Пример #1
        public void LifeCycle_ProgressStateFaulted_ClearsStatusBar()
            // Arrange
            var progressHandler = new StatusBarReanalysisProgressHandler(dummyStatusBar, logger);

            // 1. Initial request
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 0, 1000);
            dummyStatusBar.CheckLastCallWasSetupCall(0, 1000);

            // 2. Progress updates
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 100, 1000);
            dummyStatusBar.CheckLastCallWasInProgressCall(100, 1000);


            // 3. Report a fault -  should cause statusbar cleanup
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Faulted, 100, 1000);


            // 4. Any further notifications should be ignored
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 111, 222);
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Finished, 555, 666);
            dummyStatusBar.ProgressCallCount.Should().Be(3); // no further calls
Пример #2
        private void OnAnalysisRequested(object sender, AnalysisRequestEventArgs args)
            // Handle notification from the single file monitor that the settings file has changed.

            // Re-analysis could take multiple seconds so it's possible that we'll get another
            // file change notification before the re-analysis has completed.
            // If that happens we'll cancel the current re-analysis and start another one.
            lock (reanalysisLockObject)

                var filteredIssueTrackers = FilterIssuesTrackersByPath(this.issueTrackers, args.FilePaths);

                var operations = filteredIssueTrackers
                                 .Select <IIssueTracker, Action>(it => () => it.RequestAnalysis(args.Options))
                                 .ToArray(); // create a fixed list - the user could close a file before the reanalysis completes which would cause the enumeration to change

                reanalysisProgressHandler = new StatusBarReanalysisProgressHandler(vsStatusBar, logger);

                var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.JobRunner_JobDescription_ReaanalyzeDocs, operations.Length);
                reanalysisJob = CancellableJobRunner.Start(message, operations,
                                                           reanalysisProgressHandler, logger);
Пример #3
        public void LifeCycle()
            // Arrange
            var progressHandler = new StatusBarReanalysisProgressHandler(dummyStatusBar, logger);

            // 1. Initial request
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 0, 2);
            dummyStatusBar.CheckLastCallWasSetupCall(0, 2);

            // 2a. Progress updates
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 1, 2);
            dummyStatusBar.CheckLastCallWasInProgressCall(1, 2);

            // 2b. Progress updates
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 2, 2);
            dummyStatusBar.CheckLastCallWasInProgressCall(2, 2);

            // 3. Finished -> clean up and reset the statusbar
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Finished, 111, 222);


            // 4. Dispose - should be a no-op in this case
            dummyStatusBar.ProgressCallCount.Should().Be(4); // status bar should not be called since already cleaned up
Пример #4
        public void LifeCycle_ProgressChanged_CriticalException_NotSuppressed()
            // Arrange
            dummyStatusBar.ProgressOperation = () => throw new StackOverflowException("xxx");

            var progressHandler = new StatusBarReanalysisProgressHandler(dummyStatusBar, logger);

            // Act and Assert: exception should not be suppressed
            dummyStatusBar.ProgressOperation = () => throw new StackOverflowException("xxx");

            Action act = () => ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 1, 2);

            act.Should().Throw <StackOverflowException>().And.Message.Should().Be("xxx");

Пример #5
        public void LifeCycle_ProgressChanged_NonCriticalException_Suppressed()
            // Arrange
            bool opExecuted = false;

            dummyStatusBar.ProgressOperation = () =>
                opExecuted = true;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("xxx");

            var progressHandler = new StatusBarReanalysisProgressHandler(dummyStatusBar, logger);

            // Act and Assert: exception should be suppressed
            ReportProgress(progressHandler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState.Running, 0, 1000);

        private void OnAnalysisRequested(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Handle notification from the single file monitor that the settings file has changed.

            // Re-analysis could take multiple seconds so it's possible that we'll get another
            // file change notification before the re-analysis has completed.
            // If that happens we'll cancel the current re-analysis and start another one.
            lock (reanalysisLockObject)

                var operations = this.issueTrackers
                                 .Select <TextBufferIssueTracker, Action>(it => () => it.RequestAnalysis())
                                 .ToArray(); // create a fixed list - the user could close a file before the reanalysis completes which would cause the enumeration to change

                reanalysisProgressHandler = new StatusBarReanalysisProgressHandler(vsStatusBar, logger);

                reanalysisJob = CancellableJobRunner.Start(Strings.JobRunner_JobDescription_ReaanalyzeOpenDocs, operations,
                                                           reanalysisProgressHandler, logger);
Пример #7
 private void ReportProgress(StatusBarReanalysisProgressHandler handler, CancellableJobRunner.RunnerState runnerState, int completedOperations, int totalOperations)
     handler.Report(new CancellableJobRunner.JobRunnerProgress(runnerState, completedOperations, totalOperations));