Пример #1
        private void CompareStaticDirectoryData(StaticDirectoryData newData, StaticDirectoryData oldData)
             * This fucntion loops through the new data and for each item, finds the matching filename or foldername in the old data.
             *      Once the match is found, compare .  Raise Changed Event if needed  Then Delete from old Data List
             *      If the match is not found, then raise Created
             *      Once done, check old list.  If any are left, then raise Deleted for those items.
             *  All this should be done comparing againast NotifyFilter

            //First Loop through Files in newData.
            for (int n = 0; n < newData.Files.Count; n++)
                //First check if old file exists.
                StaticFSData oldFile = oldData.GetSubFile(newData.Files[n].Name);
                if (oldFile != null)
                    //file was found in the old structure and therefore has not been recently added.

                    //Now check the NotifyFilters to see what might have changed.

                    //Calls the compare FSData Function which compares the actual LastWrite, Attributes, etc and raises and necessary events.
                    CompareStaticFSData(newData.Files[n], oldFile);

                    oldData.Files.Remove(oldFile); //This removes the old file so that at the end, all files left in oldData were not matched and therefore have been deleted.
                    //file was not found in old structure and therefore has been recently added.
                    //Raise onCreated Event;

                    if (Created != null)
                        Created(this, new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Created, newData.FullName, newData.Files[n].Name));
            }//end for loop looping through files.

            //Now we have looped through all the new files
            for (int n = 0; n < oldData.Files.Count; n++)
                //Any files in this loop have been deleted so raise onDeleted
                if (Deleted != null)
                    Deleted(this, new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted, oldData.FullName, oldData.Files[n].Name));

            //Now loop through Folders in NewData
            for (int n = 0; n < newData.Directories.Count; n++)
                //Check if old Folder Exists.
                StaticDirectoryData oldFolder = oldData.GetSubDirectory(newData.Directories[n].Name);
                if (oldFolder != null)
                    //then folder existed in old structure and has not been recently added.

                    //Calls the compare FSData Function which compares the actual LastWrite, Attributes, etc and raises and necessary events.
                    CompareStaticFSData(newData.Directories[n], oldFolder);

                    //now call this same function for the newFolder and the oldFolder
                    CompareStaticDirectoryData(newData.Directories[n], oldFolder);

                    oldData.Directories.Remove(oldFolder); //This removes the old file so that at the end, all files left in oldData were not matched and therefore have been deleted.
                    //then folder did not exist in old structure and has been recently added
                    if (Created != null)
                        Created(this, new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Created, newData.FullName, newData.Directories[n].Name));
Пример #2
        private void CompareStaticFSData(StaticFSData newData, StaticFSData oldData)
            int raiseEventCount = 0; //only flag for the event to be raised through the notify loops below so that 8 changed events won't come up.

            if ((NotifyFilter & NotifyFilters.LastWrite) == NotifyFilters.LastWrite)
                if (newData.LastWriteTime != oldData.LastWriteTime)

            if ((NotifyFilter & NotifyFilters.Attributes) == NotifyFilters.Attributes)
                if (newData.Attributes != oldData.Attributes)

            if ((NotifyFilter & NotifyFilters.CreationTime) == NotifyFilters.CreationTime)
                if (newData.CreationTime != oldData.CreationTime)

            if ((NotifyFilter & NotifyFilters.FileName) == NotifyFilters.FileName) //This shouldn't happen because filename changes will flag delete or creation.
                if (newData.Name != oldData.Name)

            if (newData is StaticDirectoryData == false) //Don't check lastAccess for directories.  This app was updating lastAccess.
                if ((NotifyFilter & NotifyFilters.LastAccess) == NotifyFilters.LastAccess)
                    if (newData.LastAccessTime != oldData.LastAccessTime)

            if ((NotifyFilter & NotifyFilters.Size) == NotifyFilters.Size)  //Size only applies to files.  Size will be 0 for directories
                if (newData.Size != oldData.Size)

            if (RaiseAllEvents == true)
                for (int n = 0; n < raiseEventCount; n++)
                    //raise an event for each change registered.
                    if (Changed != null)
                        Changed(this, new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, newData.ParentDirectory, newData.Name));
                //then only raise one event per file no matter how many changes registered
                if (raiseEventCount > 0)
                    if (Changed != null)
                        Changed(this, new FileSystemEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, newData.FullName, newData.Name));