Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the first block of the load profile data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actualLimitingTable">The actual limiting table that applies to the data set</param>
        /// <param name="statusTable">The status table that applies to the data set</param>
        /// <param name="dataSetTable">The data set</param>
        /// <param name="setStatus">The status record for the data set at the time of the read</param>
        /// <returns>The first block of Load Profile Data</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/07/08 RCG 2.00.00 N/A    Created
        // 12/12/11 RCG 2.53.20        Modified for Extended LP and IP support

        private LPBlockDataRecord GetFirstBlock(StdTable61 actualLimitingTable, StdTable63 statusTable, StdTable64 dataSetTable, out LPSetStatusRecord setStatus)
            LPBlockDataRecord FirstBlock          = null;
            LPSetActualLimits SetLimits           = actualLimitingTable.GetSetLimits(dataSetTable.DataSet);
            LPSetStatusRecord SetStatusBeforeRead = null;
            LPSetStatusRecord SetStatusAfterRead  = null;
            int    BlockReadRetries = 0;
            ushort FirsBlockIndex   = 0;

                SetStatusBeforeRead = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);

                if (SetStatusBeforeRead.DataListType == LPSetStatusRecord.ListType.Circular)
                    FirsBlockIndex = (ushort)((SetStatusBeforeRead.LastBlockElement + 1) % SetStatusBeforeRead.NumberOfValidBlocks);

                if (SetStatusBeforeRead.NumberOfValidBlocks > 1)
                    FirstBlock = ReadLPBlock(dataSetTable, FirsBlockIndex, SetLimits.IntervalsPerBlock);
                    // The first block is the last block so we need to use the number of valid intervals
                    FirstBlock = ReadLPBlock(dataSetTable, FirsBlockIndex, SetStatusBeforeRead.NumberOfValidIntervals);

                SetStatusAfterRead = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);
            }while (BlockReadRetries < LP_READ_RETRIES && HasLastBlockRolledOver(SetStatusBeforeRead, SetStatusAfterRead));

            setStatus = SetStatusAfterRead;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the last block of Load Profile data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statusTable">The status table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="dataSetTable">The data set to get the last block of.</param>
        /// <param name="setStatus">The set status at the time of reading.</param>
        /// <returns>The last load profile block.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/07/08 RCG 2.00.00 N/A    Created
        // 12/12/11 RCG 2.53.20        Modified for Extended LP and IP support

        private LPBlockDataRecord GetLastBlock(StdTable63 statusTable, StdTable64 dataSetTable, out LPSetStatusRecord setStatus)
            LPBlockDataRecord LastBlock           = null;
            LPSetStatusRecord SetStatusBeforeRead = null;
            LPSetStatusRecord SetStatusAfterRead  = null;
            int BlockReadRetries = 0;

                SetStatusBeforeRead = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);

                LastBlock = ReadLPBlock(dataSetTable, SetStatusBeforeRead.LastBlockElement, SetStatusBeforeRead.NumberOfValidIntervals);

                SetStatusAfterRead = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);
            }while (BlockReadRetries < LP_READ_RETRIES && (HasLastBlockRolledOver(SetStatusBeforeRead, SetStatusAfterRead) ||
                                                           HasNewIntervalOccured(SetStatusBeforeRead, SetStatusAfterRead)));

            setStatus = SetStatusAfterRead;

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the first and last blocks of the load profile data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actualLimitingTable">The limiting table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="statusTable">The status table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="dataSetTable">The set to get the blocks from.</param>
        /// <param name="firstBlock">The first block.</param>
        /// <param name="lastBlock">The last block.</param>
        /// <param name="setStatus">The set status of the load profile data at the time of read.</param>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/07/08 RCG 2.00.00 N/A    Created
        // 12/12/11 RCG 2.53.20        Modified for Extended LP and IP support
        // 06/15/12 jrf 2.60.32 199972 Adding logging statements to help debug issue next time we see it.
        private void GetFirstAndLastBlock(StdTable61 actualLimitingTable, StdTable63 statusTable, StdTable64 dataSetTable, out LPBlockDataRecord firstBlock, out LPBlockDataRecord lastBlock, out LPSetStatusRecord setStatus)
            LPSetStatusRecord FirstBlockStatus;
            LPSetStatusRecord LastBlockStatus;

            m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Read First Block");
            firstBlock = GetFirstBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out FirstBlockStatus);

            OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

            if (FirstBlockStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks > 1)
                m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Read Last Block");
                lastBlock = GetLastBlock(statusTable, dataSetTable, out LastBlockStatus);

                OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                // Make sure the first block is still valid.
                if (HasLastBlockRolledOver(FirstBlockStatus, LastBlockStatus))
                    m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Read First Block, Again");
                    firstBlock = GetFirstBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out FirstBlockStatus);

                // At this point we do not need to check the last block again as we should never
                // have multiple block rollovers in such a short period of time. We will use the
                // last blocks status in order to ensure the values match the last block.
                setStatus = LastBlockStatus;
                // We only have one block so we should be ok.
                OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                lastBlock = null;
                setStatus = FirstBlockStatus;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the load profile data between the specified dates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date of the load profile data to get.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date of the load profile data to get.</param>
        /// <param name="actualLimitingTable">The actual limiting table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="controlTable">The control table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="statusTable">The status table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="dataSetTable">The data set table for the data set</param>
        /// <returns>The load profile data from the dates specified.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 12/06/11 RCG 2.53.20 N/A    Created

        public LoadProfileData GetProfileData(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, StdTable61 actualLimitingTable, StdTable62 controlTable, StdTable63 statusTable, StdTable64 dataSetTable)
            LPSetActualLimits SetLimits = actualLimitingTable.GetSetLimits(dataSetTable.DataSet);
            LPBlockDataRecord FirstBlock;
            LPBlockDataRecord LastBlock;

            LPBlockDataRecord[] Blocks;
            LPSetStatusRecord   SetStatus;
            LoadProfileData     LPData = null;

            int StartBlockIndex;
            int EndBlockIndex;
            int FirstBlockIndex;

            SetStatus = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);

            if (SetStatus != null)
                if (SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks > 1 && SetStatus.NumberOfValidIntervals > 0)
                    OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, 2, "Determining blocks to read...", "Determining blocks to read..."));

                    // Get the first and last blocks in order to determine the blocks we need to read.
                    GetFirstAndLastBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out FirstBlock, out LastBlock, out SetStatus);

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                    // Determine which blocks to read
                    StartBlockIndex = DetermineStartBlockIndex(SetLimits, SetStatus, FirstBlock, startDate);
                    EndBlockIndex   = DetermineEndBlockIndex(SetLimits, SetStatus, LastBlock, endDate);

                    Blocks          = new LPBlockDataRecord[EndBlockIndex - StartBlockIndex + 1];
                    FirstBlockIndex = (SetStatus.LastBlockElement + 1) % SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks;

                    OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());
                    OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, EndBlockIndex - StartBlockIndex, "Reading Load Profile data...", "Reading Load Profile data..."));

                    // Read the blocks
                    for (int RelativeBlockIndex = StartBlockIndex; RelativeBlockIndex <= EndBlockIndex; RelativeBlockIndex++)
                        int BlockArrayIndex = RelativeBlockIndex - StartBlockIndex;

                        OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                        // We already have the first and last blocks so just add those if included.
                        if (RelativeBlockIndex == 0)
                            Blocks[BlockArrayIndex] = FirstBlock;
                        else if (RelativeBlockIndex == SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks - 1)
                            // The last block
                            Blocks[BlockArrayIndex] = LastBlock;
                            // We need to read the block
                            ushort ActualBlockIndex = (ushort)((FirstBlockIndex + RelativeBlockIndex) % SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks);

                            Blocks[BlockArrayIndex] = ReadLPBlock(dataSetTable, ActualBlockIndex, SetLimits.IntervalsPerBlock);

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs("Creating Load Profile object..."));

                    // Create the LoadProfileData object.
                    LPData = CreateLoadProfileDataObject(Blocks, SetLimits, controlTable.GetDataSelection(dataSetTable.DataSet));

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs("Removing additional intervals..."));

                    // Trim out intervals that were not requested.
                    LPData.Intervals.RemoveAll(delegate(LPInterval interval) { return(interval.Time < startDate || interval.Time > endDate); });

                    OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());
                else if (SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks == 1)
                    OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, 3, "Reading Load Profile data...", "Reading Load Profile data..."));

                    // Just get the first block the trim will take care of anything outside the range
                    FirstBlock = GetFirstBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out SetStatus);

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                    LPData = CreateLoadProfileDataObject(new LPBlockDataRecord[] { FirstBlock }, SetLimits, controlTable.GetDataSelection(dataSetTable.DataSet));

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                    // Trim out intervals that were not requested.
                    LPData.Intervals.RemoveAll(delegate(LPInterval interval) { return(interval.Time < startDate || interval.Time > endDate); });

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());
                    OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the all of the Profile Data from the specified set of tables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actualLimitingTable">The actual limiting table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="controlTable">The control table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="statusTable">The status table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="dataSetTable">The data set table for the data set</param>
        /// <returns>The profile data that has been read.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 12/06/11 RCG 2.53.20 N/A    Created
        // 06/15/12 jrf 2.60.32 199972 Adding logging statements to help debug issue next time we see it.
        protected LoadProfileData GetProfileData(StdTable61 actualLimitingTable, StdTable62 controlTable, StdTable63 statusTable, StdTable64 dataSetTable)
            LoadProfileData    LPData           = null;
            LPSetActualLimits  SetLimits        = actualLimitingTable.GetSetLimits(dataSetTable.DataSet);
            LPSetDataSelection SetDataSelection = controlTable.GetDataSelection(dataSetTable.DataSet);

            LPBlockDataRecord[] Blocks;
            LPBlockDataRecord   FirstBlock;
            LPBlockDataRecord   LastBlock;
            LPSetStatusRecord   SetStatus;
            ushort NumberOfBlocks;
            ushort FirstBlockIndex;

            m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Functional, "Getting Profile Data");
            SetStatus = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);

            m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Number of Blocks: " + SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Number of Intervals: " + SetStatus.NumberOfValidIntervals.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            if (SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks > 0 && SetStatus.NumberOfValidIntervals > 0)
                OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks, "Reading Load Profile data...", "Reading Load Profile data..."));

                // Read the first and last blocks
                GetFirstAndLastBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out FirstBlock, out LastBlock, out SetStatus);

                // Read the rest of the blocks using the last block status
                NumberOfBlocks = SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks;
                Blocks         = new LPBlockDataRecord[NumberOfBlocks];

                Blocks[0] = FirstBlock;

                if (NumberOfBlocks > 1)
                    Blocks[NumberOfBlocks - 1] = LastBlock;

                    FirstBlockIndex = (ushort)((SetStatus.LastBlockElement + 1) % NumberOfBlocks);

                    for (ushort RelativeBlockIndex = 1; RelativeBlockIndex < NumberOfBlocks - 1; RelativeBlockIndex++)
                        ushort ActualBlockIndex = (ushort)((FirstBlockIndex + RelativeBlockIndex) % NumberOfBlocks);

                        m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Reading Block # " + ActualBlockIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        Blocks[RelativeBlockIndex] = ReadLPBlock(dataSetTable, ActualBlockIndex, SetLimits.IntervalsPerBlock);

                        OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());

                // Create the LoadProfileData object.
                LPData = CreateLoadProfileDataObject(Blocks, SetLimits, SetDataSelection);
