Пример #1
        public override void RestoreSaveData(object dataIn)
            if (dataIn == null)

            SaveData_v1 data = (SaveData_v1)dataIn;

            FactionFile.FactionData dsfactionData;
            if (!GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity.FactionData.GetFactionData(data.factionID, out dsfactionData) && data.factionID != 0)
                throw new Exception("Could not deserialize Person resource FactionID to FactionData");

            race                         = data.race;
            nameBank                     = data.nameBank;
            npcGender                    = data.npcGender;
            faceIndex                    = data.faceIndex;
            nameSeed                     = data.nameSeed;
            isQuestor                    = data.isQuestor;
            isIndividualNPC              = data.isIndividualNPC;
            isIndividualAtHome           = data.isIndividualAtHome;
            displayName                  = data.displayName;
            homePlaceSymbol              = data.homePlaceSymbol;
            lastAssignedPlaceSymbol      = data.lastAssignedPlaceSymbol;
            assignedToHome               = data.assignedToHome;
            factionData                  = dsfactionData;
            factionTableKey              = data.factionTableKey;
            questorData                  = data.questorData;
            discoveredThroughTalkManager = data.discoveredThroughTalkManager;
            isMuted                      = data.isMuted;
            isDestroyed                  = data.isDestroyed;
Пример #2
        public override void RestoreSaveData(object dataIn)
            SaveData_v1 data = (SaveData_v1)dataIn;

            if (dataIn == null)

            FactionFile.FactionData dsfactionData;
            if (!GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity.FactionData.GetFactionData(data.factionID, out dsfactionData))
                throw new Exception("Could not deserialize Person resource FactionID to FactionData");

            race               = data.race;
            npcGender          = data.npcGender;
            faceIndex          = data.faceIndex;
            nameSeed           = data.nameSeed;
            isQuestor          = data.isQuestor;
            isIndividualNPC    = data.isIndividualNPC;
            isIndividualAtHome = data.isIndividualAtHome;
            displayName        = data.displayName;
            godName            = data.godName;
            homeTownName       = data.homeTownName;
            factionData        = dsfactionData;
            questorData        = data.questorData;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Set Person as questor and assign questor data if needed.
 /// Uses last clicked NPC data so has to be called after talking to the actual questor.
 /// </summary>
 private void SetQuestorStatus(bool status)
     isQuestor = status;
     if (isQuestor)
         questorData = QuestMachine.Instance.LastNPCClicked.Data;
Пример #4
        public DaggerfallQuestOfferWindow(IUserInterfaceManager uiManager, StaticNPC.NPCData npc, FactionFile.SocialGroups socialGroup)
            : base(uiManager)
            questorNPC       = npc;
            this.socialGroup = socialGroup;

            // Remove potential questor from pool after quest has been offered

            // Clear background
            ParentPanel.BackgroundColor = Color.clear;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if two sets of StaticNPC data reference the same NPC.
        /// Notes:
        ///  * Still working through some issues here.
        ///  * Possible for Questor NPC to be moved.
        ///  * This will likely become more robust and conditional as quest system progresses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if person1 and person2 are considered the same.</returns>
        public bool IsNPCDataEqual(StaticNPC.NPCData person1, StaticNPC.NPCData person2)
            if (person1.hash == person2.hash &&
                person1.mapID == person2.mapID &&
                person1.nameSeed == person2.nameSeed &&
                person1.buildingKey == person2.buildingKey)
                return true;

            return false;
Пример #6
        // Creates NPC as Questor, a special Person resource mapped to an NPC who exists full-time in world
        // The QuestorData pack should have enough information for quest system to identify NPC in world
        // Questor NPC data is derived from last NPC player clicked, this seems to fit Daggerfall which
        // can offer quests from certain types of NPC at random in addition to usual guild questors.
        bool SetupQuestorNPC()
            // Must have a questor set
            if (QuestMachine.Instance.LastNPCClicked == null)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Quest Person _{0}_ is expecting a Questor NPC, but one has not been clicked. Proceeding with a virtual NPC so quest will compile.", Symbol.Name);

            // Set questor data
            questorData = QuestMachine.Instance.LastNPCClicked.Data;
            isQuestor   = true;

            // Setup Person resource
            FactionFile.FactionData factionData = GetFactionData(questorData.factionID);
            this.factionData = factionData;
            nameSeed         = questorData.nameSeed;

Пример #7
        // Creates NPC as Questor, a special Person resource mapped to an NPC who exists full-time in world
        // The QuestorData pack should have enough information for quest system to identify NPC in world
        bool SetupQuestorNPC()
            // Must have a questor set
            if (ParentQuest.QuestorNPC == null)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Quest Person _{0}_ is expecting a Questor NPC, but one is not set. Proceeding with a random NPC so quest will compile.", Symbol.Name);

            // Set questor data
            questorData = ParentQuest.QuestorNPC.Data;
            isQuestor   = true;

            // Setup Person resource
            FactionFile.FactionData factionData = GetFactionData(questorData.factionID);
            this.factionData = factionData;
            nameSeed         = questorData.nameSeed;
