Пример #1
        protected void DataBind()
            SqliteConnector db = SqliteConnector.SqliteDB;

            using (SQLiteConnection con = db.Connect())
                CountEntries = db.GetCountEntries(con, SelectedArticle.Itmref);
                Locations    = db.GetLocations(con);

            double accCount = 0;
            int    labels   = CountEntries.Count;

            foreach (CountEntry e in CountEntries)
                accCount += e.Value;

            AccCount   = accCount;
            LabelCount = labels;

            if (Locations.Count > 0)
                int    selectedIndex = 0;
                string l             = Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultLocation;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(l))
                    for (int i = 0; i < Locations.Count; i++)
                        if (Locations[i].Code.Equals(l))
                            selectedIndex = i;
                comboBoxLocations.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
Пример #2
        private void backgroundWorkerSync_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
             * string username = "******";
             * string key = "7a8d5b8e34fc8339f58cc2c8e8353e7f";
             * string baseURL = "";
            string username = "******";
            string key      = "a2292cc4096d84751539965522655cff";
            string baseURL  = "http://api.sotubo.pt";
            string username = "******";
            string key      = "a2292cc4096d84751539965522655cff";
            string baseURL  = "http://api.sotubo.pt";
            WebClient cl = new WebClient();
            cl.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, key);
            cl.Encoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
            cl.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization]  = string.Format("Basic {0}:{1}", username, key);
            cl.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType]    = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
            cl.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Accept]         = "application / json, text / plain, */*";
            cl.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding] = "gzip, deflate";

            //RestClient client = new RestClient();
            //client.BaseUrl = new Uri("http://api.sotubo.pt");
            //client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator("sig", "a2292cc4096d84751539965522655cff");
            //client.BaseUrl = new Uri("");
            //client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator("ncs", "7a8d5b8e34fc8339f58cc2c8e8353e7f");

            int  campaign_id = -1;
            bool dirty       = false;
            while (!backgroundWorkerSync.CancellationPending && campaign_id < 0)
                    string response = cl.DownloadString(baseURL + "/mrp/count");

                    //RestRequest request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
                    //request.Resource = "mrp/count";
                    //IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                        JObject r = JObject.Parse(response);
                        if (r.ContainsKey("result") && r["result"].Value <Int32>() == 1)
                            JToken jdata = r["jdata"];
                            if (jdata != null)
                                campaign_id = jdata["id"].Value <Int32>();
                catch (Exception ex)

                int t = 60;
                while (t-- > 0 || backgroundWorkerSync.CancellationPending)

            SqliteConnector sqlite = DbConnection;

            if (!backgroundWorkerSync.CancellationPending)
                    string response = cl.DownloadString(baseURL + "/mrp/count/locations");

                    //RestRequest request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
                    //request.Resource = "mrp/count";
                    //IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                        JObject r = JObject.Parse(response);
                        if (r.ContainsKey("result") && r["result"].Value <Int32>() == 1)
                            JArray jdata = r["jdata"] as JArray;
                            if (jdata != null && jdata.Count > 0)
                                using (SQLiteConnection sqliteCon = sqlite.Connect())
                                    List <Location> existent = sqlite.GetLocations(sqliteCon);

                                    foreach (JObject loc in jdata)
                                        string   code        = loc["code"].Value <string>();
                                        string   description = loc["description"].Value <string>();
                                        Location db          = null;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < existent.Count; i++)
                                            if (existent[i].Code.Equals(code))
                                                db = existent[i];

                                        if (db == null)
                                            //new location record
                                            db             = new Data.Location();
                                            db.Code        = code;
                                            db.Description = description;
                                            sqlite.Insert(sqliteCon, db);
                                            //exists, update it and remove it from existent list so we can later delete it
                                            bool changes = false;
                                            if (!db.Description.Equals(description))
                                                db.Description = description;
                                                changes        = true;

                                            if (changes)
                                                sqlite.Update(sqliteCon, db);

                                    //the ones that remain in existent list are to be deleted
                                    foreach (Location l in existent)
                                        sqlite.Delete(sqliteCon, l);
                catch (Exception ex)

            while (!backgroundWorkerSync.CancellationPending)
                dirty = false;
                    //sync upstream changes
                    long stamp = Properties.Settings.Default.SyncLastUpdate;
                    //RestRequest request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
                    //request.Resource = string.Format("mrp/count/sync/{0}/{1}", campaign_id, stamp);

                    //IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
                    string response = cl.DownloadString(baseURL + string.Format("/mrp/count/sync/{0}/{1}", campaign_id, stamp));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                        JObject r = JObject.Parse(response);
                        if (r.ContainsKey("result") && r["result"].Value <Int32>() == 1)
                            JArray jdata = r["jdata"] as JArray;
                            if (jdata != null && jdata.Count > 0)
                                using (SQLiteConnection sqliteCon = sqlite.Connect())
                                    foreach (JObject it in jdata)
                                        string hash         = it["hash"].Value <string>();
                                        long   update_stamp = it["update"].Value <long>();
                                        if (update_stamp > stamp)
                                            stamp = update_stamp;

                                        CountEntry en = new CountEntry();
                                        en.Itmref = it["itmref"].Value <string>();
                                        //en.LabelNumber = nextNumber;
                                        en.Value = it["value"].Value <double>();
                                        en.Unit  = it["stu"].Value <string>();
                                        en.Hash  = it["hash"].Value <string>();

                                        long     unixTime = it["time"].Value <long>();
                                        DateTime epoch    = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                                        en.Time      = epoch.AddSeconds(unixTime);
                                        en.IsDeleted = it["deleted"].Value <int>() == 1;
                                        if (en.IsDeleted)
                                            en.DeleteKey = DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTimeUtc();
                                        en.SyncCode = it["id"].Value <int>();
                                        en.Sync     = CountEntry.SyncStatus.POSTED;
                                        en.Location = it["location"].Value <string>();

                                        CountEntry ex = sqlite.GetCountEntryByHash(sqliteCon, hash);
                                        if (ex == null)
                                            int nextNumber = 0;

                                            List <CountEntry> CountEntries = sqlite.GetCountEntries(sqliteCon, en.Itmref);
                                            nextNumber = CountEntries.Count + 1;
                                            foreach (CountEntry entry in CountEntries)
                                                nextNumber = Math.Max(nextNumber, entry.LabelNumber + 1);

                                            en.LabelNumber = nextNumber;
                                            sqlite.Insert(sqliteCon, en);
                                            dirty = true;
                                            bool changes = false;
                                            if (!en.Itmref.Equals(ex.Itmref))
                                                ex.Itmref = en.Itmref;
                                                changes   = true;
                                            if (Math.Abs(en.Value - ex.Value) > 0.001)
                                                ex.Value = en.Value;
                                                changes  = true;
                                            if (!en.Unit.Equals(ex.Unit))
                                                ex.Unit = en.Unit;
                                                changes = true;
                                            if (!en.Hash.Equals(ex.Hash))
                                                ex.Hash = en.Hash;
                                                changes = true;
                                            if (Math.Abs((en.Time - ex.Time).TotalSeconds) > 1)
                                                ex.Time = en.Time;
                                                changes = true;
                                            if (!en.IsDeleted.Equals(ex.IsDeleted))
                                                ex.IsDeleted = en.IsDeleted;
                                                changes      = true;
                                            if (!en.SyncCode.Equals(ex.SyncCode))
                                                ex.SyncCode = en.SyncCode;
                                                changes     = true;
                                            if (!en.Location.Equals(ex.Location))
                                                ex.Location = en.Location;
                                                changes     = true;

                                            if (changes)
                                                sqlite.Update(sqliteCon, ex);
                                                dirty = true;
                    if (stamp > Properties.Settings.Default.SyncLastUpdate)
                        Properties.Settings.Default.SyncLastUpdate = stamp;

                    //check for dirty records
                    List <CountEntry> hoes = null;

                    using (SQLiteConnection sqliteCon = sqlite.Connect())
                        hoes = sqlite.GetDirtyCountEntries(sqliteCon);
                    if (hoes != null && hoes.Count > 0)
                        //get current active session if any
                        //request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
                        //request.Resource = "mrp/count";

                        //response = client.Execute(request);
                        response = cl.DownloadString(baseURL + "/mrp/count");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                            JObject r = JObject.Parse(response);
                            if (r.ContainsKey("result") && r["result"].Value <Int32>() == 1)
                                JToken jdata = r["jdata"];
                                if (jdata != null)
                                    int campaing_id = jdata["id"].Value <Int32>();

                                    //commit changes

                                    foreach (CountEntry en in hoes)
                                        Debug.Assert(en.Sync == CountEntry.SyncStatus.NEW);
                                        //we are assuming new to know wich ones to update on local DB

                                        if (en.IsDeleted && en.SyncCode > 0)
                                            //delete operation
                                            //request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
                                            //request.Resource = string.Format("mrp/count/delete/{0}/{1}", campaing_id, en.SyncCode);
                                            //response = client.Execute(request);
                                            response = cl.DownloadString(baseURL + string.Format("/mrp/count/delete/{0}/{1}", campaing_id, en.SyncCode));
                                            r        = JObject.Parse(response);
                                            if (r.ContainsKey("result") && r["result"].Value <Int32>() == 1)
                                                en.Sync = CountEntry.SyncStatus.POSTED;
                                        if (!en.IsDeleted)
                                            string url;
                                            //request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
                                            if (en.SyncCode > 0)
                                                //request.Resource = string.Format("mrp/count/update/{0}/{1}", campaing_id, en.SyncCode);
                                                url = baseURL + string.Format("/mrp/count/update/{0}/{1}", campaing_id, en.SyncCode);
                                                //request.Resource = string.Format("mrp/count/create/{0}/", campaing_id);
                                                url = baseURL + string.Format("/mrp/count/create/{0}", campaing_id);

                                            Article a = null;
                                            using (SQLiteConnection sqliteCon = sqlite.Connect())
                                                a = sqlite.GetItem(sqliteCon, en.Itmref);

                                            JObject parameters = new JObject();
                                            parameters.Add("itmref", en.Itmref);
                                            parameters.Add("itmdes", a == null ? string.Empty : a.Itmdes);
                                            //parameters.Add("itmdes", string.Empty);
                                            parameters.Add("value", en.Value);
                                            parameters.Add("stu", en.Unit);
                                            parameters.Add("operator", "000");
                                            parameters.Add("hash", en.Hash);
                                            parameters.Add("location", en.Location);
                                            parameters.Add("location_data", string.Empty);

                                            DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                                            parameters.Add("time", Convert.ToInt64((en.Time - epoch).TotalSeconds));

                                            //response = client.Execute(request);
                                            response = cl.UploadString(url, parameters.ToString());
                                            r        = JObject.Parse(response);
                                            //ignore result because we want to update local record anyway
                                            if (r.ContainsKey("result"))
                                                jdata       = r["jdata"];
                                                en.Sync     = CountEntry.SyncStatus.POSTED;
                                                en.SyncCode = jdata["id"].Value <Int32>();
                                            en.Sync = CountEntry.SyncStatus.POSTED;

                                    //update local DB
                                    using (SQLiteConnection sqliteCon = sqlite.Connect())
                                        foreach (CountEntry en in hoes)
                                            if (en.Sync == CountEntry.SyncStatus.POSTED)
                                                sqlite.Update(sqliteCon, en);
                                                dirty = true;
                catch (Exception ex)

                int t = dirty ? 10 : 60;
                while (t-- > 0 || backgroundWorkerSync.CancellationPending)