internal static void Remove(MenuCommand command) { StateMachineBehaviour context = command.context as StateMachineBehaviour; StateMachineBehaviourContext[] contextArray = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(context); for (int i = 0; i < contextArray.Length; i++) { AnimatorController animatorController = contextArray[i].animatorController; AnimatorState animatorObject = contextArray[i].animatorObject as AnimatorState; AnimatorStateMachine machine = contextArray[i].animatorObject as AnimatorStateMachine; if (animatorObject != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] array = (animatorController == null) ? animatorObject.behaviours : animatorController.GetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorObject, contextArray[i].layerIndex); ArrayUtility.Remove <StateMachineBehaviour>(ref array, context); if (animatorController != null) { animatorController.SetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorObject, contextArray[i].layerIndex, array); } else { animatorObject.behaviours = array; } } else if (machine != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] behaviours = machine.behaviours; ArrayUtility.Remove <StateMachineBehaviour>(ref behaviours, context); machine.behaviours = behaviours; } } UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(context, true); }
protected void PasteAsNew() { if (AnimatorStateEventBehaviourCopier.copiedBehaviours == null) { return; } StateMachineBehaviourContext[] contexts = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(this); if (contexts == null) { return; } StateMachineBehaviour copiedTarget = null; AnimatorState state = contexts[0].animatorObject as AnimatorState; if (state != null) { copiedTarget = state.AddStateMachineBehaviour(AnimatorStateEventBehaviourCopier.copiedBehaviours.GetType()); } else { AnimatorStateMachine subMachine = contexts[0].animatorObject as AnimatorStateMachine; if (subMachine != null) { copiedTarget = subMachine.AddStateMachineBehaviour(AnimatorStateEventBehaviourCopier.copiedBehaviours.GetType()); } } if (copiedTarget != null) { EditorUtility.CopySerialized(AnimatorStateEventBehaviourCopier.copiedBehaviours, copiedTarget); } }
internal static void Remove(MenuCommand command) { StateMachineBehaviour stateMachineBehaviour = command.context as StateMachineBehaviour; StateMachineBehaviourContext[] array = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(stateMachineBehaviour); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { AnimatorController animatorController = array[i].animatorController; AnimatorState animatorState = array[i].animatorObject as AnimatorState; AnimatorStateMachine animatorStateMachine = array[i].animatorObject as AnimatorStateMachine; if (animatorState != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] behaviours = (!(animatorController != null)) ? animatorState.behaviours : animatorController.GetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorState, array[i].layerIndex); ArrayUtility.Remove <StateMachineBehaviour>(ref behaviours, stateMachineBehaviour); if (animatorController != null) { animatorController.SetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorState, array[i].layerIndex, behaviours); } else { animatorState.behaviours = behaviours; } } else if (animatorStateMachine != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] behaviours2 = animatorStateMachine.behaviours; ArrayUtility.Remove <StateMachineBehaviour>(ref behaviours2, stateMachineBehaviour); animatorStateMachine.behaviours = behaviours2; } } UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(stateMachineBehaviour, true); }
public static StateMachineBehaviour CloneBehavior(this StateMachineBehaviour behavior) { StateMachineBehaviour output = (StateMachineBehaviour)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(behavior.GetType()); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(behavior, output); return(output); }
public static void ApplyTo(this StateMachineBehaviour source, StateMachineBehaviour dest) { switch (source) { case VRCAnimatorLayerControl layer: layer.ApplyTo((VRCAnimatorLayerControl)dest); break; case VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl locomotion: locomotion.ApplyTo((VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl)dest); break; case VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace temporaryPoseSpace: temporaryPoseSpace.ApplyTo((VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace)dest); break; case VRCAnimatorTrackingControl tracking: tracking.ApplyTo((VRCAnimatorTrackingControl)dest); break; case VRCAvatarParameterDriver parameterDriver: parameterDriver.ApplyTo((VRCAvatarParameterDriver)dest); break; case VRCPlayableLayerControl playableLayer: playableLayer.ApplyTo((VRCPlayableLayerControl)dest); break; } }
public void SwitchToState <T> (T behaviour) where T : StateMachineBehaviour { if (_currentBehaviour != null) { _currentBehaviour.ExitState(); } behaviour.EnterState(); _currentBehaviour = behaviour; }
public static void CloneDeepTo(this StateMachineBehaviour source, StateMachineBehaviour dest) { if (source.GetType() != dest.GetType()) { throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(source)} and {nameof(dest)} must be same type."); } switch (source) { #if VRC_SDK_VRCSDK3 case VRCAnimatorLayerControl sourceAlc: { var behaviour = dest as VRCAnimatorLayerControl; sourceAlc.CloneTo(behaviour); break; } case VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl sourceAlc: { var behaviour = dest as VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl; sourceAlc.CloneTo(behaviour); break; } case VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace sourceTps: { var behaviour = dest as VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace; sourceTps.CloneTo(behaviour); break; } case VRCAnimatorTrackingControl sourceTc: { var behaviour = dest as VRCAnimatorTrackingControl; sourceTc.CloneTo(behaviour); break; } case VRCAvatarParameterDriver sourceApd: { var behaviour = dest as VRCAvatarParameterDriver; sourceApd.CloneTo(behaviour); break; } case VRCPlayableLayerControl sourcePlc: { var behaviour = dest as VRCPlayableLayerControl; sourcePlc.CloneTo(behaviour); break; } #endif } }
/// <summary> /// Draw a timeline that can be scrubbed to allow picking a specific normalized time of an animation /// </summary> public static void DrawScrub(Rect rect, StateMachineBehaviour target, SerializedProperty normalizedTime, SerializedProperty repeat, SerializedProperty atLeastOnce, SerializedProperty neverWhileExit) { bool updatePreview = false; float timeBefore = normalizedTime.floatValue; GUI.Label(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 50, 20), "Time"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 50, rect.y, rect.width - 50 - 42, 20), normalizedTime, GUIContent.none); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.x + rect.width - 40, rect.y, 40, 20), "View")) { updatePreview = true; } DrawSmallProperty(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + 20, rect.width / 3f, 20), new GUIContent("Loop", "Enable this to allow execution every time the state loops. Otherwise it will only happen once."), repeat); DrawSmallProperty(new Rect(rect.x + rect.width / 3f, rect.y + 20, rect.width / 3f, 20), new GUIContent("At Least Once", "Execute when the exit transition ends if this hasn't been executed yet."), atLeastOnce); DrawSmallProperty(new Rect(rect.x + rect.width * 2f / 3f, rect.y + 20, rect.width / 3f, 20), new GUIContent("Never While Exit", "Prevent executing during the exit transition."), neverWhileExit); if (timeBefore != normalizedTime.floatValue) { updatePreview = true; } if (updatePreview) { if (!AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) { AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode(); } AnimatorController ignore; Animator animator; GetCurrentAnimatorAndController(out ignore, out animator); var contexts = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(target); foreach (var context in contexts) { AnimatorState state = context.animatorObject as AnimatorState; if (null == state) { continue; } AnimationClip previewClip = GetFirstAvailableClip(state.motion); if (null == previewClip) { continue; } AnimationMode.BeginSampling(); AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip(animator.gameObject, previewClip, normalizedTime.floatValue * previewClip.length); AnimationMode.EndSampling(); } } }
public static void RemoveBehaviour(AnimatorState state, StateMachineBehaviour behaviour) { if(state != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] theBehaviours = state.behaviours; ArrayUtility.Remove(ref theBehaviours, behaviour); Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(state, "Removed behaviour"); Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(behaviour); state.behaviours = theBehaviours; } }
public static AnimatorState CloneState(this AnimatorState state) { AnimatorState output = new AnimatorState(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(state, output); StateMachineBehaviour[] outBehaviors = new StateMachineBehaviour[state.behaviours.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < outBehaviors.Length; i++) { outBehaviors[i] = CloneBehavior(state.behaviours[i]); } output.behaviours = outBehaviors; return(output); }
public static bool IsBehaviourOnAnimatorState(AnimatorState state, StateMachineBehaviour behaviour) { if (state != null) { var behaviours = state.behaviours; foreach (var child in behaviours) { if (child == behaviour) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public static int OnStateUpdate(IntPtr l) { int result; try { int num = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (num == 4) { StateMachineBehaviour stateMachineBehaviour = (StateMachineBehaviour)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); Animator animator; LuaObject.checkType <Animator>(l, 2, out animator); AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo; LuaObject.checkValueType <AnimatorStateInfo>(l, 3, out stateInfo); int layerIndex; LuaObject.checkType(l, 4, out layerIndex); stateMachineBehaviour.OnStateUpdate(animator, stateInfo, layerIndex); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } else if (num == 5) { StateMachineBehaviour stateMachineBehaviour2 = (StateMachineBehaviour)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); Animator animator2; LuaObject.checkType <Animator>(l, 2, out animator2); AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo2; LuaObject.checkValueType <AnimatorStateInfo>(l, 3, out stateInfo2); int layerIndex2; LuaObject.checkType(l, 4, out layerIndex2); AnimatorControllerPlayable controller; LuaObject.checkValueType <AnimatorControllerPlayable>(l, 5, out controller); stateMachineBehaviour2.OnStateUpdate(animator2, stateInfo2, layerIndex2, controller); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } else { LuaObject.pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function OnStateUpdate to call"); result = 2; } } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
internal static void MoveUp(MenuCommand command) { StateMachineBehaviour context = command.context as StateMachineBehaviour; StateMachineBehaviourContext[] contextArray = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(context); for (int i = 0; i < contextArray.Length; i++) { AnimatorController animatorController = contextArray[i].animatorController; AnimatorState animatorObject = contextArray[i].animatorObject as AnimatorState; AnimatorStateMachine machine = contextArray[i].animatorObject as AnimatorStateMachine; if (animatorObject != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] behaviours = (animatorController == null) ? animatorObject.behaviours : animatorController.GetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorObject, contextArray[i].layerIndex); for (int j = 0; j < behaviours.Length; j++) { if ((behaviours[j] == context) && (j > 0)) { behaviours[j] = behaviours[j - 1]; behaviours[j - 1] = context; break; } } if (animatorController != null) { animatorController.SetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorObject, contextArray[i].layerIndex, behaviours); } else { animatorObject.behaviours = behaviours; } continue; } if (machine != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] behaviourArray2 = machine.behaviours; for (int k = 0; k < behaviourArray2.Length; k++) { if ((behaviourArray2[k] == context) && (k > 0)) { behaviourArray2[k] = behaviourArray2[k - 1]; behaviourArray2[k - 1] = context; break; } } machine.behaviours = behaviourArray2; } } }
internal static void MoveUp(MenuCommand command) { StateMachineBehaviour stateMachineBehaviour = command.context as StateMachineBehaviour; StateMachineBehaviourContext[] array = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(stateMachineBehaviour); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { AnimatorController animatorController = array[i].animatorController; AnimatorState animatorState = array[i].animatorObject as AnimatorState; AnimatorStateMachine animatorStateMachine = array[i].animatorObject as AnimatorStateMachine; if (animatorState != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] array2 = (!(animatorController != null)) ? animatorState.behaviours : animatorController.GetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorState, array[i].layerIndex); for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { if (array2[j] == stateMachineBehaviour && j > 0) { array2[j] = array2[j - 1]; array2[j - 1] = stateMachineBehaviour; break; } } if (animatorController != null) { animatorController.SetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorState, array[i].layerIndex, array2); } else { animatorState.behaviours = array2; } } else if (animatorStateMachine != null) { StateMachineBehaviour[] behaviours = animatorStateMachine.behaviours; for (int k = 0; k < behaviours.Length; k++) { if (behaviours[k] == stateMachineBehaviour && k > 0) { behaviours[k] = behaviours[k - 1]; behaviours[k - 1] = stateMachineBehaviour; break; } } animatorStateMachine.behaviours = behaviours; } } }
public static int OnStateMachineEnter(IntPtr l) { int result; try { int num = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (num == 3) { StateMachineBehaviour stateMachineBehaviour = (StateMachineBehaviour)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); Animator animator; LuaObject.checkType <Animator>(l, 2, out animator); int stateMachinePathHash; LuaObject.checkType(l, 3, out stateMachinePathHash); stateMachineBehaviour.OnStateMachineEnter(animator, stateMachinePathHash); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } else if (num == 4) { StateMachineBehaviour stateMachineBehaviour2 = (StateMachineBehaviour)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); Animator animator2; LuaObject.checkType <Animator>(l, 2, out animator2); int stateMachinePathHash2; LuaObject.checkType(l, 3, out stateMachinePathHash2); AnimatorControllerPlayable controller; LuaObject.checkValueType <AnimatorControllerPlayable>(l, 4, out controller); stateMachineBehaviour2.OnStateMachineEnter(animator2, stateMachinePathHash2, controller); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } else { LuaObject.pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function OnStateMachineEnter to call"); result = 2; } } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public StateMachineBehaviour[] GetOverrideBehaviours(AnimatorState state) { StateMachineBehaviour[] result; if (this.m_Behaviours != null) { StateBehavioursPair[] behaviours = this.m_Behaviours; for (int i = 0; i < behaviours.Length; i++) { StateBehavioursPair stateBehavioursPair = behaviours[i]; if (stateBehavioursPair.m_State == state) { result = (stateBehavioursPair.m_Behaviours as StateMachineBehaviour[]); return(result); } } } result = new StateMachineBehaviour[0]; return(result); }
public static AnimatorState DeepClone(this AnimatorState state) { AnimatorState output = new AnimatorState(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(state, output); if (state.motion != null && state.motion.GetType() == typeof(BlendTree) && AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(((BlendTree)state.motion).GetInstanceID()) == AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(state.GetInstanceID())) { output.motion = ((BlendTree)state.motion).DeepClone(); } StateMachineBehaviour[] outBehaviors = new StateMachineBehaviour[state.behaviours.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < outBehaviors.Length; i++) { outBehaviors[i] = DeepClone(state.behaviours[i]); } output.behaviours = outBehaviors; return(output); }
internal static bool ValidateMenucommand(MenuCommand command) { if (!AnimatorController.CanAddStateMachineBehaviours()) { return(false); } StateMachineBehaviour behaviour = command.context as StateMachineBehaviour; StateMachineBehaviourContext[] array = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(behaviour); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { AnimatorController animatorController = array[i].animatorController; AnimatorState animatorState = array[i].animatorObject as AnimatorState; AnimatorStateMachine animatorStateMachine = array[i].animatorObject as AnimatorStateMachine; StateMachineBehaviour[] array2 = null; if (animatorState != null) { array2 = ((!(animatorController != null)) ? animatorState.behaviours : animatorController.GetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorState, array[i].layerIndex)); } else if (animatorStateMachine != null) { array2 = animatorStateMachine.behaviours; } if (array2 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { if (array2[j] == null) { return(false); } } } } return(true); }
internal static bool ValidateMenucommand(MenuCommand command) { if (!AnimatorController.CanAddStateMachineBehaviours()) { return(false); } StateMachineBehaviour context = command.context as StateMachineBehaviour; StateMachineBehaviourContext[] contextArray = AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(context); for (int i = 0; i < contextArray.Length; i++) { AnimatorController animatorController = contextArray[i].animatorController; AnimatorState animatorObject = contextArray[i].animatorObject as AnimatorState; AnimatorStateMachine machine = contextArray[i].animatorObject as AnimatorStateMachine; StateMachineBehaviour[] behaviours = null; if (animatorObject != null) { behaviours = (animatorController == null) ? animatorObject.behaviours : animatorController.GetStateEffectiveBehaviours(animatorObject, contextArray[i].layerIndex); } else if (machine != null) { behaviours = machine.behaviours; } if (behaviours != null) { for (int j = 0; j < behaviours.Length; j++) { if (behaviours[j] == null) { return(false); } } } } return(true); }
public static AnimatorStateMachine CloneMachine(this AnimatorStateMachine machine) { AnimatorStateMachine output = new AnimatorStateMachine(); //All Serializable Fields (ex. Primitives) EditorUtility.CopySerialized(machine, output); //State Machines ChildAnimatorStateMachine[] outMachines = new ChildAnimatorStateMachine[machine.stateMachines.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < outMachines.Length; i++) { outMachines[i] = new ChildAnimatorStateMachine { position = machine.stateMachines[i].position, stateMachine = CloneMachine(machine.stateMachines[i].stateMachine) }; } output.stateMachines = outMachines; //States ChildAnimatorState[] outStates = new ChildAnimatorState[machine.states.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < outStates.Length; i++) { outStates[i] = new ChildAnimatorState { position = machine.states[i].position, state = CloneState(machine.states[i].state) }; } //State Transitions for (int i = 0; i < outStates.Length; i++) { AnimatorStateTransition[] outTransitions = new AnimatorStateTransition[machine.states[i].state.transitions.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < outTransitions.Length; j++) { outTransitions[j] = (AnimatorStateTransition)CloneTransition(machine.states[i].state.transitions[j], outStates); } outStates[i].state.transitions = outTransitions; } output.states = outStates; //Any Transitions AnimatorStateTransition[] outAnyTransitions = new AnimatorStateTransition[machine.anyStateTransitions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < outAnyTransitions.Length; i++) { outAnyTransitions[i] = (AnimatorStateTransition)CloneTransition(machine.anyStateTransitions[i], outStates); } output.anyStateTransitions = outAnyTransitions; //Entry Transitions AnimatorTransition[] outEntryTransitions = new AnimatorTransition[machine.entryTransitions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < outEntryTransitions.Length; i++) { outEntryTransitions[i] = (AnimatorTransition)CloneTransition(machine.entryTransitions[i], outStates); } output.entryTransitions = outEntryTransitions; //Behaviors StateMachineBehaviour[] outBehaviors = new StateMachineBehaviour[machine.behaviours.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < outBehaviors.Length; i++) { outBehaviors[i] = CloneBehavior(machine.behaviours[i]); } output.behaviours = outBehaviors; //Default State foreach (ChildAnimatorState childState in outStates) { if ( == { output.defaultState = childState.state; break; } } return(output); }
public static void InitComponents(this StateMachineBehaviour behaviour, Animator animator) { InitComponents(animator.gameObject, behaviour); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Use this function to retrieve the owner of this behaviour.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="behaviour">The State Machine Behaviour to get context for.</param> /// <returns> /// <para>Returns the State Machine Behaviour edition context.</para> /// </returns> public static StateMachineBehaviourContext[] FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(StateMachineBehaviour behaviour) => Internal_FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(behaviour);
private static void CloneBehaviourParameters(StateMachineBehaviour old, StateMachineBehaviour n) { if (old.GetType() != n.GetType()) { throw new ArgumentException("2 state machine behaviours that should be of the same type are not."); } switch (n) { case VRCAnimatorLayerControl l: { var o = old as VRCAnimatorLayerControl; l.ApplySettings = o.ApplySettings; l.blendDuration = o.blendDuration; l.debugString = o.debugString; l.goalWeight = o.goalWeight; l.layer = o.layer; l.playable = o.playable; break; } case VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl l: { var o = old as VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl; l.ApplySettings = o.ApplySettings; l.debugString = o.debugString; l.disableLocomotion = o.disableLocomotion; break; } case VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace l: { var o = old as VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace; l.ApplySettings = o.ApplySettings; l.debugString = o.debugString; l.delayTime = o.delayTime; l.enterPoseSpace = o.enterPoseSpace; l.fixedDelay = o.fixedDelay; break; } case VRCAnimatorTrackingControl l: { var o = old as VRCAnimatorTrackingControl; l.ApplySettings = o.ApplySettings; l.debugString = o.debugString; l.trackingEyes = o.trackingEyes; l.trackingHead = o.trackingHead; l.trackingHip = o.trackingHip; l.trackingLeftFingers = o.trackingLeftFingers; l.trackingLeftFoot = o.trackingLeftFoot; l.trackingLeftHand = o.trackingLeftHand; l.trackingMouth = o.trackingMouth; l.trackingRightFingers = o.trackingRightFingers; l.trackingRightFoot = o.trackingRightFoot; l.trackingRightHand = o.trackingRightHand; break; } case VRCAvatarParameterDriver l: { var d = old as VRCAvatarParameterDriver; l.ApplySettings = d.ApplySettings; l.debugString = d.debugString; l.localOnly = d.localOnly; l.parameters = d.parameters.ConvertAll(p => { string name = _parametersNewName.ContainsKey( ? _parametersNewName[] :; return(new VRC_AvatarParameterDriver.Parameter { name = name, value = p.value, chance = p.chance, valueMin = p.valueMin, valueMax = p.valueMax, type = p.type }); }); break; } case VRCPlayableLayerControl l: { var o = old as VRCPlayableLayerControl; l.ApplySettings = o.ApplySettings; l.blendDuration = o.blendDuration; l.debugString = o.debugString; l.goalWeight = o.goalWeight; l.layer = o.layer; l.outputParamHash = o.outputParamHash; break; } } }
public static StateMachineBehaviourContext[] FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(StateMachineBehaviour behaviour) { return(AnimatorController.Internal_FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(behaviour)); }
private static void CopyBehaivourParameters(StateMachineBehaviour srcBehaivour, StateMachineBehaviour dstBehaivour) { if (srcBehaivour.GetType() != dstBehaivour.GetType()) { throw new ArgumentException("Should be same type"); } #if VRC_SDK_VRCSDK3 if (dstBehaivour is VRCAnimatorLayerControl layerControl) { var srcControl = srcBehaivour as VRCAnimatorLayerControl; layerControl.ApplySettings = srcControl.ApplySettings; layerControl.blendDuration = srcControl.blendDuration; layerControl.debugString = srcControl.debugString; layerControl.goalWeight = srcControl.goalWeight; layerControl.layer = srcControl.layer; layerControl.playable = srcControl.playable; } else if (dstBehaivour is VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl locomotionControl) { var srcControl = srcBehaivour as VRCAnimatorLocomotionControl; locomotionControl.ApplySettings = srcControl.ApplySettings; locomotionControl.debugString = srcControl.debugString; locomotionControl.disableLocomotion = srcControl.disableLocomotion; } /*else if (dstBehaivour is VRCAnimatorRemeasureAvatar remeasureAvatar) * { * var srcRemeasureAvatar = srcBehaivour as VRCAnimatorRemeasureAvatar; * remeasureAvatar.ApplySettings = srcRemeasureAvatar.ApplySettings; * remeasureAvatar.debugString = srcRemeasureAvatar.debugString; * remeasureAvatar.delayTime = srcRemeasureAvatar.delayTime; * remeasureAvatar.fixedDelay = srcRemeasureAvatar.fixedDelay; * }*/ else if (dstBehaivour is VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace poseSpace) { var srcPoseSpace = srcBehaivour as VRCAnimatorTemporaryPoseSpace; poseSpace.ApplySettings = srcPoseSpace.ApplySettings; poseSpace.debugString = srcPoseSpace.debugString; poseSpace.delayTime = srcPoseSpace.delayTime; poseSpace.enterPoseSpace = srcPoseSpace.enterPoseSpace; poseSpace.fixedDelay = srcPoseSpace.fixedDelay; } else if (dstBehaivour is VRCAnimatorTrackingControl trackingControl) { var srcControl = srcBehaivour as VRCAnimatorTrackingControl; trackingControl.ApplySettings = srcControl.ApplySettings; trackingControl.debugString = srcControl.debugString; trackingControl.trackingEyes = srcControl.trackingEyes; trackingControl.trackingHead = srcControl.trackingHead; trackingControl.trackingHip = srcControl.trackingHip; trackingControl.trackingLeftFingers = srcControl.trackingLeftFingers; trackingControl.trackingLeftFoot = srcControl.trackingLeftFoot; trackingControl.trackingLeftHand = srcControl.trackingLeftHand; trackingControl.trackingMouth = srcControl.trackingMouth; trackingControl.trackingRightFingers = srcControl.trackingRightFingers; trackingControl.trackingRightFoot = srcControl.trackingRightFoot; trackingControl.trackingRightHand = srcControl.trackingRightHand; } else if (dstBehaivour is VRCAvatarParameterDriver parameterDriver) { var srcDriver = srcBehaivour as VRCAvatarParameterDriver; parameterDriver.ApplySettings = srcDriver.ApplySettings; parameterDriver.debugString = srcDriver.debugString; parameterDriver.parameters = srcDriver.parameters .Select(p => new Parameter { name =, value = p.value }) .ToList(); } else if (dstBehaivour is VRCPlayableLayerControl playableLayerControl) { var srcControl = srcBehaivour as VRCPlayableLayerControl; playableLayerControl.ApplySettings = srcControl.ApplySettings; playableLayerControl.blendDuration = srcControl.blendDuration; playableLayerControl.debugString = srcControl.debugString; playableLayerControl.goalWeight = srcControl.goalWeight; playableLayerControl.layer = srcControl.layer; playableLayerControl.outputParamHash = srcControl.outputParamHash; } #endif }
public void Init() { go = CreateGameObject("stateTest"); behaviour = go.AddComponent <StateMachineBehaviour>(); engine = go.GetComponent <StateMachineEngine>(); }
/// <summary> /// 注入方法 /// </summary> public static void Inject(this StateMachineBehaviour script) { InjectionUtil.Inject(script); }
public static float GetRandomVoiceDelay(this StateMachineBehaviour stateMachineBehaviour) { return(Random.Range(AIConfig.minTalkInterval, AIConfig.maxTalkInterval)); }
public static void Fix() { VRCAvatarDescriptor[] avatars = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(VRCAvatarDescriptor)) as VRCAvatarDescriptor[]; foreach (VRCAvatarDescriptor avatar in avatars) { foreach (Animator animator in avatar.GetComponentsInChildren <Animator>(true)) { if (animator.runtimeAnimatorController == null || animator.gameObject == avatar.gameObject) { continue; } AnimatorController controller = (AnimatorController)animator.runtimeAnimatorController; bool hasBeenCopied = false; var query = (from AnimatorControllerLayer l in controller.layers where select l).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < query.Length; i++) //foreach (AnimatorControllerLayer l in query) { AnimatorControllerLayer l = query[i]; for (int j = 0; j < l.stateMachine.states.Length; j++) //foreach (ChildAnimatorState state in l.stateMachine.states) { ChildAnimatorState state = l.stateMachine.states[j]; for (int k = 0; k < state.state.behaviours.Length; k++) //foreach (StateMachineBehaviour behaviour in state.state.behaviours) { StateMachineBehaviour behaviour = state.state.behaviours[k]; if (behaviour.GetType() == typeof(VRCAnimatorLayerControl)) { VRCAnimatorLayerControl ctrl = (VRCAnimatorLayerControl)behaviour; int layer = toPlayable[(int)ctrl.playable]; if (avatar.baseAnimationLayers[layer].isDefault == true || avatar.baseAnimationLayers[layer].animatorController == null) { continue; } AnimatorController playable = (AnimatorController)avatar.baseAnimationLayers[layer].animatorController; int index = playable.layers.ToList().FindIndex(x =>; if (index == -1) { continue; } if (ctrl.layer == index) { continue; } if (!hasBeenCopied) { controller = MakeCopy(avatar, controller); hasBeenCopied = true; } ctrl = (VRCAnimatorLayerControl)controller.layers[i].stateMachine.states[j].state.behaviours[k]; ctrl.layer = index; animator.runtimeAnimatorController = controller; count++; } } } } } } if (count != 0) { AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } Debug.Log("Fixed " + count + (count == 1 ? " index" : " indices") + " on " + avatars.Length + (avatars.Length == 1 ? " avatar." : " avatars.")); count = 0; }
static public StateMachineBehaviourContext[] FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(StateMachineBehaviour behaviour) { return(Internal_FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(behaviour)); }