Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void Read(BinaryReader reader)
            stdFlds = new StdFields(reader);
            ntFlds  = new NTFields(reader);

            exportDir    = new DataDir(reader);
            importDir    = new DataDir(reader);
            resourceDir  = new DataDir(reader);
            exceptionDir = new DataDir(reader);
            securityDir  = new DataDir(reader);
            baseRelocDir = new DataDir(reader);
            debugDir     = new DataDir(reader);
            copyrightDir = new DataDir(reader);
            GPDir        = new DataDir(reader);
            TLSDir       = new DataDir(reader);
            loadCfgDir   = new DataDir(reader);
            boundImpDir  = new DataDir(reader);
            IATDir       = new DataDir(reader);
            delayImpDir  = new DataDir(reader);
            CLIHdrDir    = new DataDir(reader);
            reservedDir  = new DataDir(reader);
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public void Read(BinaryReader reader)
			stdFlds = new StdFields (reader);
			ntFlds = new NTFields (reader);

			exportDir = new DataDir (reader);
			importDir = new DataDir (reader);		
			resourceDir = new DataDir (reader);
			exceptionDir = new DataDir (reader);
			securityDir = new DataDir (reader);
			baseRelocDir = new DataDir (reader);
			debugDir = new DataDir (reader);
			copyrightDir = new DataDir (reader);
			GPDir = new DataDir (reader);
			TLSDir = new DataDir (reader);
			loadCfgDir = new DataDir (reader);
			boundImpDir = new DataDir (reader);
			IATDir = new DataDir (reader);
			delayImpDir = new DataDir (reader);
			CLIHdrDir = new DataDir (reader);
			reservedDir = new DataDir (reader);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove repeated values from the wording fields (PreP, PreI, PreA, LitQ, PstI, Pstp, RespOptions, NRCodes) unless they are requested.
        /// This applies only to series questions, which are questions whose Qnum ends in a letter.
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveRepeatsTC()
            string mainTopic   = "";
            string mainContent = "";
            string currTopic   = "";
            string currContent = "";

            bool           firstRow = true;
            SurveyQuestion refQ     = null;// this will hold the 'a' question's fields

            // only try to remove repeats if there are more than 0 rows
            if (Questions.Count == 0)

            // sort questions by their topic and then content labels
            var sorted = Questions.OrderBy(q => q.VarName.Topic.LabelText).ThenBy(q => q.VarName.Content.LabelText).ToList();

            AddQuestions(new BindingList <SurveyQuestion>(sorted));
            sorted = null;

            foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in Questions)
                currTopic   = sq.VarName.Topic.LabelText;
                currContent = sq.VarName.Content.LabelText;

                // if this is a non-series row, the first member of a series, the first row in the report, or a new Qnum, make this row the reference row
                if (!currTopic.Equals(mainTopic) || (!currContent.Equals(mainContent)) || firstRow)
                    mainTopic   = currTopic;
                    mainContent = currContent;
                    // copy the row's contents into an array
                    refQ = new SurveyQuestion
                        PreP        = sq.PreP,
                        PreI        = sq.PreI,
                        PreA        = sq.PreA,
                        LitQ        = sq.LitQ,
                        PstI        = sq.PstI,
                        PstP        = sq.PstP,
                        RespOptions = sq.RespOptions,
                        NRCodes     = sq.NRCodes
                    // if we are inside a series, compare the wording fields to the reference question
                    // if the current column is a standard wording column and has not been designated as a repeated field, compare wordings
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PreP") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PreP")))
                        // if the current question's wording field matches the reference question's, clear it.
                        // otherwise, set the reference question's field to the current question's field
                        // this will cause a new reference point for that particular field, but not the fields that were identical to the original reference question
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PreP).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PreP)))
                            sq.PreP = "";
                            refQ.PreP = sq.PreP;
                    // PreI
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PreI") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PreI")))
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PreI).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PreI)))
                            sq.PreI = "";
                            refQ.PreI = sq.PreI;
                    // PreA
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PreA") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PreA")))
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PreA).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PreA)))
                            sq.PreA = "";
                            refQ.PreA = sq.PreA;
                    // LitQ
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("LitQ") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("LitQ")))
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.LitQ).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.LitQ)))
                            sq.LitQ = "";
                            refQ.LitQ = sq.LitQ;
                    // PstI
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PstI") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PstI")))
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PstI).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PstI)))
                            sq.PstI = "";
                            refQ.PstI = sq.PstI;
                    // RespOptions
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("RespOptions") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("RespOptions")))
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.RespOptions).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.RespOptions)))
                            sq.RespOptions = "";
                            refQ.RespOptions = sq.RespOptions;
                    // NRCodes
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("NRCodes") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("NRCodes")))
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.NRCodes).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.NRCodes)))
                            sq.NRCodes = "";
                            refQ.NRCodes = sq.NRCodes;
                firstRow = false; // after once through the loop, we are no longer on the first row
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove repeated values from the wording fields (PreP, PreI, PreA, LitQ, PstI, Pstp, RespOptions, NRCodes) unless they are requested.
        /// This applies only to series questions, which are questions whose Qnum ends in a letter.
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveRepeats()
            int            mainQnum    = 0;
            string         currQnum    = "";
            int            currQnumInt = 0;
            bool           firstRow    = true;
            bool           removeAll   = false;
            SurveyQuestion refQ        = null; // this object is the 'a' question

            // only try to remove repeats if there are more than 0 rows
            if (Questions.Count == 0)

            foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in Questions)
                currQnum = sq.Qnum;

                if (currQnum.Contains("z") && currQnum.Length >= 6)
                    int zPos = currQnum.IndexOf("z");

                    currQnum = currQnum.Substring(zPos + 1);

                if (currQnum.Length != 4)

                // get the integer value of the current qnum
                int.TryParse(currQnum.Substring(0, 3), out currQnumInt);

                // if this row is in table format, we need to remove all repeats, regardless of repeated designations
                if (sq.TableFormat)
                    removeAll = true;
                    removeAll = false;

                // if this is a non-series row, the first member of a series, the first row in the report, or a new Qnum, make this row the reference row
                if (currQnum.Length == 3 || (currQnum.EndsWith("a")) || firstRow || currQnumInt != mainQnum)
                    mainQnum = currQnumInt;
                    // copy the current question's contents into a new object for reference
                    refQ = new SurveyQuestion
                        PreP        = sq.PreP,
                        PreI        = sq.PreI,
                        PreA        = sq.PreA,
                        LitQ        = sq.LitQ,
                        PstI        = sq.PstI,
                        PstP        = sq.PstP,
                        RespOptions = sq.RespOptions,
                        NRCodes     = sq.NRCodes,
                        Filters     = sq.Filters
                    // if we are inside a series, compare the wording fields to the reference question
                    // if the current column is a standard wording column and has not been designated as a repeated field, compare wordings
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PreP") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PreP")) || removeAll)
                        // if the current question's wording field matches the reference question's, clear it.
                        // otherwise, set the reference question's field to the current question's field
                        // this will cause a new reference point for that particular field, but not the fields that were identical to the original reference question
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PreP).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PreP)))
                            sq.PreP = "";
                            refQ.PreP = sq.PreP;
                    // PreI
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PreI") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PreI")) || removeAll)
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PreI).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PreI)))
                            sq.PreI = "";
                            refQ.PreI = sq.PreI;
                    // PreA
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PreA") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PreA")) || removeAll)
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PreA).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PreA)))
                            sq.PreA = "";
                            refQ.PreA = sq.PreA;
                    // LitQ
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("LitQ") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("LitQ")) || removeAll)
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.LitQ).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.LitQ)))
                            sq.LitQ = "";
                            refQ.LitQ = sq.LitQ;
                    // PstI
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PstI") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PstI")) || removeAll)
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PstI).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PstI)))
                            sq.PstI = "";
                            refQ.PstI = sq.PstI;
                    // PstP
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("PstP") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PstP")) || removeAll)
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.PstP).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.PstP)))
                            sq.PstP = "";
                            refQ.PstP = sq.PstP;
                    // RespOptions
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("RespOptions") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("RespOptions")) || removeAll)
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.RespOptions).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.RespOptions)))
                            sq.RespOptions = "";
                            refQ.RespOptions = sq.RespOptions;
                    // NRCodes
                    if ((StdFields.Contains("NRCodes") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("NRCodes")) || removeAll)
                        if (Utilities.RemoveTags(sq.NRCodes).Equals(Utilities.RemoveTags(refQ.NRCodes)))
                            sq.NRCodes = "";
                            refQ.NRCodes = sq.NRCodes;

                    // Filter column, remove repeated filters if the PreP field is also being removed
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sq.Filters) && ((StdFields.Contains("PreP") && !RepeatedFields.Contains("PreP")) || removeAll))
                        if (sq.Filters.Equals(refQ.Filters))
                            sq.Filters = "";

                firstRow = false; // after once through the loop, we are no longer on the first row