Пример #1
        public List <StageModels> GetStagesForAppandUserID(IConnectToDB _Connect, List <StageModels> Stages, ApplicationModels application, int identity_id)
            StagesHelper stageshelper = new StagesHelper();

            DataTable ApplicationStages = stageshelper.FindbyColumnID(_Connect, "Applications_ID", application.AppView.applications_id.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow StageRows in ApplicationStages.Rows)
                StageModels tempStageModel = new StageModels();
                tempStageModel.Stage = new StageModel();
                tempStageModel.Grips = new List <GripModels>();

                tempStageModel.Stage.stages_id    = StageRows.Field <long?>("stages_id");
                tempStageModel.Stage.stage_name   = StageRows.Field <string>("stage_name");
                tempStageModel.Stage.stage_type   = StageRows.Field <string>("stage_type");
                tempStageModel.Stage.dt_created   = StageRows.Field <DateTime>("dt_created");
                tempStageModel.Stage.dt_available = StageRows.Field <DateTime?>("dt_available");
                tempStageModel.Stage.dt_end       = StageRows.Field <DateTime?>("dt_end");
                tempStageModel.Stage.enabled      = StageRows.Field <string>("enabled");

                tempStageModel.Grips = GetgripsforStage(_Connect, new List <GripModels>(), tempStageModel, identity_id);


Пример #2
        public bool Update()
            pCadenceCounter = pCadenceCounter + 1;
            // Are we at the last stage of growth? If so, do nothing and exit the update stage
            if (pCurrentStage == Stages)

            // If it's time to update the crop to the next stage, do so
            if (pCadenceCounter >= pStageTime[pCurrentStage - 1])
                if (Form1.Globals.Debug == true)
                    Form1.m_bot.Say("Updating object " + pObjectID + " for stage " + (pCurrentStage + 1) + " of " + Stages);

                // Query the object to make sure we're looking at the right one
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectNumber = 0;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectId     = pObjectID;

                // Change the model of the object to first stage
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectNumber = 0;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectId     = pObjectID;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectModel  = StageModels.ElementAt(pCurrentStage);
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectX      = PosX;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectY      = PosY;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectZ      = PosZ;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectYaw    = PosYaw;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectTilt   = PosTilt;
                Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectRoll   = PosRoll;

                pCurrentStage = pCurrentStage + 1;
                if (pCurrentStage == Stages)
                    pHarvestable = true;

Пример #3
        public List <GripModels> GetGrips(IConnectToDB _Connect, StageModels Stage, Boolean _GetObjectSets, Boolean _GetPropertySets, Boolean _GetOptionProperties)
            List <GripModels> GripModels = new List <GripModels>();

            DataTable _DT = FindbyColumnID(_Connect, "stages_id", Stage.StageView.stages_id.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow AppStageRow in _DT.Rows)
                GripModels GripModel1 = new GripModels();
                GripModel1 = SingleGripView(new ViewGripModel(), AppStageRow);

                if (_GetObjectSets)
                    ObjectSetsHelper OSH = new ObjectSetsHelper();
                    GripModel1.ObjectSets = OSH.GetSets(_Connect, GripModel1, _GetPropertySets, _GetOptionProperties);


Пример #4
        public List <GripModels> GetgripsforStage(IConnectToDB _Connect, List <GripModels> Grips, StageModels Stage, int identity_id)
            GripsHelper griphelper = new GripsHelper();

            DataTable StageGrips = griphelper.FindbyColumnID(_Connect, "Stages_ID", Stage.Stage.stages_id.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow GripRows in StageGrips.Rows)
                GripModels grip = new GripModels();
                grip.gripinfo = new GripModel();

                grip.gripinfo.grips_id      = GripRows.Field <long?>("grips_id");
                grip.gripinfo.grip_name     = GripRows.Field <string>("grip_name");
                grip.gripinfo.grip_type     = GripRows.Field <string>("grip_type");
                grip.gripinfo.stages_id     = GripRows.Field <long?>("stages_id");
                grip.gripinfo.stage_name    = GripRows.Field <string>("stage_name");
                grip.gripinfo.stage_type    = GripRows.Field <string>("stage_type");
                grip.gripinfo.identities_id = GripRows.Field <long?>("identities_id");
                grip.gripinfo.enabled       = GripRows.Field <string>("enabled");
                grip.gripinfo.dt_created    = GripRows.Field <DateTime>("dt_created");
                grip.gripinfo.dt_available  = GripRows.Field <DateTime?>("dt_available");

                grip.ObjectSets = GetSetsbyGripNID(_Connect, new List <ObjectSetModels>(), grip, identity_id);


Пример #5
        public bool Init(int crop, int objid)
            // Pull the farm item info out of the CropTable in the database
            string           sql    = "select * from CropTable where SimProfile = '" + Form1.Globals.sSimProfile + "' and CropID = '" + crop + "'";
            SQLiteCommand    sqlcmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, Form1.Globals.m_db);
            SQLiteDataReader reader = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader();

            // Any items in the reader? If not, return empty handed
            if (reader.HasRows == false)
                Form1.Globals.Error = "FarmItem Error: No such CropID in database.";

            // Set internal object ID
            pObjectID = objid;

            // Set the harvestable flag to false
            pHarvestable = false;
            //Console.WriteLine("ObjectID: " + pObjectID);

            // Pull the data for this new farm item from the CropTable query results
            string tStageModels = "", tStageTime = "";

            while (reader.Read())
                CropName           = reader["CropName"].ToString();
                Stages             = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Stages"]);
                tStageModels       = reader["StageModels"].ToString();
                tStageTime         = reader["StageTime"].ToString();
                Fertilizer         = reader["Fertilizer"].ToString();
                YieldProduct       = reader["YieldProduct"].ToString();
                YieldProductAmount = reader["YieldProductAmount"].ToString();
                YieldSeed          = reader["YieldSeed"].ToString();
                YieldSeedAmount    = reader["YieldSeedAmount"].ToString();

            StageModels = tStageModels.Split(',').ToList();
            StageTime   = tStageTime.Split(',').ToList();

            // query for and get the x, y, z, yaw, tilt, roll of the object in question
            Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectNumber = 0;
            Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectId     = pObjectID;
            var rc = Form1.m_bot.ObjectQuery();

            if (rc != Result.Success)
                Form1.Globals.Error = "FarmItem Error: Unable to query object.";
            PosX    = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectX;
            PosY    = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectY;
            PosZ    = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectZ;
            PosYaw  = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectYaw;
            PosTilt = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectTilt;
            PosRoll = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectRoll;
            Model   = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectModel;

            // Create a new model at the same location which is the 1st stage of the crop
            // Don't remove the old one, and keep its model number as well for later comparisons
            //Form1._instance.Attributes.ObjectNumber = 0;
            //Form1._instance.Attributes.ObjectId = pObjectID;
            Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectModel       = StageModels.ElementAt(0);
            Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectDescription = CropName;

            // Store new objectID
            //Form1._instance.Attributes.ObjectNumber = 0;
            //Form1._instance.Attributes.ObjectId = pObjectID;
            //Form1._instance.Attributes.ObjectModel = StageModels.ElementAt(0);
            pObjectID = Form1.m_bot.Attributes.ObjectId;

            // Set stage and decide the true time values for the stages
            pCurrentStage   = 1;
            pCadenceCounter = 0;
            var rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            foreach (string e in StageTime)
                string[] times = e.Split('-');
                int      tick  = rnd.Next(Convert.ToInt32(times[0]), Convert.ToInt32(times[1]) + 1);
                //Console.WriteLine("Stage time: " + tick);
