/// <summary>
        /// Loads and verifies the current MHW:IB process against the currently supported version.
        /// </summary>
        /// TODO: Make it more oo by making this the constructor for an abstract automaton.
        /// Then have inhertied automatons work based on different versions.
        /// This would allow for backward compatability
        private void LoadAndVerifyProcess()
            Log.Message("Attempting to load MHW:IB Process.");
            // First set the mhw process
            _Process = StaticHelpers.GetMHWProcess();

            Log.Message("Process Loaded. Retrieving version");
            // Now verify the version
            Match match = Regex.Match(_Process.MainWindowTitle, MHWMemoryValues.SupportedVersionRegex);

            // If the match is made
            if (match.Success)
                // And we have a capture group
                if (match.Groups.Count > 1)
                    // Try to turn it into a number
                    if (int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out int result))
                        Log.Message("Version found: " + result);
                        // If it is a numeber and is the same as the supported version
                        if (result == MHWMemoryValues.SupportedGameVersion)
                            // Set the flag
                            _IsSupportedVersion = true;


                            "Version unsupported. Currently supported version: " + MHWMemoryValues.SupportedGameVersion +
                            "\n\t\tAutomaton will still run, however, correct sequences cannot be read"

                "Could not verify game version. This is most likely due to a different versioning system being used by Capcom." +
                "\n\t\tAutomaton will still run, however, correct sequences cannot be read"