static void UpdateGlobal(Player p) { Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { pl.SendCurrentTextures(); } SrvProperties.Save(); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "" && Server.updateTimer.Interval > 1000) { Server.PositionInterval = 100; Chat.MessageAll("&dLow lag %Sturned &cOFF %S- positions update every &b100 %Sms."); } else if (message == "") { Server.PositionInterval = 2000; Chat.MessageAll("&dLow lag %Sturned &aON %S- positions update every &b2000 %Sms."); } else { int interval; if (!int.TryParse(message, out interval)) { Player.Message(p, "Interval given must be an integer."); return; } if (interval < 20 || interval > 2000) { Player.Message(p, "Interval must be between 20 and 2000 milliseconds."); return; } Server.PositionInterval = interval; Chat.MessageAll("Positions now update every &b{0} %Smilliseconds.", interval); } Server.updateTimer.Interval = Server.PositionInterval; SrvProperties.Save(); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { if (message.Length == 0 && Server.Config.PositionUpdateInterval > 1000) { Server.Config.PositionUpdateInterval = 100; Chat.MessageAll("&dLow lag %Sturned &cOFF %S- positions update every &b100 %Sms."); } else if (message.Length == 0) { Server.Config.PositionUpdateInterval = 2000; Chat.MessageAll("&dLow lag %Sturned &aON %S- positions update every &b2000 %Sms."); } else { int interval = 0; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, message, "Interval", ref interval, 20, 2000)) { return; } Server.Config.PositionUpdateInterval = interval; Chat.MessageAll("Positions now update every &b" + interval + " %Smilliseconds."); } SrvProperties.Save(); }
void SetPrivate(Player p, string[] args) { Server.Config.Public = false; p.Message("Server is now private!"); Logger.Log(LogType.SystemActivity, "Server is now private!"); SrvProperties.Save(); }
static void SetMode(bool enabled, string desc) { Server.Config.WhitelistedOnly = enabled; SrvProperties.Save(); Chat.MessageAll("Whitelisted only mode " + desc); Logger.Log(LogType.SystemActivity, "Whitelisted only mode is now " + desc); }
void LoadProperties() { SrvProperties.Load(); LoadGeneralProps(); LoadChatProps(); LoadIrcSqlProps(); LoadMiscProps(); LoadRankProps(); LoadSecurityProps(); zsSettings.LoadFromServer(); }
void UpdateGlobally(Player p, bool zip) { Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { string url = zip ? pl.level.texturePackUrl : pl.level.terrainUrl; if (url == "") { pl.SendCurrentMapAppearance(); } } SrvProperties.Save(); }
static void SetLimit(Player p, string type, ref int target, int value, bool hasValue) { if (!hasValue) { p.Message(type + ": &b" + target); } else { target = value; Chat.MessageAll(type + " set to &b" + target); SrvProperties.Save(); } }
void UpdateGlobally(Player p, bool zip) { Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { string url = zip ? pl.level.Config.TexturePack : pl.level.Config.Terrain; if (url.Length == 0) { pl.SendCurrentMapAppearance(); } } SrvProperties.Save(); }
void SaveChanges() { SaveProperties(); SaveRanks(); SaveCommands(); SaveBlocks(); SaveGameProps(); try { ZSGame.Config.Save(); } catch { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "Error saving Zombie Survival settings!"); } SrvProperties.Load(); // loads when saving? CommandPerms.Load(); }
void UpdateGlobally(Player p, bool zip) { Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { bool hasExt = pl.HasCpeExt(CpeExt.EnvMapAppearance) || pl.HasCpeExt(CpeExt.EnvMapAppearance, 2); string url = zip ? pl.level.texturePackUrl : pl.level.terrainUrl; if (hasExt && url == "") { pl.SendCurrentMapAppearance(); } } SrvProperties.Save(); }
public static void LoadAllSettings() { SrvProperties.Load("properties/"); /*Updater.Load("properties/"); * Group.InitAll(); * Command.InitAll(); * GrpCommands.fillRanks(); * Block.SetBlocks(); * Awards.Load(); * Economy.Load(); * Warp.LOAD(); * CommandOtherPerms.Load(); * ProfanityFilter.Init();*/ }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { if (message.Length == 0) { if (p.IsSuper) { p.Message("Main level is {0}", Server.mainLevel.ColoredName); } else if (p.level == Server.mainLevel) { PlayerActions.Respawn(p); } else { PlayerActions.ChangeMap(p, Server.mainLevel); } } else { if (!CheckExtraPerm(p, data, 1)) { return; } if (!Formatter.ValidName(p, message, "level")) { return; } if (!LevelInfo.Check(p, data.Rank, Server.mainLevel, "set main to another map")) { return; } string map = Matcher.FindMaps(p, message); if (map == null) { return; } if (!LevelInfo.Check(p, data.Rank, map, "set main to this map")) { return; } Server.SetMainLevel(map); SrvProperties.Save(); p.Message("Set main level to {0}", Server.mainLevel.ColoredName); } }
internal static bool Handle(Player p, Level lvl, string type, string value, EnvConfig cfg, string area) { if (type.CaselessEq("preset")) { EnvPreset preset = FindPreset(value); if (preset == null) { MessagePresets(p); return(false); } cfg.SkyColor = preset.Sky; cfg.CloudColor = preset.Clouds; cfg.FogColor = preset.Fog; cfg.ShadowColor = preset.Shadow; cfg.LightColor = preset.Sun; } else if (type.CaselessEq("normal")) { cfg.ResetEnv(); p.Message("Reset environment for {0} %Sto normal", area); } else { EnvOption opt = EnvOptions.Find(type); if (opt == null) { return(false); } opt.SetFunc(p, area, cfg, value); } if (lvl == null) { Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { pl.SendCurrentEnv(); } SrvProperties.Save(); } else { SendEnv(lvl); lvl.SaveSettings(); } return(true); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message.Length == 0) { if (Player.IsSuper(p)) { Player.Message(p, "Main level is {0}", Server.mainLevel.ColoredName); } else if (p.level == Server.mainLevel) { Command.all.FindByName("Spawn").Use(p, ""); } else { PlayerActions.ChangeMap(p, Server.mainLevel); } } else { if (!CheckExtraPerm(p, 1)) { return; } if (!Formatter.ValidName(p, message, "level")) { return; } if (!LevelInfo.ValidateAction(p, ServerConfig.MainLevel, "set main to another level")) { return; } string map = Matcher.FindMaps(p, message); if (map == null) { return; } if (!LevelInfo.ValidateAction(p, map, "set main to this level")) { return; } Server.SetMainLevel(map); SrvProperties.Save(); Player.Message(p, "Set main level to {0}", Server.mainLevel.ColoredName); } }
static void HandleMaxMove(Player p, string message, string[] args) { byte distance; if (args.Length == 1) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Maxmium move distance is currently &a" + ZombieGame.MaxMoveDistance + " %Sunits apart."); } else if (!byte.TryParse(args[1], out distance)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Maximum move distance must be an integer between 0 and 256."); } else { ZombieGame.MaxMoveDistance = distance; Player.SendMessage(p, "Maximum move distance set to &a" + distance + " %Sunits apart."); SrvProperties.Save(); } }
static void HandleHitbox(Player p, string message, string[] args) { byte precision; if (args.Length == 1) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Hitbox detection is currently &a" + ZombieGame.HitboxPrecision + " %Sunits apart."); } else if (!byte.TryParse(args[1], out precision)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Hitbox detection must be an integer between 0 and 256."); } else { ZombieGame.HitboxPrecision = precision; Player.SendMessage(p, "Hitbox detection set to &a" + precision + " %Sunits apart."); SrvProperties.Save(); } }
void SaveProperties() { try { ApplyGeneralProps(); ApplyChatProps(); ApplyIrcSqlProps(); ApplyEcoProps(); ApplyMiscProps(); ApplyRankProps(); ApplySecurityProps(); zsSettings.ApplyToServer(); SrvProperties.Save(); Economy.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "SAVE FAILED! properties/"); } }
static void SetLimitPercent(Player p, ref float target, float value, bool hasValue) { const string type = "Threshold before drawing reloads map"; if (hasValue) { target = value / 100.0f; } string percent = (target * 100).ToString("F2") + "%"; if (!hasValue) { p.Message(type + ": &b" + percent); } else { Chat.MessageAll(type + " set to &b" + percent); SrvProperties.Save(); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { if (Player.IsSuper(p)) { Player.Message(p, "Main level is {0}", Server.mainLevel.ColoredName); } else if ( == { Player.Message(p, "You are already on the server's main level."); } else { PlayerActions.ChangeMap(p, Server.mainLevel); } } else { if (!CheckExtraPerm(p)) { MessageNeedExtra(p, "change the main level"); return; } if (!Formatter.ValidName(p, message, "level")) { return; } string map = LevelInfo.FindMapMatches(p, message); if (map == null) { return; } Server.SetMainLevel(map); SrvProperties.Save(); Player.Message(p, "Set main level to {0}", Server.mainLevel.ColoredName); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { string[] args = message.Split(' '); if (args.Length < 2) { Help(p); return; } int limit; if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out limit) || limit <= 0) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Limit amount must be a whole number and greater than 0."); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "rt": case "reloadthreshold": Player.GlobalMessage("Threshold before drawing reloads map set to &b" + limit); Server.DrawReloadLimit = limit; SrvProperties.Save(); return; case "rp": case "restartphysics": Player.GlobalMessage("Custom /rp's limit was changed to &b" + limit); Server.rpLimit = limit; SrvProperties.Save(); return; case "rpnormal": Player.GlobalMessage("Normal /rp's limit set to &b" + limit); Server.rpNormLimit = limit; SrvProperties.Save(); return; case "pu": case "physicsundo": Player.GlobalMessage("Physics undo max entries set to &b" + limit); Server.physUndo = limit; SrvProperties.Save(); return; case "gen": case "genlimit": Player.GlobalMessage("Maximum volume of maps players can generate set to &b" + limit); Server.MapGenLimit = limit; SrvProperties.Save(); return; case "genadmin": case "genadminlimit": case "admingen": case "admingenlimit": Player.GlobalMessage("Maximum volume of maps admins can generate set to &b" + limit); Server.MapGenLimitAdmin = limit; SrvProperties.Save(); return; } if (args.Length == 2) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You need to provide a rank name for this type."); return; } Group grp = Group.Find(args[2]); if (grp == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "No rank found matching: " + args[2]); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "dl": case "drawlimit": Player.GlobalMessage(grp.color + + "%S's draw limit set to &b" + limit); grp.maxBlocks = limit; break; case "mu": case "maxundo": Player.GlobalMessage(grp.color + + "%S's undo limit set to &b" + limit); grp.maxUndo = limit; break; default: Help(p); return; } Group.saveGroups(Group.GroupList); }
private void HandleMobileSettingsChange(byte[] message) { const string KEY_SERVER_NAME = "servername:= "; const string KEY_SERVER_MOTD = "servermotd:= "; const string KEY_SERVER_PORT = "serverport:= "; const string KEY_SERVER_IS_PUBLIC = "serverpublic:= "; const string KEY_MAIN_NAME = "servermapname:= "; const string KEY_ADMINS_JOIN = "serveradminjoin:= "; const string KEY_IRC_USE = "ircuse:= "; const string KEY_IRC_SERVER = "ircserver:= "; const string KEY_IRC_CHANNEL = "ircchannel:= "; const string KEY_IRC_OPCHANNEL = "ircopchannel:= "; const string KEY_IRC_NICK = "ircnick:= "; const string KEY_IRC_COLOR = "irccolor:= "; const string KEY_IRC_IDENT = "ircident:= "; const string KEY_IRC_PASS = "******"; const string KEY_IRC_PORT = "ircport:= "; const string KEY_MISC_PHYSICSRESTART = "miscphysicssp:= "; const string KEY_MISC_RPLIMIT = "miscrplimit:= "; const string KEY_MISC_NORMRPLIMIT = "miscnormalrplimit:= "; const string KEY_MISC_GLOBALCHAT = "miscglobalchat:= "; const string KEY_MISC_GLOBALCOLOR = "miscglobalcolor:= "; const string KEY_MISC_GLOBALNAME = "miscglobalnick:= "; const string KEY_MISC_DOLLAR = "miscdollar:= "; const string KEY_MISC_SUPEROPRANK = "miscsuperop:= "; const string KEY_MISC_PARSEEMOTE = "miscparseemote:= "; short length = util.EndianBitConverter.Big.ToInt16(message, 0); string mass = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message, 2, length); mass = DecryptMobile(mass, _keyMobile); try { if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_SERVER_NAME)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_SERVER_NAME, ""); = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_ADMINS_JOIN)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_ADMINS_JOIN, ""); Server.adminsjoinsilent = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_SERVER_MOTD)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_SERVER_MOTD, ""); Server.motd = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_SERVER_PORT)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_SERVER_PORT, ""); Server.port = int.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_SERVER_IS_PUBLIC)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_SERVER_IS_PUBLIC, ""); = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MAIN_NAME)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MAIN_NAME, ""); if (Player.ValidName(mass)) { Server.level = mass; } SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } //---------------------------------IRC--------------------------------// if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_USE)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_USE, ""); Server.irc = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_SERVER)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_SERVER, ""); Server.ircServer = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_CHANNEL)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_CHANNEL, ""); Server.ircChannel = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_OPCHANNEL)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_OPCHANNEL, ""); Server.ircOpChannel = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_NICK)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_NICK, ""); Server.ircNick = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_PORT)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_PORT, ""); Server.ircPort = int.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_PASS)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_PASS, ""); Server.ircPassword = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_COLOR)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_COLOR, ""); Server.IRCColour = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_IRC_IDENT)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_IRC_IDENT, ""); Server.ircIdentify = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } //------------------MISC-----------------------------------------------// if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_PHYSICSRESTART)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_PHYSICSRESTART, ""); Server.physicsRestart = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_RPLIMIT)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_RPLIMIT, ""); Server.rpLimit = int.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_NORMRPLIMIT)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_NORMRPLIMIT, ""); Server.rpNormLimit = int.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_GLOBALCHAT)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_GLOBALCHAT, ""); Server.UseGlobalChat = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_GLOBALCOLOR)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_GLOBALCOLOR, ""); Server.GlobalChatColor = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_GLOBALNAME)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_GLOBALNAME, ""); Server.GlobalChatNick = mass; SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_DOLLAR)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_DOLLAR, ""); Server.dollardollardollar = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_SUPEROPRANK)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_SUPEROPRANK, ""); Server.rankSuper = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } if (mass.StartsWith(KEY_MISC_PARSEEMOTE)) { mass = mass.Replace(KEY_MISC_PARSEEMOTE, ""); Server.parseSmiley = Boolean.Parse(mass); SrvProperties.Save("properties/"); return; } } catch (FormatException) { Server.s.Log("Remote sent invalid setting"); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { if (message.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } string[] parts = message.SplitSpaces(); RelayBot bot = Bot; string cmd = parts[0].ToLower(); string arg = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : ""; switch (cmd) { case "reload": bot.LoadControllers(); p.Message("{0} controllers reloaded!", bot.RelayName); break; case "add": if (arg.Length == 0) { p.Message("You need to provide a name to add."); return; } if (!bot.Controllers.Add(arg)) { p.Message("{0} is already in the {1} controllers list.", arg, bot.RelayName); } else { bot.Controllers.Save(); p.Message("{0} added to the {1} controllers list.", arg, bot.RelayName); } break; case "remove": if (arg.Length == 0) { p.Message("You need to provide a name to remove."); return; } if (!bot.Controllers.Remove(arg)) { p.Message("{0} is not in the {1} controllers list.", arg, bot.RelayName); } else { bot.Controllers.Save(); p.Message("{0} removed from the {1} controllers list.", arg, bot.RelayName); } break; case "list": bot.Controllers.OutputPlain(p, bot.RelayName + " controllers", name + " list", arg); break; case "rank": if (arg.Length == 0) { p.Message("{0} controllers have the rank {1}", bot.RelayName, Group.GetColoredName(Server.Config.IRCControllerRank)); return; } Group grp = Matcher.FindRanks(p, arg); if (grp == null) { return; } if (Server.Config.IRCControllerRank > data.Rank) { p.Message("Cannot change the {0} controllers rank, " + "as it is currently a rank higher than yours.", bot.RelayName); return; } if (grp.Permission > data.Rank) { p.Message("Cannot set the {0} controllers rank to a rank higher than yours.", bot.RelayName); return; } Server.Config.IRCControllerRank = grp.Permission; SrvProperties.Save(); p.Message("Set {0} controller rank to {1}&S.", bot.RelayName, grp.ColoredName); break; default: Help(p); break; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { /*if (Process.GetProcessesByName("MCForge").Length != 1) * { * foreach (Process pr in Process.GetProcessesByName("MCForge")) * { * if (pr.MainModule.BaseAddress == Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.BaseAddress) * if (pr.Id != Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id) * pr.Kill(); * } * }*/ //Get a pointer to the forground window. The idea here is that //IF the user is starting our application from an existing console //shell, that shell will be the uppermost window. We'll get it //and attach to it IntPtr ptr = GetForegroundWindow(); int u; GetWindowThreadProcessId(ptr, out u); Process process = Process.GetProcessById(u); if (process.ProcessName == "cmd") //Is the uppermost window a cmd process? { AttachConsole(process.Id); //we have a console to attach to .. Console.WriteLine("hello. It looks like you started me from an existing console."); } else { //no console AND we're in console mode ... create a new console. AllocConsole(); } //FreeConsole(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(Program.GlobalExHandler); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Program.ThreadExHandler); Dictionary <string, DataTable> ZoneDb = new Dictionary <string, DataTable>(); try { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Starting upgrade..."); Console.WriteLine("Loading old properties..."); Server.s = new Server(); Server.LoadAllSettings(); Console.WriteLine("Converting database..."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } try { //Convert Database for MySQL users if (Server.useMySQL) { //Create the tables.. MySQL.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists _players (UID INTEGER not null auto_increment, Name VARCHAR(20), IP VARCHAR(20), firstlogin DATETIME, lastlogin DATETIME, money MEDIUMINT, totallogin MEDIUMINT, totalblocks MEDIUMINT, color VARCHAR(5) PRIMARY KEY (UID));"); MySQL.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists extra (key VARCHAR(1000), value VARCHAR(1000), UID INTEGER);"); //Lets start with the players DataTable table = new DataTable("table"); MySQL.fill("SELECT * FROM Players", table); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { try { MySQL.execute("INSERT INTO _players (Name, IP, firstlogin, lastlogin, money, totallogin, totalblocks, color) VALUES ('" + table.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "', '" + table.Rows[i]["IP"].ToString() + "', '" + table.Rows[i]["FirstLogin"].ToString() + "', '" + table.Rows[i]["LastLogin"].ToString() + "', " + int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["Money"].ToString()) + ", " + int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["totalLogin"].ToString()) + ", " + int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["totalBlocks"].ToString()) + ", '" + table.Rows[i]["color"].ToString() + "')"); //Title and Color are to be treated as an extra item... MySQL.execute("INSERT INTO extra (key, value, UID) VALUES ('Title', '" + table.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString() + "', " + i + ")"); //MySQL.execute("INSERT INTO extra (key, value, UID) VALUES ('Color', '" + table.Rows[i]["color"].ToString() + "', " + i + ")"); } catch { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Converting failed for column " + i); } } //Were done table.Dispose(); //DROP THE OLD TABLE! //Maybe ._. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Finished converting player table.."); Console.WriteLine("Converting Level data.."); MySQL.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists Blocks (UID INTEGER, X MEDIUMINT, Y MEDIUMINT, Z MEDIUMINT, Level VARCHAR(100), Deleted VARCHAR(30), Block TEXT, Date DATETIME, Was TEXT);"); foreach (string levelfile in Directory.GetFiles("levels", "*.lvl")) { try { //Get level name FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(levelfile); string name = fi.Name.Split('.')[0]; try { Console.WriteLine("Getting zones for later use.."); DataTable Zones = new DataTable(); MySQL.fill("SELECT * FROM `Zone" + name + "`", Zones); ZoneDb.Add(name, Zones); } catch { } DataTable table1 = new DataTable("table1"); MySQL.fill("SELECT * FROM Block" + name, table1); DataTable temp = new DataTable("temp"); for (int i = 0; i < table1.Rows.Count; i++) { //Convert username to UID MySQL.fill("SELECT * FROM _players WHERE Name='" + table1.Rows[i]["Username"].ToString() + "'", temp); int UID = int.Parse(temp.Rows[0]["UID"].ToString()); int x = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["X"].ToString()); int y = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["Y"].ToString()); int z = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["Z"].ToString()); string time = table1.Rows[i]["TimePerformed"].ToString(); int deleted = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["deleted"].ToString()); string finaldel = (deleted == 1 ? "true" : "false"); MySQL.execute("INSERT INTO Blocks (UID, X, Y, Z, Level, Deleted, Date) VALUES (" + UID + ", " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ", '" + name + "', '" + finaldel + "', '" + time + "')"); } //TODO Add zones, mb, and portals once those are in //Snowl panned them to be in the Level.ExtraData //(it allows for portability of the .lvl so you can move it from server to server without requiring MySQL) } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Converting failed for " + levelfile); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } } } else { try { SQLite.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists _players (UID INTEGER not null PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name VARCHAR(20), IP VARCHAR(20), firstlogin DATETIME, lastlogin DATETIME, money MEDIUMINT, totallogin MEDIUMINT, totalblocks MEDIUMINT, color VARCHAR(5));"); SQLite.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists extra (key VARCHAR(1000), value VARCHAR(1000), UID INTEGER);"); DataTable table = new DataTable("table"); SQLite.fill("SELECT * FROM Players", table); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { SQLite.execute("INSERT INTO _players (Name, IP, firstlogin, lastlogin, money, totallogin, totalblocks, color) VALUES ('" + table.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "', '" + table.Rows[i]["IP"].ToString() + "', '" + table.Rows[i]["FirstLogin"].ToString() + "', '" + table.Rows[i]["LastLogin"].ToString() + "', " + int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["Money"].ToString()) + ", " + int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["totalLogin"].ToString()) + ", " + int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["totalBlocks"].ToString()) + ", '" + table.Rows[i]["color"].ToString() + "')"); //Title and Color are to be treated as an extra item... SQLite.execute("INSERT INTO extra (key, value, UID) VALUES ('Title', '" + table.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString() + "', " + i + ")"); //SQLite.execute("INSERT INTO extra (key, value, UID) VALUES ('Color', '" + table.Rows[i]["color"].ToString() + "', " + i + ")"); } table.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Finished converting player table.."); Console.WriteLine("Converting Level data.."); SQLite.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists Blocks (UID INTEGER, X MEDIUMINT, Y MEDIUMINT, Z MEDIUMINT, Level VARCHAR(100), Deleted VARCHAR(30), Block TEXT, Date DATETIME, Was TEXT);"); foreach (string levelfile in Directory.GetFiles("levels", "*.lvl")) { try { //Convert Block History FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(levelfile); string name = fi.Name.Split('.')[0]; try { Console.WriteLine("Getting zones for later use.."); DataTable Zones = new DataTable(); SQLite.fill("SELECT * FROM `Zone" + name + "`", Zones); ZoneDb.Add(name, Zones); } catch { } DataTable table1 = new DataTable("table1"); SQLite.fill("SELECT * FROM Block" + name, table1); DataTable temp = new DataTable("temp"); for (int i = 0; i < table1.Rows.Count; i++) { //Convert username to UID SQLite.fill("SELECT * FROM _players WHERE Name='" + table1.Rows[i]["Username"].ToString() + "'", temp); int UID = int.Parse(temp.Rows[0]["UID"].ToString()); int x = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["X"].ToString()); int y = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["Y"].ToString()); int z = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["Z"].ToString()); string time = table1.Rows[i]["TimePerformed"].ToString(); int deleted = int.Parse(table1.Rows[i]["deleted"].ToString()); string finaldel = (deleted == 1 ? "true" : "false"); SQLite.execute("INSERT INTO Blocks (UID, X, Y, Z, Level, Deleted, Date) VALUES (" + UID + ", " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ", '" + name + "', '" + finaldel + "', '" + time + "')"); } //TODO Add zones, mb, and portals once those are in } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Converting failed for " + levelfile); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error converting database, assuming there is none.."); } } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; foreach (string level in Directory.GetFiles("levels", "*.lvl")) { try { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Level l = Level.LoadLevel(level); if (l != null) { Console.WriteLine("Converting zones for level " + l.Name + ".."); Console.WriteLine("Converting " + ZoneDb.Count + " zones!"); try { DataTable temp = ZoneDb[l.Name]; Zone Zn; for (int i = 0; i < temp.Rows.Count; ++i) { Zn.smallX = ushort.Parse(temp.Rows[i]["SmallX"].ToString()); Zn.smallY = ushort.Parse(temp.Rows[i]["SmallY"].ToString()); Zn.smallZ = ushort.Parse(temp.Rows[i]["SmallZ"].ToString()); Zn.bigX = ushort.Parse(temp.Rows[i]["BigX"].ToString()); Zn.bigY = ushort.Parse(temp.Rows[i]["BigY"].ToString()); Zn.bigZ = ushort.Parse(temp.Rows[i]["BigZ"].ToString()); Zn.Owner = temp.Rows[i]["Owner"].ToString(); Plugins.Zones.Zone z = new Plugins.Zones.Zone(new MCForge.Utils.Vector3D(Zn.smallX, Zn.smallZ, Zn.smallY), new MCForge.Utils.Vector3D(Zn.bigX, Zn.bigZ, Zn.bigY), Zn.Owner, Zn.Owner, 0, l, false); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error converting zones.."); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } if (ZoneDb.ContainsKey(l.Name)) { ZoneDb.Remove(l.Name); } l.SaveToBinary(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(level + " converted!"); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Level didnt load, must be a MCForge 6 level.."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error converting " + level); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Converting Properties.."); SrvProperties.ConvertSettings(); Console.WriteLine("Converting Groups.."); try { Group.InitAll(); foreach (Group g in Group.GroupList) { try { PlayerGroup pg = new PlayerGroup((int)g.Permission,, g.color, g.fileName); pg.SaveGroup(); Console.WriteLine("Group " + + " converted!"); PlayerGroup.Groups.Add(pg); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error converting the group " + + " !"); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } } Console.WriteLine("Saving new Groups.."); PlayerGroupProperties.Save(); File.Delete("properties/"); Console.WriteLine("Converting Command Permissions.."); CMDCONVERT.CONVERTCMD(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error converting groups!"); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Console.WriteLine("Renaming files.."); File.Move("ranks/uberOps.txt", "ranks/superops.txt"); File.Move("ranks/operators.txt", "ranks/ops.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Moving Files.."); string directory = "MCForge"; if (!Directory.Exists("MCForge")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("MCForge"); } else { int i = 0; while (Directory.Exists("MCForge" + i)) { i++; } Directory.CreateDirectory("MCForge" + i); directory = "MCForge" + i; } Console.WriteLine("Moving Properties.."); try { Directory.Move("properties", directory + "/properties"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error moving properties, you might need to do this after the upgrade!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } try { Console.WriteLine("Moving Levels (This could take a while).."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error moving levels, you might need to do this after the upgrade!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Directory.Move("levels", directory + "/levels"); if (!Server.useMySQL) { Console.WriteLine("Moving SQLite DB.."); try { File.Copy(Server.apppath + "/MCForge.db", directory + "/MCForge.db"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error copying database, you might need to do this after the upgrade!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } } Console.WriteLine("Moving ranks.."); try { Directory.Move("ranks", directory + "/ranks"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error moving ranks, you might need to do this after the upgrade!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Console.WriteLine("Moving text.."); try { Directory.Move("text", directory + "/text"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error moving text, you might need to do this after the upgrade!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Console.WriteLine("Archiving logs.."); try { Directory.Move("logs", directory + "/old_logs"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error archiving logs, you might need to do this after the upgrade!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Console.Write("Downloading Core Commands.."); MCForge.Downloader d = new MCForge.Downloader(); d.Download("", directory + "/Command.dll"); d.Wait(); Console.Write("\nDone!"); d = new MCForge.Downloader(); Console.Write("\nDownloading Core Plugins.."); d.Download("", directory + "/Plugins.dll"); d.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("\nDone!"); Console.Write("\nDownloading the "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("CORE"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; d = new MCForge.Downloader(); d.Download("", directory + "/MCForge.dll"); d.Wait(); Console.Write("\nDone!\n"); Console.WriteLine("Downloading Dependencies.."); string[] todl = new string[0]; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) todl = wc.DownloadString("").Split(':'); d = new MCForge.Downloader(); foreach (string s in todl) { Console.Write("\nDownloading " + s + ".."); d.Download("" + s, directory + "/" + s); d.Wait(); d.Reset(); Thread.Sleep(2000); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(true); } Console.ReadKey(true); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { if (message.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } string[] parts = message.SplitSpaces(); switch (parts[0].ToLower()) { case "reload": Server.ircControllers = PlayerList.Load("ranks/IRC_Controllers.txt"); p.Message("IRC Controllers reloaded!"); break; case "add": if (parts.Length < 2) { p.Message("You need to provide a name to add."); return; } if (!Server.ircControllers.AddUnique(parts[1])) { p.Message(parts[1] + " is already an IRC controller."); } else { Server.ircControllers.Save(); p.Message(parts[1] + " added to the IRC controller list."); } break; case "remove": if (parts.Length < 2) { p.Message("You need to provide a name to remove."); return; } if (!Server.ircControllers.Remove(parts[1])) { p.Message(parts[1] + " is not an IRC controller."); } else { Server.ircControllers.Save(); p.Message(parts[1] + " removed from the IRC controller list."); } break; case "list": string names = Server.ircControllers.All().Join(); p.Message("IRC controllers list:"); p.Message(names); break; case "rank": if (parts.Length < 2) { p.Message("IRC controllers have the rank {0}", Group.GetColoredName(Server.Config.IRCControllerRank)); return; } Group grp = Matcher.FindRanks(p, parts[1]); if (grp == null) { return; } if (Server.Config.IRCControllerRank > data.Rank) { p.Message("Cannot change the IRC controllers rank, as it is currently a rank higher than yours."); return; } if (grp.Permission > data.Rank) { p.Message("Cannot set the IRC controllers rank to a rank higher than yours."); return; } Server.Config.IRCControllerRank = grp.Permission; SrvProperties.Save(); p.Message("Set IRC controller rank to {0}%S.", grp.ColoredName); break; default: Help(p); break; } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { string xjailMap = ServerConfig.XJailLevel; if (xjailMap == "(main)") { xjailMap =; } if (message.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } Command jail = Command.all.FindByName("Jail"); if (message == "set") { if (!p.level.IsMuseum) { jail.Use(p, "set"); ServerConfig.XJailLevel =; SrvProperties.Save(); Player.Message(p, "The xjail map was set from '" + xjailMap + "' to '" + + "'"); } else { Player.Message(p, "You are in a museum!"); } return; } Player who = PlayerInfo.FindMatches(p, message); if (who == null) { return; } if (p != null && who.Rank >= p.Rank) { MessageTooHighRank(p, "xjail", false); return; } Command spawn = Command.all.FindByName("Spawn"); Command freeze = Command.all.FindByName("Freeze"); Command mute = Command.all.FindByName("Mute"); if (!Server.jailed.Contains( { if (!who.muted) { mute.Use(p, message + " 10000d"); } if (!who.frozen) { freeze.Use(p, message + " 10000d"); } PlayerActions.ChangeMap(who, xjailMap); who.BlockUntilLoad(10); jail.Use(p, message); Chat.MessageGlobal("{0} %Swas XJailed!", who.ColoredName); } else { if (who.muted) { mute.Use(p, message); } if (who.frozen) { freeze.Use(p, message); } PlayerActions.ChangeMap(who, Server.mainLevel); who.BlockUntilLoad(10); jail.Use(p, message); spawn.Use(who, ""); Chat.MessageGlobal("{0} %Swas released from XJail!", who.ColoredName); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } string[] parts = message.Split(' '); switch (parts[0].ToLower()) { case "reload": Server.ircControllers = PlayerList.Load("IRC_Controllers.txt"); Player.Message(p, "IRC Controllers reloaded!"); break; case "add": if (parts.Length < 2) { Player.Message(p, "You need to provide a name to add."); return; } if (Server.ircControllers.Contains(parts[1])) { Player.Message(p, parts[1] + " is already an IRC controller."); return; } Server.ircControllers.Add(parts[1]); Server.ircControllers.Save(); Player.Message(p, parts[1] + " added to the IRC controller list."); break; case "remove": if (parts.Length < 2) { Player.Message(p, "You need to provide a name to remove."); return; } if (!Server.ircControllers.Contains(parts[1])) { Player.Message(p, parts[1] + " is not an IRC controller."); return; } Server.ircControllers.Remove(parts[1]); Server.ircControllers.Save(); Player.Message(p, parts[1] + " removed from the IRC controller list."); break; case "list": string names = Server.ircControllers.All().Join(); Player.Message(p, "IRC controllers list:"); Player.Message(p, names); break; case "rank": if (parts.Length < 2) { Player.Message(p, "IRC controllers have the rank {0}", Group.GetColoredName(Server.ircControllerRank)); return; } Group grp = Group.FindMatches(p, parts[1]); if (grp == null) { return; } if (p != null && Server.ircControllerRank > p.Rank) { Player.Message(p, "Cannot change the IRC controllers rank, as it is currently a rank higher than yours."); return; } if (p != null && grp.Permission > p.Rank) { Player.Message(p, "Cannot set the IRC controllers rank to a rank higher than yours."); return; } Server.ircControllerRank = grp.Permission; SrvProperties.Save(); Player.Message(p, "Set IRC controller rank to {0}%S.", grp.ColoredName); break; default: Help(p); break; } }