Пример #1
        private Task <StandardRgbBitmap> CreateSampledBitmap(StandardRgbBitmap source, float volumeAspectRatio, int totalVolumeCount)
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                // Determine the ideal width and height of each volume
                //      x * y = totalvolumeCount
                //      x * volumeAspectRatio / y = source.w / source.h
                //   => y = totalVolumeCount / x
                //   => x * x * volumeAspectRatio / totalVolumeCount = source.w / source.h
                //   => x ^ 2 = source.w / source.h * totalVolumeCount / volumeAspectRatio
                //   => y = sqrt(source.w / source.h * totalVolumeCount / volumeAspectRatio)

                double targetWidth = Math.Sqrt((double)source.Width / source.Height * totalVolumeCount / volumeAspectRatio);
                double targetHeight = totalVolumeCount / targetWidth;

                int width = (int)targetWidth;
                int height = (int)targetHeight;

                int areaWidth = source.Width / width;
                int areaHeight = source.Height / height;

                int startX = (source.Width - width * areaWidth) / 2;
                int startY = (source.Height - height * areaHeight) / 2;

                StandardRgbColor[] pixels = new StandardRgbColor[width * height];
                Parallel.For(0, width, targetX =>
                    for (int targetY = 0; targetY < height; targetY++)
                        ColorAverageAccumulator accumulator = new ColorAverageAccumulator();
                        for (int sourceX = startX + targetX * areaWidth; sourceX < startX + (targetX + 1) * areaWidth; sourceX++)
                            for (int sourceY = startY + targetY * areaHeight; sourceY < startY + (targetY + 1) * areaHeight; sourceY++)
                                accumulator.AddSample((Vector3)source.Pixels[sourceY * source.Width + sourceX].ToCieLab());

                        pixels[targetY * width + targetX] = ((CieLabColor)accumulator.GetAverage()).ToStandardRgb();

                return new StandardRgbBitmap(pixels, width, height, source.DpiX, source.DpiY);
Пример #2
        private async void OpenMosaicImage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog mosaicOpenFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog
                Title            = "Mosaic Image",
                Filter           = "Images|*.jpg;*.png",
                InitialDirectory = Settings.Default.MosaicImagePath

            if (mosaicOpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                Settings.Default.MosaicImagePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(mosaicOpenFileDialog.FileName);

                var originalImage = BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(mosaicOpenFileDialog.FileName), BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.Default);
                sampledBitmap = await CreateSampledBitmap(originalImage.ToStandardRgbBitmap(), averageAspectRatio, sources.Count);

                var targetImage = sampledBitmap.ToBitmapSource();
                SimplifiedBitmap.Source = targetImage;
                SimplifiedBitmap.Width  = targetImage.PixelWidth * 1.5;
                SimplifiedBitmap.Height = targetImage.PixelHeight;