public static bool testMethod() { if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 1) { return(false); } Static_InstTestClass07 test1 = new Static_InstTestClass07(); test1.increment(); if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 2) { return(false); } Static_InstTestClass07 test2 = new Static_InstTestClass07(); test2.increment(); if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 3) { return(false); } Static_InstTestClass07 test3 = new Static_InstTestClass07(); test3.increment(); if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 4) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void Static_Inst07_Test() { OutputHelper.WriteLine(" Section 10.2 "); OutputHelper.WriteLine(" A static field identifies exactly one storage location."); OutputHelper.WriteLine(" No matter how many instances of a class are created,"); OutputHelper.WriteLine(" there is only ever one copy of a static field."); Assert.True(Static_InstTestClass07.testMethod()); }
public MFTestResults Static_Inst07_Test() { Log.Comment(" Section 10.2 "); Log.Comment(" A static field identifies exactly one storage location."); Log.Comment(" No matter how many instances of a class are created,"); Log.Comment(" there is only ever one copy of a static field."); if (Static_InstTestClass07.testMethod()) { return(MFTestResults.Pass); } return(MFTestResults.Fail); }
public static bool testMethod() { if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 1) return false; Static_InstTestClass07 test1 = new Static_InstTestClass07(); test1.increment(); if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 2) return false; Static_InstTestClass07 test2 = new Static_InstTestClass07(); test2.increment(); if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 3) return false; Static_InstTestClass07 test3 = new Static_InstTestClass07(); test3.increment(); if (Static_InstTestClass07.intI != 4) return false; return true; }