internal OperationResult StartsWithOperationDelegate(Clause clause, object?state1, object?state2, IEnumerable <ClauseCapture>?captures) { (var stateOneList, var stateOneDict) = Analyzer?.ObjectToValues(state1) ?? (new List <string>(), new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >()); (var stateTwoList, var stateTwoDict) = Analyzer?.ObjectToValues(state2) ?? (new List <string>(), new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >()); if (clause.Data is List <string> StartsWithData) { var results = new List <string>(); foreach (var entry in stateOneList) { var res = StartsWithData.Any(x => entry.StartsWith(x)); if ((res && !clause.Invert) || (clause.Invert && !res)) { results.Add(entry); } } if (results.Any()) { var typeHolder = state1 ?? state2; return(typeHolder switch { string _ => new OperationResult(true, !clause.Capture ? null : new TypedClauseCapture <string>(clause, results.First(), state1, null)), _ => new OperationResult(true, !clause.Capture ? null : new TypedClauseCapture <List <string> >(clause, results, state1, null)), });
protected bool AnalyzeClause(Clause clause, object?before = null, object?after = null) { if (clause == null || (before == null && after == null)) { return(false); } try { // Support bare objects if (clause.Field is string) { after = GetValueByPropertyString(after, clause.Field); before = GetValueByPropertyString(before, clause.Field); } var typeHolder = before is null ? after : before; (var beforeList, var beforeDict) = ObjectToValues(before); (var afterList, var afterDict) = ObjectToValues(after); var valsToCheck = beforeList.Union(afterList); var dictToCheck = beforeDict.Union(afterDict); switch (clause.Operation) { case OPERATION.EQ: if (clause.Data is List <string> EqualsData) { if (EqualsData.Intersect(valsToCheck).Any()) { return(true); } } return(false); case OPERATION.NEQ: if (clause.Data is List <string> NotEqualsData) { if (!NotEqualsData.Intersect(valsToCheck).Any()) { return(true); } } return(false); // If *every* entry of the clause data is matched case OPERATION.CONTAINS: if (dictToCheck.Any()) { if (clause.DictData is List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > ContainsData) { if (ContainsData.All(y => dictToCheck.Any((x) => x.Key == y.Key && x.Value == y.Value))) { return(true); } } } else if (valsToCheck.Any()) { if (clause.Data is List <string> ContainsDataList) { // If we are dealing with an array on the object side if (typeHolder is List <string> ) { if (ContainsDataList.All(x => valsToCheck.Contains(x))) { return(true); } } // If we are dealing with a single string we do a .Contains instead else if (typeHolder is string) { if (clause.Data.All(x => valsToCheck.First()?.Contains(x) ?? false)) { return(true); } } } } return(false); // If *any* entry of the clause data is matched case OPERATION.CONTAINS_ANY: if (dictToCheck.Any()) { if (clause.DictData is List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > ContainsData) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> value in ContainsData) { if (dictToCheck.Any(x => x.Key == value.Key && x.Value == value.Value)) { return(true); } } } } else if (valsToCheck.Any()) { if (clause.Data is List <string> ContainsDataList) { if (typeHolder is List <string> ) { if (ContainsDataList.Any(x => valsToCheck.Contains(x))) { return(true); } } // If we are dealing with a single string we do a .Contains instead else if (typeHolder is string) { if (clause.Data.Any(x => valsToCheck.First()?.Contains(x) ?? false)) { return(true); } } } } return(false); // If any of the data values are greater than the first provided clause value We // ignore all other clause values case OPERATION.GT: foreach (var val in valsToCheck) { if (int.TryParse(val, out int valToCheck)) { if (int.TryParse(clause.Data?[0], out int dataValue)) { if (valToCheck > dataValue) { return(true); } } } } return(false); // If any of the data values are less than the first provided clause value We // ignore all other clause values case OPERATION.LT: foreach (var val in valsToCheck) { if (int.TryParse(val, out int valToCheck)) { if (int.TryParse(clause.Data?[0], out int dataValue)) { if (valToCheck < dataValue) { return(true); } } } } return(false); // If any of the regexes match any of the values case OPERATION.REGEX: if (clause.Data is List <string> RegexList) { if (RegexList.Count > 0) { var built = string.Join('|', RegexList); if (!RegexCache.ContainsKey(built)) { try { RegexCache.TryAdd(built, new Regex(built, RegexOptions.Compiled)); } catch (ArgumentException) { Log.Warning("InvalidArgumentException when analyzing clause {0}. Regex {1} is invalid and will be skipped.", clause.Label, built); RegexCache.TryAdd(built, new Regex("", RegexOptions.Compiled)); } } if (valsToCheck.Any(x => RegexCache[built].IsMatch(x))) { return(true); } } } return(false); // Ignores provided data. Checks if the named property has changed. case OPERATION.WAS_MODIFIED: CompareLogic compareLogic = new CompareLogic(); ComparisonResult comparisonResult = compareLogic.Compare(before, after); return(!comparisonResult.AreEqual); // Ends with any of the provided data case OPERATION.ENDS_WITH: if (clause.Data is List <string> EndsWithData) { if (valsToCheck.Any(x => EndsWithData.Any(y => x is string && x.EndsWith(y, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)))) { return(true); } } return(false); // Starts with any of the provided data case OPERATION.STARTS_WITH: if (clause.Data is List <string> StartsWithData) { if (valsToCheck.Any(x => StartsWithData.Any(y => x is string && x.StartsWith(y, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)))) { return(true); } } return(false); case OPERATION.IS_NULL: if (valsToCheck.Count(x => x is null) == valsToCheck.Count()) { return(true); } return(false); case OPERATION.IS_TRUE: foreach (var valToCheck in valsToCheck) { if (bool.TryParse(valToCheck, out bool result)) { if (result) { return(true); } } } return(false); case OPERATION.IS_BEFORE: var valDateTimes = new List <DateTime>(); foreach (var valToCheck in valsToCheck) { if (DateTime.TryParse(valToCheck, out DateTime result)) { valDateTimes.Add(result); } } foreach (var data in clause.Data ?? new List <string>()) { if (DateTime.TryParse(data, out DateTime result)) { if (valDateTimes.Any(x => x.CompareTo(result) < 0)) { return(true); } } } return(false); case OPERATION.IS_AFTER: valDateTimes = new List <DateTime>(); foreach (var valToCheck in valsToCheck) { if (DateTime.TryParse(valToCheck, out DateTime result)) { valDateTimes.Add(result); } } foreach (var data in clause.Data ?? new List <string>()) { if (DateTime.TryParse(data, out DateTime result)) { if (valDateTimes.Any(x => x.CompareTo(result) > 0)) { return(true); } } } return(false); case OPERATION.IS_EXPIRED: foreach (var valToCheck in valsToCheck) { if (DateTime.TryParse(valToCheck, out DateTime result)) { if (result.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0) { return(true); } } } return(false); case OPERATION.CONTAINS_KEY: return(dictToCheck.Any(x => clause.Data.Any(y => x.Key == y))); case OPERATION.CUSTOM: if (CustomOperationDelegate is null) { Log.Debug("Custom operation hit but {0} isn't set.", nameof(CustomOperationDelegate)); return(false); } else { return(CustomOperationDelegate.Invoke(clause, valsToCheck, dictToCheck)); } default: Log.Debug("Unimplemented operation {0}", clause.Operation); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, $"Hit while parsing {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(clause)} onto ({JsonConvert.SerializeObject(before)},{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(after)})"); } return(false); }