Пример #1
 public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
     if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray)
         return(serializer.Deserialize <List <StopLocation> >(reader));
         StopLocation media = serializer.Deserialize <StopLocation>(reader);
         return(new List <StopLocation>(new[] { media }));
Пример #2
        private static void GetStops(XmlNode stopsNode, List <RouteStop> stops)
            foreach (XmlElement stop in stopsNode)
                int          stopID       = int.Parse(stop.Attributes["id"].Value);
                int          stopCode     = int.Parse(stop.Attributes["code"].Value);
                string       stopName     = stop.Attributes["publicName"].Value;
                StopLocation stopLocation = new StopLocation(stop.Attributes["lat"].Value, stop.Attributes["lon"].Value);

                RouteStop currentStop = new RouteStop(stopID, stopName);
                currentStop.Code            = stopCode;
                currentStop.DefaultLocation = stopLocation;
Пример #3
        private void ShowNearbyStops(Point position)
            foreach (Feature feature in features)
                StopLocation location = feature["stopObject"] as StopLocation;

                Point point      = new Point(location.Lon, location.Lat);
                Point local      = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(point.X, point.Y);
                Point difference = position - local;

                if (Math.Abs(difference.X) < STOP_THRESHOLD && Math.Abs(difference.Y) < STOP_THRESHOLD)
                    foreach (Style style in feature.Styles)
                        style.Enabled = true;
Пример #4
        public void MoveToStop(string code)
            foreach (Feature feature in features)
                StopLocation location = feature["stopObject"] as StopLocation;
                if (location.Code == code)
                    Point point = new Point(location.Lon, location.Lat);
                    Point local = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(point.X, point.Y);

                    foreach (Style style in feature.Styles)
                        style.Enabled = true;

                    MoveTo(local, 16);
Пример #5
        private void OnMapInfo(object sender, MapInfoEventArgs e)
            Messenger.Default.Send(new MapClickedMessage());

            MapClickedResponseMessage message = messages.Dequeue();

            if (message.Handled)

            if (e.MapInfo.Feature != null && e.MapInfo.Feature.Styles.First().Enabled)
                StopLocation location = e.MapInfo.Feature["stopObject"] as StopLocation;

                Messenger.Default.Send(new StopSelectedMessage(location.Code, false));
 public StopViewModel(StopLocation stop)
     this.stop = stop;
Пример #7
        private static void GetLines(XmlNode linesNode, int currentIDNumeric, List <RouteLine> lines, List <RouteStop> stops)
            foreach (XmlElement line in linesNode)
                int       lineID      = int.Parse(line.Attributes["id"].Value);
                string    lineName    = line.Attributes["publicName"].Value;
                RouteLine currentLine = new RouteLine(lineID, lineName, currentIDNumeric);

                foreach (XmlElement route in line)
                    int    currentRouteID   = int.Parse(route.Attributes["route_id"].Value);
                    string currentRouteName = route.Attributes["publicName"].Value;

                    Route currentRoute = new Route(currentRouteID, currentRouteName);

                    var currentChildNode = route.ChildNodes[0];
                    int currentChildID   = int.Parse(currentChildNode.Attributes["id"].Value);

                    RouteStop currentStop = null;
                        var tempStop = stops.Where(x => x.PublicID == currentChildID).First();
                        currentStop = tempStop.Clone() as RouteStop;
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        currentStop = new RouteStop(currentChildID, "MISSING!");

                    for (int i = 1; i < route.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                        if (route.ChildNodes[i].Name == "stopRef")
                            currentChildNode = route.ChildNodes[i];
                            currentChildID   = int.Parse(currentChildNode.Attributes["id"].Value);
                                var tempStop = stops.Where(x => x.PublicID == currentChildID).First();
                                currentStop = tempStop.Clone() as RouteStop;
                            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                                currentStop = new RouteStop(currentChildID, "MISSING!");
                            string lat = route.ChildNodes[i].Attributes["lat"].Value;
                            string lon = route.ChildNodes[i].Attributes["lon"].Value;

                            StopLocation currentStopLocation = new StopLocation(lat, lon);

    public static DateTime GetHeadWayEnd(double pTrainId, Segment pSegment, StopLocation pNextSegment, int pLocation, string pStrUD, int pDirection, Int16 pDestTrack, out DateTime pOcupTime)
        DateTime lvRes = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime lvOcupTime = DateTime.MinValue;
        Segment lvSegment;
        string lvStrUD = "";
        int lvLocation = Int32.MinValue;
        int lvIndex;

        pOcupTime = DateTime.MinValue;

        DebugLog.Logar(" --------------------------------------------- GetHeadWayEnd(pTrainId = " + pTrainId + ", pLocation = " + pLocation + ", pStrUD = " + pStrUD + ", pDirection = " + pDirection + ", pDestTrack = " + pDestTrack + ") ------------------------------ ");

        if (pDirection > 0)
            lvSegment = Segment.GetCurrentSegment(pNextSegment.Start_coordinate, pDirection, pDestTrack, out lvIndex);
        else if (pDirection < 0)
            lvSegment = Segment.GetCurrentSegment(pNextSegment.End_coordinate, pDirection, pDestTrack, out lvIndex);
            return DateTime.MinValue;

        lvRes = GetHeadWayEndTime(pTrainId, lvSegment.Location, lvSegment.SegmentValue, pDestTrack, out pOcupTime);

        if (!lvSegment.SegmentValue.StartsWith("CV03") && (!lvSegment.SegmentValue.StartsWith("SW")))
            if (pDirection > 0)
                if (lvSegment.SegmentValue.StartsWith("CDV_") || lvSegment.SegmentValue == "WT")
                    lvStrUD = pStrUD;
                    lvLocation = pLocation;
                    lvRes = GetHeadWayEndTime(pTrainId, lvLocation, lvStrUD, 0, out lvOcupTime);
            else if (pDirection < 0)
                if (lvSegment.SegmentValue.StartsWith("CDV_") || lvSegment.SegmentValue == "WT")
                    lvStrUD = pStrUD;
                    lvLocation = pLocation;
                    lvRes = GetHeadWayEndTime(pTrainId, lvLocation, lvStrUD, 0, out lvOcupTime);
                return DateTime.MinValue;

        if (pOcupTime == DateTime.MinValue)
            lvRes = DateTime.MinValue;

        DebugLog.Logar(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fim de GetHeadWayEnd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ");

        return lvRes;
    public static double GetMeanTimeHist(double pTrainId, string pStrTrainType, Segment pSegment, StopLocation pNextSegment, int pDirection, int pLocation, string pStrUD, DateTime pOcupTime, int pTrainAnalysisCount, double pTrainMinSpeed, double pTrainMaxSpeed, Int16 pDestTrack, out double pMeanTime)
        double lvRes;
        int lvCountTimeHeadWay = 0;
        int lvCountTime = 0;
        int lvStartCoordinate = Int32.MinValue;
        int lvEndCoordinate = Int32.MinValue;
        double lvTrainId;
        string lvStrTrainName;
        DateTime lvDepTime;
        DateTime lvStartOcupTime;
        DateTime lvEndDesOcupTime;
        DateTime lvEndOcupTime;
        double lvMeanSpeed;
        double lvMeanSpeedHeadWay;
        double lvTimeHeadWay;
        double lvTime;
        double lvMeanTimeHeadWay = 0.0;
        double lvMeanTime = 0.0;
        HashSet<double> lvTrainList = new HashSet<double>();

        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

        DebugLog.Logar(" --------------------------------------------- GetMeanTimeHist(pTrainId = " + pTrainId + ", pStrTrainType = " + pStrTrainType + ", pDirection = " + pDirection + ", pLocation = " + pLocation + ", pStrUD = " + pStrUD + ", pOcupTime = " + pOcupTime + ", pTrainAnalysisCount = " + pTrainAnalysisCount + ", pTrainMinSpeed = " + pTrainMinSpeed + ", pTrainMaxSpeed = " + pTrainMaxSpeed + ", pDestTrack = " + pDestTrack + ") ------------------------------ ");

        string lvSql = "select tbtrain.train_id, tbtrain.name, tbtrain.departure_time, tbtrainmovsegment.data_ocup, tbtrainmovsegment.coordinate from tbtrain, tbtrainmovsegment where tbtrain.train_id=tbtrainmovsegment.train_id and tbtrain.train_id<>@trainid and tbtrain.name like '" + pStrTrainType + "%' and tbtrainmovsegment.direction=@direction and tbtrainmovsegment.location=@location and tbtrainmovsegment.ud=@ud and data_ocup<@ocuptime order by data_ocup desc limit " + pTrainAnalysisCount;

        MySqlConnection conn = ConnectionManager.GetObjConnection();
        MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(lvSql, conn);

        cmd.Parameters.Add("@trainid", MySqlDbType.Double).Value = pTrainId;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@direction", MySqlDbType.Int16).Value = pDirection;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@location", MySqlDbType.Int16).Value = pLocation;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@ud", MySqlDbType.String).Value = pStrUD;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@ocuptime", MySqlDbType.DateTime).Value = pOcupTime;

        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


        MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        adapter.Fill(ds, "tbtraindata");

        ConnectionManager.DebugMySqlQuery(cmd, "GetMeanSpeedHist.lvSql");

        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            lvTrainId = ((row["train_id"] == DBNull.Value) ? ConnectionManager.DOUBLE_REF_VALUE : (double)row["train_id"]);

            if (!lvTrainList.Contains(lvTrainId))
                lvStrTrainName = ((row["name"] == DBNull.Value) ? "" : row["name"].ToString());
                lvDepTime = ((row["departure_time"] == DBNull.Value) ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.Parse(row["departure_time"].ToString()));
                lvStartOcupTime = ((row["data_ocup"] == DBNull.Value) ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.Parse(row["data_ocup"].ToString()));
                lvStartCoordinate = ((row["coordinate"] == DBNull.Value) ? Int32.MinValue : (int)row["coordinate"]);

                DebugLog.Logar(" ");
                DebugLog.Logar("Trem = " + lvTrainId + " : " + lvStrTrainName + " : lvStartOcupTime = " + lvStartOcupTime + " : lvStartCoordinate = " + lvStartCoordinate);

                lvEndDesOcupTime = GetHeadWayEnd(lvTrainId, pSegment, pNextSegment, pLocation, pStrUD, pDirection, pDestTrack, out lvEndOcupTime);
                DebugLog.Logar("lvEndDesOcupTime = " + lvEndDesOcupTime);
                DebugLog.Logar("lvEndOcupTime = " + lvEndOcupTime);
                DebugLog.Logar("lvStartOcupTime = " + lvStartOcupTime);
                DebugLog.Logar("lvStartCoordinate = " + lvStartCoordinate);

                if (pDirection > 0)
                    lvEndCoordinate = pNextSegment.Start_coordinate;
                else if (pDirection < 0)
                    lvEndCoordinate = pNextSegment.End_coordinate;
                DebugLog.Logar("lvEndCoordinate = " + lvEndCoordinate);

                lvMeanSpeed = (Math.Abs(lvEndCoordinate - lvStartCoordinate) / 100000.0) / (lvEndOcupTime - lvStartOcupTime).TotalHours;
                lvMeanSpeedHeadWay = (Math.Abs(lvEndCoordinate - lvStartCoordinate) / 100000.0) / (lvEndDesOcupTime - lvStartOcupTime).TotalHours;

                DebugLog.Logar("lvMeanSpeed = " + lvMeanSpeed);
                DebugLog.Logar("lvMeanSpeedHeadWay = " + lvMeanSpeedHeadWay);

                if (lvEndDesOcupTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                    lvTimeHeadWay = (lvEndDesOcupTime - lvStartOcupTime).TotalMinutes;
                    lvTime = (lvEndOcupTime - lvStartOcupTime).TotalMinutes;

                    if (lvTime < 0)
                        lvTime = 0;

                    DebugLog.Logar("lvTimeHeadWay = " + lvTimeHeadWay);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvTime = " + lvTime);

                    if ((lvMeanSpeedHeadWay > pTrainMinSpeed) && (lvMeanSpeedHeadWay < pTrainMaxSpeed))
                        lvMeanTimeHeadWay += lvTimeHeadWay;

                    if ((lvMeanSpeed > pTrainMinSpeed) && (lvMeanSpeed < pTrainMaxSpeed))
                        lvMeanTime += lvTime;

        if (lvCountTimeHeadWay > 0)
            lvMeanTimeHeadWay /= lvCountTimeHeadWay;

        if (lvCountTime > 0)
            lvMeanTime /= lvCountTime;

        pMeanTime = lvMeanTime;
        lvRes = lvMeanTimeHeadWay;

        DebugLog.Logar(" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ");

        return lvRes;
Пример #10
  * Sets the stoplocation of the given order for the given train.
  * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the value for.
  * @param order_position The order to get the value for.
  * @param stop_location The relative position where a train will stop inside a station.
  * @returns Whether the order has been/can be changed.
 public static bool SetStopLocation(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, StopLocation stop_location)
     throw null;
Пример #11
    private void DumpStopLocation(StopLocation pStopLocation)
        if (pStopLocation != null)
            DebugLog.Logar(" ");
            DebugLog.Logar(" -------------------------------------- DumpStopLocations ----------------------------------- ");
            foreach (StopLocation lvStopLocation in mStopLocationOcupation.Keys)
                DebugLog.Logar(" -----------------------");
                DebugLog.Logar("StopLocation = " + lvStopLocation);
                DebugLog.Logar(" ");

                foreach (Gene lvGene in mStopLocationOcupation[lvStopLocation])
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.TrainId = " + lvGene.TrainId);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.TrainName = " + lvGene.TrainName);
                    if (lvGene.StopLocation != null)
                        DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.StopLocation.Location = " + lvGene.StopLocation.Location);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.Track = " + lvGene.Track);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.Location = " + lvGene.Location);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.UD = " + lvGene.UD);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.Coordinate = " + lvGene.Coordinate);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.End = " + lvGene.End);
                    DebugLog.Logar("lvGene.Time = " + lvGene.Time);

                    DebugLog.Logar(" ");
                DebugLog.Logar(" -----------------------");
                DebugLog.Logar(" ");
            DebugLog.Logar(" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ");
            DebugLog.Logar(" ");