public string Describe(string playerName, IAnalyzablePokerPlayer analyzablePokerPlayer, Streets street, ITuple <double, double> ratioSizes) { ActionSequences actionSequence = analyzablePokerPlayer.ActionSequences[(int)street]; return(string.Format("{0} {1} ({2} of the pot), when {3} on the {4}, and was reraised", playerName, DescribeAction(actionSequence), PostFlopRaiseReactionDescriberUtils.DescribeBetSizes(ratioSizes), StatisticsDescriberUtils.DescribePosition(analyzablePokerPlayer, street), street.ToString().ToLower())); }
/// <summary> /// Describes the situation defined by the passed parameters to /// give the user feedback about what a statistics table depicts. /// </summary> /// <param name="playerName"></param> /// <param name="analyzablePokerPlayer">A sample player from the statistics set</param> /// <param name="street">Should always be preflop</param> /// <param name="ratioSizes">In this case is used to describe the range of strategic positions in which the player acted</param> /// <returns>A nice description of the situation depicted by the parameters</returns> public string Describe( string playerName, IAnalyzablePokerPlayer analyzablePokerPlayer, Streets street, ITuple <StrategicPositions, StrategicPositions> ratioSizes) { return(string.Format("{0} was sitting {1}, {2} {3} in {4} and was raised.", playerName, DescribePositions(ratioSizes), DescribeAction(analyzablePokerPlayer, street), street.ToString().ToLower(), StatisticsDescriberUtils.DescribePot(analyzablePokerPlayer, street))); }
public override string Describe(string playerName, ActionSequences actionSequence) { return(string.Format("{0} raised preflop in {1}.", playerName, StatisticsDescriberUtils.DescribePot(actionSequence))); }
public string Describe(string playerName, ActionSequences actionSequence, Streets street, bool inPosition) { return(string.Format("{0} acted preflop in {1}.", playerName, StatisticsDescriberUtils.DescribePot(actionSequence))); }
public string Describe(string playerName, ActionSequences actionSequence, Streets street, bool inPosition) { return(actionSequence == ActionSequences.OppB ? string.Format("{0} reacted to a bet on the {1} when {2}.", playerName, street.ToString().ToLower(), StatisticsDescriberUtils.DescribePosition(inPosition)) : string.Format("{0} checked first and then reacted to a bet on the {1} when {2}.", playerName, street.ToString().ToLower(), StatisticsDescriberUtils.DescribePosition(inPosition))); }
public string Describe(string playerName, ActionSequences actionSequence, Streets street, bool inPosition) { return(string.Format("{0} bet on the {1} when {2}.", playerName, street.ToString().ToLower(), StatisticsDescriberUtils.DescribePosition(inPosition))); }