public void OnError(Exception exception, StaticError error, string format, params object[] args) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(format)) { Console.WriteLine(format, args); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{exception?.Message}; {error}"); } _FastServer.Close(); }
static ProcessorException WrapCompileException(Exception ex, IList errors) { StaticError err = errors.OfType <StaticError>().FirstOrDefault(s => !s.IsWarning) ?? ex as StaticError; if (err != null) { return(new SaxonException(err)); } return(new SaxonException(ex.Message, ex)); }
public SaxonException(StaticError error) : base(error.Message, error) { this.LineNumber = error.LineNumber; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error.ModuleUri)) { this.ModuleUri = new Uri(error.ModuleUri); } if (error.ErrorCode != null) { this.ErrorCode = error.ErrorCode.ToXmlQualifiedName(); } }
// private Dictionary<int, int> dict = new Dictionary<int, int>(); public static StaticError Instance() { if(_instance == null) { lock(lockHelper) { if(_instance == null) { _instance = new StaticError(); // #if UNITY_EDITOR _instance.readData(); // #endif } } } return _instance; }
public void OnError(Exception exception, StaticError error, string format, params object[] args) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public StatErrorException(Exception inner, StaticError error, string format, params object[] args) : base(inner, format, args) { _error = error; }
/** * Run the tests * @param args command line arguments * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws XPathException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public void go(String[] args) { if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "-?") { Console.WriteLine("SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-onwards] -c:contributor? -s:setName? -g:groupName?"); } Processor processor = new Processor(true); Console.WriteLine("Testing Saxon " + processor.ProductVersion); testSuiteDir = args[0]; if (testSuiteDir.EndsWith("/")) { testSuiteDir = testSuiteDir.Substring(0, testSuiteDir.Length - 1); } String testSetPattern = null; // TODO use a regex String testGroupPattern = null; String contributor = null; Hashtable exceptions = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == ("-w")) { //showWarnings = true; } else if (args[i] == ("-onwards")) { onwards = true; } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-c:")) { contributor = args[i].Substring(3); } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-s:")) { testSetPattern = args[i].Substring(3); } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-g:")) { testGroupPattern = args[i].Substring(3); } else if (args[i] == "-?") { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-s:testSetPattern] [-g:testGroupPattern]"); } } int total = 39700; int passed = 0; int failed = 0; try { xlinkHref = new QName("xlink", "", "href"); QName testCaseNT = new QName("", "", "testcase"); QName commentNT = new QName("", "", "comment"); QName testSetRefNT = new QName(testNS, "testSetRef"); QName testGroupNT = new QName(testNS, "testGroup"); QName testSetNT = new QName(testNS, "testSet"); QName schemaTestNT = new QName(testNS, "schemaTest"); QName instanceTestNT = new QName(testNS, "instanceTest"); QName schemaDocumentNT = new QName(testNS, "schemaDocument"); QName instanceDocumentNT = new QName(testNS, "instanceDocument"); QName expectedNT = new QName(testNS, "expected"); QName currentNT = new QName(testNS, "current"); QName validityAtt = new QName("", "", "validity"); QName nameAtt = new QName("", "", "name"); QName contributorAtt = new QName("", "", "contributor"); QName setAtt = new QName("", "", "set"); QName groupAtt = new QName("", "", "group"); QName statusAtt = new QName("", "", "status"); QName bugzillaAtt = new QName("", "", "bugzilla"); QName targetNamespaceAtt = new QName("", "", "targetNamespace"); QName schemaVersion = new QName("saxon", "", "schemaVersion"); DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); builder.BaseUri = new Uri(testSuiteDir + "/"); XdmNode catalog = builder.Build( new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/suite.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); results = new StreamWriter(testSuiteDir + "/saxon/SaxonResults" + processor.ProductVersion + "n.xml"); results.Write("<testSuiteResults xmlns='" + testNS + "' xmlns:saxon='' " + "suite='TS_2006' " + "processor='Saxon-SA (Java) 8.8++' submitDate='2007-01-05' publicationPermission='public'>\n"); XdmNode exceptionsDoc = builder.Build( new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/saxon/exceptions.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); IEnumerator exceptionTestCases = exceptionsDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, new QName("", "testcase")); while (exceptionTestCases.MoveNext()) { XdmNode testCase = (XdmNode)exceptionTestCases.Current; String set = testCase.GetAttributeValue(setAtt); String group = testCase.GetAttributeValue(groupAtt); String comment = getChildElement(testCase, commentNT).StringValue; exceptions[set + "#" + group] = comment; } IEnumerator testSets = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testSetRefNT); while (testSets.MoveNext()) { XdmNode testSetRef = (XdmNode)testSets.Current; XdmNode testSetDoc = getLinkedDocument(testSetRef, processor, false); XdmNode testSetElement = getChildElement(testSetDoc, testSetNT); if (testSetElement == null) { feedback.Message("test set doc has no TestSet child: " + testSetDoc.BaseUri, true); continue; } String testSetName = testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); if (testSetPattern != null && !testSetName.StartsWith(testSetPattern)) { continue; } if (contributor != null && contributor != testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(contributorAtt)) { continue; } bool needs11 = (testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(schemaVersion) == "1.1"); IEnumerator testGroups = testSetElement.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, testGroupNT); while (testGroups.MoveNext()) { XdmNode testGroup = (XdmNode)testGroups.Current; String testGroupName = testGroup.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); String exception = (String)exceptions[testSetName + "#" + testGroupName]; if (testGroupPattern != null && !testGroupName.StartsWith(testGroupPattern)) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("TEST SET " + testSetName + " GROUP " + testGroupName, false); if (onwards) { testGroupPattern = null; testSetPattern = null; } Processor testConfig = new Processor(true); if (needs11) { testConfig.SetProperty("", "1.1"); } SchemaManager schemaManager = testConfig.SchemaManager; //testConfig.setHostLanguage(Configuration.XML_SCHEMA); testConfig.SetProperty("", "true"); IEnumerator schemaTests = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaTestNT); bool schemaQueried = false; String bugzillaRef = null; while (schemaTests.MoveNext()) { XdmNode schemaTest = (XdmNode)schemaTests.Current; if (schemaTest == null) { break; } bugzillaRef = null; String testName = schemaTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); if (exception != null) { results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception + "'/>\n"); continue; } bool queried = false; XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(schemaTest, currentNT); if (statusElement != null) { String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt); queried = ("queried" == status); bugzillaRef = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt); } if (queried) { schemaQueried = true; } Console.WriteLine("TEST SCHEMA " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : "")); bool success = true; IEnumerator schemata = schemaTest.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaDocumentNT); while (schemata.MoveNext()) { XdmNode schemaDocumentRef = (XdmNode)schemata.Current; if (schemaDocumentRef == null) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Loading schema at " + schemaDocumentRef.GetAttributeValue(xlinkHref)); XdmNode schemaDoc = getLinkedDocument(schemaDocumentRef, testConfig, false); IEnumerator schemaDocKids = schemaDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child); XdmNode schemaElement = null; while (schemaDocKids.MoveNext()) { schemaElement = (XdmNode)schemaDocKids.Current; if (schemaElement.NodeKind == XmlNodeType.Element) { break; } } String targetNamespace = schemaElement.GetAttributeValue(targetNamespaceAtt); //if (targetNamespace != null && schemaManager. isSchemaAvailable(targetNamespace)) { // do nothing // TODO: this is the only way I can get MS additional test addB132 to work. // It's not ideal: addSchemaSource() ought to be a no-op if the schema components // are already loaded, but in fact recompiling the imported schema document on its // own is losing the substitution group membership that was defined in the // importing document. //} else { IList <StaticError> errorList = new List <StaticError>(); schemaManager.ErrorList = errorList; try { schemaManager.Compile(schemaDoc); } catch (Exception e) { if (errorList.Count == 0) { feedback.Message("In " + testName + ", exception thrown but no errors in ErrorList\n", true); results.Write("<!--" + e.Message + "-->"); success = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < errorList.Count; i++) { if (errorList[i] is StaticError) { StaticError err = (StaticError)errorList[i]; if (!err.IsWarning) { success = false; break; } } else { feedback.Message("In " + testName + " wrong kind of error!" + errorList[i].GetType() + "\n", true); } } } XdmNode expected = getChildElement(schemaTest, expectedNT); bool expectedSuccess = expected == null || expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid"; if (success == expectedSuccess) { passed++; } else { failed++; } feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total); results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid") + (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") + "' saxon:outcome='" + (success == expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") + "'/>\n"); } IEnumerator instanceTests = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, instanceTestNT); while (instanceTests.MoveNext()) { XdmNode instanceTest = (XdmNode)instanceTests.Current; String testName = instanceTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); if (exception != null) { results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception + "'/>\n"); continue; } bool queried = false; XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(instanceTest, currentNT); if (statusElement != null) { String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt); queried = ("queried" == status); String instanceBug = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt); if (instanceBug != null) { bugzillaRef = instanceBug; } } queried |= schemaQueried; Console.WriteLine("TEST INSTANCE " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : "")); XdmNode instanceDocument = getChildElement(instanceTest, instanceDocumentNT); bool success = true; try { XdmNode instanceDoc = getLinkedDocument(instanceDocument, testConfig, true); } catch (Exception) { success = false; } XdmNode expected = getChildElement(instanceTest, expectedNT); bool expectedSuccess = expected == null || expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid"; if (success == expectedSuccess) { passed++; } else { failed++; } feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total); results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid") + (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") + "' saxon:outcome='" + (success == expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") + "'/>\n"); } } } results.Write("</testSuiteResults>"); results.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { feedback.Message("Test failed: " + e.Message, true); } }
public void OnError(Exception exception, StaticError error, string format, params object[] args) { }
public void OnError(Exception exception, StaticError error, string format, params object[] args) { throw new StatErrorException(exception, error, format, args); }
public void OnError(Exception exception, StaticError error, string format, params object[] args) { Console.WriteLine(format, args); }
public static Value ErrorToValue(StaticError err) { // Casting a `StaticError` to a `Value` like this throws an ExecutionException return(err); }
public static ErrorInfoAttribute GetErrorInfo(this StaticError error) { return(Util.GetEnumSingleAttribute <ErrorInfoAttribute, StaticError>(error)); }
public Outcome(StaticError exception) { this.staticException = exception; }