Пример #1
        public GitBackupStatus InPlaceGitBackup(string repositoryFolder)
            var isValidGitRepository = Repository.IsValid(repositoryFolder);
            var createdRepository    = false;

            if (!isValidGitRepository)
                _logger.InfoFormat("Initializing git repository in folder '{0}'...", repositoryFolder);
                repositoryFolder  = Repository.Init(repositoryFolder, false);
                createdRepository = true;
            var numberOfFilesAdded   = 0;
            var numberOfFilesChanged = 0;
            var numberOfFilesRemoved = 0;

            using (var repository = new Repository(repositoryFolder))
                var options = new StatusOptions();
                var status  = repository.RetrieveStatus(options);
                _logger.Debug("Repository Status: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(status));
                if (status.IsDirty)
                    var untractedFiles = status.Untracked;
                    foreach (var untrackedFile in untractedFiles)
                        _logger.Info("Added: " + untrackedFile.FilePath);
                        var stageOptions = new StageOptions();
                        repository.Stage(untrackedFile.FilePath, stageOptions);

                    var modifiedFiles = status.Modified;
                    foreach (var modifiedFile in modifiedFiles)
                        _logger.Info("Modified: " + modifiedFile.FilePath);
                        var stageOptions = new StageOptions();
                        repository.Stage(modifiedFile.FilePath, stageOptions);

                    var removedFiles = status.Missing;
                    foreach (var removedFile in removedFiles)
                        _logger.Info("Removed: " + removedFile.FilePath);
                        var stageOptions = new StageOptions();
                        repository.Stage(removedFile.FilePath, stageOptions);
                    var email         = GetNoReplyEmail();
                    var author        = new Signature(Environment.UserName, email, DateTimeOffset.Now);
                    var committer     = new Signature(Environment.UserName, email, DateTimeOffset.Now);
                    var commitOptions = new CommitOptions();
                    repository.Commit(DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), author, committer, commitOptions);
            var gitBackupStatus = new GitBackupStatus(createdRepository, numberOfFilesAdded, numberOfFilesChanged, numberOfFilesRemoved);

Пример #2
 private static void Status(StatusOptions opts)
         var          bcore  = LoadCore();
         string       bsname = GetBackupSetName(opts.BSName, bcore.SrcDependencies);
         TablePrinter table  = new TablePrinter();
         table.AddHeaderRow(new string[] { "Path", "Status" });
         List <(int, string)>?trackclasses;
             trackclasses = Core.ReadTrackClassFile(Path.Combine(GetBUSourceDir(), TrackClassFile));
             trackclasses = null;
         foreach (var change in bcore.GetWTStatus(bsname, true, trackclasses, opts.BackupHash))
             table.AddBodyRow(new string[] { change.path, change.change.ToString() });
     catch (Exception e)
Пример #3
        protected override void HandleGit(Repository repo, string directory, string relativeDir, string repoUrl)
            var options = new StatusOptions
                IncludeIgnored         = true,
                IncludeUntracked       = true,
                Show                   = StatusShowOption.IndexAndWorkDir,
                DetectRenamesInIndex   = true,
                DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true,
            List <StatusEntry> statuses = repo.RetrieveStatus(options)
                                          .Where(s => s.State == FileStatus.Ignored || s.State == FileStatus.NewInWorkdir)
            bool hasChanges = statuses.Count > 0;

            PrintLine($"{(hasChanges ? Cyan : White)}{relativeDir}");

            if (!hasChanges)

            foreach (StatusEntry status in statuses)
                bool isDirectory = status.FilePath.EndsWith("/");
                PrintLine($"    [{(isDirectory ? 'D' : 'F')}] {status.FilePath}");
Пример #4
    private void Update()
        // look at the web cam every so often
        if (WebCamTexture != null && WebCamTexture.isPlaying)
            switch (Status)
            case StatusOptions.wait:
            case StatusOptions.failed:
                _accrued += Time.deltaTime;
                if (_accrued > PollTime)
                    _status = StatusOptions.look;

            case StatusOptions.looking:
                // nothing to do

            case StatusOptions.look:
                _status = StatusOptions.looking;

        // dispatch messages
        while (_messages.Count > 0 && OnMessage != null)
            OnMessage(this, _messages.Dequeue());
Пример #5
        private void setupOptions(string Username, SecureString SecurePassword, string RepoPath, string RepoUrl)
            credentials = new SecureUsernamePasswordCredentials()
                Username = Username, Password = SecurePassword
            var credentialsProvider =
                new CredentialsHandler((_url, _user, _cred) => new SecureUsernamePasswordCredentials
                Username = Username,
                Password = SecurePassword

            fetchOptions = new FetchOptions()
                CredentialsProvider = credentialsProvider
            pullOptions = new PullOptions()
                FetchOptions = fetchOptions
            pushOptions = new PushOptions()
                CredentialsProvider = credentialsProvider
            cloneOptions = new CloneOptions()
                CredentialsProvider = credentialsProvider
            statusOptions = new StatusOptions()
                ExcludeSubmodules = true, IncludeUnaltered = false
Пример #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SystemID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["sysId"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(Request["sysId"]);
            List <SystemInfo> systems = new List <SystemInfo>();

            systems.Add(new SystemInfo {
                ID = 0, Name = "全部系统"
            ddlSystems.DataSource     = systems;
            ddlSystems.DataTextField  = "Name";
            ddlSystems.DataValueField = "ID";
            ddlSystems.SelectedValue = SystemID.ToString();
            ddlSystems.AutoPostBack  = false;

            if (Request.QueryString["action"] == "ExportToExcel")

            Status          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["status"]) ? StatusOptions.Valid : (StatusOptions)Convert.ToInt32(Request["status"]);
            AccountType     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["accountType"]) ? UserTypeOptions.General : (UserTypeOptions)Convert.ToInt32(Request["accountType"]);
            Keyword         = Request["keyword"] == null ? string.Empty : Request["keyword"];
            IsOnlyWhiteUser = Request["checkOnlyWhite"] == null ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(Request["checkOnlyWhite"]);
            ReturnUrl       = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.RawUrl);
Пример #7
 public override void Run(Result result, ScanResult scanResult)
     foreach (var gitRepository in scanResult.Repositories)
         using (var repo = new Repository(gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName))
             StatusOptions options = new StatusOptions();
             options.Show = StatusShowOption.IndexAndWorkDir;
             options.DetectRenamesInIndex   = true;
             options.DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true;
             options.RecurseIgnoredDirs     = true;
             RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(options);
             if (!status.IsDirty)
                 string gitPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GitPath"];
                 if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gitPath))
                     ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
                     psi.FileName         = gitPath;
                     psi.WorkingDirectory = gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName;
                     psi.Arguments        = String.Format("clean -xdf \"{0}\"", gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName);
                 result.AddResultItem(gitRepository, Domain.Enums.EMessageLevel.Warning, "Cannot clean - there are uncommitted changes");
Пример #8
        //#region 修改用户账号类型

        ///// <summary>
        ///// 修改用户账号类型
        ///// </summary>
        //private void UpdateUserAccountType()
        //    int id = GetQueryString("uid").ToInt32(0);
        //    UserTypeOptions accountType = (UserTypeOptions)GetQueryString("st").ToInt32(0);
        //    new URBasicInfoService().UpdateAccountType(id, accountType);


        #region 修改用户状态

        /// <summary>
        /// 修改用户状态
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateUserStatus()
            int           id     = GetQueryString("uid").ToInt32(0);
            StatusOptions status = (StatusOptions)GetQueryString("st").ToInt32(0);

            new URBasicInfoService().UpdateUserStatus(id, status);
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新用户状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        public void UpdateUserStatus(int userId, StatusOptions status)
            User user = DABasicInfoHelper.GetUser(userId);

            user.Status = status;
Пример #10
 public Ride(int id, string name, CategoryOptions category, StatusOptions status, List <Report> reports = null)
     Id       = id;
     Name     = name;
     Category = category;
     Status   = status;
     Reports  = reports;
Пример #11
 public Report(int id, Ride rideReportedOn, StatusOptions status, DateTime reportTime, string notes)
     Id             = id;
     RideReportedOn = rideReportedOn;
     Status         = status;
     ReportTime     = reportTime;
     Notes          = notes;
Пример #12
        public static ICollection <Item> GetItems(Repository repo, StatusShowOption showOption)
            StatusOptions stagedOptions = new StatusOptions()
                Show = showOption, IncludeIgnored = false
            var fileNames = repo.RetrieveStatus(stagedOptions).Select(x => x.FilePath).ToList();

            return(BuildTreeFromRepo.RecurseRepoItems(fileNames, repo.Info.WorkingDirectory));
Пример #13
        public void OnExecute()
            var checker = StatusCheckerFactory.Create();
            var options = new StatusOptions(PathToStorage, WarningThreshold, CriticalThreshold, Verbose);
            var status  = checker.GetStatus(options);

            foreach (var line in status)
                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(line.MessageType, line.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据账号或姓名模糊查找,并分页返回用户信息列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sysId"></param>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        /// <param name="accountType"></param>
        /// <param name="keyword"></param>
        /// <param name="onlyWhiteUser"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="recordCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <User> GetUsers(int sysId, StatusOptions status, UserTypeOptions accountType, string keyword, bool onlyWhiteUser, int pageIndex, int pageSize, ref int recordCount)
            loginService.HaveAdminRight(sysId, true);

            //if (loginService.LoginUser.AccountType == UserTypeOptions.ProductAdmin)
            //    return DABasicInfoHelper.GetUsers(sysId, status, accountType, keyword, onlyWhiteUser, pageIndex, pageSize, ref recordCount);
            return(DABasicInfoHelper.GetUsers(sysId, status, accountType, keyword, onlyWhiteUser, pageIndex, pageSize, ref recordCount));
        internal static string ToSerializedValue(this StatusOptions value)
            switch (value)
            case StatusOptions.Ready:

            case StatusOptions.Pending:
Пример #16
 public IObservable <bool> IsWorkingDirectoryClean(ILocalRepositoryModel repository)
     // The `using` appears to resolve this issue:
     // https://github.com/github/VisualStudio/issues/1306
     using (var repo = gitService.GetRepository(repository.LocalPath))
         var statusOptions = new StatusOptions {
             ExcludeSubmodules = true
         var isClean = !IsFilthy(repo.RetrieveStatus(statusOptions));
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Adapted from: https://edi.wang/post/2019/3/26/operate-git-with-net-core
        /// </summary>
        private static void ExploreLibGit2Sharp()
            var writer = Console.Out;

            var repositoryDirectoryPath = @"C:\Temp\R5T.E0004.Private";

            using (var repository = new Repository(repositoryDirectoryPath))
                writer.WriteLine($"Branch count: {repository.Branches.Count()}");

                foreach (var branch in repository.Branches)
                    writer.WriteLine($"{branch.FriendlyName} is head? {branch.IsCurrentRepositoryHead}");

                    if (branch.IsCurrentRepositoryHead)
                        var localBranchAheadBy = branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy.GetValueOrDefault();

                        writer.WriteLine($"Remote branch ahead by: {localBranchAheadBy}");

                var statusOptions = new StatusOptions()

                var repositoryStatus = repository.RetrieveStatus();


                var mergeOptions = new MergeOptions
                    FastForwardStrategy = FastForwardStrategy.

                var mergeResult = repository.Merge(, );

                var commit = repository.Commits.First();

                var fetchResult = repository.

                                  var repositoryStatus = repository.RetrieveStatus();


Пример #18
        public async Task <IProduct> GetProductByIDAsync(int ID)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

            Product product = new Product();

            using (var Client = new HttpClient()){
                Client.BaseAddress =
                    new Uri("https://ticapacitacion.com/webapi/northwind/");
                Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                // Notificar aqui que la API Web será invocad
                this.statusOpc = StatusOptions.CallingWebAPI;

                HttpResponseMessage Response =
                    await Client.GetAsync($"product/{ID}");

                // Notificar aquí que se va a verificar el resultado de la llamada
                this.statusOpc = StatusOptions.VerifyingResult;

                if (Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var JSONProduct = await Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    product = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Product>(JSONProduct);
                    if (product != null)
                        // Notificar aqui que el produto fue encontrado
                        this.statusOpc = StatusOptions.ProductFound;
                        // notificar producto no encontrado
                        this.statusOpc = StatusOptions.ProductNotFound;

Пример #19
        public void CanDetectedVariousKindsOfRenaming()
            string path = InitNewRepository();

            using (var repo = new Repository(path))
                Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "file.txt",
                      "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" +
                      "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" +
                      "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" +
                      "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n");

                Commands.Stage(repo, "file.txt");
                repo.Commit("Initial commit", Constants.Signature, Constants.Signature);

                File.Move(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "file.txt"),
                          Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "renamed.txt"));

                var opts = new StatusOptions
                    DetectRenamesInIndex   = true,
                    DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true

                RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opts);

                // This passes as expected
                Assert.Equal(FileStatus.RenamedInWorkdir, status.Single().State);

                Commands.Stage(repo, "file.txt");
                Commands.Stage(repo, "renamed.txt");

                status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opts);

                Assert.Equal(FileStatus.RenamedInIndex, status.Single().State);

                File.Move(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "renamed.txt"),
                          Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "renamed_again.txt"));

                status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opts);

                Assert.Equal(FileStatus.RenamedInWorkdir | FileStatus.RenamedInIndex,
Пример #20
        void CheckChangesInGitRepo(DirectoryInfo rootFolder)
                var repo             = new Repository(rootFolder.FullName);
                var options          = new StatusOptions();
                var repositoryStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(options);

                if (repositoryStatus.IsDirty)
                    Console.WriteLine("Repo [{0} in {1}] is dirty", rootFolder.Name, rootFolder.Parent.FullName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Repo [{0}] cannot be read: [{1}]", rootFolder.Name, ex.Message);
Пример #21
        public void CanDetectedVariousKindsOfRenaming()
            string path = InitNewRepository();
            using (var repo = new Repository(path))
                Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "file.txt",
                    "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" +
                    "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" +
                    "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n" +
                    "This is a file with enough data to trigger similarity matching.\r\n");

                Commands.Stage(repo, "file.txt");
                repo.Commit("Initial commit", Constants.Signature, Constants.Signature);

                File.Move(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "file.txt"),
                    Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "renamed.txt"));

                var opts = new StatusOptions
                    DetectRenamesInIndex = true,
                    DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true

                RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opts);

                // This passes as expected
                Assert.Equal(FileStatus.RenamedInWorkdir, status.Single().State);

                Commands.Stage(repo, "file.txt");
                Commands.Stage(repo, "renamed.txt");

                status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opts);

                Assert.Equal(FileStatus.RenamedInIndex, status.Single().State);

                File.Move(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "renamed.txt"),
                    Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "renamed_again.txt"));

                status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opts);

                Assert.Equal(FileStatus.RenamedInWorkdir | FileStatus.RenamedInIndex,
Пример #22
        public void ShouldHandle_InvalidPath()
            // Arrange
            var fakeAPI       = new FakeDiskAPI();
            var directoryMock = new Mock <IDirectoryWrapper>();

            directoryMock.Setup(dir => dir.Exists(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(false);
            var checker = new StatusChecker(fakeAPI, directoryMock.Object);
            var opt     = new StatusOptions(@"c:\temp", 50, 20);

            // Act
            var logs = checker.GetStatus(opt);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, logs.Count);
            var log = logs.First();

            Assert.AreEqual($@"ERROR - Verify that you have the correct path: c:\temp", log.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(MessageType.Critical, log.MessageType);
Пример #23
        public void ShouldHandle_Exceptions()
            // Arrange
            var fakeAPI       = new FakeDiskAPI_ThrowsExceptions();
            var directoryMock = new Mock <IDirectoryWrapper>();

            directoryMock.Setup(dir => dir.Exists(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(true);
            var checker = new StatusChecker(fakeAPI, directoryMock.Object);
            var opt     = new StatusOptions(@"c:\temp", 50, 20);

            // Act
            var logs = checker.GetStatus(opt);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, logs.Count);
            var log = logs.First();

            Assert.AreEqual($"ERROR - Something went wrong!", log.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(MessageType.Critical, log.MessageType);
Пример #24
        public void ShouldReturn_ProperStatus(double warning, double critical, string message, MessageType messageType)
            // Arrange
            var fakeAPI       = new FakeDiskAPI();
            var directoryMock = new Mock <IDirectoryWrapper>();

            directoryMock.Setup(dir => dir.Exists(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(true);
            var checker = new StatusChecker(fakeAPI, directoryMock.Object);
            var opt     = new StatusOptions(@"c:\temp", warning, critical);

            // Act
            var logs = checker.GetStatus(opt);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, logs.Count);
            var log = logs.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(message, log.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(messageType, log.MessageType);
Пример #25
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">
        /// Thrown if the cancellation token is cancelled or the gateway connection is closed while sending.
        /// </exception>
        public async Task UpdateStatusAsync(StatusOptions options,
                                            CancellationToken?cancellationToken = null)
            if (isDisposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName);
            if (state != GatewayState.Connected)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The gateway is not currently connected!");

            CancellationToken ct = cancellationToken ?? CancellationToken.None;

            await RepeatTrySendPayload(ct, "UpdateStatus", async() =>
                // Try to send the status update
                await socket.SendStatusUpdate(options).ConfigureAwait(false);
Пример #26
        public void RetrievingTheStatusWithoutIncludeIgnoredIgnoresButDoesntInclude()
            string repoPath = InitNewRepository();

            using (var repo = new Repository(repoPath))
                const string relativePath = "look-ma.txt";
                Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, relativePath, "I'm going to be ignored!");
                var opt = new StatusOptions { IncludeIgnored = false };
                RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opt);
                Assert.Equal(new[] { relativePath }, status.Untracked.Select(s => s.FilePath));

                Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, ".gitignore", "*.txt" + Environment.NewLine);

                RepositoryStatus newStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(opt);
                Assert.Equal(".gitignore", newStatus.Untracked.Select(s => s.FilePath).Single());

Пример #27
 private Option <int, Error> RunStatusCommand(StatusOptions opts) =>
 ConfigurationHelper.LoadEnvironmentVariables(Environment, opts.File, opts.EnvFiles)
     some: _ => ConfigLoader.LoadMigration(ConfigLoader.GetFilePath(Environment, opts.File))
         some: x =>
         .SelectDbProvider(x.Provider, x.ConnectionString, x.ConnectionTimeoutSec)
         .SelectLogOptions(Logger, VerbosityLevel.Min)
             some: builder =>
     var engine = builder.Build();
     if (!engine.TryConnect(out var message))
         return(Option.None <int, Error>(Error.Create(message)));
Пример #28
        public static async Task GetRepositoryChanges(RepoModel repoModel, CancellationToken ct)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                    //Todo: SX_Core and AutoDEMO_DemoFiles take 20+ seconds
                    var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                    using (var repo = new Repository(repoModel.Path))
                        var statusOptions = new StatusOptions
                            IncludeIgnored       = false,
                            IncludeUnaltered     = false,
                            IncludeUntracked     = false,
                            Show                 = StatusShowOption.WorkDirOnly, //don't check index dir for performance
                            RecurseIgnoredDirs   = false,
                            RecurseUntrackedDirs = false,
                            ExcludeSubmodules    = true
                        }; //this is slower?!

                        statusOptions  = new StatusOptions();
                        var repoStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(statusOptions);
                        GetFileStatusInfo(repoStatus, out var Changes, out var ChangeString);

                        repoModel.ChangeString = ChangeString;
                        repoModel.Changes      = Changes;

                        var ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;
                        Debug.WriteLine($"GetRepositoryChanges: {repoModel.Name} - {ts.Hours:D2}h:{ts.Minutes:D2}m:{ts.Seconds:D2}s:{ts.Milliseconds:D3}ms");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"GetRepoModelSolutionsList: {ex.Message}");
            }, ct);
Пример #29
        public override void Run(Result result, ScanResult scanResult)
            string       username     = String.Empty;
            FetchOptions fetchOptions = ReadFetchOptions(out username);

            foreach (var gitRepository in scanResult.Repositories)
                using (var repo = new Repository(gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName))
                    StatusOptions options = new StatusOptions();
                    options.Show = StatusShowOption.IndexAndWorkDir;
                    options.DetectRenamesInIndex   = true;
                    options.DetectRenamesInWorkDir = true;
                    options.RecurseIgnoredDirs     = true;
                    RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(options);
                    if (!status.IsDirty)
                        if (repo.Head.TrackingDetails.AheadBy == 0)
                            Output.WriteLine("Pulling changes for repo: {0}", gitRepository.DirectoryInfo.FullName);
                            repo.Fetch("origin", fetchOptions);
                            Commit latestCommit = repo.Head.TrackedBranch.Commits.FirstOrDefault();
                            if (latestCommit != null)
                                repo.Merge(latestCommit, new Signature(username, username, new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now)));
                            result.AddResultItem(gitRepository, EMessageLevel.Warning, "Cannot pull - there are unpushed changes");
                        result.AddResultItem(gitRepository, EMessageLevel.Warning, "Cannot pull - there are uncommitted changes");
Пример #30
        public string GetSatusOfRepo(string repoPath)
            string status = string.Empty;

            using (var repo = new Repository(repoPath))
                StatusOptions options = new StatusOptions();
                options.IncludeUnaltered   = true;
                options.IncludeIgnored     = true;
                options.ExcludeSubmodules  = false;
                options.RecurseIgnoredDirs = true;
                options.Show = StatusShowOption.IndexAndWorkDir;

                foreach (var item in repo.RetrieveStatus(options))
                    status += item.FilePath + ": " + item.State.ToString() + "\n";

                foreach (var branch in repo.Branches)
                    status += "Branch " + branch.CanonicalName + ": ";
                    if (branch.TrackingDetails != null)
                        if (branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy.HasValue)
                            status += "ahead by " + branch.TrackingDetails.AheadBy.Value + ", ";
                        if (branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy.HasValue)
                            status += "behind by " + branch.TrackingDetails.BehindBy.Value + ".";
                    status += "\n";

        /// <exception cref="DiscordWebSocketException">Thrown if the payload fails to send because of a WebSocket error.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the socket is not connected.</exception>
        public async Task SendStatusUpdate(StatusOptions options)
            DiscordApiData data = new DiscordApiData(DiscordApiDataType.Container);

            data.Set("since", options.AfkSince);
            data.Set("afk", options.Afk);
            data.Set("status", options.GetStatusString());

            if (options.Game != null)
                DiscordApiData gameData = new DiscordApiData(DiscordApiDataType.Container);
                data.Set("game", gameData);

                gameData.Set("name", options.Game.Name);
                gameData.Set("type", (int)options.Game.Type);
                gameData.Set("url", options.Game.Url);

            // Check with the game status update limiter
            await gameStatusUpdateRateLimiter.Invoke().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Send status update
            await SendPayload(GatewayOPCode.StatusUpdate, data).ConfigureAwait(false);
Пример #32
 private void UpdateVisibility(StatusOptions status)
     LoadingStatus.Visibility = (status == StatusOptions.Connecting) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
     ConnectionError.Visibility = (status == StatusOptions.ConnectionError) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
     ParseError.Visibility = (status == StatusOptions.ParseError) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
     RiverList.Visibility = (status == StatusOptions.Ok) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
Пример #33
        public void RetrievingTheStatusWithoutIncludeIgnoredIgnoresButDoesntInclude()
            string repoPath = InitNewRepository();

            using (var repo = new Repository(repoPath))
                const string relativePath = "look-ma.txt";
                Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, relativePath, "I'm going to be ignored!");
                var opt = new StatusOptions { IncludeIgnored = false };
                RepositoryStatus status = repo.RetrieveStatus(opt);
                Assert.Equal(new[] { relativePath }, status.Untracked.Select(s => s.FilePath));

                Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, ".gitignore", "*.txt" + Environment.NewLine);

                RepositoryStatus newStatus = repo.RetrieveStatus(opt);
                Assert.Equal(".gitignore", newStatus.Untracked.Select(s => s.FilePath).Single());
