private static StudentPersonal CreateStudent( String id, String lastName, String firstName, String street, String city, StatePrCode state, CountryCode country, String post, String phone, Gender gender, GradeLevelCode grade, RaceType race, String birthDateyyyyMMdd) { StudentPersonal student = new StudentPersonal(); ; student.RefId = Adk.MakeGuid(); student.LocalId = id; // Set the Name Name name = new Name(NameType.LEGAL, firstName, lastName); student.Name = name; Address addr = new Address(); addr.SetType(AddressType.C0369_PERMANENT); addr.SetStreet(street); addr.City = city; addr.SetStateProvince(state); addr.PostalCode = post; addr.SetCountry(country); student.AddressList = new StudentAddressList(PickupOrDropoff.NA, "NA", addr); student.PhoneNumberList = new PhoneNumberList(new PhoneNumber(PhoneNumberType.PRIMARY, phone)); Demographics dem = new Demographics(); dem.RaceList = new RaceList(new Race("", race)); dem.SetGender(gender); dem.BirthDate = DateTime.ParseExact (birthDateyyyyMMdd, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat); student.Demographics = dem; return(student); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of the <c><StateProvince></c> element. /// </summary> /// <param name="val">A StatePrCode object</param> /// <remarks> /// <para>The SIF specification defines the meaning of this element as: "The state or province of the standard setting body. "</para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 2.2</para> /// </remarks> public void SetStateProvince(StatePrCode val) { SetField(InstrDTD.STANDARDSETTINGBODY_STATEPROVINCE, val); }
///<summary>Sets the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the <c>Address</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void SetAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { RemoveChild(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT_ADDRESS); AddChild(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that accepts values for all mandatory fields /// </summary> ///<param name="employeePersonalRefId">This is the GUID that points to the employee represented in the EmployeePersonal object.</param> ///<param name="w4Date">Date W4 was completed.</param> ///<param name="maritalStatusRate">This denotes the current martial status of the employee</param> ///<param name="federalAllowancesNumber">Number of federal allowances.</param> ///<param name="stateProvince">State of residence.</param> ///<param name="exempt">Is this employee exempt from federal and state exemptions?</param> /// public W4(string employeePersonalRefId, DateTime?w4Date, MaritalStatusRate maritalStatusRate, int?federalAllowancesNumber, StatePrCode stateProvince, bool?exempt) : base(Adk.SifVersion, HrfinDTD.W4) { this.EmployeePersonalRefId = employeePersonalRefId; this.W4Date = w4Date; this.SetMaritalStatusRate(maritalStatusRate); this.FederalAllowancesNumber = federalAllowancesNumber; this.SetStateProvince(stateProvince); this.Exempt = exempt; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of the <c><StateProvince></c> element. /// </summary> /// <param name="val">A StatePrCode object</param> /// <remarks> /// <para>The SIF specification defines the meaning of this element as: "State of residence."</para> /// <para>This element is known by more than one tag name depending on the version of SIF in use. /// The ADK will use the tag names shown below when parsing and rendering elements of this kind.</para> /// <list type="table"><listheader><term>Version</term><description>Tag</description></listheader>; /// <item><term>2.0 (and greater)</term><description><StateProvince></description></item> /// </list> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void SetStateProvince(StatePrCode val) { SetField(HrfinDTD.W4_STATEPROVINCE, val); }
///<summary>Sets the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the <c>Address</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void SetAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { RemoveChild(ReportingDTD.REPORTSUBMITTERINFO_ADDRESS); AddChild(ReportingDTD.REPORTSUBMITTERINFO_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }
///<summary>Adds the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the method <c>AddAddress</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void AddAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { AddChild(ReportingDTD.STUDENTLOCATOR_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }
///<summary>Adds the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the method <c>AddAddress</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.1</para> /// </remarks> public void AddAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { AddChild(StudentDTD.STUDENTADDRESSLIST_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }
///<summary>Sets the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the <c>Address</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 2.0</para> /// </remarks> public void SetAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { RemoveChild(AssessmentDTD.ASSESSMENTADMINISTRATION_ADDRESS); AddChild(AssessmentDTD.ASSESSMENTADMINISTRATION_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }
///<summary>Sets the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the <c>Address</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void SetAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { RemoveChild(InstrDTD.RESOURCECONTACT_ADDRESS); AddChild(InstrDTD.RESOURCECONTACT_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }
///<summary>Sets the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the <c>Address</c></para> /// <para>Version: 1.5r1</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void SetAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { RemoveChild(HrfinDTD.VENDORINFO_ADDRESS); AddChild(HrfinDTD.VENDORINFO_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }
///<summary>Sets the value of the <c><Address></c> element.</summary> /// <param name="Type">Code that defines the location of the address. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object.</param> /// <param name="Street">The street part of the address</param> /// <param name="City">The city part of the address.</param> /// <param name="StateProvince">The state or province code.</param> /// <param name="Country">The country code.</param> /// <param name="PostalCode">The ZIP/postal code.</param> ///<remarks> /// <para>This form of <c>setAddress</c> is provided as a convenience method /// that is functionally equivalent to the <c>Address</c></para> /// <para>Version: 2.6</para> /// <para>Since: 1.5r1</para> /// </remarks> public void SetAddress(AddressType Type, Street Street, string City, StatePrCode StateProvince, CountryCode Country, string PostalCode) { RemoveChild(ProfdevDTD.ACTIVITYPROVIDER_ADDRESS); AddChild(ProfdevDTD.ACTIVITYPROVIDER_ADDRESS, new Address(Type, Street, City, StateProvince, Country, PostalCode)); }