static void Main() { Stack2 stk1 = new Stack2(10); char ch; int i; // Put some characters into stk1. Console.WriteLine("Push A through J onto stk1."); for (i = 0; !stk1.IsFull(); i++) { stk1.Push((char)('A' + i)); } // Create a copy of stck1. Stack2 stk2 = new Stack2(stk1); // Display the contents of stk1. Console.Write("Contents of stk1: "); while (!stk1.IsEmpty()) { ch = stk1.Pop(); Console.Write(ch); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Contents of stk2: "); while (!stk2.IsEmpty()) { ch = stk2.Pop(); Console.Write(ch); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); }