectedService + " has been successfully started on the remote machine " + MachineName, "Start Service", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); RefreshServiceList(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to start the service " + SelectedService + " on the remote machine " + MachineName + " due to the following reason : " + StartResult.FailureException.Message, "Start Service", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else if (ServiceAction == ServiceActionType.StopService) { StopService Stop = new StopService(); Stop.ServiceParameters = ServiceParams; RemoteExec.Command = Stop; RemoteExec.NetParams = NetParams; IResult StopResult = RemoteExec.Execute(); if (StopResult.Result == ExecutionResultType.Passed) { MessageBox.Show(SelectedService + " has been successfully stopped on the remote machine " + MachineName, "Stop Service", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); RefreshServiceList(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to stop the service " + SelectedService + " on the remote machine " + MachineName + " due to the following reason : " + StopResult.FailureException.Message, "Stop Service", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public static void SetMainPage() { var ss = new StopService(); var stops = Task.Run(() => ss.GetAllStops(StopType.Tram)).Result; Current.MainPage = new TabbedPage { Children = { new NavigationPage(new FavouriteStopsPage(stops)) { Title = "Przystanki", Icon = Device.OnPlatform("tab_feed.png", null, null) }, } }; }
private void ConfigInputPoint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { wndWayPointsConfig wpc; if (service is StopService) { StopService serv = service as StopService; if (serv.InputPoints == null) { wpc = new wndWayPointsConfig(); } else { wpc = new wndWayPointsConfig(serv.InputPoints); } if (wpc.ShowDialog() == true) { (service as StopService).InputPoints = wpc.WayPointsList; lvInputPoints.ItemsSource = null; lvInputPoints.ItemsSource = (service as StopService).InputPoints; } } else if (service is QueueService) { QueueService serv = service as QueueService; if (serv.InputPoints == null) { wpc = new wndWayPointsConfig(); } else { wpc = new wndWayPointsConfig(serv.InputPoints); } if (wpc.ShowDialog() == true) { (service as QueueService).InputPoints = wpc.WayPointsList; lvInputQueuePoints.ItemsSource = null; lvInputQueuePoints.ItemsSource = (service as QueueService).InputPoints; } } }
public void StopService() { string expected = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(_requestsTestDataPath, "StopService.xml")); var request = new StopService { SessionId = "sid", Service = TServiceType.POP3 }; var xml = request.ToXml().InnerXmlFormatted(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, xml); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(_responsesTestDataPath, "StopService.xml"))); var response = request.FromHttpRequestResult(new HttpRequestResult { Response = doc.InnerXml }); Assert.AreEqual("result", response.Type); Assert.True(response.Success); }
public StopServiceShould() { sut = new StopService(); }
public Task Handle(StopService message, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { this._manager.Stop(); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public NextToArriveViewModel(string urlBase) { RouteService = new RouteService(urlBase); StopService = new StopService(urlBase); }
public UserController(UserService userService, StopService stopService) { _service = userService; _stopService = stopService; }
public Task <Unit> Handle(StopService message, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { this._manager.Stop(); return(Unit.Task); }
public async Task LoadStops() { var ss = new StopService(); Stops = await ss.GetAllStops(); }