private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.selTextInpt2.Value == null && this.selTextInpt_KS.Value == null) { WJs.alert("请选择入库库房或者科室"); return; } SqlStr sql = new SqlStr(); if (!this.selTextInpt2.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and a.WARECODE=?", this.selTextInpt2.Value); } if (!this.selTextInpt_KS.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and a.DEPTID=?", this.selTextInpt_KS.Value); } if (!this.selTextInpt1.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and a.IOID=?", this.selTextInpt1.Value); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.dateTimePicker1.Value, this.dateTimePicker2.Value }, sql); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("总金额").ToString() + "元"; this.RuKuJinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("运杂费金额").ToString() + "元"; this.label7.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("发票金额").ToString() + "元"; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql();//进行过滤的条件 if (this.selTextInpt1.Value == null || this.selTextInpt1.Value.Trim() == "") { WJs.alert("请选择一个科室!"); selTextInpt1.Focus(); return; } DataRow dr1 = EQKind_ytTreeView.getSelectRow(); if (EQKind_ytTreeView.SelectedNode != EQKind_ytTreeView.Nodes[0]) { sqls.Add(" AND EQID IN (SELECT EQID FROM LKEQ.DICTEQ WHERE KINDCODE= " + dr1["KINDCODE"].ToString() + ")"); } if (this.dateTimePicker1.Value.CompareTo(this.dateTimePicker2.Value) > 0) { WJs.alert("起始日期必须小于末尾日期!"); return; } //select * from LKEQ.EQCARDREC WHERE CHOSCODE =? AND DEPTID=? [Condition] AND OUTDATE>? AND OUTDATE <? this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.selTextInpt1.Value, dateTimePicker1.Value, dateTimePicker2.Value }, sqls); this.dataGView1.setFocus(0, 1); dataGView1_SelectionChanged(null, null); }
/// <summary> /// Write a single info /// Update existing entry or add a new one if not present /// </summary> private void __writeInfo(string infoName, string infoVal) { List <object> colsAndValues = new List <object>(); colsAndValues.Add(FSINFO.infoName.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(infoName); colsAndValues.Add(FSINFO.infoVal.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(infoVal); ContentValues contVals = SqlStr.genContentValues(colsAndValues); string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(FSINFO.infoName.ToString(), "=", infoName)); try { // try update first if (db.update(DBNAMES.FsInfo.ToString(), contVals, @where, null) == 0) { // nothing is updated, insert to table db.insert(DBNAMES.FsInfo.ToString(), null, contVals); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { SqlFsLog.debug(e); SqlFsErrCode.CurrentError = FsErr.WriteFsInfoErr; throw e; } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new entry in FsBlock /// </summary> /// <returns> new ID for the inserted node </returns> internal static FsID addFsNode(SQLiteDatabase db, SqlFsConst.FSTYPE type, string dirName, FsID parentID) { long curTime = SqlFsFunc.calToFileTime(new DateTime()); List <object> colsAndValues = new List <object>(10); colsAndValues.Add(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsCreateTime.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(curTime); colsAndValues.Add(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsLastModTime.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(curTime); colsAndValues.Add(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsFileSize.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(0); colsAndValues.Add(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsType.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(type.v()); colsAndValues.Add(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsName.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(dirName); colsAndValues.Add(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsParent.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(parentID); ContentValues contValues = SqlStr.genContentValues(colsAndValues); try { db.insert(SqlFs.DBNAMES.FsBlock.ToString(), null, contValues); } catch (Exception e) { SqlFsLog.debug(e); SqlFsErrCode.CurrentError = FsErr.AddFsNodeError; return(SqlFsConst.INVALIDID); } // retrieve the ID of the new entry return(SqlFs.getLastInsertID(db)); }
//////////////////////////FS operations /////////////////////////////////// /// @param [in] id -- get entry using ID directly </param> internal static SqlFsNode getFsNodeByID(SQLiteDatabase db, SqlFsLocker fsLocker, FsID id) { SqlFsNode fsNode = null; string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsID.ToString(), "=", id)); Cursor c = null; try { c = db.query(SqlFs.DBNAMES.FsBlock.ToString(), new string[] { SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsID.ToString(), SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsType.ToString() }, @where, null, null, null, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { fsNode = SqlFsNode.getFsNode(db, fsLocker, c); } } catch (Exception e) { SqlFsLog.debug(e); SqlFsErrCode.CurrentError = FsErr.GetFieldError; } finally { SqlFsFunc.close(c); } return(fsNode); }
/// <summary> /// Get data from data block table /// </summary> /// @param [in] dataBlockID -- the data block ID /// </param> /// <returns> true if OK </returns> /// <returns> false if failed </returns> private bool __getData(SQLiteDatabase db, FsID dataBlockID) { string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(IFileData.IDCOL, "=", dataBlockID)); Cursor c = null; try { c = db.query(IFileData.DTABLENAME.ToString(), null, @where, null, null, null, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { __getData(c); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("IFileData.__getData", e.Message); return(false); } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Get a single info /// </summary> /// <returns> info value </returns> private string __getInfo(string infoName) { string value = null; string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(FSINFO.infoName.ToString(), "=", infoName)); Cursor c = null; try { c = db.query(DBNAMES.FsInfo.ToString(), new string[] { FSINFO.infoVal.ToString() }, @where, null, null, null, null); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { value = c.getString(0); } } catch (SQLiteException e) { SqlFsLog.debug(e); SqlFsErrCode.CurrentError = FsErr.GetFsInfoErr; } finally { SqlFsFunc.close(c); } return(value); }
/// <summary> /// Return a ContentValues to be inserted or updated to DB /// </summary> protected internal override ContentValues __saveData() { List <object> colsAndValues = new List <object>(2); FILETYPE fType = FILETYPE.fBin; if (this.rawBinData != null) { colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dRawBinData.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(this.rawBinData); colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dTextData.ToString()); // clear text column colsAndValues.Add(""); } else if (this.textData != null) { colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dTextData.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(this.textData); colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dRawBinData.ToString()); // clear rawbin column colsAndValues.Add(null); fType = FILETYPE.fText; } // file type colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dFileType.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(fType.ordinal()); return(SqlStr.genContentValues(colsAndValues)); }
/// < summary> /// 分析用户请求是否正常 /// < /summary> /// < param name="Str">传入用户提交数据< /param> /// < returns>返回是否含有SQL注入式攻击代码< /returns> public static bool ProcessSqlStr(string str, int type = 1) { string SqlStr; if (type == 1) { SqlStr = "exec |insert |select |delete |update |count |chr |mid |master |truncate |char |declare "; } else { SqlStr = "'|and|exec|insert|select|delete|update|count|*|chr|mid|master|truncate|char|declare"; } bool returnValue = true; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string[] anySqlStr = SqlStr.Split('|'); foreach (string s in anySqlStr) { if (str.IndexOf(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { returnValue = false; } } } } catch { returnValue = false; } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// 检验用户提交的数据是否正常 /// </summary> /// <param name="Str">用户提交的数据</param> /// <param name="type">1:更新 0:是查询</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ProcessSqlStr(string Str, int type) { string SqlStr; if (type == 1) { SqlStr = "exec |insert |select |delete |update |count |chr |mid |master |truncate |char |declare "; } else { SqlStr = "'|and |exec |insert |select |delete |update |count |*|chr |mid |master |truncate |char |declare "; } bool ReturnValue = true; try { if (Str != "") { string[] anySqlStr = SqlStr.Split('|'); foreach (string ss in anySqlStr) { if (Str.IndexOf(ss) >= 0) { ReturnValue = false; } } } } catch { ReturnValue = false; } return(ReturnValue); }
//查询 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql();//进行过滤的条件 if (this.selTextInpt1.Value == null || this.selTextInpt1.Value.Trim() == "") { WJs.alert("请选择一个科室!"); selTextInpt1.Focus(); return; } DataRow dr1 = EQKind_ytTreeView.getSelectRow(); DataRow dr2 = UseStatus_ytTreeView.getSelectRow(); if (EQKind_ytTreeView.SelectedNode != EQKind_ytTreeView.Nodes[0]) { sqls.Add(" AND EQID IN (SELECT EQID FROM LKEQ.DICTEQ WHERE KINDCODE= " + dr1["KINDCODE"].ToString() + ")"); } if (UseStatus_ytTreeView.SelectedNode != UseStatus_ytTreeView.Nodes[0]) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUSCODE=" + dr2["STATUSCODE"].ToString()); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=0 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=1 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=2 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=6 "); } if (this.ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { sqls.Add(" AND STATUS=7 "); } else { sqls.Add(" AND 1=1 "); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { this.selTextInpt1.Value, His.his.Choscode.ToString() }, sqls); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("价格").ToString() + "元"; this.label6.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("原值").ToString() + "元"; }
private static bool ProcessSqlStr(string col, string Str, int type) { if (Str.Length == 0) { return(true); } string SqlStr; if (type == 0) //QueryString { SqlStr = "'|exists| and |exec|insert |select |delete |update |count|*|chr|mid|master|truncate |char|declare |script"; } else //Form { //SqlStr = "'|exec |insert |select |delete |update |count |chr|mid|master |truncate |char |declare |and |script"; SqlStr = "exec |insert |select |delete |update |count |chr |mid |master |truncate |char |declare |and |script"; } string path = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["Url"].ToLower(); if (path.IndexOf("/system/") > -1) { return(true); //排除目录 } if (path.IndexOf("/manage/") > -1) { return(true); //排除目录 } if (path.IndexOf("/systemhui/") > -1) { return(true); //排除目录 } bool ReturnValue = true; try { if (Str != "") { string[] anySqlStr = SqlStr.Split('|'); foreach (string ss in anySqlStr) { if (Str.ToLower().IndexOf(ss) >= 0) { ReturnValue = false; } } } } catch { ReturnValue = false; } return(ReturnValue); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.selTextInpt1.Value == null || this.selTextInpt1.Value.Trim() == "") { WJs.alert("请选择一个库房信息!"); selTextInpt1.Focus(); return; } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { WJs.alert("请选择状态信息!"); return; } // TvList.newBind().add("作废", "0").add("等待审核", "1").add("审核被拒", "2").add("已审核", "6").add("已冲销", "7").add("所有","10").Bind(this.Status_ytComboBox); SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql(); if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=0 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=1 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=2 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=6 "); } if (this.Status_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 4) { sqls.Add(" AND a.STATUS=7 "); } else { sqls.Add(" AND 1=1 "); } if (this.dateTimePicker1.Value.CompareTo(this.dateTimePicker2.Value) > 0) { WJs.alert("起始日期必须小于末尾日期!"); return; } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.selTextInpt1.Value, this.dateTimePicker1.Value, this.dateTimePicker2.Value }, sqls); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView1.Sum("总金额").ToString() + "元"; }
/// <summary> /// Check existence of tables /// </summary> /// <returns> true -- all tables present </returns> /// <returns> false -- should create new tables </returns> private bool checkTables() { int tabCount = 0; string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(DBNAMES.type.ToString(), "=", DBNAMES.table.ToString()) ); Cursor c = db.query(DBNAMES.SQLITE_MASTER.ToString(), new string[] { }, @where, null, null, null, null); // retrieve all table names and check against our list if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { do { string tabName = c.getString(0); foreach (string n in TABLIST) { if (n.Equals(tabName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { tabCount += 1; break; } } } while (c.moveToNext()); } SqlFsFunc.close(c); bool isCheckingOK = false; do { // not all tables exists, may be some corruption ... if (tabCount < TABLIST.Length) { break; } // may be more checking here ... isCheckingOK = true; } while (false); if (tabCount != 0 && !isCheckingOK) { close(); backup(); open(); } return(isCheckingOK); }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //浏览//细节还需要进行权限判断 { this.dataGView_Main.ClearData(); SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); //创建SqlStr对象 if (this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value != null) // 权限判断,要不要这个功能(暂时还未做权限判断) { if (selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and DEPTID = ?", selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim()); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择科室!"); return; } //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.comboBox1.Value != null) { if (this.comboBox1.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.comboBox1.Value != "9") { sql.Add("and STATUS = ?", this.comboBox1.Value.Trim()); } } } else { WJs.alert("请选择状态!"); return; } sql.Add("and PLANDATE <= ?", this.dateTimePicker2.Value); sql.Add("and PLANDATE >= ?", this.dateTimePicker1.Value); //加载查询数据 this.dataGView_Main.Url = "EQAskBuy_ConditionScan"; this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.dataGView_Main.setFocus(0, 0); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView_Main.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; this.JinEHeJi.Text = this.dataGView_Main.Sum("预计总金额").ToString() + "元"; }
//private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//清除 //{ // this.textBox1.Text = ""; // this.yTxtBox_Name.Text = ""; // this.yTxtBox_PY.Text = ""; // this.yTxtBox_WB.Text = ""; //} private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //查询 { SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); //创建SqlStr对象 ytTreeView1.sql = "ScanEQKind"; this.ytTreeView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }); string strF = this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim(); string strF1 = null; string strF2 = null; string strF3 = null; string strF4 = null; if (this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { //在获取用户输入的前提下,加入下拉框中的内容 类似stringbuilder if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { strF1 = strF; } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { strF2 = strF; } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { strF3 = strF; } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { strF4 = strF; } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF1 = "%" + strF + "%"; strF2 = "%" + strF + "%"; strF3 = "%" + strF + "%"; strF4 = "%" + strF + "%"; } } else { WJs.alert("请选择查询条件!"); } } string text = LData.Es("FindEQKind", null, new object[] { His.his.Choscode, strF1, strF2, strF3, strF4 }); FindNode(this.ytTreeView1.Nodes, text); }
//查询函数 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlStr strs = SqlStr.newSql(); string strF = null; if (this.search_yTextBox.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { strF = this.search_yTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { strs.Add("AND (IOID=?) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { strs.Add("AND (IONAME=?) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { strs.Add("AND (upper(PYCODE)=upper(?)) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { strs.Add("AND (WBCODE=?) ", strF); } if (this.serachKind_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF = "%" + this.search_yTextBox.Text.Trim() + "%"; strs.Add("AND (IOID LIKE ? OR IONAME LIKE ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?) or upper(WBCODE) like upper(?)) ", strF, strF, strF, strF); } } if (this.Filter_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { strs.Add("AND (IOFLAG=0)"); } if (this.Filter_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { strs.Add("AND (IOFLAG=1)"); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, strs); }
private void loadData() { //STATUSCODE,STATUSNAME,PYCODE,WBCODE,IFUSE,IFDEPRECIATION,IFDEFAULT,MEMO,USERID,USERNAME,RECDATE,CHOSCODE SqlStr sqls = SqlStr.newSql(); if (this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string strF = null; if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { strF = this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim(); if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqls.Add(" and ( STATUSCODE =? )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqls.Add(" and ( STATUSNAME =? )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqls.Add(" and ( upper(PYCODE) =upper(?) )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqls.Add(" and ( WBCODE= ? )", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF = "%" + this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim() + "%"; sqls.Add(" and ( STATUSCODE like ? or STATUSNAME like ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?) or upper(WBCODE) like upper(?) )", strF, strF, strF, strF); } } else { WJs.alert("选择查询条件"); } } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sqls); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//查询按钮点击事件 { this.dataGView2.ClearData(); SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql();//创建SqlStr对象 if (this.comboBox1.Value != null) { if (this.comboBox1.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.comboBox1.Value != "9") { sql.Add("and STATUS = ?", this.comboBox1.Value.Trim()); } } } if (Ware_selTextInpt.Value != null) { if (Ware_selTextInpt.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and WARECODE = ?", Ware_selTextInpt.Value.Trim()); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择库房!"); return; } //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and PDDATE <= ?", this.dateTimePicker4.Value); sql.Add("and PDDATE >= ?", this.dateTimePicker3.Value); //加载查询数据 this.dataGView1.Url = "FindEQPandianMainInfo"; this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.dataGView1.setFocus(0, 0); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; }
/// @param [in] name -- if null, get all entry </param> /// @param [in] type -- dir, file or any ? </param> private Cursor getEntryByName(string name, SqlFsConst.FSTYPE type) { // conditions List <object> conds = new List <object>(10); conds.Add(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsParent.ToString(), "=", this.ID)); if (name != null) { conds.Add("and"); conds.Add(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsName.ToString(), "=", name)); } if (type != SqlFsConst.FSTYPE.ANY) { conds.Add("and"); conds.Add(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsType.ToString(), "=", type.v())); } string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(conds); // query from DB Cursor c = null; try { c = db.query(SqlFs.DBNAMES.FsBlock.ToString(), new string[] { SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsID.ToString(), SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsType.ToString() }, @where, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { SqlFsLog.debug(e); SqlFsErrCode.CurrentError = SqlFsErrCode.FsErr.NoEntryByName; } // close and set to null if no rows at all if (c != null && c.Count == 0) { c.close(); c = null; } return(c); }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.selTextInpt_KS.Value == null) { WJs.alert("请选择科室"); return; } SqlStr sql = new SqlStr(); if (!this.selTextInpt_KS.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add(" and (DEPTID= ?)", this.selTextInpt_KS.Value); } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode, this.dateTimePicker1.Value, this.dateTimePicker2.Value }, sql); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView1.RowCount.ToString() + "笔"; }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//查询 { SqlStr sqlc = SqlStr.newSql(); this.dataGView1.Url = "FindEQUnit"; if (this.Search_yTextBox.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string strF = null; if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1) { strF = this.Search_yTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqlc.Add("and (DICID = ?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqlc.Add("and (DICDESC = ?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqlc.Add("and (upper(PYCODE) = upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { strF = "%" + this.Search_yTextBox.Text.Trim() + "%"; sqlc.Add(" and ( DICID like ? or DICDESC like ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?)) ", strF, strF, strF); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择查询条件!"); } } // this.dataGView1.reLoad(null , sqlc); this.dataGView1.reLoad(null, sqlc); //reLoad(); //rfresh_toolStripButton_Click(null, null); }
/// <summary> /// Save field to DB using ID /// </summary> private bool __setField(SqlFs.FSBLOCK field, object val) { List <object> colsAndValues = new List <object>(4); switch (field) { case com.sss.sqlfs.SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsFileSize: case com.sss.sqlfs.SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsType: case com.sss.sqlfs.SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsName: case com.sss.sqlfs.SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsParent: colsAndValues.Add(field.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(val); break; case com.sss.sqlfs.SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsChild: sbyte[] blob = idList2Blob((List <FsID>)val); colsAndValues.Add(field.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(blob); break; } // update last mod time as well colsAndValues.Add(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsLastModTime.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(SqlFsFunc.calToFileTime(new DateTime())); ContentValues contValues = SqlStr.genContentValues(colsAndValues); string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(SqlFs.FSBLOCK.fsID.ToString(), "=", this.ID)); int rowAffected = 0; try { rowAffected = db.update(SqlFs.DBNAMES.FsBlock.ToString(), contValues, @where, null); } catch (Exception e) { SqlFsLog.debug(e); SqlFsErrCode.CurrentError = FsErr.SetFieldError; } return(rowAffected > 0); }
public void reLoad() { SqlStr sqlc = SqlStr.newSql(); this.dataGView1.Url = "FindEQWares"; if (this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string strF = null; if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { strF = this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim(); //在获取用户输入的前提下,加入下拉框中的内容 类似stringbuilder if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { sqlc.Add("and (warecode =?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1) { sqlc.Add("and (warename =?)", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2) { sqlc.Add("and (upper(pycode) =upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 3) { sqlc.Add("and (upper(wbcode) =upper(?))", strF); } if (this.Search_ytComboBox1.SelectedIndex == 4) { strF = "%" + this.Search_yTextBox1.Text.Trim() + "%"; sqlc.Add(" and (warecode like ? or warename like ? or upper(PYCODE) like upper(?) or upper(WBCODE) like upper(?))", strF, strF, strF, strF); } } else { WJs.alert("请选择查询条件!"); } } this.dataGView1.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sqlc); }
/// <summary> /// Delete entry in a table using ID /// </summary> /// @param [in] tableName -- table name </param> /// @param [in] idColName -- ID column name </param> /// @param [in] id -- the actual ID </param> internal static bool deleteEntryByID(SQLiteDatabase db, string tableName, string idColName, FsID id) { string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(idColName, "=", id)); bool isOK = false; try { if (db.delete(tableName, @where, null) > 0) { isOK = true; } } catch (Exception e) { SqlFsLog.debug(e); SqlFsErrCode.CurrentError = FsErr.DeleteFsEntryError; } return(isOK); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare database tables if not already exists /// </summary> private void prepare(IFileData dummyInst, AtomicBoolean isNewTableCreated) { if (!checkTables()) { // create new tables db.execSQL(SqlStr.genCreateTable(DBNAMES.FsBlock.ToString(), COLFSBLOCK)); db.execSQL(SqlStr.genCreateTable(DBNAMES.FsInfo.ToString(), COLFSINFO)); db.execSQL(SqlStr.genCreateTable(IFileData.DTABLENAME, dummyInst.ColSchema)); // create root dir, too createRootDir(); // Write default info writeInfo(FSINFOFIELDS.version.ToString(), SqlFsVersion.SqlFsVersion); writeInfo(FSINFOFIELDS.createTimeUtc.ToString(), TimeConverter.calendarToReadableDateTime(DateTime.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+00:00")))); writeInfo(FSINFOFIELDS.fsLabel.ToString(), SqlFsConst.DEFFSLABEL); writeInfo(FSINFOFIELDS.IDSize.ToString(), Convert.ToString(FsID.IDSize)); isNewTableCreated.set(true); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dataGView_xi.ClearData(); this.dataGView_Main.Url = "EQStockQuery_EQSearchMainStock"; SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); if (this.selTextInpt_Ware.Value == null && this.selTextInpt_KS.Value == null) { WJs.alert("请选择出库库房或者科室"); return; } if (!this.selTextInpt_Ware.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and c.WARECODE=?", this.selTextInpt_Ware.Value); } if (!this.selTextInpt_KS.Text.Equals("")) { sql.Add("and c.DEPTID=?", this.selTextInpt_KS.Value); } if (this.selTextInpt1.Value != null) { sql.Add(" and e.KINDCODE =? ", this.selTextInpt1.Value); } if (this.selTextInpt2.Value != null) { sql.Add(" and c.EQID=? ", this.selTextInpt2.Value); } this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.TiaoSu.Text = this.dataGView_Main.RowCount.ToString() + "条"; }
private void Search_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //浏览//细节还需要进行权限判断 { this.dataGView_Main.ClearData(); SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql();//创建SqlStr对象 //if (this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value != null) // 权限判断,要不要这个功能 //{ // if (selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim().Length > 0) // { // //添加查询条件及其参数 // sql.Add("and DEPTID = ?", selTextInpt_KSID.Value.Trim()); // } //} //else //{ // WJs.alert("请选择科室!"); // return; //} //添加查询条件及其参数 if (this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value != null) { sql.Add("and a.DEPTID = ?", this.selTextInpt_KSID.Value); } sql.Add("and a.PLANDATE <= ?", this.dateTimePicker2.Value); sql.Add("and a.PLANDATE >= ?", this.dateTimePicker1.Value); //加载查询数据 this.dataGView_Main.Url = "EQAskBuy_ConditionScan1"; this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { warecode, His.his.Choscode, His.his.Choscode }, sql); this.dataGView_Main.setFocus(0, 0); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //查询 { SqlStr sql = SqlStr.newSql(); //创建SqlStr对象 this.dataGView_Main.Url = "FindEQDict"; if (this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { //添加查询条件及其参数 sql.Add("and ( a.EQID like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.EQNAME like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or upper(a.PYCODE) like upper(?)", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or upper(a.WBCODE) like upper(?)", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.SHORTNAME like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.SHORTCODE like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.ALIASNAME like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add("or a.ALIASCODE like ?", "%" + this.yTxtBox_Name.Text.Trim() + "%"); sql.Add(")"); } this.dataGView_Main.reLoad(new object[] { His.his.Choscode }, sql); }
/// /// <summary> /// Save data to data block table /// </summary> /// @param [in] dataBlockID -- the data block ID if exist. Pass 0 if not exist /// </param> /// <returns> dataBlockID if OK </returns> /// <returns> 0 if failed </returns> private FsID __saveData(SQLiteDatabase db, FsID dataBlockID) { ContentValues contValues = __saveData(); try { if ( <= 0) { // save new data if (db.insert(IFileData.DTABLENAME.ToString(), null, contValues) < 0) { dataBlockID = SqlFsConst.INVALIDID; } else { dataBlockID = getLastInsertID(db); } } else { // update data string @where = SqlStr.genWhere(new SqlStr.SqlSimpCond(IFileData.IDCOL, "=", dataBlockID)); if (db.update(IFileData.DTABLENAME.ToString(), contValues, @where, null) == 0) { dataBlockID = SqlFsConst.INVALIDID; } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("IFileData.__saveData", e.Message); dataBlockID = SqlFsConst.INVALIDID; } return(dataBlockID); }