private void Display_Query() { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string line = dt.ToString(); Log(line + "\tDisplay Order Items..."); // perform a query: // list customer name and total amount per order // name total // @@@@@@@@@@@@@ $xx.xx // for each order in the CustomerOrders table // fetch order number // fetch customer number // fetch name from CustomerMaster table based on customer number // for each order item in OrderItems table // fetch item quantity // fetch item number // fetch item price from ItemMaster table based on item number // next // next SqlSpCommand display_cmd = NewSqlSpCommand(); String query_stmt = "SELECT cm_custname \"Name\", SUM(im_itempric * oi_quantity) \"Total\" " + "FROM custmast, custordr, ordritem, itemmast " + "WHERE co_custnumb = cm_custnumb " + " AND co_ordrnumb = oi_ordrnumb " + " AND oi_itemnumb = im_itemnumb " + "GROUP BY co_ordrnumb, cm_custname" ; int rv = display_cmd.Prepare(query_stmt); if (rv == 0) { SqlSpRow RSrow = NewResultSetRow(); display_cmd.Execute(); while (display_cmd.MoveNext()) { RSrow[0].Value = display_cmd.CurrentRow[0].Value; RSrow[1].Value = display_cmd.CurrentRow[1].Value; ResultSetAddRow(RSrow); } } else { Err("Prepare error " + rv.ToString()); } }
private void Display_Records() { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string line = dt.ToString(); Log(line + "\tDisplay Records..."); SqlSpCommand display_cmd = NewSqlSpCommand(); String query_stmt = "SELECT cm_custnumb, cm_custname FROM custmast"; display_cmd.Prepare(query_stmt); display_cmd.Execute(); SqlSpRow RSrow = NewResultSetRow(); while (display_cmd.MoveNext()) { RSrow[0].Value = display_cmd.CurrentRow[0].Value; RSrow[1].Value = display_cmd.CurrentRow[1].Value; ResultSetAddRow(RSrow); } }