public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Remarks, EventID, VolunteerID")] Volunteering volunteering) { bool b = true; //assign datetime from event Event evt = db.Events.Find(volunteering.EventID); volunteering.BeginDate = evt.StartDate; volunteering.BeginTime = evt.StartTime; volunteering.EndDate = evt.EndDate; volunteering.EndTime = evt.EndTime; //check for datetime conflicts as required! //check for datetime conflicts as required! //check for datetime conflicts as required! //check for datetime conflicts as required! foreach (Volunteering vs in db.Volunteerings .Where(el => (el.VolunteerID == volunteering.VolunteerID))) { DateTime startDate = new DateTime(vs.BeginDate.Year, vs.BeginDate.Month, vs.BeginDate.Day, vs.BeginTime.Hour, vs.BeginTime.Minute, vs.BeginTime.Second); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(vs.EndDate.Year, vs.EndDate.Month, vs.EndDate.Day, vs.EndTime.Hour, vs.EndTime.Minute, vs.EndTime.Second); DateTime startCompareDate = new DateTime(volunteering.BeginDate.Year, volunteering.BeginDate.Month, volunteering.BeginDate.Day, volunteering.BeginTime.Hour, volunteering.BeginTime.Minute, volunteering.BeginTime.Second); DateTime endCompareDate = new DateTime(volunteering.EndDate.Year, volunteering.EndDate.Month, volunteering.EndDate.Day, volunteering.EndTime.Hour, volunteering.EndTime.Minute, volunteering.EndTime.Second); if ((startCompareDate >= startDate && startCompareDate <= endDate) || (endCompareDate >= startDate && endCompareDate <= endDate)) { b = false; } } if (!b) { TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "This Volunteer has already been assigned to another event within this time slot."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } //duplicates if (db.Volunteerings.Where(el => (el.VolunteerID == volunteering.VolunteerID) && (el.EventID == volunteering.EventID)).Count() > 0) { TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "The Volunteer has already been assigned to the Event."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Volunteerings.Add(volunteering); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.EventID = new SelectList(db.Events, "EventID", "Title", volunteering.EventID); ViewBag.VolunteerID = new SelectList(db.Volunteers, "VolunteerID", "FirstName", volunteering.VolunteerID); return(View(volunteering)); }
public static bool doRemoveCartItem(int CartItemID) { Guid testId; bool t = false; if ((Guid.TryParse(Generics.IfNullString(Default.AppUserUniqueKey), out testId)) && (CartItemID > 0)) { SrvContext dbCtx = new SrvContext(); int CustomerID = dbCtx.Customers .Where(el => (el.UniqueKey == testId)) .Single() .CustomerID; if (dbCtx.CartItems.Where(el => (el.CartItemID == CartItemID) && (el.CustomerID == CustomerID)).Count() == 1) { CartItem ci = dbCtx.CartItems .Where(el => (el.CartItemID == CartItemID) && (el.CustomerID == CustomerID)) .Single(); dbCtx.CartItems.Remove(ci); try { t = (dbCtx.SaveChanges() > 0); } catch { ; } } } return(t); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "VolunteerID, FirstName, LastName, Username, Phone, DateOfBirth, IsFemale, Address, City, State, Zip, IsActive")] Volunteer volunteer) { //if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (volunteer.VolunteerID > 0) { db.Entry(volunteer).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { db.Volunteers.Add(volunteer); } db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } //return View(volunteer); }
public static bool doUpdateCartItemQuantity(int CartItemID, byte quantity) { Guid testId; bool t = false; if (Guid.TryParse(Generics.IfNullString(Default.AppUserUniqueKey), out testId)) { SrvContext dbCtx = new SrvContext(); Customer cx = dbCtx.Customers .Where(el => (el.UniqueKey == testId)) .Single(); CartItem ci; if (dbCtx.CartItems .Where(el => (el.CustomerID == cx.CustomerID) && el.IsActive && (el.CartItemID == CartItemID)).Count() == 1) { ci = dbCtx.CartItems .Where(el => (el.CustomerID == cx.CustomerID) && el.IsActive && (el.CartItemID == CartItemID)) .Single(); if ((ci.Quantity > 0) && (ci.Quantity < 10)) { ci.Quantity = quantity; ci.ItemPrice = double.Parse(Generics.IfNullString(dbCtx.Products .Where(el => (el.ProductID == ci.ProductID)) .Single() .UnitPrice)) * ci.Quantity; if (Validator.TryValidateObject(ci, new ValidationContext(ci, serviceProvider: null, items: null), new List <ValidationResult>(), true)) { try { t = (dbCtx.SaveChanges() > 0); } catch { ; } } } } } return(t); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "EventID, StartDate, EndDate, Title, Description, Capacity, VolunteersRequired, VenueAddress, VenueCity, VenueState, VenueZip, VenuePhone, IsActive")] Event @event) { //if (ModelState.IsValid) { string StartTime = string.Empty; string EndTime = string.Empty; int startHour = 0; int startMinutes = 0; int endHour = 0; int endMinutes = 0; StartTime = Request.Form["StartTime"]; EndTime = Request.Form["EndTime"]; startHour = int.Parse(StartTime.Split(':')[0]); startMinutes = int.Parse(StartTime.Split(':')[1]); endHour = int.Parse(EndTime.Split(':')[0]); endMinutes = int.Parse(EndTime.Split(':')[1]); @event.StartTime = (new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, startHour, startMinutes, 0)); @event.EndTime = (new DateTime(1999, 12, 31, endHour, endMinutes, 0)); if (@event.EventID > 0) { //Event dEvent = db.Events.Find(@event.EventID); //@event.StartDate = dEvent.StartDate; //@event.StartTime = dEvent.StartTime; //@event.EndDate = dEvent.EndDate; //@event.EndTime = dEvent.EndTime; //dEvent = null; db.Entry(@event).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { db.Events.Add(@event); } db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } //return View(volunteer); }
protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool t = false; Customer newCustomer = new Customer(); newCustomer.FirstName = txtRegisterFirstName.Text; newCustomer.LastName = txtRegisterLastName.Text; newCustomer.Username = txtRegisterUsername.Text; newCustomer.Phone = decimal.Parse(txtRegisterPhone.Text); newCustomer.PasswordBin = Generics.MakeHash(txtRegisterPassword.Text); if (Validator.TryValidateObject(newCustomer, new ValidationContext(newCustomer, serviceProvider: null, items: null), new List <ValidationResult>(), true)) { dbCtx.Customers.Add(newCustomer); try { if (dbCtx.SaveChanges() > 0) { lblRegistrationSummary.Text = "You have been successfully registered into the system."; lblRegistrationSummary.CssClass = lblRegistrationSummary.CssClass.Replace("warning", "success"); lblRegistrationSummary.CssClass = lblRegistrationSummary.CssClass.Replace("red", "green"); lblRegistrationSummary.Visible = true; t = true; } } catch { lblRegistrationSummary.Text = "A user with the Email Address or Phone Number already exists in the system."; } } if (!t) { lblRegistrationSummary.Visible = true; } }
protected void btnOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Order o = new Order(); bool t = false; o.CustomerID = dbCtx.Customers .Where(el => (el.UniqueKey == testId)) .Single() .CustomerID; o.UniqueOrderNumber = Guid.NewGuid(); o.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; o.FirstName = txtMFirstName.Text; o.LastName = txtMLastName.Text; o.BillingAddress = txtMBillingAddress.Text; o.BillingCity = txtMBillingCity.Text; o.BillingState = txtMBillingCity.Text; o.BillingZip = int.Parse(txtMBillingZip.Text); if (chkMShippingIsSame.Checked) { o.ShippingAddress = o.BillingAddress; o.ShippingCity = o.BillingCity; o.ShippingState = o.BillingState; o.ShippingZip = o.BillingZip; } else { o.ShippingAddress = txtMShippingAddress.Text; o.ShippingCity = txtMShippingCity.Text; o.ShippingState = txtMShippingCity.Text; o.ShippingZip = int.Parse(txtMShippingZip.Text); } o.TaxSum = TotalTax; o.TotalSum = TotalOrderAmount; o.Notes = txtNotes.Text; o.IsOrdered = true; if (Validator.TryValidateObject(o, new ValidationContext(o, serviceProvider: null, items: null), new List <ValidationResult>(), true)) { dbCtx.Orders.Add(o); try { int OrderId = dbCtx.SaveChanges(); if (OrderId > 0) { foreach (CartItem ci in dbCtx.CartItems .Where(el => (el.CustomerID == o.CustomerID) && el.IsActive)) { ci.OrderID = OrderId; ci.IsActive = false; } dbCtx.SaveChanges(); lblOrderSummary.Text = ("Your order was successfully placed. Please note that your Order# is " + o.UniqueOrderNumber + "."); lblOrderSummary.CssClass = lblOrderSummary.CssClass.Replace("warning", "success"); lblOrderSummary.CssClass = lblOrderSummary.CssClass.Replace("red", "green"); pnlOrder.Visible = false; lblOrderSummary.Visible = true; t = true; } } catch { lblOrderSummary.Text = "There was an error placing your order."; } } if (!t) { lblOrderSummary.Visible = true; } }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool t = false; if (updCustomer != null) { updCustomer.FirstName = txtMFirstName.Text; updCustomer.LastName = txtMLastName.Text; updCustomer.BillingAddress = txtMBillingAddress.Text; updCustomer.BillingCity = txtMBillingCity.Text; updCustomer.BillingState = txtMBillingState.Text; if (Generics.IfNullString(txtMBillingZip.Text).Length == 5) { updCustomer.BillingZip = int.Parse(txtMBillingZip.Text); } if (chkMShippingIsSame.Checked) { updCustomer.ShippingAddress = updCustomer.BillingAddress; updCustomer.ShippingCity = updCustomer.BillingCity; updCustomer.ShippingState = updCustomer.BillingState; updCustomer.ShippingZip = updCustomer.BillingZip; } else { updCustomer.ShippingAddress = txtMShippingAddress.Text; updCustomer.ShippingCity = txtMShippingCity.Text; updCustomer.ShippingState = txtMShippingState.Text; if (Generics.IfNullString(txtMShippingZip.Text).Length == 5) { updCustomer.ShippingZip = int.Parse(txtMShippingZip.Text); } } if (Validator.TryValidateObject(updCustomer, new ValidationContext(updCustomer, serviceProvider: null, items: null), new List <ValidationResult>(), true)) { try { //SrvContext dbCtx = new SrvContext(); if (dbCtx.SaveChanges() > 0) { lblUpdateSummary.Text = "Your details have successfully been updated in the system."; lblUpdateSummary.CssClass = lblUpdateSummary.CssClass.Replace("warning", "success"); lblUpdateSummary.CssClass = lblUpdateSummary.CssClass.Replace("red", "green"); lblUpdateSummary.Visible = true; t = true; } } catch { lblUpdateSummary.Text = "There was an error updating your information in the system."; } } } if (!t) { lblUpdateSummary.Visible = true; } }