public void StackImplementation() { var input = new[] { "1 2 3 4", "10 -2 3 4" }; var expected = new[] { "4 2", "4 -2" }; var result = new StackImplementation(input).Run(); AssertExtensions.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void Exception_On_Too_Much_Push() { StackImplementation <int> stack = new StackImplementation <int>(3); stack.Push(1); stack.Push(2); stack.Push(3); Assert.Throws <ExceededSizeException>(() => stack.Push(4)); }
public void Push() { StackImplementation <int> stack = new StackImplementation <int>(3); stack.Push(1); stack.Push(2); stack.Push(3); Assert.AreEqual(3, stack.Size); }
public void Peek_Element() { StackImplementation <int> stack = new StackImplementation <int>(3); stack.Push(1); stack.Push(2); stack.Push(3); int val = stack.Peek(); Assert.AreEqual(3, val); Assert.AreEqual(3, stack.Size); }
public void Run() { StackImplementation <int> si = new StackImplementation <int>(); si.Push(1); si.Push(2); si.Push(3); si.Push(4); Console.WriteLine("Size of the stack: {0}", si.Count); Console.WriteLine("Removing the top item from the stack: {0}", si.Pop()); Console.WriteLine("Size of the stack: {0}", si.Count); Console.WriteLine("Value of the top item from the stack: {0}", si.Peek()); }
public Stack(string s) { if (s == "array") { impl = new StackArray(); } else if (s == "list") { impl = new StackList(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Stack: unknown parameter"); } }
public void Creation() { StackImplementation <int> stack = new StackImplementation <int>(3); Assert.AreEqual(0, stack.Size); }
public void Exception_On_Peek() { StackImplementation <int> stack = new StackImplementation <int>(3); Assert.Throws <ExpenditureProhibitedException>(() => stack.Peek()); }