public static StageOutput<R, T> BinaryExpression<S1, S2, R, T>(this StageOutput<S1, T> stream1, StageOutput<S2, T> stream2, Expression<Func<S1, int>> keyFunction1, Expression<Func<S2, int>> keyFunction2, Expression<Func<IEnumerable<S1>, IEnumerable<S2>, IEnumerable<R>>> transformation, string name) where T : Time<T> { return BinaryBufferingShard<S1, S2, R, T>.MakeStage(stream1, stream2, (i, v) => new Naiad.Frameworks.BinaryBufferingShard<S1, S2, R, T>(i, v, transformation), keyFunction1, keyFunction2, null, name); }
public static StageOutput<Pair<K, X>, T> LocalReduce<A, X, R, S, K, I, T>( this StageOutput<I, T> port, Func<I, K> key, Func<I, R> val, Func<A> factory, string name) where A : IReducer<X, R, S> where T : Time<T> { return LocalReduce<A, X, R, S, K, I, T>(port, key, val, factory, name, null, null); }
public static StageOutput<Pair<K, S>, T> LocalCombine<A, X, R, S, K, T>( this StageOutput<Pair<K, X>, T> port, Func<A> factory, string name) where A : IReducer<X, R, S> where T : Time<T> { return port.LocalCombine<A, X, R, S, K, T>(factory, name, null); }
public static StageOutput<X, T> BroadcastReduce<A, X, T>(this StageOutput<X, T> port, Func<A> factory, string name) where A : IReducer<X, X, X> where X : Cloneable<X> where T : Time<T> { return port.LocalReduce<A, X, X, X, T>(factory, name + "Reduce").Broadcast().LocalCombine<A, X, X, X, T>(factory, name + "Combine"); }
public static StageOutput<S, T> Concat<S, T>(this StageOutput<S, T> stream1, StageOutput<S, T> stream2) where T : Time<T> { // test to see if they are partitioned properly, and if so maintain the information in output partitionedby information. var partitionedBy = Naiad.CodeGeneration.ExpressionComparer.Instance.Equals(stream1.PartitionedBy, stream2.PartitionedBy) ? stream1.PartitionedBy : null; return BinaryStreamingShard<S, S, S, T>.MakeStage(stream1, stream2, (i, v) => new Concat<S, T>(i, v), partitionedBy, partitionedBy, partitionedBy, "Concat"); }
public ProgressChannel(int producerPlacementCount, ProgressUpdateConsumer consumerVertex, StageOutput <Update, Empty> stream, StageInput <Update, Empty> recvPort, InternalController controller, int channelId) { this.sendBundle = stream; this.recvBundle = recvPort; this.channelID = channelId; var computation = sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation; var recvFiber = this.recvBundle.GetPin(computation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID); this.mailbox = new Mailbox(recvFiber.Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).PostOffice, consumerVertex, this.channelID, consumerVertex.VertexId, producerPlacementCount); // recvFiber.Vertex.Scheduler.State(graphManager).PostOffice.RegisterMailbox(this.mailbox); this.postboxes = new Dictionary <int, Fiber>(); foreach (VertexLocation loc in sendBundle.ForStage.Placement) { if (loc.ProcessId == controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { this.postboxes[loc.VertexId] = new Fiber(this.channelID, loc.VertexId, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(loc.VertexId), this.mailbox, controller); } } if (controller.NetworkChannel != null) { controller.NetworkChannel.RegisterMailbox(this.mailbox); } Logging.Info("Allocated progress channel [{0}]: {1} -> {2}", this.channelID, sendBundle, recvBundle); }
public static StageOutput<R, T> Broadcast<R, T>(this StageOutput<R, T> port) where R : Cloneable<R> where T : Time<T> { var controller = port.Context.Manager.Controller; int threadCount = controller.DefaultPlacement.Count / controller.Configuration.Processes; if (threadCount * controller.Configuration.Processes != controller.DefaultPlacement.Count) { throw new Exception("Uneven thread count?"); } var processDests = controller.DefaultPlacement.Where(x => x.ThreadId == 0).Select(x => x.ShardId).ToArray(); var boutput = UnaryStreamingShard<R, Pair<int, R>, T>.MakeStage(port, (i, v) => new BroadcastSendShard<R, T>(i, v, processDests), null, null, "BroadcastProcessSend"); var collectable = boutput; if (controller.DefaultPlacement.Where(x => x.ProcessId == controller.Configuration.ProcessID).Count() > 1) { var threadDests = controller.DefaultPlacement .Where(x => x.ProcessId == controller.Configuration.ProcessID) .Select(x => x.ShardId) .ToArray(); collectable = UnaryStreamingShard<Pair<int, R>, Pair<int, R>, T>.MakeStage(boutput, (i, v) => new BroadcastForwardShard<R, T>(i, v, threadDests), x => x.s, null, "BroadcastShardSend"); } return Naiad.Frameworks.Linq.ExtensionMethods.Select(collectable, x => x.t); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public CentralizedProgressChannel(Stage <Runtime.Progress.ProgressUpdateCentralizer, Pointstamp> consumer, StageOutput <Int64, Pointstamp> stream, StageInput <Int64, Pointstamp> recvPort, InternalController controller, int channelId) { this.consumer = consumer; this.sendBundle = stream; // producer.Output; this.recvBundle = recvPort; // consumer.Input; this.postboxes = new Dictionary <int, Fiber>(); this.channelID = channelId; // Get the shard id and process id of the single consumer var consumerShardId = consumer.Placement.Single().VertexId; var consumerProcessId = consumer.Placement.Single().ProcessId; var graphManager = sendBundle.ForStage.InternalGraphManager; if (debug) { Console.Error.WriteLine(" IncastChannel create ProcessId = {0}", graphManager.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID); } var myProcessId = graphManager.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID; if (myProcessId == consumerProcessId) { if (debug) { Console.Error.WriteLine(" IncastChannel creating receive mailbox"); } VertexInput <Int64, Pointstamp> recvFiber = this.recvBundle.GetPin(consumerProcessId); this.mailbox = new Mailbox(recvFiber.Vertex.Scheduler.State(graphManager).PostOffice, consumer.GetShard(consumerShardId), this.channelID, consumerShardId); recvFiber.Vertex.Scheduler.State(graphManager).PostOffice.RegisterMailbox(this.mailbox); if (controller.NetworkChannel != null) { controller.NetworkChannel.RegisterMailbox(this.mailbox); } } foreach (VertexLocation loc in sendBundle.ForStage.Placement) { if (loc.ProcessId == sendBundle.ForStage.InternalGraphManager.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { if (debug) { Console.Error.WriteLine(" IncastChannel loc = {0}/{1}/{2}", loc.ProcessId, loc.VertexId, loc.ThreadId); } var postbox = new Fiber(this.channelID, loc.VertexId, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(loc.VertexId), this.mailbox, controller, consumerShardId, consumerProcessId); this.postboxes[loc.VertexId] = postbox; } } Logging.Info("Allocated incast channel [{0}]: {1} -> {2}", this.channelID, sendBundle, recvBundle); }
public static StageOutput<Pair<K, X>, T> LocalTimeReduce<A, X, R, S, K, I, T>( this StageOutput<I, T> port, Func<I, K> key, Func<I, R> val, Func<A> factory, string name, Expression<Func<I, int>> inPlacement, Expression<Func<Pair<K, X>, int>> outPlacement) where A : IReducer<X, R, S> where T : Time<T> { return UnaryStreamingShard<I, Pair<K, X>, T>.MakeStage(port, (i, v) => new LocalTimeKeyedReduceShard<A, X, R, S, K, I, T>(i, v, key, val, factory), inPlacement, outPlacement, name); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a new blank line /// </summary> protected void AOT_NewLine() { StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.NewLine()); if (ShouldLogToConsoleRealTime) { Console.WriteLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the given text as normal output to both BuildStage output and to the console real time. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> protected void AOT_Normal(string text, Color textColor) { StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Normal(text, textColor)); if (ShouldLogToConsoleRealTime) { Console.WriteLine(text, textColor); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the given text as Informational output to both BuildStage output and to the console real time. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> protected void AOT_Info(string text) { StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Info(text)); if (ShouldLogToConsoleRealTime) { Console.WriteLine(text, Color.Cyan); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the given text as warning output to both BuildStage output and to the console real time. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> protected void AOT_Warning(string text) { StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Warning(text)); if (ShouldLogToConsoleRealTime) { Console.WriteLine(text, Color.Yellow); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the given text as Errored output to both BuildStage output and to the console real time. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> protected void AOT_Error(string text) { StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Error(text)); if (ShouldLogToConsoleRealTime) { Console.WriteLine(text, Color.Red); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the given text as Success output to both BuildStage output and to the console real time. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> public void AOT_Success(string text) { StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Success(text)); if (ShouldLogToConsoleRealTime) { Console.WriteLine(text, Color.Green); } }
internal static bool PartitionedEquivalently <S, T>(StageOutput <S, T> sender, StageInput <S, T> receiver) where T : Time <T> { return(sender.ForStage.Placement.Equals(receiver.ForStage.Placement) && sender.PartitionedBy != null && receiver.PartitionedBy != null && Utilities.ExpressionComparer.Instance.Equals(sender.PartitionedBy, receiver.PartitionedBy)); }
public PostOfficeChannel(StageOutput <S, T> sendBundle, StageInput <S, T> recvBundle, Action <S[], int[], int> routingHashcodeFunction, NetworkChannel networkChannel, int channelId, Channel.Flags flags) { if ((flags & Channel.Flags.SpillOnRecv) == Channel.Flags.SpillOnRecv) { throw new Exception("SpillingLocalMailbox not currently supported"); } this.sendBundle = sendBundle; this.recvBundle = recvBundle; this.channelID = channelId; var computation = sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation; // populate mailboxes; [proxy] destinations for sent messages. this.mailboxes = new Mailbox <S, T> [recvBundle.ForStage.Placement.Count]; foreach (VertexLocation loc in recvBundle.ForStage.Placement) { if (loc.ProcessId == computation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { var postOffice = this.recvBundle.GetPin(loc.VertexId).Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).PostOffice; var progressBuffer = new Runtime.Progress.ProgressUpdateBuffer <T>(this.ChannelId, this.recvBundle.GetPin(loc.VertexId).Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).Producer); LocalMailbox <S, T> localMailbox = new LocalMailbox <S, T>(postOffice, this.recvBundle.GetPin(loc.VertexId), channelID, loc.VertexId, progressBuffer); this.mailboxes[loc.VertexId] = localMailbox; postOffice.RegisterMailbox(localMailbox); if (networkChannel != null) { networkChannel.RegisterMailbox(localMailbox); } } else { this.mailboxes[loc.VertexId] = new RemoteMailbox <S, T>(this.channelID, loc.ProcessId, loc.VertexId, sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation); } } // populate postboxes; collection points for each local worker. this.postboxes = new Dictionary <int, Postbox <S, T> >(); foreach (VertexLocation location in sendBundle.ForStage.Placement) { if (location.ProcessId == sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { var progressBuffer = new Runtime.Progress.ProgressUpdateBuffer <T>(this.ChannelId, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(location.VertexId).Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).Producer); // determine type of postbox to use. if (routingHashcodeFunction == null) { this.postboxes[location.VertexId] = new NoHashCodePostbox <S, T>(this.channelID, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(location.VertexId), this.recvBundle, this.mailboxes, networkChannel, progressBuffer); } else { this.postboxes[location.VertexId] = new BufferingPostbox <S, T>(this.channelID, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(location.VertexId), this.recvBundle, this.mailboxes, routingHashcodeFunction, networkChannel, progressBuffer); } } } }
public static StageOutput<Pair<K, S>, T> Reduce<A, X, R, S, K, I, T>( this StageOutput<I, T> port, Func<I, K> key, Func<I, R> val, Func<A> factory, string name) where A : IReducer<X, R, S> where T : Time<T> { return port. LocalReduce<A, X, R, S, K, I, T>(key, val, factory, name + "Reduce", null, null). LocalCombine<A, X, R, S, K, T>(factory, name + "Combine", x => x.s.GetHashCode()); }
public PostOfficeChannel(StageOutput <S, T> sendBundle, StageInput <S, T> recvBundle, Func <S, int> routingHashcodeFunction, NetworkChannel networkChannel, int channelId, Channel.Flags flags) { this.sendBundle = sendBundle; this.recvBundle = recvBundle; this.postboxes = new Dictionary <int, Postbox <S, T> >(); this.mailboxes = new Mailbox <S, T> [recvBundle.ForStage.Placement.Count]; this.channelID = channelId; var computation = sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation; foreach (VertexLocation loc in recvBundle.ForStage.Placement) { if (loc.ProcessId == computation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { var postOffice = this.recvBundle.GetPin(loc.VertexId).Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).PostOffice; LocalMailbox <S, T> localMailbox; var progressBuffer = new Runtime.Progress.ProgressUpdateBuffer <T>(this.ChannelId, this.recvBundle.GetPin(loc.VertexId).Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).Producer); if ((flags & Channel.Flags.SpillOnRecv) == Channel.Flags.SpillOnRecv) { //localMailbox = new SpillingLocalMailbox<S, T>(postOffice, this.recvBundle.GetPin(loc.VertexId), channelID, loc.VertexId, progressBuffer); throw new Exception("SpillingLocalMailbox not currently supported"); } else { localMailbox = new LegacyLocalMailbox <S, T>(postOffice, this.recvBundle.GetPin(loc.VertexId), channelID, loc.VertexId, progressBuffer); } this.mailboxes[loc.VertexId] = localMailbox; postOffice.RegisterMailbox(localMailbox); if (networkChannel != null) { networkChannel.RegisterMailbox(localMailbox); } } else { this.mailboxes[loc.VertexId] = new RemoteMailbox <S, T>(this.channelID, loc.ProcessId, loc.VertexId, sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation); } } foreach (VertexLocation loc in sendBundle.ForStage.Placement) { if (loc.ProcessId == sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { var progressBuffer = new Runtime.Progress.ProgressUpdateBuffer <T>(this.ChannelId, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(loc.VertexId).Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).Producer); this.postboxes[loc.VertexId] = new Postbox <S, T>(this.channelID, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(loc.VertexId), this.recvBundle, this.mailboxes, routingHashcodeFunction, networkChannel, progressBuffer); } } }
/// <summary> /// Run Restore Process /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override StageCompletionStatusEnum ExecuteProcess() { DotNetRestoreSettings settings = new DotNetRestoreSettings(); settings.ProjectFile = CISession.Solution; settings.Verbosity = DotNetVerbosity.Minimal; (BlockingCollection <ILineOut> outputs, int exitCode) = DotNetRestore(settings); StageOutput.AddRange(outputs); ControlFlow.Assert(exitCode == 0, "Process DotNetRestore failed"); return(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success); }
public static StageOutput<Pair<K, S>, T> LocalTimeCombine<A, X, R, S, K, T>( this StageOutput<Pair<K, X>, T> port, Func<A> factory, string name, Expression<Func<Pair<K, S>, int>> outPlacement) where A : IReducer<X, R, S> where T : Time<T> { Expression<Func<Pair<K, X>, int>> inPlacement = null; if (outPlacement != null) { inPlacement = x => x.s.GetHashCode(); } return UnaryStreamingShard<Pair<K, X>, Pair<K, S>, T>.MakeStage(port, (i, v) => new LocalTimeKeyedCombineShard<A, X, R, S, K, T>(i, v, factory), inPlacement, outPlacement, name); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public CentralizedProgressChannel(Stage <ProgressUpdateCentralizer, Empty> consumer, StageOutput <Update, Empty> stream, StageInput <Update, Empty> recvPort, InternalController controller, int channelId) { this.consumer = consumer; this.sendBundle = stream; // producer.Output; this.recvBundle = recvPort; // consumer.Input; this.postboxes = new Dictionary <int, Fiber>(); this.channelID = channelId; // Get the vertex id and process id of the single consumer var consumerVertexId = consumer.Placement.Single().VertexId; var consumerProcessId = consumer.Placement.Single().ProcessId; var computation = sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation; var myProcessId = computation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID; if (myProcessId == consumerProcessId) { VertexInput <Update, Empty> recvFiber = this.recvBundle.GetPin(consumerProcessId); this.mailbox = new Mailbox(recvFiber.Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).PostOffice, consumer.GetVertex(consumerVertexId), this.channelID, consumerVertexId); //recvFiber.Vertex.Scheduler.State(computation).PostOffice.RegisterMailbox(this.mailbox); if (controller.NetworkChannel != null) { controller.NetworkChannel.RegisterMailbox(this.mailbox); } } foreach (VertexLocation loc in sendBundle.ForStage.Placement) { if (loc.ProcessId == sendBundle.ForStage.InternalComputation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { var postbox = new Fiber(this.channelID, loc.VertexId, this.sendBundle.GetFiber(loc.VertexId), this.mailbox, controller, consumerVertexId, consumerProcessId); this.postboxes[loc.VertexId] = postbox; } } Logging.Info("Allocated CentralizedProgressChannel [{0}]: {1} -> {2}", this.channelID, sendBundle, recvBundle); NaiadTracing.Trace.ChannelInfo(ChannelId, SourceStage.StageId, DestinationStage.StageId, true, true); }
public PipelineChannel(StageOutput <S, T> sender, StageInput <S, T> receiver, int channelId) { this.sender = sender; this.receiver = receiver; this.channelId = channelId; this.subChannels = new Dictionary <int, Fiber>(); foreach (VertexLocation loc in sender.ForStage.Placement) { if (loc.ProcessId == sender.ForStage.InternalComputation.Controller.Configuration.ProcessID) { this.subChannels[loc.VertexId] = new Fiber(this, receiver.GetPin(loc.VertexId), loc.VertexId); } } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the given text as Errored output to both BuildStage output and to the console real time. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> protected void AOT_Error(Exception exception) { string exceptionSeparator = "************************ [ Exception Encountered ] ************************"; int start = StageOutput.Count; StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Error(exceptionSeparator)); StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Error(exception.Message)); StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Error(exceptionSeparator)); StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.NewLine()); StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.Error(exception.ToString())); StageOutput.Add(LineOutColored.NewLine()); if (ShouldLogToConsoleRealTime) { Print_StageOutput(start); } }
public static StageOutput<S, T> Iterate<S, T>(this StageOutput<S, T> input, Func<Naiad.Dataflow.Iteration.Context<T>, StageOutput<S, IterationIn<T>>, StageOutput<S, IterationIn<T>>> function, Expression<Func<S, int>> initialIteration, Expression<Func<S, int>> partitionedBy, int iterations, string name) where T : Time<T> { var helper = new Naiad.Dataflow.Iteration.Context<T>(input.Context, name); var delayed = helper.Delay<S>(partitionedBy, iterations); var ingress = Naiad.Dataflow.PartitionBy.ExtensionMethods.PartitionBy(helper.EnterLoop(input, initialIteration.Compile()), partitionedBy); var loopHead = Naiad.Frameworks.Linq.ExtensionMethods.Concat(ingress, delayed.Output); var loopTail = function(helper, loopHead); delayed.Input = loopTail; return helper.ExitLoop(loopTail); //return helper.ExitLoop(loopTail, iterations); }
/// <summary> /// Run the Angular Build /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override StageCompletionStatusEnum ExecuteProcess() { string command = "ng"; string ngArgs = "build"; if (CISession.SkipAngularBuild) { return(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Skipped); } CompletionStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.InProcess; foreach (AngularProject project in CISession.SlugCIConfigObj.AngularProjects) { AddOutputText("Project: " + project.Name, OutputType.Std); AbsolutePath angularProjectPath = CISession.AngularDirectory / project.Name; IProcess process = ProcessTasks.StartProcess(command, ngArgs, angularProjectPath, customLogger: AngularLogger); process.AssertWaitForExit(); StageOutput.AddRange(process.Output); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { SetInprocessStageStatus(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Failure); project.Results.CompileSuccess = false; } else { SetInprocessStageStatus(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success); project.Results.CompileSuccess = true; } } if (CompletionStatus == StageCompletionStatusEnum.InProcess) { CompletionStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success; } return(CompletionStatus); }
/// <summary> /// Run Compile process /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override StageCompletionStatusEnum ExecuteProcess() { DotNetBuildSettings dotNetBuildSettings = new DotNetBuildSettings() { ProjectFile = CISession.Solution, NoRestore = true, PropertiesInternal = new Dictionary <string, object>(), }; dotNetBuildSettings = dotNetBuildSettings.SetProjectFile(CISession.Solution) .SetConfiguration(CISession.CompileConfig) .SetVerbosity(DotNetVerbosity.Minimal) .EnableNoRestore() .SetAssemblyVersion(CISession.VersionInfo.AssemblyVersion) .SetVersion(CISession.VersionInfo.AssemblyVersion) .SetInformationalVersion(CISession.VersionInfo.InformationalVersion) .SetFileVersion(CISession.VersionInfo.FileVersion); (BlockingCollection <ILineOut> outputs, int exitCode) = DotNetBuild(dotNetBuildSettings); StageOutput.AddRange(outputs); ControlFlow.Assert(exitCode == 0, "Process DotNetBuild failed"); AOT_NewLine(); AOT_Info("Compilation Status:"); foreach (SlugCIProject project in CISession.SlugCIConfigObj.Projects) { foreach (ILineOut lineOut in outputs) { if (lineOut.Text.StartsWith(" " + project.Name + " -> ")) { AOT_Success("Compile Success: " + lineOut.Text); project.Results.CompileSuccess = true; break; } } } return(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Run the typewriter publishing steps /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override StageCompletionStatusEnum ExecuteProcess() { string command = "npm"; string npmArgs = "run publishTW"; CompletionStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.InProcess; foreach (SlugCIProject project in CISession.Projects) { AOT_Normal("Project: " + project.Name, Color.Magenta); AOT_Normal(" --> HasTypeWriterScripts: " + project.HasTypeWriterScripts, Color.Magenta); if (!project.HasTypeWriterScripts) { continue; } AbsolutePath scriptsFolder = project.VSProject.Directory / "_scripts"; IProcess process = ProcessTasks.StartProcess(command, npmArgs, scriptsFolder, customLogger: NPMLogger); process.AssertWaitForExit(); StageOutput.AddRange(process.Output); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { SetInprocessStageStatus(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Failure); } else { SetInprocessStageStatus(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success); } } if (CompletionStatus == StageCompletionStatusEnum.InProcess) { CompletionStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success; } return(CompletionStatus); }
/// <summary> /// Run Unit Test Runner Process /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override StageCompletionStatusEnum ExecuteProcess() { if (CISession.SkipTests) { return(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Skipped); } FileSystemTasks.EnsureExistingDirectory(CISession.CoveragePath); DotNetTestSettings settings = new DotNetTestSettings() { ProjectFile = CISession.Solution, Configuration = CISession.CompileConfig, NoRestore = true, NoBuild = true, Verbosity = DotNetVerbosity.Minimal, ProcessLogOutput = true, ResultsDirectory = CISession.TestOutputPath, ProcessArgumentConfigurator = arguments => arguments.Add("/p:CollectCoverage={0}", true) .Add("", false) .Add("/p:CoverletOutput={0}/", CISession.CoveragePath) .Add("/p:CoverletOutputFormat={0}", "cobertura") .Add("/p:Threshold={0}", CISession.SlugCIConfigObj.CodeCoverageThreshold) .Add("/p:SkipAutoProps={0}", true) .Add("/p:ExcludeByAttribute={0}", "\"Obsolete%2cGeneratedCodeAttribute%2cCompilerGeneratedAttribute\"") .Add("/p:UseSourceLink={0}", true) }; (BlockingCollection <ILineOut> outputs, int exitCode) = DotNetTest(settings); StageOutput.AddRange(outputs); if (exitCode > 0 && CISession.FailedUnitTestsOkay) { AOT_Warning("One or more unit tests failed. HOWEVER, the Failed Unit Tests Okay flag was set, so this is not stopping the CI process"); return(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Warning); } return(StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Publishes a Nuget package to a nuget site. /// </summary> private void Publish_Nuget() { DotNetNuGetPushSettings settings = new DotNetNuGetPushSettings() { Source = CISession.NugetRepoURL, ApiKey = CISession.NugetAPIKey, SkipDuplicate = true, }; IReadOnlyCollection <AbsolutePath> nugetPackages = CISession.OutputDirectory.GlobFiles("*.nupkg"); foreach (AbsolutePath nugetPackage in nugetPackages) { if (nugetPackage.ToString().EndsWith("symbols.nupkg")) { continue; } bool pushedSuccessfully = false; StageCompletionStatusEnum stepStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.NotStarted; try { settings.TargetPath = nugetPackage; (BlockingCollection <ILineOut> nugetOutput, int exitCode) = DotNetNuGetPush(settings); StageOutput.AddRange(nugetOutput); ControlFlow.Assert(exitCode == 0, "Process DotNetBuild failed"); if (nugetOutput.Count > 0) { // Look for skipped message. foreach (ILineOut outputLine in nugetOutput) { if (outputLine.Text.Contains("already exists at feed")) { stepStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Warning; string msg = @"A nuget package <" + Path.GetFileName(nugetPackage) + "> with this name and version already exists. " + "Assuming this is due to you re-running the publish after a prior error that occurred after the push to Nuget was successful. " + "Will carry on as though this push was successful. " + "Otherwise, if this should have been a new update, then you will need to make another commit and re-publish"; Logger.Warn(msg); } else if (outputLine.Text.Contains("package was pushed")) { pushedSuccessfully = true; stepStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success; } } } } catch (ProcessException pe) { stepStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Failure; if (!CISession.NugetRepoURL.Contains("")) { Logger.Warn( "The nuget Push process threw an error. Since you are using a service other than Nuget this may be a service outage with the site or it might mean the version of the library you are pushing already exists. You will need to perform a manual check to determine which it is."); } else { throw; } } if (pushedSuccessfully) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(nugetPackage); fileName = fileName.TrimEnd(".symbols.nupkg"); fileName = fileName.TrimEnd(".nupkg"); fileName = fileName.TrimEnd("." + CISession.VersionInfo.SemVersionAsString); fileName = fileName.ToLower(); // Loop thru projects looking for that assembly name foreach (SlugCIProject project in CISession.Projects) { if (project.AssemblyName.ToLower() == fileName || project.PackageId.ToLower() == fileName) { // TODO - Remove - not needed anylonger. // For Tool Deployed projects, we need to copy the current version out to the deploy folder /* * if ( project.Deploy == SlugCIDeployMethod.Tool ) { * AbsolutePath deployFile = CISession.DeployCopyPath / project.Name / CISession.PublishTarget.ToString() / "Version.json"; * ToolVersionJSON toolVersionJSON = new ToolVersionJSON() {ToolVersion = CISession.VersionInfo.SemVersionAsString}; * string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize<ToolVersionJSON>(toolVersionJSON, ToolVersionJSON.SerializerOptions()); * File.WriteAllText(deployFile, json); * } */ project.Results.PublishedSuccess = true; break; } } } // Set stage status based upon Step Status SetInprocessStageStatus(stepStatus); } }