Пример #1
            // Create the Stash Client.

            StashClient <Employee>
            client = StashConfiguration.GetClient <Employee>();

            // Create the underlying table if it does not already exists


            // Create an instance of the class

            string departmentDev = "Dev";

                dataWritten = new Employee {
                Department  = departmentDev,
                EmployeeId  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name        = "John Doe",
                SkillLevel  = 8,
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1)

            // update the private field

            // Stash it


            // Note: On inserts, updates and merges, the ETag is overwritten from the ETag returned to keep the data
            // in sync.

            // And read it back

                dataRead = client.Get(dataWritten.Department, dataWritten.EmployeeId);

            // Verify we got back what we put in


            // Verify that the 2 ETags are identical
            Assert.IsTrue(dataRead.ETagInternal == dataWritten.ETagInternal);

            // Change the Skill level and update the Stash

            dataWritten.SkillLevel += 1;



            // Read back the data but this time lets use LINQ

                dataReadUpdated = client.CreateQuery()
                                  .Where(imp => imp.Department == departmentDev &&
                                         imp.EmployeeId == dataWritten.EmployeeId)

            // Again verify that we got back what we put in


            // Verify that the 2 ETags are identical
            Assert.IsTrue(dataWritten.ETagInternal == dataReadUpdated.ETagInternal);

            // now attempt to update the data read the first time around
            // this should fail and throw an exception since the data was updated since the row was last read and
            // so has a stale ETag.
            // Uses the implied update mode here by default. That is, if the StashETag attribute is applied to a
            // member in the class, implies ETag must match,

            bool isSuccess;


                isSuccess = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsTrue((ex as StashException).Error == StashError.ETagMatchFailed);

                isSuccess = true;


            // attempt to update it again but this time ignore ETag matching. This should succeed.
            // and dataRead has the latest ETag


            // now attempt to delete the entity using the data written entity
            // this should fail and throw an exception since the data was recently updated and so has a new ETag
            // Uses the implied update mode here by default. That is, if the StashETag attribute is applied to a
            // member in the class, implies ETag must match,


                isSuccess = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsTrue((ex as StashException).Error == StashError.ETagMatchFailed);

                isSuccess = true;


            // now delete the entity unconditionally without the need for ETag Matching.
            // Can instead also use client.DeleteUnconditional here too.

            client.Delete(dataRead, ETagMatch.Unconditional);

            // And verify that it was actually deleted
            // by attempting to read back the data

            var queryable = from imp in client.CreateQuery()
                            where       imp.Department == dataWritten.Department &&
                            imp.EmployeeId == dataWritten.EmployeeId
                            select imp;

            Assert.IsTrue(queryable.ToList().Count == 0);

            // Essentially the ETag gist is this.
            // Define and decorate a member in your type with an ETag if you want to optimistic concurrency support.
            //   Stash will keep you ETag in sync across inserts, updates and merges.
            //   There are multiple ways to implicitly override ETag matching if that is what is wanted.
            // The implicit way to disable optimistic concurrency support is not to define an ETag member.

            // So far so good. This concludes this part of the tutorial. Go Stash!