Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Truncate the timestep
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The timestep that satisfies the LTE</returns>
        public override double Truncate()
            double timetmp = StateChargeBe.LocalTruncationError();

            timetmp = Math.Min(timetmp, StateChargeBc.LocalTruncationError());
            timetmp = Math.Min(timetmp, StateChargeCs.LocalTruncationError());
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Transient behavior
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulation">Time-based simulation</param>
        public override void Transient(TimeSimulation simulation)
            if (simulation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simulation));

            var    state = simulation.RealState;
            double arg;
            double sarg, f1, f2, f3;

            double cbe   = _load.CurrentBe;
            double cbc   = _load.CurrentBc;
            double gbe   = _load.CondBe;
            double gbc   = _load.CondBc;
            double qb    = _load.BaseCharge;
            double geqcb = 0;

            double gpi = 0.0;
            double gmu = 0.0;
            double cb  = 0.0;
            double cc  = 0.0;

            double vbe = _load.VoltageBe;
            double vbc = _load.VoltageBc;
            double vbx = _mbp.BipolarType * (state.Solution[_baseNode] - state.Solution[_colPrimeNode]);
            double vcs = _mbp.BipolarType * (state.Solution[_substrateNode] - state.Solution[_colPrimeNode]);

            // Charge storage elements
            double tf   = _mbp.TransitTimeForward;
            double tr   = _mbp.TransitTimeReverse;
            var    czbe = _temp.TempBeCap * _bp.Area;
            var    pe   = _temp.TempBePotential;
            double xme  = _mbp.JunctionExpBe;
            double cdis = _mbp.BaseFractionBcCap;
            var    ctot = _temp.TempBcCap * _bp.Area;
            var    czbc = ctot * cdis;
            var    czbx = ctot - czbc;
            var    pc   = _temp.TempBcPotential;
            double xmc  = _mbp.JunctionExpBc;
            var    fcpe = _temp.TempDepletionCap;
            var    czcs = _mbp.CapCs * _bp.Area;
            double ps   = _mbp.PotentialSubstrate;
            double xms  = _mbp.ExponentialSubstrate;
            double xtf  = _mbp.TransitTimeBiasCoefficientForward;
            var    ovtf = _modeltemp.TransitTimeVoltageBcFactor;
            var    xjtf = _mbp.TransitTimeHighCurrentForward * _bp.Area;

            if (!tf.Equals(0) && vbe > 0) // Avoid computations
                double argtf = 0;
                double arg2  = 0;
                double arg3  = 0;
                if (!xtf.Equals(0)) // Avoid computations
                    argtf = xtf;
                    if (!ovtf.Equals(0)) // Avoid expensive Exp()
                        argtf = argtf * Math.Exp(vbc * ovtf);
                    arg2 = argtf;
                    if (!xjtf.Equals(0)) // Avoid computations
                        var tmp = cbe / (cbe + xjtf);
                        argtf = argtf * tmp * tmp;
                        arg2  = argtf * (3 - tmp - tmp);
                    arg3 = cbe * argtf * ovtf;
                cbe   = cbe * (1 + argtf) / qb;
                gbe   = (gbe * (1 + arg2) - cbe * _load.Dqbdve) / qb;
                geqcb = tf * (arg3 - cbe * _load.Dqbdvc) / qb;
            if (vbe < fcpe)
                arg  = 1 - vbe / pe;
                sarg = Math.Exp(-xme * Math.Log(arg));
                StateChargeBe.Current = tf * cbe + pe * czbe * (1 - arg * sarg) / (1 - xme);
                CapBe = tf * gbe + czbe * sarg;
                f1 = _temp.TempFactor1;
                f2 = _modeltemp.F2;
                f3 = _modeltemp.F3;
                var czbef2 = czbe / f2;
                StateChargeBe.Current = tf * cbe + czbe * f1 + czbef2 * (f3 * (vbe - fcpe) + xme / (pe + pe) * (vbe * vbe -
                                                                                                                fcpe * fcpe));
                CapBe = tf * gbe + czbef2 * (f3 + xme * vbe / pe);
            var fcpc = _temp.TempFactor4;

            f1 = _temp.TempFactor5;
            f2 = _modeltemp.F6;
            f3 = _modeltemp.F7;
            if (vbc < fcpc)
                arg  = 1 - vbc / pc;
                sarg = Math.Exp(-xmc * Math.Log(arg));
                StateChargeBc.Current = tr * cbc + pc * czbc * (1 - arg * sarg) / (1 - xmc);
                CapBc = tr * gbc + czbc * sarg;
                var czbcf2 = czbc / f2;
                StateChargeBc.Current = tr * cbc + czbc * f1 + czbcf2 * (f3 * (vbc - fcpc) + xmc / (pc + pc) * (vbc * vbc -
                                                                                                                fcpc * fcpc));
                CapBc = tr * gbc + czbcf2 * (f3 + xmc * vbc / pc);
            if (vbx < fcpc)
                arg  = 1 - vbx / pc;
                sarg = Math.Exp(-xmc * Math.Log(arg));
                StateChargeBx.Current = pc * czbx * (1 - arg * sarg) / (1 - xmc);
                CapBx = czbx * sarg;
                var czbxf2 = czbx / f2;
                StateChargeBx.Current = czbx * f1 + czbxf2 * (f3 * (vbx - fcpc) + xmc / (pc + pc) * (vbx * vbx - fcpc * fcpc));
                CapBx = czbxf2 * (f3 + xmc * vbx / pc);
            if (vcs < 0)
                arg  = 1 - vcs / ps;
                sarg = Math.Exp(-xms * Math.Log(arg));
                StateChargeCs.Current = ps * czcs * (1 - arg * sarg) / (1 - xms);
                CapCs = czcs * sarg;
                StateChargeCs.Current = vcs * czcs * (1 + xms * vcs / (2 * ps));
                CapCs = czcs * (1 + xms * vcs / ps);

            geqcb = StateChargeBe.Jacobian(geqcb); // Multiplies geqcb with method.Slope (ag[0])
            gpi  += StateChargeBe.Jacobian(CapBe);
            cb   += StateChargeBe.Derivative;
            gmu += StateChargeBc.Jacobian(CapBc);
            cb  += StateChargeBc.Derivative;
            cc  -= StateChargeBc.Derivative;

            // Charge storage for c-s and b-x junctions
            double gccs = StateChargeCs.Jacobian(CapCs);

            double geqbx = StateChargeBx.Jacobian(CapBx);

            // Load current excitation vector
            double ceqcs = _mbp.BipolarType * (StateChargeCs.Derivative - vcs * gccs);
            double ceqbx = _mbp.BipolarType * (StateChargeBx.Derivative - vbx * geqbx);
            double ceqbe = _mbp.BipolarType * (cc + cb - vbe * gpi + vbc * -geqcb);
            double ceqbc = _mbp.BipolarType * (-cc + -vbc * gmu);

            // Load Rhs-vector
            BasePtr.Value           += -ceqbx;
            CollectorPrimePtr.Value += ceqcs + ceqbx + ceqbc;
            BasePrimePtr.Value      += -ceqbe - ceqbc;
            EmitterPrimePtr.Value   += ceqbe;
            SubstratePtr.Value      += -ceqcs;

            // Load Y-matrix
            BaseBasePtr.Value += geqbx;
            CollectorPrimeCollectorPrimePtr.Value += gmu + gccs + geqbx;
            BasePrimeBasePrimePtr.Value           += gpi + gmu + geqcb;
            EmitterPrimeEmitterPrimePtr.Value     += gpi;
            CollectorPrimeBasePrimePtr.Value      += -gmu;
            BasePrimeCollectorPrimePtr.Value      += -gmu - geqcb;
            BasePrimeEmitterPrimePtr.Value        += -gpi;
            EmitterPrimeCollectorPrimePtr.Value   += geqcb;
            EmitterPrimeBasePrimePtr.Value        += -gpi - geqcb;
            SubstrateSubstratePtr.Value           += gccs;
            CollectorPrimeSubstratePtr.Value      += -gccs;
            SubstrateCollectorPrimePtr.Value      += -gccs;
            BaseCollectorPrimePtr.Value           += -geqbx;
            CollectorPrimeBasePtr.Value           += -geqbx;