private SequenceStatement(Statement head, Statement tail) : this(Sharpen.Arrays.AsList(head, tail)) { List <StatEdge> lstSuccs = tail.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); if (!(lstSuccs.Count == 0)) { StatEdge edge = lstSuccs[0]; if (edge.GetType() == StatEdge.Type_Regular && edge.GetDestination() != head) { post = edge.GetDestination(); } } }
// ***************************************************************************** // public methods // ***************************************************************************** public static Statement IsHead2Block(Statement head) { if (head.GetLastBasicType() != Statement.Lastbasictype_General) { return(null); } // at most one outgoing edge StatEdge edge = null; List <StatEdge> lstSuccs = head.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); if (!(lstSuccs.Count == 0)) { edge = lstSuccs[0]; } if (edge != null && edge.GetType() == StatEdge.Type_Regular) { Statement stat = edge.GetDestination(); if (stat != head && stat.GetPredecessorEdges(StatEdge.Type_Regular).Count == 1 && !stat.IsMonitorEnter()) { if (stat.GetLastBasicType() == Statement.Lastbasictype_General) { if (DecHelper.CheckStatementExceptions(Sharpen.Arrays.AsList(head, stat))) { return(new SequenceStatement(head, stat)); } } } } return(null); }
public override void ReplaceStatement(Statement oldstat, Statement newstat) { base.ReplaceStatement(oldstat, newstat); if (ifstat == oldstat) { ifstat = newstat; } if (elsestat == oldstat) { elsestat = newstat; } List <StatEdge> lstSuccs = first.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); if (iftype == Iftype_If) { ifedge = lstSuccs[0]; elseedge = null; } else { StatEdge edge0 = lstSuccs[0]; StatEdge edge1 = lstSuccs[1]; if (edge0.GetDestination() == ifstat) { ifedge = edge0; elseedge = edge1; } else { ifedge = edge1; elseedge = edge0; } } }
// post is always null! // ***************************************************************************** // public methods // ***************************************************************************** public static Statement IsHead(Statement head) { if (head.GetLastBasicType() == Lastbasictype_General && !head.IsMonitorEnter()) { // at most one outgoing edge StatEdge edge = null; List <StatEdge> lstSuccs = head.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); if (!(lstSuccs.Count == 0)) { edge = lstSuccs[0]; } // regular loop if (edge != null && edge.GetType() == StatEdge.Type_Regular && edge.GetDestination () == head) { return(new DoStatement(head)); } // continues if (head.type != Type_Do && (edge == null || edge.GetType() != StatEdge.Type_Regular ) && head.GetContinueSet().Contains(head.GetBasichead())) { return(new DoStatement(head)); } } return(null); }
public virtual void RemoveSuccessor(StatEdge edge) { if (edge == null) { return; } RemoveEdgeInternal(Direction_Forward, edge); if (edge.closure != null) { edge.closure.GetLabelEdges().Remove(edge); } if (edge.GetDestination() != null) { // TODO: redundant? edge.GetDestination().RemovePredecessor(edge); } }
public virtual void AddSuccessor(StatEdge edge) { AddEdgeInternal(Direction_Forward, edge); if (edge.closure != null) { edge.closure.GetLabelEdges().Add(edge); } edge.GetDestination().AddPredecessor(edge); }
public virtual void ReplaceStatement(Statement oldstat, Statement newstat) { foreach (StatEdge edge in oldstat.GetAllPredecessorEdges()) { oldstat.RemovePredecessor(edge); edge.GetSource().ChangeEdgeNode(Direction_Forward, edge, newstat); newstat.AddPredecessor(edge); } foreach (StatEdge edge in oldstat.GetAllSuccessorEdges()) { oldstat.RemoveSuccessor(edge); edge.SetSource(newstat); newstat.AddSuccessor(edge); } int statindex = stats.GetIndexByKey(; stats.RemoveWithKey(; stats.AddWithKeyAndIndex(statindex, newstat,; newstat.SetParent(this); =; if (first == oldstat) { first = newstat; } List <StatEdge> lst = new List <StatEdge>(oldstat.GetLabelEdges()); for (int i = lst.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StatEdge edge = lst[i]; if (edge.GetSource() != newstat) { newstat.AddLabeledEdge(edge); } else if (this == edge.GetDestination() || this.ContainsStatementStrict(edge.GetDestination ())) { edge.closure = null; } else { this.AddLabeledEdge(edge); } } oldstat.GetLabelEdges().Clear(); }
public SynchronizedStatement(Statement head, Statement body, Statement exc) : this() { first = head; stats.AddWithKey(head,; this.body = body; stats.AddWithKey(body,; stats.AddWithKey(exc,; List <StatEdge> lstSuccs = body.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); if (!(lstSuccs.Count == 0)) { StatEdge edge = lstSuccs[0]; if (edge.GetType() == StatEdge.Type_Regular) { post = edge.GetDestination(); } } }
public virtual void ChangeEdgeType(int direction, StatEdge edge, int newtype) { int oldtype = edge.GetType(); if (oldtype == newtype) { return; } if (oldtype == StatEdge.Type_Exception || newtype == StatEdge.Type_Exception) { throw new Exception("Invalid edge type!"); } RemoveEdgeDirectInternal(direction, edge, oldtype); AddEdgeDirectInternal(direction, edge, newtype); if (direction == Direction_Forward) { edge.GetDestination().ChangeEdgeType(Direction_Backward, edge, newtype); } edge.SetType(newtype); }
private CatchAllStatement(Statement head, Statement handler) : this() { first = head; stats.AddWithKey(head,; this.handler = handler; stats.AddWithKey(handler,; List <StatEdge> lstSuccs = head.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); if (!(lstSuccs.Count == 0)) { StatEdge edge = lstSuccs[0]; if (edge.GetType() == StatEdge.Type_Regular) { post = edge.GetDestination(); } } vars.Add(new VarExprent(DecompilerContext.GetCounterContainer().GetCounterAndIncrement (CounterContainer.Var_Counter), new VarType(ICodeConstants.Type_Object, 0, "java/lang/Throwable" ), DecompilerContext.GetVarProcessor())); }
// ***************************************************************************** // private methods // ***************************************************************************** private static void AddToReversePostOrderListIterative(Statement root, IList <Statement> lst) { LinkedList <Statement> stackNode = new LinkedList <Statement>(); LinkedList <int> stackIndex = new LinkedList <int>(); HashSet <Statement> setVisited = new HashSet <Statement>(); stackNode.AddLast(root); stackIndex.AddLast(0); while (!(stackNode.Count == 0)) { Statement node = stackNode.Last.Value; int index = Sharpen.Collections.RemoveLast(stackIndex); setVisited.Add(node); List <StatEdge> lstEdges = node.GetAllSuccessorEdges(); for (; index < lstEdges.Count; index++) { StatEdge edge = lstEdges[index]; Statement succ = edge.GetDestination(); if (!setVisited.Contains(succ) && (edge.GetType() == StatEdge.Type_Regular || edge .GetType() == StatEdge.Type_Exception)) { // TODO: edge filter? stackIndex.AddLast(index + 1); stackNode.AddLast(succ); stackIndex.AddLast(0); break; } } if (index == lstEdges.Count) { lst.Insert(0, node); Sharpen.Collections.RemoveLast(stackNode); } } }
private void AddEdgeDirectInternal(int direction, StatEdge edge, int edgetype) { Dictionary <int, List <StatEdge> > mapEdges = direction == Direction_Backward ? mapPredEdges : mapSuccEdges; Dictionary <int, List <Statement> > mapStates = direction == Direction_Backward ? mapPredStates : mapSuccStates; mapEdges.ComputeIfAbsent(edgetype, (int k) => new List <StatEdge>()).Add(edge); mapStates.ComputeIfAbsent(edgetype, (int k) => new List <Statement>()).Add(direction == Direction_Backward ? edge.GetSource() : edge.GetDestination()); }
// ***************************************************************************** // private methods // ***************************************************************************** public virtual void SortEdgesAndNodes() { Dictionary <StatEdge, int> mapEdgeIndex = new Dictionary <StatEdge, int>(); List <StatEdge> lstFirstSuccs = first.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); for (int i = 0; i < lstFirstSuccs.Count; i++) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapEdgeIndex, lstFirstSuccs[i], i == 0 ? lstFirstSuccs.Count : i); } // case values BasicBlockStatement bbstat = (BasicBlockStatement)first; int[] values = ((SwitchInstruction)bbstat.GetBlock().GetLastInstruction()).GetValues (); List <Statement> nodes = new List <Statement>(stats.Count - 1); List <List <int?> > edges = new List <List <int?> >(stats.Count - 1); // collect regular edges for (int i = 1; i < stats.Count; i++) { Statement stat = stats[i]; List <int?> lst = new List <int?>(); foreach (StatEdge edge in stat.GetPredecessorEdges(StatEdge.Type_Regular)) { if (edge.GetSource() == first) { lst.Add(mapEdgeIndex.GetOrNullable(edge)); } } lst.Sort(); nodes.Add(stat); edges.Add(lst); } // collect exit edges List <StatEdge> lstExitEdges = first.GetSuccessorEdges(StatEdge.Type_Break | StatEdge .Type_Continue); while (!(lstExitEdges.Count == 0)) { StatEdge edge = lstExitEdges[0]; List <int?> lst = new List <int?>(); for (int i = lstExitEdges.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StatEdge edgeTemp = lstExitEdges[i]; if (edgeTemp.GetDestination() == edge.GetDestination() && edgeTemp.GetType() == edge .GetType()) { lst.Add(mapEdgeIndex.GetOrNullable(edgeTemp)); lstExitEdges.RemoveAtReturningValue(i); } } lst.Sort(); nodes.Add(null); edges.Add(lst); } // sort edges (bubblesort) for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = edges.Count - 1; j > i; j--) { if (edges[j - 1][0] > edges[j][0]) { edges[j] = edges[j - 1] = edges[j]; nodes[j] = nodes[j - 1] = nodes[j]; } } } // sort statement cliques for (int index = 0; index < nodes.Count; index++) { Statement stat = nodes[index]; if (stat != null) { HashSet <Statement> setPreds = new HashSet <Statement>(stat.GetNeighbours(StatEdge. Type_Regular, Direction_Backward)); setPreds.Remove(first); if (!(setPreds.Count == 0)) { Statement pred = new Sharpen.EnumeratorAdapter <Statement>(setPreds.GetEnumerator()).Next(); // assumption: at most one predecessor node besides the head. May not hold true for obfuscated code. for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Count; j++) { if (j != (index - 1) && nodes[j] == pred) { nodes.Add(j + 1, stat); edges.Add(j + 1, edges[index]); if (j > index) { nodes.RemoveAtReturningValue(index); edges.RemoveAtReturningValue(index); index--; } else { nodes.RemoveAtReturningValue(index + 1); edges.RemoveAtReturningValue(index + 1); } break; } } } } } // translate indices back into edges List <List <StatEdge> > lstEdges = new List <List <StatEdge> >(edges.Count); List <List <Exprent> > lstValues = new List <List <Exprent> >(edges.Count); foreach (List <int?> lst in edges) { List <StatEdge> lste = new List <StatEdge>(lst.Count); List <Exprent> lstv = new List <Exprent>(lst.Count); List <StatEdge> lstSuccs = first.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); foreach (int? @in in lst) { int?index = @in == lstSuccs.Count ? 0 : @in; if (!index.HasValue) { continue; } lste.Add(lstSuccs[index.Value]); lstv.Add(index == 0 ? null : new ConstExprent(values[index.Value - 1], false, null)); } lstEdges.Add(lste); lstValues.Add(lstv); } // replace null statements with dummy basic blocks for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { if (nodes[i] == null) { BasicBlockStatement bstat = new BasicBlockStatement(new BasicBlock(DecompilerContext .GetCounterContainer().GetCounterAndIncrement(CounterContainer.Statement_Counter ))); StatEdge sample_edge = lstEdges[i][0]; bstat.AddSuccessor(new StatEdge(sample_edge.GetType(), bstat, sample_edge.GetDestination (), sample_edge.closure)); foreach (StatEdge edge in lstEdges[i]) { edge.GetSource().ChangeEdgeType(Direction_Forward, edge, StatEdge.Type_Regular); edge.closure.GetLabelEdges().Remove(edge); edge.GetDestination().RemovePredecessor(edge); edge.GetSource().ChangeEdgeNode(Direction_Forward, edge, bstat); bstat.AddPredecessor(edge); } nodes[i] = bstat; stats.AddWithKey(bstat,; bstat.SetParent(this); } } caseStatements = nodes; caseEdges = lstEdges; caseValues = lstValues; }
private void FlattenStatement() { LinkedList <_T2081736913> lstStackStatements = new LinkedList <_T2081736913>(); lstStackStatements.AddLast(new _T2081736913(this, root, new LinkedList <FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry >(), null)); while (!(lstStackStatements.Count == 0)) { _T2081736913 statEntry = Sharpen.Collections.RemoveFirst(lstStackStatements); Statement stat = statEntry.statement; LinkedList <FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry> stackFinally = statEntry.stackFinally; int statementBreakIndex = statEntry.statementIndex; DirectNode node; DirectNode nd; List <StatEdge> lstSuccEdges = new List <StatEdge>(); DirectNode sourcenode = null; if (statEntry.succEdges == null) { switch (stat.type) { case Statement.Type_Basicblock: { node = new DirectNode(DirectNode.Node_Direct, stat, (BasicBlockStatement)stat); if (stat.GetExprents() != null) { node.exprents = stat.GetExprents(); } graph.nodes.PutWithKey(node,; Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, null }); Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(lstSuccEdges, stat.GetSuccessorEdges(Statement.Statedge_Direct_All )); sourcenode = node; List <Exprent> tailExprentList = statEntry.tailExprents; if (tailExprentList != null) { DirectNode tail = new DirectNode(DirectNode.Node_Tail, stat, + "_tail"); tail.exprents = tailExprentList; graph.nodes.PutWithKey(tail,; Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, null }); listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(,, StatEdge.Type_Regular )); sourcenode = tail; } // 'if' statement: record positive branch if (stat.GetLastBasicType() == Statement.Lastbasictype_If) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapPosIfBranch,, lstSuccEdges[0].GetDestination ().id); } break; } case Statement.Type_Catchall: case Statement.Type_Trycatch: { DirectNode firstnd = new DirectNode(DirectNode.Node_Try, stat, + "_try"); Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, null }); graph.nodes.PutWithKey(firstnd,; LinkedList <_T2081736913> lst = new LinkedList <_T2081736913>(); foreach (Statement st in stat.GetStats()) { listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(,, StatEdge.Type_Regular )); LinkedList <FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry> stack = stackFinally; if (stat.type == Statement.Type_Catchall && ((CatchAllStatement)stat).IsFinally()) { stack = new LinkedList <FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry>(stackFinally); if (st == stat.GetFirst()) { // catch head stack.AddLast(new FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry((CatchAllStatement)stat, false)); } else { // handler stack.AddLast(new FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry((CatchAllStatement)stat, true, StatEdge .Type_Break, root.GetDummyExit(), st, st, firstnd, firstnd, true)); } } lst.AddLast(new _T2081736913(this, st, stack, null)); } lstStackStatements = new LinkedList <_T2081736913>(lst.Concat(lstStackStatements)); break; } case Statement.Type_Do: { if (statementBreakIndex == 0) { statEntry.statementIndex = 1; lstStackStatements.AddFirst(statEntry); lstStackStatements.AddFirst(new _T2081736913(this, stat.GetFirst(), stackFinally, null)); goto mainloop_continue; } nd = graph.nodes.GetWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.GetOrNull(stat.GetFirst().id)[0]); DoStatement dostat = (DoStatement)stat; int looptype = dostat.GetLooptype(); if (looptype == DoStatement.Loop_Do) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, }); break; } lstSuccEdges.Add(stat.GetSuccessorEdges(Statement.Statedge_Direct_All)[0]); switch (looptype) { case DoStatement.Loop_While: case DoStatement.Loop_Dowhile: { // exactly one edge node = new DirectNode(DirectNode.Node_Condition, stat, + "_cond"); node.exprents = dostat.GetConditionExprentList(); graph.nodes.PutWithKey(node,; listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(, stat.GetFirst().id, StatEdge .Type_Regular)); if (looptype == DoStatement.Loop_While) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, node .id }); } else { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, node. id }); bool found = false; foreach (FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge edge in listEdges) { if (edge.statid.Equals( && edge.edgetype == StatEdge.Type_Continue) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(,, StatEdge.Type_Continue )); } } sourcenode = node; break; } case DoStatement.Loop_For: { DirectNode nodeinit = new DirectNode(DirectNode.Node_Init, stat, + "_init" ); if (dostat.GetInitExprent() != null) { nodeinit.exprents = dostat.GetInitExprentList(); } graph.nodes.PutWithKey(nodeinit,; DirectNode nodecond = new DirectNode(DirectNode.Node_Condition, stat, + "_cond" ); nodecond.exprents = dostat.GetConditionExprentList(); graph.nodes.PutWithKey(nodecond,; DirectNode nodeinc = new DirectNode(DirectNode.Node_Increment, stat, + "_inc" ); nodeinc.exprents = dostat.GetIncExprentList(); graph.nodes.PutWithKey(nodeinc,; Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, }); Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] { , null }); listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(, stat.GetFirst().id, StatEdge .Type_Regular)); listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(,, StatEdge.Type_Regular )); listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(,, StatEdge.Type_Regular )); bool found_1 = false; foreach (FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge edge in listEdges) { if (edge.statid.Equals( && edge.edgetype == StatEdge.Type_Continue) { found_1 = true; break; } } if (!found_1) { listEdges.Add(new FlattenStatementsHelper.Edge(,, StatEdge.Type_Continue )); } sourcenode = nodecond; break; } } break; } case Statement.Type_Syncronized: case Statement.Type_Switch: case Statement.Type_If: case Statement.Type_Sequence: case Statement.Type_Root: { int statsize = stat.GetStats().Count; if (stat.type == Statement.Type_Syncronized) { statsize = 2; } // exclude the handler if synchronized if (statementBreakIndex <= statsize) { List <Exprent> tailexprlst = null; switch (stat.type) { case Statement.Type_Syncronized: { tailexprlst = ((SynchronizedStatement)stat).GetHeadexprentList(); break; } case Statement.Type_Switch: { tailexprlst = ((SwitchStatement)stat).GetHeadexprentList(); break; } case Statement.Type_If: { tailexprlst = ((IfStatement)stat).GetHeadexprentList(); break; } } for (int i = statementBreakIndex; i < statsize; i++) { statEntry.statementIndex = i + 1; lstStackStatements.AddFirst(statEntry); lstStackStatements.AddFirst(new _T2081736913(this, stat.GetStats()[i], stackFinally , (i == 0 && tailexprlst != null && tailexprlst[0] != null) ? tailexprlst : null )); goto mainloop_continue; } node = graph.nodes.GetWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.GetOrNull(stat.GetFirst().id)[0 ]); Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapDestinationNodes,, new string[] {, null }); if (stat.type == Statement.Type_If && ((IfStatement)stat).iftype == IfStatement.Iftype_If) { lstSuccEdges.Add(stat.GetSuccessorEdges(Statement.Statedge_Direct_All)[0]); // exactly one edge sourcenode = tailexprlst[0] == null ? node : graph.nodes.GetWithKey( + "_tail" ); } } break; } } } // no successor edges if (sourcenode != null) { if (statEntry.succEdges != null) { lstSuccEdges = statEntry.succEdges; } for (int edgeindex = statEntry.edgeIndex; edgeindex < lstSuccEdges.Count; edgeindex ++) { StatEdge edge = lstSuccEdges[edgeindex]; LinkedList <FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry> stack = new LinkedList <FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry >(stackFinally); int edgetype = edge.GetType(); Statement destination = edge.GetDestination(); DirectNode finallyShortRangeSource = sourcenode; DirectNode finallyLongRangeSource = sourcenode; Statement finallyShortRangeEntry = null; Statement finallyLongRangeEntry = null; bool isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath = false; bool isFinallyExit = false; while (true) { FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry entry = null; if (!(stack.Count == 0)) { entry = stack.Last(); } bool created = true; if (entry == null) { SaveEdge(sourcenode, destination, edgetype, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); } else { CatchAllStatement catchall = entry.catchstatement; if (entry.state) { // finally handler statement if (edgetype == StatEdge.Type_Finallyexit) { Sharpen.Collections.RemoveLast(stack); destination = entry.destination; edgetype = entry.edgetype; finallyShortRangeSource = entry.finallyShortRangeSource; finallyLongRangeSource = entry.finallyLongRangeSource; finallyShortRangeEntry = entry.finallyShortRangeEntry; finallyLongRangeEntry = entry.finallyLongRangeEntry; isFinallyExit = true; isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath = (catchall.GetMonitor() != null) & entry.isFinallyExceptionPath; created = false; } else if (!catchall.ContainsStatementStrict(destination)) { Sharpen.Collections.RemoveLast(stack); created = false; } else { SaveEdge(sourcenode, destination, edgetype, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); } } else if (!catchall.ContainsStatementStrict(destination)) { // finally protected try statement SaveEdge(sourcenode, catchall.GetHandler(), StatEdge.Type_Regular, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); Sharpen.Collections.RemoveLast(stack); stack.AddLast(new FlattenStatementsHelper.StackEntry(catchall, true, edgetype, destination , catchall.GetHandler(), finallyLongRangeEntry == null ? catchall.GetHandler() : finallyLongRangeEntry, sourcenode, finallyLongRangeSource, false)); statEntry.edgeIndex = edgeindex + 1; statEntry.succEdges = lstSuccEdges; lstStackStatements.AddFirst(statEntry); lstStackStatements.AddFirst(new _T2081736913(this, catchall.GetHandler(), stack, null)); goto mainloop_continue; } else { SaveEdge(sourcenode, destination, edgetype, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); } } if (created) { break; } } } } mainloop_continue :; } mainloop_break :; }
private IfStatement(Statement head, int regedges, Statement postst) : this() { first = head; stats.AddWithKey(head,; List <StatEdge> lstHeadSuccs = head.GetSuccessorEdges(Statedge_Direct_All); switch (regedges) { case 0: { ifstat = null; elsestat = null; break; } case 1: { ifstat = null; elsestat = null; StatEdge edgeif = lstHeadSuccs[1]; if (edgeif.GetType() != StatEdge.Type_Regular) { post = lstHeadSuccs[0].GetDestination(); } else { post = edgeif.GetDestination(); negated = true; } break; } case 2: { elsestat = lstHeadSuccs[0].GetDestination(); ifstat = lstHeadSuccs[1].GetDestination(); List <StatEdge> lstSucc = ifstat.GetSuccessorEdges(StatEdge.Type_Regular); List <StatEdge> lstSucc1 = elsestat.GetSuccessorEdges(StatEdge.Type_Regular); if (ifstat.GetPredecessorEdges(StatEdge.Type_Regular).Count > 1 || lstSucc.Count > 1) { post = ifstat; } else if (elsestat.GetPredecessorEdges(StatEdge.Type_Regular).Count > 1 || lstSucc1 .Count > 1) { post = elsestat; } else if (lstSucc.Count == 0) { post = elsestat; } else if (lstSucc1.Count == 0) { post = ifstat; } if (ifstat == post) { if (elsestat != post) { ifstat = elsestat; negated = true; } else { ifstat = null; } elsestat = null; } else if (elsestat == post) { elsestat = null; } else { post = postst; } if (elsestat == null) { regedges = 1; } break; } } // if without else ifedge = lstHeadSuccs[negated ? 0 : 1]; elseedge = (regedges == 2) ? lstHeadSuccs[negated ? 1 : 0] : null; iftype = (regedges == 2) ? Iftype_Ifelse : Iftype_If; if (iftype == Iftype_If) { if (regedges == 0) { StatEdge edge = lstHeadSuccs[0]; head.RemoveSuccessor(edge); edge.SetSource(this); this.AddSuccessor(edge); } else if (regedges == 1) { StatEdge edge = lstHeadSuccs[negated ? 1 : 0]; head.RemoveSuccessor(edge); } } if (ifstat != null) { stats.AddWithKey(ifstat,; } if (elsestat != null) { stats.AddWithKey(elsestat,; } if (post == head) { post = this; } }