public InGameMenu() { Size = new Vector2(250, 400); LargeWindow = true; FlowLayout leftButtons = new FlowLayout { HorizontalFill = true, AutoSize = true, Newline = false, Anchor = Graphics.Orientation.Left }; bottomBar.AddChild(leftButtons); ButtonBase returnToMainMenu = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenQuit }; returnToMainMenu.Click += new EventHandler(returnToMainMenu_Click); leftButtons.AddChild(returnToMainMenu); ButtonBase restart = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenRestart }; restart.Click += new EventHandler(restart_Click); leftButtons.AddChild(restart); ButtonBase options = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenOptions }; options.Click += new EventHandler(options_Click); leftButtons.AddChild(options); ButtonBase returnToGame = new LargeStoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenResume, Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.Right, Hotkey = new KeyCombination { Key = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Escape }, Size = new Vector2(210, 62) }; returnToGame.Click += new EventHandler(returnToGame_Click); bottomBar.AddChild(returnToGame); Result = InGameMenuResult.Resume; }
public StartScreenControl() { Size = new Vector2(600, 420); LargeWindow = true; objectives.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left; objectives.Size = new Vector2(300, 0); options.AddChild(weaponsControl); weaponsControl.AddChild(new Label { Text = Locale.Resource.MapSelectedWeapons, Size = new Vector2(0, 30), TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopLeft, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.LargeSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gold }, Background = null, Clickable = false }); weaponsControl.AddChild(meleeWeaponsContainer); weaponsControl.AddChild(rangedWeaponsContainer); var meleeWeapons = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MeleeWeapons)); for (int i = 1; i < meleeWeapons.Length; i++) { MeleeWeapons wp = (MeleeWeapons)meleeWeapons.GetValue(i); var w = new Checkbox { Text = "", Background = null, UnCheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOff1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, CheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOn1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, UnCheckedHoverGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconSelected1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, Size = new Vector2(100, 25), Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5) }; Program.Instance.Tooltip.SetToolTip(w, Util.GetLocaleResourceString(wp) + "\n\n" + WeaponsInfo.GetDescription(wp)); w.Click += new EventHandler((e, o) => { SelectedMeleeWeapon = wp; }); meleeWeaponsContainer.AddChild(w); meleeCheckboxes.Add(wp, w); } var bullets = Enum.GetValues(typeof(RangedWeapons)); for (int i = 1; i < bullets.Length; i++) { RangedWeapons wp = (RangedWeapons)bullets.GetValue(i); if (wp == RangedWeapons.Fire) { continue; } var w = new Checkbox { Text = "", Background = null, UnCheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOff1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, CheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOn1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, UnCheckedHoverGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconSelected1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, Size = new Vector2(100, 25), Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5) }; Program.Instance.Tooltip.SetToolTip(w, Util.GetLocaleResourceString(wp) + "\n\n" + WeaponsInfo.GetDescription(wp)); w.Click += new EventHandler((e, o) => { SelectedRangedWeapon = wp; }); rangedWeaponsContainer.AddChild(w); bulletCheckboxes.Add(wp, w); } //innerControl.AddChild(new Control //{ // Background = new StretchingImageGraphic // { // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255)) // }, // SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, // }, // Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left, // Size = new Vector2(1, 1) //}); innerControl.AddChild(options); bottomBar.AddChild(startButton); startButton.Click += new EventHandler(startButton_Click); bottomBar.AddChild(quitButton); quitButton.Click += new EventHandler(quitButton_Click); ButtonBase optionsButton = new StoneButton { Anchor = Graphics.Orientation.Left, Position = new Vector2(20 + quitButton.Size.X, 0), Text = Locale.Resource.GenOptions }; optionsButton.Click += new EventHandler(optionsButton_Click); bottomBar.AddChild(optionsButton); }
protected override void OnConstruct() { Size = new Vector2(1000, 600); Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(20); Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.Center; Clickable = true; ControlBox = false; ClearChildren(); var topBar = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Size = new Vector2(0, 70), //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 0, 0, 5) }; AddChild(topBar); Control topLeftBar = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left, Size = new Vector2(500, 0) }; topBar.AddChild(topLeftBar); var winLoseTextBox = new Label { Font = new Graphics.Content.Font { SystemFont = Fonts.HugeSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green, }, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopLeft, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Background = null, //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, }; topLeftBar.AddChild(winLoseTextBox); if (GameState == GameState.Won) { winLoseTextBox.Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreVictory; winLoseTextBox.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } else { winLoseTextBox.Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreDefeat; winLoseTextBox.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red; topLeftBar.AddChild(new Label { Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.MediumSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.White }, Background = null, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, Text = LostGameReason, TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopLeft, }); } Control trPanel = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right, Size = new Vector2(200, 40) }; topBar.AddChild(trPanel); var gt = new DateTime(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(GameTime).Ticks); var timeLeftTextBox = new Label { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Background = null, Size = new Vector2(120, 20), TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.BottomRight, }; timeLeftTextBox.Text = Locale.Resource.GenTime + ": " + gt.ToString("mm:ss"); trPanel.AddChild(timeLeftTextBox); if (SilverEnabled) { Control silverTextContainer = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Size = new Vector2(0, 30), }; trPanel.AddChild(silverTextContainer); silverTextContainer.AddChild(new SilverText { Anchor = Orientation.BottomRight, Size = new Vector2(120, 30), Background = null, SilverYield = SilverYield }); } AddChild(new Control { Background = new StretchingImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureConcretizer { TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255)) }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust }, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Size = new Vector2(0, 1) }); Control bottomBar = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Size = new Vector2(0, 50) }; AddChild(bottomBar); FlowLayout leftBottomFlow = new FlowLayout { AutoSize = true, HorizontalFill = true, Newline = false, Anchor = Orientation.BottomLeft }; bottomBar.AddChild(leftBottomFlow); FlowLayout rightBottomFlow = new FlowLayout { AutoSize = true, HorizontalFill = true, Newline = false, Anchor = Orientation.BottomRight, Origin = FlowOrigin.BottomRight, //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, }; bottomBar.AddChild(rightBottomFlow); ButtonBase mainMenuButton = new StoneButton { AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; if (FirstTimeCompletedMap) mainMenuButton.Text = Locale.Resource.GenContinue; else mainMenuButton.Text = Locale.Resource.GenMainMenu; rightBottomFlow.AddChild(mainMenuButton); mainMenuButton.Click += new EventHandler(mainMenuButton_Click); ButtonBase playAgainButton = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenPlayAgain, Visible = EarnedGoldCoins == 0, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; rightBottomFlow.AddChild(playAgainButton); playAgainButton.Click += new EventHandler(playAgainButton_Click); if (FirstTimeCompletedMap && Program.Settings.DisplayMapRatingDialog == MapRatingDialogSetup.Optional) { ButtonBase rateMapButton = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenRateMap, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; rightBottomFlow.AddChild(rateMapButton); rateMapButton.Click += new EventHandler(rateMapButton_Click); } AddChild(new Control { Background = new StretchingImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureConcretizer { TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255)) }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust }, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Size = new Vector2(0, 1) }); Control main = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill }; AddChild(main); ////////////////////////// // STATS ///////////////// ////////////////////////// StatsControl stats = new StatsControl { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, Visible = false }; stats.GameState = GameState; stats.LostGameReason = LostGameReason; stats.Statistics = Statistics; stats.Map = Map; main.AddChild(stats); ////////////////////////// // REWARDS /////////////// ////////////////////////// ResultsAndRewardsControl rewards = new ResultsAndRewardsControl { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopRight }; rewards.GameState = GameState; rewards.EarnedGoldCoins = EarnedGoldCoins; rewards.NPlaythroughs = NPlaythroughs; rewards.AchievementsEarned = AchievementsEarned; rewards.SilverYield = SilverYield; rewards.PreviousMaxSilverYield = PreviousMaxSilverYield; rewards.FirstTimeCompletedMap = FirstTimeCompletedMap; rewards.CurrentStages = CurrentStages; rewards.BestStages = BestStages; rewards.Map = Map; main.AddChild(rewards); ///////////////////// // Switch buttons ///////////////////// CheckboxBase rnrButton = new StoneCheckbox { Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreRewardsAndResults, Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.MediumSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.White, Backdrop = System.Drawing.Color.Black }, Checked = true, AutoCheck = false, Size = new Vector2(200, 38), AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; leftBottomFlow.AddChild(rnrButton); CheckboxBase statsButton = new StoneCheckbox { Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreStats, Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.MediumSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.White, Backdrop = System.Drawing.Color.Black }, Checked = false, AutoCheck = false, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; leftBottomFlow.AddChild(statsButton); if (HideStats) { leftBottomFlow.Visible = false; stats.Visible = false; } else { statsButton.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { rnrButton.Checked = rewards.Visible = false; statsButton.Checked = stats.Visible = true; }); rnrButton.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { rnrButton.Checked = rewards.Visible = true; statsButton.Checked = stats.Visible = false; }); } base.OnConstruct(); }
protected override void OnConstruct() { Size = new Vector2(1000, 600); Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(20); Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.Center; Clickable = true; ControlBox = false; ClearChildren(); var topBar = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Size = new Vector2(0, 70), //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 0, 0, 5) }; AddChild(topBar); Control topLeftBar = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left, Size = new Vector2(500, 0) }; topBar.AddChild(topLeftBar); var winLoseTextBox = new Label { Font = new Graphics.Content.Font { SystemFont = Fonts.HugeSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green, }, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopLeft, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Background = null, //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, }; topLeftBar.AddChild(winLoseTextBox); if (GameState == GameState.Won) { winLoseTextBox.Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreVictory; winLoseTextBox.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } else { winLoseTextBox.Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreDefeat; winLoseTextBox.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red; topLeftBar.AddChild(new Label { Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.MediumSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.White }, Background = null, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, Text = LostGameReason, TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopLeft, }); } Control trPanel = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right, Size = new Vector2(200, 40) }; topBar.AddChild(trPanel); var gt = new DateTime(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(GameTime).Ticks); var timeLeftTextBox = new Label { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Background = null, Size = new Vector2(120, 20), TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.BottomRight, }; timeLeftTextBox.Text = Locale.Resource.GenTime + ": " + gt.ToString("mm:ss"); trPanel.AddChild(timeLeftTextBox); if (SilverEnabled) { Control silverTextContainer = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Size = new Vector2(0, 30), }; trPanel.AddChild(silverTextContainer); silverTextContainer.AddChild(new SilverText { Anchor = Orientation.BottomRight, Size = new Vector2(120, 30), Background = null, SilverYield = SilverYield }); } AddChild(new Control { Background = new StretchingImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureConcretizer { TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255)) }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust }, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Size = new Vector2(0, 1) }); Control bottomBar = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Size = new Vector2(0, 50) }; AddChild(bottomBar); FlowLayout leftBottomFlow = new FlowLayout { AutoSize = true, HorizontalFill = true, Newline = false, Anchor = Orientation.BottomLeft }; bottomBar.AddChild(leftBottomFlow); FlowLayout rightBottomFlow = new FlowLayout { AutoSize = true, HorizontalFill = true, Newline = false, Anchor = Orientation.BottomRight, Origin = FlowOrigin.BottomRight, //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, }; bottomBar.AddChild(rightBottomFlow); ButtonBase mainMenuButton = new StoneButton { AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; if (FirstTimeCompletedMap) { mainMenuButton.Text = Locale.Resource.GenContinue; } else { mainMenuButton.Text = Locale.Resource.GenMainMenu; } rightBottomFlow.AddChild(mainMenuButton); mainMenuButton.Click += new EventHandler(mainMenuButton_Click); ButtonBase playAgainButton = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenPlayAgain, Visible = EarnedGoldCoins == 0, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; rightBottomFlow.AddChild(playAgainButton); playAgainButton.Click += new EventHandler(playAgainButton_Click); if (FirstTimeCompletedMap && Program.Settings.DisplayMapRatingDialog == MapRatingDialogSetup.Optional) { ButtonBase rateMapButton = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenRateMap, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; rightBottomFlow.AddChild(rateMapButton); rateMapButton.Click += new EventHandler(rateMapButton_Click); } AddChild(new Control { Background = new StretchingImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureConcretizer { TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255)) }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust }, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom, Size = new Vector2(0, 1) }); Control main = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill }; AddChild(main); ////////////////////////// // STATS ///////////////// ////////////////////////// StatsControl stats = new StatsControl { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, Visible = false }; stats.GameState = GameState; stats.LostGameReason = LostGameReason; stats.Statistics = Statistics; stats.Map = Map; main.AddChild(stats); ////////////////////////// // REWARDS /////////////// ////////////////////////// ResultsAndRewardsControl rewards = new ResultsAndRewardsControl { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, //Background = new StretchingImageGraphic //{ // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 0, 0)) // }, //}, Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopRight }; rewards.GameState = GameState; rewards.EarnedGoldCoins = EarnedGoldCoins; rewards.NPlaythroughs = NPlaythroughs; rewards.AchievementsEarned = AchievementsEarned; rewards.SilverYield = SilverYield; rewards.PreviousMaxSilverYield = PreviousMaxSilverYield; rewards.FirstTimeCompletedMap = FirstTimeCompletedMap; rewards.CurrentStages = CurrentStages; rewards.BestStages = BestStages; rewards.Map = Map; main.AddChild(rewards); ///////////////////// // Switch buttons ///////////////////// CheckboxBase rnrButton = new StoneCheckbox { Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreRewardsAndResults, Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.MediumSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.White, Backdrop = System.Drawing.Color.Black }, Checked = true, AutoCheck = false, Size = new Vector2(200, 38), AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; leftBottomFlow.AddChild(rnrButton); CheckboxBase statsButton = new StoneCheckbox { Text = Locale.Resource.ScoreStats, Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.MediumSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.White, Backdrop = System.Drawing.Color.Black }, Checked = false, AutoCheck = false, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Horizontal, Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 0, 5, 0) }; leftBottomFlow.AddChild(statsButton); if (HideStats) { leftBottomFlow.Visible = false; stats.Visible = false; } else { statsButton.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { rnrButton.Checked = rewards.Visible = false; statsButton.Checked = stats.Visible = true; }); rnrButton.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { rnrButton.Checked = rewards.Visible = true; statsButton.Checked = stats.Visible = false; }); } base.OnConstruct(); }
public ChallengeMapMenuControl() { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; AddChild(new ChallengeBackgroundControl()); AddChild(new GameLogoChallengeImage { Anchor = Orientation.Top, Position = new Vector2(-15, 50) }); Control profilePanel = new FlowLayout { HorizontalFill = true, Newline = false, AutoSize = true, Anchor = Orientation.BottomLeft, Position = new Vector2(10, 10), Size = new Vector2(400, 20), Origin = FlowOrigin.BottomRight }; AddChild(profilePanel); Control changeProfile = new ClickableTextButton { Text = "(Change)", AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, Background = null, }; profilePanel.AddChild(changeProfile); changeProfile.Click += new EventHandler(profile_Click); profilePanel.AddChild(profileName); Control buttonsPanel = new Control { Background = InterfaceScene.DefaultFormBorder, Size = new Vector2(400, 150), Anchor = Orientation.Top, Position = new Vector2(0, 500), Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(10) }; AddChild(buttonsPanel); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.Settings.ChallengeSurveyLink)) { var u = new Uri(Program.Settings.ChallengeSurveyLink); var s = u.ToString(); if (!u.IsFile) { //Control feedback = new Control //{ // Background = InterfaceScene.DefaultFormBorder, // Anchor = Orientation.Top, // Position = new Vector2(300, 500), // Size= new Vector2(300, 100), // Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(10) //}; //AddChild(feedback); //feedback.AddChild(new TextBox //{ // Text = "Tell us what you think of the game!", // Clickable = false, // Background = null, // AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, //}); Control survey = new ClickableTextButton { Text = "Tell us what you think!", Anchor = Orientation.Right, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, Background = null, Position = new Vector2(25, 45) }; survey.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { Util.StartBrowser(s); }); buttonsPanel.AddChild(survey); } } ButtonBase challenge = new LargeStoneButton { Anchor = Orientation.Right, Position = new Vector2(25, 0), Text = "Play" }; buttonsPanel.AddChild(challenge); challenge.Click += new EventHandler(challenge_Click); ButtonBase tutorial = new StoneButton { Anchor = Orientation.TopLeft, Position = new Vector2(0, 0), Text = "Tutorial" }; buttonsPanel.AddChild(tutorial); tutorial.Click += new EventHandler(tutorial_Click); ButtonBase options = new StoneButton { Anchor = Orientation.TopLeft, Position = new Vector2(0, 45), Text = "Options" }; buttonsPanel.AddChild(options); options.Click += new EventHandler(options_Click); ButtonBase exit = new StoneButton { Anchor = Orientation.TopLeft, Position = new Vector2(0, 90), Text = "Exit" }; buttonsPanel.AddChild(exit); exit.Click += new EventHandler(exit_Click); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.Settings.HallOfFameAddress)) { var u = new Uri(Program.Settings.HallOfFameAddress); var s = u.ToString(); if (!u.IsFile) { Control hof = new Button { Anchor = Orientation.Top, Position = new Vector2(0, 655), HoverTexture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/HallOfFame2Mouseover1.png") { DontScale = true }, NormalTexture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/HallOfFame2.png") { DontScale = true }, ClickTexture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/HallOfFame2.png") { DontScale = true }, Background = new ImageGraphic { }, Size = new Vector2(260, 38) }; hof.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { Util.StartBrowser(s); }); AddChild(hof); } } fader = new Fader { State = FadeState.FadedOut }; AddChild(fader); Updateable = true; }
public SelectProfileControl() { Background = InterfaceScene.DefaultFormBorder; Size = new Vector2(500, 200); Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(20); Background.Alpha = 0.2f; Control right = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill }; Control left = new Control { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left, Size = new Vector2(140, 0) }; Control profileContainer = new Control { Size = new Vector2(243, 70), Anchor = Orientation.Top }; profileContainer.AddChild(new Label { Text = Locale.Resource.GenProfile, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, Font = Fonts.Default, Anchor = Orientation.TopLeft, Background = null, }); profiles = new StoneDropDownBar { Position = new Vector2(0, 15), Anchor = Orientation.TopLeft }; profileContainer.AddChild(profiles); PopuplateProfiles(); Control newRemoveFlow = new FlowLayout { HorizontalFill = true, Newline = false, AutoSize = true, Position = new Vector2(0, 45), Anchor = Orientation.TopRight, }; profileContainer.AddChild(newRemoveFlow); var newProfile = new ClickableTextButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenNew, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, TextAnchor = Orientation.Center, Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 0, 3, 0) }; newProfile.Click += new EventHandler(newProfile_Click); newRemoveFlow.AddChild(newProfile); var removeProfile = new ClickableTextButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenRemove, AutoSize = AutoSizeMode.Full, TextAnchor = Orientation.Center, Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 0, 3, 0) }; removeProfile.Click += new EventHandler(removeProfile_Click); newRemoveFlow.AddChild(removeProfile); var start = new LargeStoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenLogin, Position = new Vector2(0, 90), Anchor = Orientation.Top, Size = new Vector2(230, 62) }; start.Click += new EventHandler(start_Click); right.AddChild(start); FlowLayout leftFlow = new FlowLayout { AutoSize = true, HorizontalFill = false, Newline = false, Anchor = Orientation.Center }; left.AddChild(leftFlow); var support = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenSupport, Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5) }; support.Click += new EventHandler(support_Click); leftFlow.AddChild(support); var options = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenOptions, Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5) }; options.Click += new EventHandler(options_Click); leftFlow.AddChild(options); var quit = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenQuit, Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5) }; quit.Click += new EventHandler(quit_Click); leftFlow.AddChild(quit); right.AddChild(profileContainer); AddChild(left); AddChild(new Control { Background = new StretchingImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureConcretizer { TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255)) }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust }, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left, Size = new Vector2(1, 1) }); AddChild(right); }
public StartScreenControl() { Size = new Vector2(600, 420); LargeWindow = true; objectives.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left; objectives.Size = new Vector2(300, 0); options.AddChild(weaponsControl); weaponsControl.AddChild(new Label { Text = Locale.Resource.MapSelectedWeapons, Size = new Vector2(0, 30), TextAnchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopLeft, Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top, Font = new Font { SystemFont = Fonts.LargeSystemFont, Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gold }, Background = null, Clickable = false }); weaponsControl.AddChild(meleeWeaponsContainer); weaponsControl.AddChild(rangedWeaponsContainer); var meleeWeapons = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MeleeWeapons)); for (int i = 1; i < meleeWeapons.Length; i++) { MeleeWeapons wp = (MeleeWeapons)meleeWeapons.GetValue(i); var w = new Checkbox { Text = "", Background = null, UnCheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOff1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, CheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOn1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, UnCheckedHoverGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconSelected1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, Size = new Vector2(100, 25), Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5) }; Program.Instance.Tooltip.SetToolTip(w, Util.GetLocaleResourceString(wp) + "\n\n" + WeaponsInfo.GetDescription(wp)); w.Click += new EventHandler((e, o) => { SelectedMeleeWeapon = wp; }); meleeWeaponsContainer.AddChild(w); meleeCheckboxes.Add(wp, w); } var bullets = Enum.GetValues(typeof(RangedWeapons)); for (int i = 1; i < bullets.Length; i++) { RangedWeapons wp = (RangedWeapons)bullets.GetValue(i); if (wp == RangedWeapons.Fire) continue; var w = new Checkbox { Text = "", Background = null, UnCheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOff1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, CheckedGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconOn1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, UnCheckedHoverGraphic = new ImageGraphic { Texture = new TextureFromFile("Interface/Common/" + WeaponsInfo.GetIconBaseName(wp) + "GameIconSelected1.png") { DontScale = true }, SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, Position = new Vector3(-12, -11, 0) }, Size = new Vector2(100, 25), Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5) }; Program.Instance.Tooltip.SetToolTip(w, Util.GetLocaleResourceString(wp) + "\n\n" + WeaponsInfo.GetDescription(wp)); w.Click += new EventHandler((e, o) => { SelectedRangedWeapon = wp; }); rangedWeaponsContainer.AddChild(w); bulletCheckboxes.Add(wp, w); } //innerControl.AddChild(new Control //{ // Background = new StretchingImageGraphic // { // Texture = new TextureConcretizer // { // TextureDescription = new Graphics.Software.Textures.SingleColorTexture(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255)) // }, // SizeMode = SizeMode.AutoAdjust, // }, // Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left, // Size = new Vector2(1, 1) //}); innerControl.AddChild(options); bottomBar.AddChild(startButton); startButton.Click += new EventHandler(startButton_Click); bottomBar.AddChild(quitButton); quitButton.Click += new EventHandler(quitButton_Click); ButtonBase optionsButton = new StoneButton { Anchor = Graphics.Orientation.Left, Position = new Vector2(20 + quitButton.Size.X, 0), Text = Locale.Resource.GenOptions }; optionsButton.Click += new EventHandler(optionsButton_Click); bottomBar.AddChild(optionsButton); }
public Interface() { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; AddChild(IngameInterfaceContainer); if (Program.Settings.DisplayConsole) { AddChild(Console); } AddChild(HUD); AddChild(TextContainer); ButtonBase menu = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenMenu, Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.BottomLeft, DisplayHotkey = false, Position = new Vector2(5, 3), }; menu.Click += new EventHandler(menu_Click); AddChild(menu); if (Program.Settings.CanSelectCheckpoint) { AddChild(new CheckpointsControl()); } if (Program.Settings.DisplayFPS) { AddChild(fpsTextBox = new Graphics.Interface.Label { Size = new Vector2(100, 60), Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopRight, Text = "fps", }); } if (Program.Settings.DisplayDPS) { AddChild(dpsMeter); } if (Program.Settings.UseCPUPerformanceCounter) { cpuCounter = new System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter { CategoryName = "Process", CounterName = "% Processor Time", InstanceName = "Client.vshost", }; } //InformationPopupContainer.Size = Common.Math.ToVector2(Program.Instance.Size); InformationPopupContainer.Size = new Vector2(Program.Settings.GraphicsDeviceSettings.Resolution.Width, Program.Settings.GraphicsDeviceSettings.Resolution.Height); AddChild(profilersResults); AddChild(silverText); AddChild(InformationPopupContainer); AddChild(PopupContainer); if (Program.Settings.DisplayRendererStatus) { AddChild(new RenderTreeVisualizer { Anchor = Orientation.Top, Position = new Vector2(0, 40), Renderer = (Graphics.Renderer.Renderer)Game.Instance.SceneRendererConnector.Renderer }); } Updateable = true; }
public Interface() { Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; AddChild(IngameInterfaceContainer); if(Program.Settings.DisplayConsole) AddChild(Console); AddChild(HUD); AddChild(TextContainer); ButtonBase menu = new StoneButton { Text = Locale.Resource.GenMenu, Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.BottomLeft, DisplayHotkey = false, Position = new Vector2(5, 3), }; menu.Click += new EventHandler(menu_Click); AddChild(menu); if (Program.Settings.CanSelectCheckpoint) AddChild(new CheckpointsControl()); if(Program.Settings.DisplayFPS) AddChild(fpsTextBox = new Graphics.Interface.Label { Size = new Vector2(100, 60), Anchor = global::Graphics.Orientation.TopRight, Text = "fps", }); if (Program.Settings.DisplayDPS) AddChild(dpsMeter); if (Program.Settings.UseCPUPerformanceCounter) { cpuCounter = new System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter { CategoryName = "Process", CounterName = "% Processor Time", InstanceName = "Client.vshost", }; } //InformationPopupContainer.Size = Common.Math.ToVector2(Program.Instance.Size); InformationPopupContainer.Size = new Vector2(Program.Settings.GraphicsDeviceSettings.Resolution.Width, Program.Settings.GraphicsDeviceSettings.Resolution.Height); AddChild(profilersResults); AddChild(silverText); AddChild(InformationPopupContainer); AddChild(PopupContainer); if (Program.Settings.DisplayRendererStatus) AddChild(new RenderTreeVisualizer { Anchor = Orientation.Top, Position = new Vector2(0, 40), Renderer = (Graphics.Renderer.Renderer)Game.Instance.SceneRendererConnector.Renderer }); Updateable = true; }