Пример #1
        public Form1()
            logView1.ShowDateTime = true;
            Logger.Add(new LogViewLogger(logView1));

            Library.NumberFormat = "0.000";

            Matrix44d A = new Matrix44d(1.23456389, 2, 3, 4,
                                        5, 6, 7, 8,
                                        9, 10, 11, 12,
                                        13, 14, 15, 16);

            //call some function
            //int err_code = DoSomething(43);
            //if(err_code != 0) {
            //    Logger.Error($"Some error message with code [{err_code}]");

            Logger.Debug("A=\n" + A);
            Logger.Debug("A*3-A=\n" + (A * 3 - A));
            Logger.Debug("I=\n" + Matrix44d.Eye());

            Vector4d v = new Vector4d(1, 23, 4, 5);

            Logger.Debug("v=\n" + v);
            Logger.Debug("A*v=\n" + (A * v));
            Logger.Debug("A*A=\n" + (A * A));

            Matrix44d B = new Matrix44d(1.23456389, 2, 3, 4,
                                        5, 6, 7, 8,
                                        9, 10, 11, 12,
                                        13, 14, 15, 16.2342345);

            Logger.Debug("Bi=\n" + (B.Inv()));
            Logger.Debug("Bi*B=\n" + (B.Inv() * B));

            //Error level
            // Normal, Debug, Trace, Warn, Info, Fatal


            //Set value
            //bval.Value = true;
            ////read value
            //var ok = bval;
            //Logger.Debug("bval=" + ok);


            //(new FormObjectProperty(Global.Setting,"MySettingDialog")).ShowDialog();

#if false
            Database db = null;
            //SQLite database init
            db = new SqliteDatabase("D:/dbfile.db");

            //SQLite database init
            //db = new SqlExpressDatabase(
            //    "localhost\\SQLEXPRESS", //host name
            //    "DbName",                //db name
            //    ""                    //(optional) extra string ...
            //    );


            //read table
            var dt = db.ExecuteQuery("select * from MyTable");
            dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;

            //Define a table with given name
            Table tbl  = new Table("MyTable");
            Table tbl1 = new Table("MyTable1");

            tbl1.AddColumns(new Column[] {
                new IntColumn("ID"),
                new BoolColumn("BVal"),
                new TextColumn("Path"),
            //add to database

            //Define columns names
            const string COL_ID   = "ID";
            const string COL_DATE = "DATE";
            const string COL_X    = "X";
            const string COL_Y    = "Y";
            const string COL_Z    = "Z";
            const string COL_OK   = "OK";
            const string COL_PATH = "PATH";

            //add columns to table
            tbl.AddColumns(new Column[] {
                new IntColumn(COL_ID),
                new DatetimeColumn(COL_DATE),
                new FloatColumn(COL_X),
                new FloatColumn(COL_Y),
                new FloatColumn(COL_Z),
                new BoolColumn(COL_OK),
                new TextColumn(COL_PATH),

            //add table to database;

            //Create a new row
            dynamic row = tbl.NewRow();
            //row.ID = 0;
            //row.DATE= DateTime.Now;

            row[COL_ID]   = 0;
            row[COL_DATE] = DateTime.Now;
            row[COL_X]    = (float)0.324345;
            row[COL_Y]    = 0.456f;
            row[COL_Z]    = 0.789f;
            row[COL_OK]   = true;
            row[COL_PATH] = "somewhere i belong";
            //and insert to the database