internal void PostNotifications(object sender, StackArgs e)
     e.Notifications?.ForEach(notification =>
 internal void ProcessNotifications(object sender, StackArgs e)
     e.Notifications?.ForEach(notification =>
         string key = GetNotificationKey(notification);
         if (!_KnownNotifications.ContainsKey(key))
             _KnownNotifications.Add(key, notification);
             // this can be optimized so that this is only called once but it doesn't matter for right now
        private void DataFlowSampleExectue(object obj)
            StackArgs sa = new StackArgs();

            sa.Notifications = new List <Notification>();
            // Note(Matthew): Stack overflow sends everything in Epoch time
            // In order to get all the time to mesh up correctly you need to run everything throuhg the converter
            sa.Notifications.Add(new Notification()
                Date     = DateUtil.ToUnixTime(DateTime.Now),
                IsUnread = 1,
                Link     = "",
                Type     = "something"

            Messages?.ProcessNotifications(this, sa);