/* * combos changed signals */ private void on_combo_test_types_changed(object o, EventArgs args) { if (UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_test_types) == Catalog.GetString(Constants.UndefinedDefault)) { tests = new String[1]; tests [0] = Catalog.GetString(Constants.UndefinedDefault); UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_tests, tests, ""); UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_variables, tests, ""); } else if (UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_test_types) == Catalog.GetString(Constants.JumpSimpleName)) { UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_tests, SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, "", "", true), ""); } else if (UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_test_types) == Catalog.GetString(Constants.JumpReactiveName)) { UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_tests, SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes("", true), ""); } else if (UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_test_types) == Catalog.GetString(Constants.RunSimpleName)) { UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_tests, SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypes("", true), ""); } combo_tests.Active = 0; on_entries_required_changed(new object(), new EventArgs()); }
public string UploadRunType(RunType type, int evalSID) { string typeServer = type.Name + "-" + evalSID.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("RUN" + typeServer + ":" + type.Distance + ":" + type.Description); if (!Sqlite.Exists(false, Constants.RunTypeTable, typeServer)) { type.Name = typeServer; SqliteRunType.Insert(type, Constants.RunTypeTable, false); return(typeServer); } return("-1"); }
//used by Sqlite.convertTables //public override int InsertAtDB (bool dbconOpened, string tableName, bool interval) { public int InsertAtDB(bool dbconOpened, string tableName, bool interval) { if (interval) { /* * return SqliteRunIntervalType.Insert(dbconOpened, tableName, * name, distance, tracksLimited, fixedValue, * unlimited, description); */ return(SqliteRunIntervalType.Insert(this, tableName, dbconOpened)); } else { /* * return SqliteRunType.Insert(dbconOpened, tableName, * name, distance, description); */ return(SqliteRunType.Insert(this, tableName, dbconOpened)); } }
protected override void select() { l_types = (List <object>)SqliteRunType.SelectRunTypesNew("", false); //without allrunsname, not only name }
void on_button_accept_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { //ConsoleB.Information(getEntriesString()); string name = Util.RemoveTildeAndColonAndDot(entry_name.Text); //check if this run type exists, and check it's name is not AllRunsName bool runTypeExists = Sqlite.Exists(false, Constants.RunTypeTable, name); if (name == Constants.AllRunsName) { runTypeExists = true; } if (runTypeExists) { string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Race type: '{0}' exists. Please, use another name"), name); LogB.Information(myString); ErrorWindow.Show(myString); } else { RunType type = new RunType(); type.Name = name; type.Description = Util.RemoveTildeAndColon(textview_description.Buffer.Text); if (radiobutton_dist_variable.Active) { type.Distance = 0; } else if (radiobutton_dist_fixed.Active) { type.Distance = spin_distance_fixed.Value; } else { //dist_different (only on intervallic) type.Distance = -1; type.DistancesString = getEntriesString(); } if (radiobutton_simple.Active) { SqliteRunType.Insert(type, Constants.RunTypeTable, false); //false, because dbcon is not opened InsertedSimple = true; } else { if (radiobutton_unlimited.Active) { //unlimited (but in runs do like if it's limited by seconds: TracksLimited = false //(explanation in sqlite/jumpType.cs) type.TracksLimited = false; type.FixedValue = 0; type.Unlimited = true; } else { type.TracksLimited = radiobutton_limited_tracks.Active; if (checkbutton_limited_fixed.Active) { type.FixedValue = Convert.ToInt32(spin_fixed_tracks_or_time.Value); } else { type.FixedValue = 0; } type.Unlimited = false; } SqliteRunIntervalType.Insert(type, Constants.RunIntervalTypeTable, false); //false, because dbcon is not opened InsertedSimple = false; } //LogB.Information(string.Format("Inserted: {0}", type)); fakeButtonAccept.Click(); RunTypeAddWindowBox.run_type_add.Hide(); RunTypeAddWindowBox = null; } }
public static void CreateTables(bool server) { Sqlite.Open(); creationTotal = 14; creationRate = 1; SqliteServer sqliteServerObject = new SqliteServer(); //user has also an evaluator table with a row (it's row) sqliteServerObject.CreateEvaluatorTable(); if(server) { sqliteServerObject.CreatePingTable(); SqliteServerSession sqliteSessionObject = new SqliteServerSession(); sqliteSessionObject.createTable(Constants.SessionTable); } else { SqliteSession sqliteSessionObject = new SqliteSession(); sqliteSessionObject.createTable(Constants.SessionTable); //add SIMULATED session if doesn't exists. Unique session where tests can be simulated. SqliteSession.insertSimulatedSession(); SqlitePersonSessionNotUpload.CreateTable(); creationRate ++; } SqlitePerson sqlitePersonObject = new SqlitePerson(); sqlitePersonObject.createTable(Constants.PersonTable); //graphLinkTable SqliteEvent.createGraphLinkTable(); creationRate ++; //jumps SqliteJump sqliteJumpObject = new SqliteJump(); SqliteJumpRj sqliteJumpRjObject = new SqliteJumpRj(); sqliteJumpObject.createTable(Constants.JumpTable); sqliteJumpRjObject.createTable(Constants.JumpRjTable); sqliteJumpRjObject.createTable(Constants.TempJumpRjTable); //jump Types creationRate ++; SqliteJumpType.createTableJumpType(); SqliteJumpType.createTableJumpRjType(); SqliteJumpType.initializeTableJumpType(); SqliteJumpType.initializeTableJumpRjType(); //runs creationRate ++; SqliteRun sqliteRunObject = new SqliteRun(); SqliteRunInterval sqliteRunIntervalObject = new SqliteRunInterval(); sqliteRunObject.createTable(Constants.RunTable); sqliteRunIntervalObject.createTable(Constants.RunIntervalTable); sqliteRunIntervalObject.createTable(Constants.TempRunIntervalTable); //run Types creationRate ++; SqliteRunType sqliteRunTypeObject = new SqliteRunType(); sqliteRunTypeObject.createTable(Constants.RunTypeTable); SqliteRunType.initializeTable(); SqliteRunIntervalType sqliteRunIntervalTypeObject = new SqliteRunIntervalType(); sqliteRunIntervalTypeObject.createTable(Constants.RunIntervalTypeTable); SqliteRunIntervalType.initializeTable(); //reactionTimes creationRate ++; SqliteReactionTime sqliteReactionTimeObject = new SqliteReactionTime(); sqliteReactionTimeObject.createTable(Constants.ReactionTimeTable); //pulses and pulseTypes creationRate ++; SqlitePulse sqlitePulseObject = new SqlitePulse(); sqlitePulseObject.createTable(Constants.PulseTable); SqlitePulseType.createTablePulseType(); SqlitePulseType.initializeTablePulseType(); //multiChronopic tests creationRate ++; SqliteMultiChronopic sqliteMultiChronopicObject = new SqliteMultiChronopic(); sqliteMultiChronopicObject.createTable(Constants.MultiChronopicTable); //encoder creationRate ++; SqliteEncoder.createTableEncoder(); SqliteEncoder.createTableEncoderSignalCurve(); SqliteEncoder.createTableEncoderExercise(); SqliteEncoder.initializeTableEncoderExercise(); SqliteEncoder.createTable1RM(); //sports creationRate ++; SqliteSport.createTable(); SqliteSport.initialize(); SqliteSpeciallity.createTable(); SqliteSpeciallity.initialize(); SqliteSpeciallity.InsertUndefined(true); creationRate ++; SqlitePersonSession sqlitePersonSessionObject = new SqlitePersonSession(); sqlitePersonSessionObject.createTable(Constants.PersonSessionTable); creationRate ++; SqlitePreferences.createTable(); SqlitePreferences.initializeTable(lastChronojumpDatabaseVersion, creatingBlankDatabase); creationRate ++; SqliteCountry.createTable(); SqliteCountry.initialize(); SqliteExecuteAuto.createTableExecuteAuto(); SqliteExecuteAuto.addChronojumpProfileAndBilateral(); SqliteChronopicRegister.createTableChronopicRegister(); //changes [from - to - desc] //1.33 - 1.34 Converted DB to 1.34 Added thresholdJumps, thresholdRuns, thresholdOther to preferences //1.32 - 1.33 Converted DB to 1.33 Added chronopicRegister table //1.31 - 1.32 Converted DB to 1.32 encoderCaptureOptionsWin -> preferences //1.30 - 1.31 Converted DB to 1.31 Insert encoderCaptureCheckFullyExtended and ...Value at preferences //1.29 - 1.30 Converted DB to 1.30 Added SIMULATED session //1.28 - 1.29 Converted DB to 1.29 Changed reaction time rows have reactionTime as default value //1.27 - 1.28 Converted DB to 1.28 Changed encoderAutoSaveCurve BESTMEANPOWER to BEST //1.26 - 1.27 Converted DB to 1.27 Changing runDoubleContactsMS and runIDoubleContactsMS from 1000ms to 300ms //1.25 - 1.26 Converted DB to 1.26 Changed Inclinated to Inclined //1.24 - 1.25 Converted DB to 1.25 Language defaults to (empty string), means detected //1.23 - 1.24 Converted DB to 1.24 Delete runISpeedStartArrival and add 4 double contacts configs //1.22 - 1.23 Converted DB to 1.23 Added encoder configuration //1.21 - 1.22 Converted DB to 1.22 Encoder laterality in english again //1.20 - 1.21 Converted DB to 1.21 Fixing loosing of encoder videoURL after recalculate //1.19 - 1.20 Converted DB to 1.20 Preferences: added user email //1.18 - 1.19 Converted DB to 1.19 Preferences deleted showHeight, added showStiffness //1.17 - 1.18 Converted DB to 1.18 deleted Negative runInterval runs (bug from last version) //1.16 - 1.17 Converted DB to 1.17 Deleted Max jump (we already have "Free") //1.15 - 1.16 Converted DB to 1.16 Cyprus moved to Europe //1.14 - 1.15 Converted DB to 1.15 added Chronojump profile and bilateral profile //1.13 - 1.14 Converted DB to 1.14 slCMJ -> slCMJleft, slCMJright //1.12 - 1.13 Converted DB to 1.13 Added ExecuteAuto table //1.11 - 1.12 Converted DB to 1.12 URLs from absolute to relative //1.10 - 1.11 Converted DB to 1.11 Added option on autosave curves on capture (all/bestmeanpower/none) //1.09 - 1.10 Converted DB to 1.10 Added RSA RAST on runType //1.08 - 1.09 Converted DB to 1.09 Added option on preferences to useHeightsOnJumpIndexes (default) or not //1.07 - 1.08 Converted DB to 1.08 Added translate statistics graph option to preferences //1.06 - 1.07 Converted DB to 1.07 Added jump_dj_a.png //1.05 - 1.06 Converted DB to 1.06 Curves are now linked to signals //1.04 - 1.05 Converted DB to 1.05 Removed inertial curves, because sign was not checked on 1.04 when saving curves //1.03 - 1.04 Converted DB to 1.04 Encoder table improved //1.02 - 1.03 Converted DB to 1.03 Updated encoder exercise, angle is now on encoder configuration //1.01 - 1.02 Converted DB to 1.02 Added Agility Tests: Agility-T-Test, Agility-3L3R //1.00 - 1.01 Converted DB to 1.01 Added export to CSV configuration on preferences //0.99 - 1.00 Converted DB to 1.00 Encoder added Free and Inclined Exercises //0.98 - 0.99 Converted DB to 0.99 Encoder table improved //0.97 - 0.98 Converted DB to 0.98 Fixed encoder laterality //0.96 - 0.97 Converted DB to 0.97 Added inertialmomentum in preferences //0.95 - 0.96 Converted DB to 0.96 Encoder signal future3 three modes //0.94 - 0.95 Converted DB to 0.95 Added encoder1RMMethod //0.93 - 0.94 Converted DB to 0.94 Added encoder1RM table //0.92 - 0.93 Converted DB to 0.93 Added speed1RM on encoder exercise //0.91 - 0.92 Converted DB to 0.92 Added videoDevice to preferences //0.90 - 0.91 Converted DB to 0.91 Encoder Squat 75% -> 100% //0.89 - 0.90 Converted DB to 0.90 Preferences added propulsive and encoder smooth //0.88 - 0.89 Converted DB to 0.89 Added encoder exercise: Free //0.87 - 0.88 Converted DB to 0.88 Deleted fake RSA test and added known RSA tests //0.86 - 0.87 Converted DB to 0.87 Added run speed start preferences on sqlite //0.85 - 0.86 Converted DB to 0.86 videoOn: TRUE //0.84 - 0.85 Converted DB to 0.85 Added slCMJ jump //0.83 - 0.84 Converted DB to 0.84 Added first RSA test //0.82 - 0.83 Converted DB to 0.83 Created encoder table //0.81 - 0.82 Converted DB to 0.82 Added videoOn //0.80 - 0.81 Converted DB to 0.81 Added tempRunInterval initial speed //0.79 - 0.80 Converted DB to 0.80 Added run and runInterval initial speed (if not done in 0.56 conversion) //0.78 - 0.79 Converted DB to 0.79 (Added multimediaStorage structure id) //0.77 - 0.78 Converted DB to 0.78 (Added machineID to preferences, takeOffWeight has no weight in db conversions since 0.66) //0.76 - 0.77 Converted DB to 0.77 (person77, personSession77) //0.75 - 0.76 Converted DB to 0.76 (jump & jumpRj falls as double) //0.74 - 0.75 Converted DB to 0.75 (person, and personSessionWeight have height and weight as double) //0.73 - 0.74 Converted DB to 0.74 (All DJ converted to DJna) //0.72 - 0.73 Converted DB to 0.73 (deleted orphaned persons (in person table but not in personSessionWeight table)) //0.71 - 0.72 dates to YYYY-MM-DD //0.70 - 0.71 created personNotUploadTable on client //0.69 - 0.70 added showPower to preferences //0.68 - 0.69 added Gesell-DBT test //0.67 - 0.68 added multiChronopic tests table //0.66 - 0.67 added TakeOff jumps //0.65 - 0.66 added done nothing //0.64 - 0.65 added Sevaluator on client //0.63 - 0.64 added margaria test //0.62 - 0.63 added 'versionAvailable' to preferences //0.61 - 0.62 added hexagon (jumpRj test) //0.60 - 0.61 added RunIntervalType distancesString (now we van have interval tests with different distances of tracks). Added MTGUG //0.59 - 0.60 added volumeOn and evaluatorServerID to preferences. Session has now serverUniqueID. Simulated now are -1, because 0 is real and positive is serverUniqueID //0.58 - 0.59 Added 'showAngle' to preferences, changed angle on jump to double //0.57 - 0.58 Countries without kingdom or republic (except when needed) //0.56 - 0.57 Added simulated column to each event table on client. person: race, country, serverID. Convert to sport related done here if needed. Added also run and runInterval initial speed); //0.55 - 0.56 Added session default sport stuff into session table //0.54 - 0.55 Added undefined to speciallity table //0.53 - 0.54 created sport tables. Added sport data, speciallity and level of practice to person table //0.52 - 0.53 added table weightSession, moved person weight data to weightSession table for each session that has performed //0.51 - 0.52 added graphLinks for cmj_l and abk_l. Fixed CMJ_l name //0.50 - 0.51 added graphLinks for run simple and interval //0.49 - 0.50: changed SJ+ to SJl, same for CMJ+ and ABK+, added jump and jumpRj graph links //0.48 - 0.49: added graphLinkTable, added rocket jump and 5 agility tests: (20Yard, 505, Illinois, Shuttle-Run & ZigZag). Added graphs pof the 5 agility tests //0.47 - 0.48: added tempJumpReactive and tempRunInterval tables //0.46 - 0.47: added reactionTime table //0.45 - 0.46: added "Free" jump type //0.44 - 0.45: added allowFinishRjAfterTime //0.43 - 0.44: added showQIndex and showDjIndex //0.42 - 0.43: added 'free' pulseType & language preference //0.41 - 0.42: added pulse and pulseType tables //0.4 - 0.41: jump, jumpRj weight is double (always a percent) Sqlite.Close(); creationRate ++; }
private static void on_server_upload_session_started() { int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID")); try { ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer(); LogB.Information(myServer.ConnectDatabase()); int state = (int)Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGSESSION; //create ServerSession based on Session currentSession ServerSession serverSession = new ServerSession(currentSession, evalSID, progName + " " + progVersion, UtilAll.GetOS(), DateTime.Now, state); //if uploading session for first time if (currentSession.ServerUniqueID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID) { //upload ServerSession int idAtServer = myServer.UploadSession(serverSession); //update session currentSession (serverUniqueID) on client database currentSession.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer; SqliteSession.UpdateServerUniqueID(currentSession.UniqueID, currentSession.ServerUniqueID); } state = (int)Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGDATA; myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state); sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes = ""; string testTypesSeparator = ""; sessionUploadPersonData.sports = ""; string sportsSeparator = ""; //upload persons (updating also person.serverUniqueID locally) ArrayList persons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons( serverSession.UniqueID, false); //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist Constants.UploadCodes uCode; ArrayList notToUpload = SqlitePersonSessionNotUpload.SelectAll(currentSession.UniqueID); //store in variable for updating progressBar from other thread progressBarPersonsNum = persons.Count - notToUpload.Count; foreach (Person p in persons) { Person person = p; //do not continue with this person if has been banned to upload if (Util.FoundInArrayList(notToUpload, person.UniqueID.ToString())) { continue; } PersonSession ps = SqlitePersonSession.Select(person.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID); //check person if exists if (person.ServerUniqueID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID) { uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS; } else { uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK; person = serverUploadPerson(myServer, person, serverSession.UniqueID); } //if sport is user defined, upload it //and when upload the person, do it with new sportID Sport sport = SqliteSport.Select(false, ps.SportID); //but record old sport ID because locally will be a change in serverUniqueID //(with slite update) //but local sport has not to be changed int sportUserDefinedLocal = -1; if (sport.UserDefined) { sportUserDefinedLocal = sport.UniqueID; //this will be uploaded int newSport = myServer.UploadSport(sport); if (newSport != -1) { ps.SportID = newSport; sessionUploadPersonData.sports += sportsSeparator + sport.Name; sportsSeparator = ", "; } } //a person can be in the database for one session, //but maybe now we add jumps from another session and we should add an entry at personsession serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(myServer, person.ServerUniqueID, currentSession.ServerUniqueID, ps, sportUserDefinedLocal); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.person = person; sessionUploadPersonData.personCode = uCode; //upload jumps int countU = 0; int countE = 0; int countS = 0; string [] jumps = SqliteJump.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "", "", Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1); Sqlite.Open(); foreach (string myJump in jumps) { string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //select jump Jump test = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID //fix it to server person, session keys test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID; test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID; //if test is not simulated and has not been uploaded, //see if it's type is not predefined and is not in the database //then upload it first if (test.Simulated == 0) { //upload jumpType if is user defined and doesn't exists in server database //JumpType type = new JumpType(test.Type); JumpType type = SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpType(test.Type, true); if (!type.IsPredefined) { //Console.WriteLine("USER DEFINED TEST: " + test.Type); // //this uploads the new type, as it's user created, it will be like this //eg: for user defined jumpType: "supra" of evaluatorServerID: 9 //at server will be "supra-9" //then two problems get solved: //1.- every evaluator that uploads a type will have a different name //than other evaluator uploading a type that is named the same but could be different //(one can think that "supra" is another thing //2- when the same evaluator upload some supra's, only a new type is created //test.Type = myServer.UploadJumpType(type, evalSID); //int testType = (int) Constants.TestTypes.JUMP; //string insertedType = myServer.UploadTestType(Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, type, evalSID); //string insertedType = myServer.UploadTestType(testType, type, evalSID); string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpType(type, evalSID); if (insertedType != "-1") { //record type in test (with the "-7" if it's done by evaluator 7) test.Type = insertedType; //show user uploaded type (without the "-7") sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name; testTypesSeparator = ", "; } //test.Type in the server will have the correct name "supra-9" } } //upload... (if not because of simulated or uploaded before, report also the user) uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, Constants.JumpTable, test); if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK) { countU++; } else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS) { countE++; } else //SIMULATED { countS++; } } Sqlite.Close(); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsU = countU; sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsE = countE; sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsS = countS; //upload jumpsRj countU = 0; countE = 0; countS = 0; string [] jumpsRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "", ""); Sqlite.Open(); foreach (string myJump in jumpsRj) { string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //select jump JumpRj test = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData(Constants.JumpRjTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID //fix it to server person, session keys test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID; test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID; if (test.Simulated == 0) { JumpType type = SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpRjType(test.Type, true); if (!type.IsPredefined) { string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpRjType(type, evalSID); if (insertedType != "-1") { test.Type = insertedType; sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name; testTypesSeparator = ", "; } } } //upload... uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ, Constants.JumpRjTable, test); if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK) { countU++; } else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS) { countE++; } else //SIMULATED { countS++; } } Sqlite.Close(); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjU = countU; sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjE = countE; sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjS = countS; //upload runs countU = 0; countE = 0; countS = 0; string [] runs = SqliteRun.SelectRuns(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "", Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1); Sqlite.Open(); foreach (string myRun in runs) { string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //select run Run test = SqliteRun.SelectRunData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID //fix it to server person, session keys test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID; test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID; if (test.Simulated == 0) { RunType type = SqliteRunType.SelectAndReturnRunType(test.Type, true); if (!type.IsPredefined) { string insertedType = myServer.UploadRunType(type, evalSID); if (insertedType != "-1") { test.Type = insertedType; sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name; testTypesSeparator = ", "; } } } //upload... uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN, Constants.RunTable, test); if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK) { countU++; } else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS) { countE++; } else //SIMULATED { countS++; } } Sqlite.Close(); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.runsU = countU; sessionUploadPersonData.runsE = countE; sessionUploadPersonData.runsS = countS; //upload runs intervallic countU = 0; countE = 0; countS = 0; string [] runsI = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRuns(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, ""); Sqlite.Open(); foreach (string myRun in runsI) { string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //select run RunInterval test = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData(Constants.RunIntervalTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID //fix it to server person, session keys test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID; test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID; if (test.Simulated == 0) { RunType type = SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectAndReturnRunIntervalType(test.Type, true); if (!type.IsPredefined) { string insertedType = myServer.UploadRunIntervalType(type, evalSID); if (insertedType != "-1") { test.Type = insertedType; sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name; testTypesSeparator = ", "; } } } //upload... uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I, Constants.RunIntervalTable, test); if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK) { countU++; } else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS) { countE++; } else //SIMULATED { countS++; } } Sqlite.Close(); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.runsIU = countU; sessionUploadPersonData.runsIE = countE; sessionUploadPersonData.runsIS = countS; //upload reaction times countU = 0; countE = 0; countS = 0; string [] rts = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimes(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1); Sqlite.Open(); foreach (string myRt in rts) { string [] js = myRt.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //select rt ReactionTime test = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID //fix it to server person, session keys test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID; test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID; //upload... uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RT, Constants.ReactionTimeTable, test); if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK) { countU++; } else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS) { countE++; } else //SIMULATED { countS++; } } Sqlite.Close(); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.rtsU = countU; sessionUploadPersonData.rtsE = countE; sessionUploadPersonData.rtsS = countS; //upload pulses countU = 0; countE = 0; countS = 0; string [] pulses = SqlitePulse.SelectPulses(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID); Sqlite.Open(); foreach (string myPulse in pulses) { string [] js = myPulse.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //select pulse Pulse test = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID //fix it to server person, session keys test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID; test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID; //upload... uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE, Constants.PulseTable, test); if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK) { countU++; } else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS) { countE++; } else //SIMULATED { countS++; } } Sqlite.Close(); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesU = countU; sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesE = countE; sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesS = countS; //upload multiChronopic countU = 0; countE = 0; countS = 0; string [] mcs = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectTests(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID); Sqlite.Open(); foreach (string mc in mcs) { string [] js = mc.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //select mc MultiChronopic test = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true); //uniqueID //fix it to server person, session keys test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID; test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID; //upload... uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC, Constants.MultiChronopicTable, test); if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK) { countU++; } else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS) { countE++; } else //SIMULATED { countS++; } } Sqlite.Close(); //other thread updates the gui: sessionUploadPersonData.mcsU = countU; sessionUploadPersonData.mcsE = countE; sessionUploadPersonData.mcsS = countS; needUpdateServerSession = true; while (needUpdateServerSession) { //wait until data is printed on the other thread } } state = (int)Constants.ServerSessionStates.DONE; //myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, (ServerSessionStates) Constants.ServerSessionStates.DONE); myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state); LogB.Information(myServer.DisConnectDatabase()); } catch { //other thread updates the gui: serverSessionError = true; } }
public static void CreateTables(bool server) { dbcon.Open(); creationTotal = 14; creationRate = 1; SqliteServer sqliteServerObject = new SqliteServer(); //user has also an evaluator table with a row (it's row) sqliteServerObject.CreateEvaluatorTable(); if(server) { sqliteServerObject.CreatePingTable(); SqliteServerSession sqliteSessionObject = new SqliteServerSession(); sqliteSessionObject.createTable(Constants.SessionTable); } else { SqliteSession sqliteSessionObject = new SqliteSession(); sqliteSessionObject.createTable(Constants.SessionTable); SqlitePersonSessionNotUpload.CreateTable(); creationRate ++; } SqlitePerson sqlitePersonObject = new SqlitePerson(); sqlitePersonObject.createTable(Constants.PersonTable); //graphLinkTable SqliteEvent.createGraphLinkTable(); creationRate ++; //jumps SqliteJump sqliteJumpObject = new SqliteJump(); SqliteJumpRj sqliteJumpRjObject = new SqliteJumpRj(); sqliteJumpObject.createTable(Constants.JumpTable); sqliteJumpRjObject.createTable(Constants.JumpRjTable); sqliteJumpRjObject.createTable(Constants.TempJumpRjTable); //jump Types creationRate ++; SqliteJumpType.createTableJumpType(); SqliteJumpType.createTableJumpRjType(); SqliteJumpType.initializeTableJumpType(); SqliteJumpType.initializeTableJumpRjType(); //runs creationRate ++; SqliteRun sqliteRunObject = new SqliteRun(); SqliteRunInterval sqliteRunIntervalObject = new SqliteRunInterval(); sqliteRunObject.createTable(Constants.RunTable); sqliteRunIntervalObject.createTable(Constants.RunIntervalTable); sqliteRunIntervalObject.createTable(Constants.TempRunIntervalTable); //run Types creationRate ++; SqliteRunType sqliteRunTypeObject = new SqliteRunType(); sqliteRunTypeObject.createTable(Constants.RunTypeTable); SqliteRunType.initializeTable(); SqliteRunIntervalType sqliteRunIntervalTypeObject = new SqliteRunIntervalType(); sqliteRunIntervalTypeObject.createTable(Constants.RunIntervalTypeTable); SqliteRunIntervalType.initializeTable(); //reactionTimes creationRate ++; SqliteReactionTime sqliteReactionTimeObject = new SqliteReactionTime(); sqliteReactionTimeObject.createTable(Constants.ReactionTimeTable); //pulses and pulseTypes creationRate ++; SqlitePulse sqlitePulseObject = new SqlitePulse(); sqlitePulseObject.createTable(Constants.PulseTable); SqlitePulseType.createTablePulseType(); SqlitePulseType.initializeTablePulseType(); //multiChronopic tests creationRate ++; SqliteMultiChronopic sqliteMultiChronopicObject = new SqliteMultiChronopic(); sqliteMultiChronopicObject.createTable(Constants.MultiChronopicTable); //encoder creationRate ++; SqliteEncoder.createTableEncoder(); SqliteEncoder.createTableEncoderExercise(); SqliteEncoder.initializeTableEncoderExercise(); //sports creationRate ++; SqliteSport.createTable(); SqliteSport.initialize(); SqliteSpeciallity.createTable(); SqliteSpeciallity.initialize(); SqliteSpeciallity.InsertUndefined(true); creationRate ++; SqlitePersonSession sqlitePersonSessionObject = new SqlitePersonSession(); sqlitePersonSessionObject.createTable(Constants.PersonSessionTable); creationRate ++; SqlitePreferences.createTable(); SqlitePreferences.initializeTable(lastChronojumpDatabaseVersion, creatingBlankDatabase); creationRate ++; SqliteCountry.createTable(); SqliteCountry.initialize(); //changes [from - to - desc] //0.83 - 0.84 Converted DB to 0.84 Added first RSA test //0.82 - 0.83 Converted DB to 0.83 Created encoder table //0.81 - 0.82 Converted DB to 0.82 Added videoOn //0.80 - 0.81 Converted DB to 0.81 Added tempRunInterval initial speed //0.79 - 0.80 Converted DB to 0.80 Added run and runInterval initial speed (if not done in 0.56 conversion) //0.78 - 0.79 Converted DB to 0.79 (Added multimediaStorage structure id) //0.77 - 0.78 Converted DB to 0.78 (Added machineID to preferences, takeOffWeight has no weight in db conversions since 0.66) //0.76 - 0.77 Converted DB to 0.77 (person77, personSession77) //0.75 - 0.76 Converted DB to 0.76 (jump & jumpRj falls as double) //0.74 - 0.75 Converted DB to 0.75 (person, and personSessionWeight have height and weight as double) //0.73 - 0.74 Converted DB to 0.74 (All DJ converted to DJna) //0.72 - 0.73 Converted DB to 0.73 (deleted orphaned persons (in person table but not in personSessionWeight table)) //0.71 - 0.72 dates to YYYY-MM-DD //0.70 - 0.71 created personNotUploadTable on client //0.69 - 0.70 added showPower to preferences //0.68 - 0.69 added Gesell-DBT test //0.67 - 0.68 added multiChronopic tests table //0.66 - 0.67 added TakeOff jumps //0.65 - 0.66 added done nothing //0.64 - 0.65 added Sevaluator on client //0.63 - 0.64 added margaria test //0.62 - 0.63 added 'versionAvailable' to preferences //0.61 - 0.62 added hexagon (jumpRj test) //0.60 - 0.61 added RunIntervalType distancesString (now we van have interval tests with different distances of tracks). Added MTGUG //0.59 - 0.60 added volumeOn and evaluatorServerID to preferences. Session has now serverUniqueID. Simulated now are -1, because 0 is real and positive is serverUniqueID //0.58 - 0.59 Added 'showAngle' to preferences, changed angle on jump to double //0.57 - 0.58 Countries without kingdom or republic (except when needed) //0.56 - 0.57 Added simulated column to each event table on client. person: race, country, serverID. Convert to sport related done here if needed. Added also run and runInterval initial speed); //0.55 - 0.56 Added session default sport stuff into session table //0.54 - 0.55 Added undefined to speciallity table //0.53 - 0.54 created sport tables. Added sport data, speciallity and level of practice to person table //0.52 - 0.53 added table weightSession, moved person weight data to weightSession table for each session that has performed //0.51 - 0.52 added graphLinks for cmj_l and abk_l. Fixed CMJ_l name //0.50 - 0.51 added graphLinks for run simple and interval //0.49 - 0.50: changed SJ+ to SJl, same for CMJ+ and ABK+, added jump and jumpRj graph links //0.48 - 0.49: added graphLinkTable, added rocket jump and 5 agility tests: (20Yard, 505, Illinois, Shuttle-Run & ZigZag). Added graphs pof the 5 agility tests //0.47 - 0.48: added tempJumpReactive and tempRunInterval tables //0.46 - 0.47: added reactionTime table //0.45 - 0.46: added "Free" jump type //0.44 - 0.45: added allowFinishRjAfterTime //0.43 - 0.44: added showQIndex and showDjIndex //0.42 - 0.43: added 'free' pulseType & language preference //0.41 - 0.42: added pulse and pulseType tables //0.4 - 0.41: jump, jumpRj weight is double (always a percent) dbcon.Close(); creationRate ++; }