public static int MaxAutoBuyPrice(string class_instance, string lang, string apikey, SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb) { // //in json properties get autoBuyOffers string requestLink = string.Format("{0}/{1}/?key={2}", class_instance, lang, apikey); dynamic jsonItemInfo = steamWeb.Fetch(requestLink, "GET", null, false, null); var price = jsonItemInfo.buy_offers[0].o_price; return 0; }
public static string GetItemInfo(string class_instance, string lang, string apikey, SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb) { string requestLink = string.Format("{0}/{1}/?key={2}", class_instance, lang, apikey); string response = steamWeb.Fetch(requestLink, "GET", null, false, null); if (response.Contains("error")) { throw new CsgotmException(response); } return response; }
public Bot() { GameMiner = new GameMiner(); SteamGifts = new SteamGifts(); SteamCompanion = new SteamCompanion(); SteamPortal = new SteamPortal(); SteamTrade = new SteamTrade(); PlayBlink = new PlayBlink(); Steam = new Steam(); GameAways = new GameAways(); InventoryGifts = new InventoryGifts(); Blacklist = new Blacklist(); }
public static Boolean SetAutoBuy(Item item, string apiKey, SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb) { string lang = "en"; //needed for some requests string class_instance = item.ClassInstance; int price = 99; string hash = "147d375acdcae0645152b224d34d66ee"; //TODO check the current maxAutoBuyPrice on MaxAutoBuyPrice(class_instance, lang, apiKey, steamWeb); //[class]/[instance]/[price]/[hash]/?key=[your_secret_key] //setAutoBuyPrice //string requestLink = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/?key={4}", // item.GetItemClass(), item.GetItemInstance(), // price, hash, apikey); return true; }
public override void OnTradeRemoveItem(SteamTrade.Schema.Item schemaItem, SteamTrade.Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { Trade.SendMessage(":("); }
string GetItemName(SteamTrade.Schema.Item schemaItem, SteamTrade.Inventory.Item inventoryItem, bool id = false) { var currentItem = SteamTrade.Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem(schemaItem.Defindex); string name = ""; var type = Convert.ToInt32(inventoryItem.Quality.ToString()); if (QualityToName(type) != "Unique") name += QualityToName(type) + " "; name += currentItem.ItemName; if (currentItem.CraftMaterialType == "supply_crate") { for (int count = 0; count < inventoryItem.Attributes.Length; count++) { name += " #" + (inventoryItem.Attributes[count].FloatValue); } } name += " (Level " + inventoryItem.Level + ")"; try { int size = inventoryItem.Attributes.Length; for (int count = 0; count < size; count++) { if (inventoryItem.Attributes[count].Defindex == 186) { name += " (Gifted)"; } } } catch { // Item has no attributes... or something. } if (inventoryItem.IsNotCraftable) name += " (Uncraftable)"; if (currentItem.Name == "Wrapped Gift") { // Untested! try { int size = inventoryItem.Attributes.Length; for (int count = 0; count < size; count++) { var containedItem = SteamTrade.Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem(inventoryItem.ContainedItem.Defindex); name += " (Contains: " + containedItem.ItemName + ")"; } } catch { // Item has no attributes... or something. } } if (id) name += " :" + inventoryItem.Id; return name; }
public static string GetPrice(int defindex, int quality, SteamTrade.Inventory.Item inventoryItem, bool gifted = false, int attribute = 0) { try { double value = BackpackTF.CurrentSchema.Response.Prices[defindex][quality][attribute].Value; double keyValue = BackpackTF.CurrentSchema.Response.Prices[5021][6][0].Value; double billsValue = BackpackTF.CurrentSchema.Response.Prices[126][6][0].Value; double budValue = BackpackTF.CurrentSchema.Response.Prices[143][6][0].Value; var item = SteamTrade.Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem(defindex); string result = ""; if (inventoryItem.IsNotCraftable) { value = value / 2.0; } if (inventoryItem.IsNotTradeable) { value = value / 2.0; } if (gifted) { value = value * 0.75; } if (quality == 3) { if (item.CraftMaterialType == "weapon") { int level = inventoryItem.Level; switch (level) { case 0: value = billsValue + 5.11; break; case 1: value = billsValue; break; case 42: value = value * 10.0; break; case 69: value = billsValue; break; case 99: value = billsValue; break; case 100: value = billsValue; break; default: break; } } else if (item.CraftMaterialType == "hat") { int level = inventoryItem.Level; switch (level) { case 0: value = value * 10.0; break; case 1: value = value * 5.0; break; case 42: value = value * 3.0; break; case 69: value = value * 4.0; break; case 99: value = value * 4.0; break; case 100: value = value * 6.0; break; default: break; } } } if (value >= budValue * 1.33) { value = value / budValue; result = value.ToString("0.00") + " buds"; } else if (value >= keyValue && !item.ItemName.EndsWith("Key")) { value = value / keyValue; result = value.ToString("0.00") + " keys"; } else { result = value.ToString("0.00") + " ref"; } return result; } catch { return "Unknown"; } }
public static Boolean SetAutoBuy(ItemInSQL itemInSql, string apiKey, SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb) { if (itemInSql.CanBuy == 1) { String deserializedResponse; string lang = "en"; //needed for some requests //TODO I'm inserting a new AutoBuyPrice, but can't change. //calculating new price for ItemInSQL int currentMaxAutoBuyPrice = GetMaxAutoBuyPriceForItem(itemInSql, lang, apiKey, steamWeb); //100 int newPrice; if (currentMaxAutoBuyPrice < itemInSql.MinPriceBuy) { newPrice = itemInSql.MinPriceBuy; } else if (currentMaxAutoBuyPrice < itemInSql.MaxPriceBuy) { newPrice = currentMaxAutoBuyPrice + 1; } else { newPrice = itemInSql.MaxPriceBuy; } //trying to update price for ItemInSQL string updateLink = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/?key={3}", itemInSql.GetItemClass(), itemInSql.GetItemInstance(), newPrice, apiKey); string updateJsonResponse = steamWeb.Fetch(updateLink, "GET", null, false, null); deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(updateJsonResponse).ToString(); //if couldn't find the order in base - create a new one. if (deserializedResponse.ToString().Contains("Данная заявка на покупку не найдена")) { string insertLink = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/?key={4}", itemInSql.GetItemClass(), itemInSql.GetItemInstance(), newPrice, itemInSql.Hash, apiKey); string insertJsonResponse = steamWeb.Fetch(insertLink, "GET", null, false, null); deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(insertJsonResponse).ToString(); if (deserializedResponse.Contains("true")) { Console.WriteLine("A new autobuy order for ItemInSQL " + itemInSql.ItemName + " was created successfully!" + " Price: " + (double) newPrice/100 + " руб."); return true; } else if (deserializedResponse.Contains("Неверно задана цена покупки")) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong price for " +itemInSql.ItemName + "! Check the prices for buying in database!"); return false; } Console.WriteLine("For item: " + itemInSql.ItemName); Console.WriteLine(deserializedResponse); } else if (deserializedResponse.ToString().Contains("недостаточно средств на счету")) { Console.WriteLine("Autobuy false. For " + itemInSql.ItemName + " - not enough funds in wallet! Пополните кошелек!"); return false; } else if (deserializedResponse.ToString().Contains("true")) { Console.WriteLine("Autobuy price for " + itemInSql.ItemName + " was updated successfully! New price: " + (double) newPrice/100 + " руб."); return true; } //TODO Console.WriteLine("We should never reach here." + " A new error "); } return false; }
public static int GetMaxAutoBuyPriceForItem(ItemInSQL itemInSql, string lang, string apikey, SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb) { // //in json properties get autoBuyOffers string requestLink = string.Format("{0}/{1}/?key={2}", itemInSql.ClassInstance, lang, apikey); string jsonItemInfo = steamWeb.Fetch(requestLink, "GET", null, false, null); dynamic deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonItemInfo); int price = deserializedResponse.buy_offers[0].o_price; return price; }
public Boolean LoginToCsgotm(SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb) { try { String response = steamWeb.Fetch("", "GET", null, false, ""); /* redirects us to Openid-Steam-login page, where we must imitate pression of "sign in" button. For it, on Openid-Steam-login page Steam gives us special data - nonce, which is a one-time-used key for login. And openidparams - seems as public RSA-key, but not sure. We need to retreive it from response and post it to the link below. */ NameValueCollection postData = new NameValueCollection(); String nonce = GetAttributeFromResponse(response, "nonce"); String openidparams = GetAttributeFromResponse(response, "openidparams"); postData.Add("action", "steam_openid_login"); postData.Add("openid.mode", "checkid_setup"); postData.Add("openidparams", openidparams); postData.Add("nonce", nonce); steamWeb.Fetch("", "POST", postData, false, null); Log.Success("Logged in successfully"); return true; //here we're loggining } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.Message); return false; } }