public void LoginFunction() { string username = txtUsername.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; string AuditInfo = "Logged into the System"; if (username != "" && password != "") { if (rdoAdmin.Checked == true) { int UserType = 1; int auth = obj.Admin_Auth(username, password, UserType); try { if (auth == 1) { ap = new AdminPanel(); SetValueForText1 = txtUsername.Text; UserTypeLogin = 1; EmpID = sb.GetEmpID(username); Ab.InsertAudit(SetValueForText1, AuditInfo); ap.Show(); Hide(); } else { switch (MessageBox.Show("Authentication Failed? try again", "Login Failed", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case DialogResult.Yes: this.Hide(); LoginForm form = new LoginForm(); form.Show(); break; case DialogResult.No: Application.Exit(); break; } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } else if (rdoManager.Checked == true) { int UserType = 2; int auth = obj.Manager_Auth(username, password, UserType); try { if (auth == 1) { Management_Profile mp = new Management_Profile(); SetValueForText1 = txtUsername.Text; UserTypeLogin = 2; EmpID = sb.GetEmpID(username); Ab.InsertAudit(SetValueForText1, AuditInfo); mp.Show(); Hide(); } else { switch (MessageBox.Show("Authentication Failed? try again", "Login Failed", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case DialogResult.Yes: this.Hide(); LoginForm form = new LoginForm(); form.Show(); break; case DialogResult.No: Application.Exit(); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else if (rdoStaff.Checked == true) { int UserType = 3; int auth = obj.Staff_Auth(username, password, UserType); try { if (auth == 1) { sp = new StaffProfile(); SetValueForText1 = txtUsername.Text; EmpID = sb.GetEmpID(username); UserTypeLogin = 3; Ab.InsertAudit(SetValueForText1, AuditInfo); sp.Show(); Hide(); } else { switch (MessageBox.Show("Authentication Failed? try again", "Login Failed", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case DialogResult.Yes: Hide(); LoginForm form = new LoginForm(); form.Show(); break; case DialogResult.No: Application.Exit(); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } else { try { switch (MessageBox.Show("Username &/or Password cannot be Empty", "Login Failed", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case DialogResult.Yes: Hide(); LoginForm form = new LoginForm(); form.Show(); break; case DialogResult.No: Application.Exit(); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } }