static Task <int> Main() { return(Pulumi.Deployment.RunAsync(() => { //create volume var volumeClaim = new MsSqlPersistentVolumeClaim().Deploy(); //create new secret for SA account var secret = new SqlSAPwdSecret().Deploy(); //Deploy sql server var sqlName = "mssqldb"; var appLabels = new Pulumi.InputMap <string> { { "app", sqlName }, }; var deployment = new SqlServerDeployment().Deploy(sqlName, appLabels); //Deploy service var sqlService = new SqlServerService().Deploy("mssql-service", deployment, appLabels); return new Dictionary <string, object?> { { "secret", secret.GetResourceName() }, { "deployment", deployment.GetResourceName() }, { "service", sqlService.GetResourceName() }, }; })); }
private IActionResult Get(object id) { ApiConfiguration apiConfiguration = RouteData.DataTokens["apiConfiguration"] as ApiConfiguration; RouteConfiguration route = RouteData.DataTokens["routeConfiguration"] as RouteConfiguration; ActionConfiguration action = RouteData.DataTokens["actionConfiguration"] as ActionConfiguration; if (route.Enabled && action.Enabled) { string sqlQuery = ControllerService.GetStringReplacedQuery(Request, route, action, id); SqlServerService sqlServerService = new SqlServerService(apiConfiguration.ConnectionString, route); DataTable resultSetDataTable = sqlServerService.ExecuteResultQuery(sqlQuery); if (resultSetDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { return(new OkObjectResult(resultSetDataTable.Rows[0])); } else { return(new NotFoundObjectResult(null)); } } else { Response.StatusCode = 501; return(new ObjectResult(null)); } }
protected void Application_Start() { System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer <TrainingSQLContext>(null); GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register); var sqlServer = SqlServerService.GetInstance(); var countryDatasource = CountriesDatasource.GetInstance(); }
private void Delete(object id) { ApiConfiguration apiConfiguration = RouteData.DataTokens["apiConfiguration"] as ApiConfiguration; RouteConfiguration route = RouteData.DataTokens["routeConfiguration"] as RouteConfiguration; ActionConfiguration action = RouteData.DataTokens["actionConfiguration"] as ActionConfiguration; if (route.Enabled && action.Enabled) { string sqlQuery = ControllerService.GetStringReplacedQuery(Request, route, action, id); SqlServerService sqlServerService = new SqlServerService(apiConfiguration.ConnectionString, route); sqlServerService.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlQuery); } }
/// <summary> /// Prepares the logger for adding data to a SQL database /// </summary> /// <param name="loggingConfiguration">The settings to use with the logger</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> public SqlLogger(ILoggingConfiguration loggingConfiguration) { Settings = loggingConfiguration; // Validate inputs if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.LogSqlTable)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Settings.LogSqlTable), "Must provide SQL table name to add logs to"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.SqlConnectionString)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Settings.SqlConnectionString), "Must provide SQL connection string"); } // Prepare class sql = new SqlServerService(Settings.SqlConnectionString); parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); }
public void Post() { ApiConfiguration apiConfiguration = RouteData.DataTokens["apiConfiguration"] as ApiConfiguration; RouteConfiguration route = RouteData.DataTokens["routeConfiguration"] as RouteConfiguration; ActionConfiguration action = RouteData.DataTokens["actionConfiguration"] as ActionConfiguration; if (route.Enabled && action.Enabled) { string json; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(Request.Body)) { json = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } string sqlQuery = ControllerService.GetStringReplacedQuery(Request, route, action, json); SqlServerService sqlServerService = new SqlServerService(apiConfiguration.ConnectionString, route); sqlServerService.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlQuery); } }
public void Init(ImportFileOptions importTask, List <string> headers) { ImportTask = importTask; Headers = headers; Log.Debug($"SqlServerWriter: init for '{ImportTask.file}'"); sqlCmdBuilder = new SqlCmdBuilder(importTask); HeaderFields = sqlCmdBuilder.GetHeaderFields(Headers); sqlServerService = new SqlServerService(Log, getSqlConnectionString()); // Drop table sqlServerService.simpleExecQuery(GetDropTableStatement()); // Create table sqlServerService.simpleExecQuery(GetCreateTableStatement()); // Truncate Table sqlServerService.simpleExecQuery(GetTruncateTableStatement()); }
public void GeneralTestMethod() { // Some things should be done before running this test method: // // - Configure the EF and the ConnectionString in the App.config // - Create a new database table // - Create a new data model and a new mapping configuration that represent the database table // - Add this configuration to the DbContext configurations // Notes: // this example builds a list of 1 000 000 objects, executes a bulk insert and after that a batch update // Bulk Insert time spent: // - About 1 minute retrieving the primary key values // - About 5 seconds without retrieving the primary key values // Batch Update time spent: // - About 50 seconds updating 1 000 000 of rows // The measurement was taken while running some tests in Debug mode, so in Release mode it should be faster // To sum up, although it was taken in Debug mode, it is still faster than EntityFramework/EntityFrameworkCore (much faster) // Creates a list of Users IList <User> entities = new List <User>(); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var entity = new User { Name = $"John Doe {i}", Email = $"johndoe{i}", Password = "******" }; entities.Add(entity); } // Creates the data table using the extensions method // You can also construct your data table by another way, but this method can simplify it var dataTable = entities.AsStronglyTypedDataTable(); // Creates the services // ps.: The MetadataService is needed only to get the primary key names, if you do not want to get them automatically, do not need to create this instance using (IMetadataService metadataService = new SqlServerMetadataService()) using (ISqlService sqlService = new SqlServerService()) { // Overrides the default timeout setting 2 minutes to ensure that the data will be inserted successfully // ps.: Default timeout is 1 minute sqlService.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2); // Setting the primary key names and passing them as parameter, their values will be retrieved from the database after the bulk insert execution // It is optional, does not need to be set // Not setting them can save a lot of time // Gets the primary key names from the entity mapping var databaseKeyNames = metadataService.GetDbKeyNames(entities.GetTypeFromEnumerable()); // You can specify the primary key names directly, get from another source or pass null // var databaseKeyNames = new List<string> { "Id" }; // Or // IList<string> databaseKeyNames = null; // Creates a Stopwatch, just to know the time which was spent during the execution var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Invokes the BulkInsert method // You can also pass the BatchSize and the BulkCopyOptions parameters to this method // BatchSize will be used to flush the values against the database table // BulkCopyOptions can be mixed up to get a lot of advantages, by default some options will be set // var bulkInsertTask = sqlService.BulkInsertAsync(dataTable: dataTable, primaryKeyNames: databaseKeyNames); // You can do something here while waiting for the task completion // Waits for the task completion // dataTable = bulkInsertTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); dataTable = sqlService.BulkInsert(dataTable: dataTable, primaryKeyNames: databaseKeyNames); // Stops the Stopwatch stopwatch.Stop(); // Gets the total of time spent Debug.WriteLine($"Bulk Insert Elapsed Time: {stopwatch.Elapsed}"); if (databaseKeyNames != null && databaseKeyNames.Any()) { // Restarts the Stopwatch stopwatch.Restart(); // Invokes the BatchUpdate method // You can also pass the BatchSize parameter to this method // BatchSize will be used to flush the values against the database table // var batchUpdateTask = sqlService.BatchUpdateAsync(dataTable, "Update [User] SET [Name] = 'Batch Update Usage Example' WHERE [Id] = @Id"); // You can do something here while waiting for the task completion // Waits for the task completion // batchUpdateTask.Wait(); sqlService.BatchUpdate(dataTable, "Update [User] SET [Name] = 'Batch Update Usage Example' WHERE [Id] = @Id"); // Stops the Stopwatch stopwatch.Stop(); // Gets the total of time spent Debug.WriteLine($"Batch Update Elapsed Time: {stopwatch.Elapsed}"); } // Transforms back the data table into a list of objects entities = dataTable.ToList <User>(); } }
CountriesDatasource() { this.SqlServer = SqlServerService.GetInstance(); }
public RouteSqlRepository() { _sqlServerService = SqlServiceFactory.CreateService(); }
public D_Inventario_Jac(OracleService _oracleService, SqlServerService _sqlServerService) { oracleService = _oracleService; sqlServerService = _sqlServerService; }
private void LoadSchema() { SqlServerService sqlServerService = new SqlServerService(ConnectionString, null); string primaryKeyQuery; SqlBuilder sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(); sqlBuilder.SELECT("c.TABLE_CATALOG,c.TABLE_SCHEMA,c.TABLE_NAME,c.CONSTRAINT_NAME,c.CONSTRAINT_TYPE,u.COLUMN_NAME"); sqlBuilder.FROM("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS c"); sqlBuilder.INNER_JOIN("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS u ON c.CONSTRAINT_NAME = u.CONSTRAINT_NAME"); sqlBuilder.WHERE("c.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY'"); primaryKeyQuery = sqlBuilder.ToString(); DataTable primaryKeyColumnSchema = sqlServerService.GenericExecuteResultQuery(primaryKeyQuery); foreach (DataRow primaryKeyColumnSchemaRow in primaryKeyColumnSchema.Rows) { SqlServerPrimaryKeyColumn primaryKeyColumn = new SqlServerPrimaryKeyColumn(primaryKeyColumnSchemaRow); PrimaryKeyColumns.Add(primaryKeyColumn); } using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { sqlConnection.Open(); DataTable columnSchema = sqlConnection.GetSchema("Columns"); foreach (DataRow columnSchemaRow in columnSchema.Rows) { SqlServerColumn column = new SqlServerColumn(columnSchemaRow); SqlServerPrimaryKeyColumn primaryKeyColumn = PrimaryKeyColumns.Find(pkc => pkc.Name == column.Name && pkc.TableName == column.TableName && pkc.Schema == column.Schema && pkc.Catalog == column.Catalog); if (primaryKeyColumn != null) { column.ConstraintName = primaryKeyColumn.ConstraintName; column.IsPrimaryKey = true; } Columns.Add(column); } DataTable tableSchema = sqlConnection.GetSchema("Tables"); foreach (DataRow tableSchemaRow in tableSchema.Rows) { SqlServerTable table = new SqlServerTable(tableSchemaRow); Tables.Add(table); List <SqlServerColumn> columns = Columns.FindAll(c => c.Schema == table.Schema && c.TableName == table.Name); foreach (SqlServerColumn column in columns) { column.Table = table; table.Columns.Add(column); } } sqlConnection.Close(); } }