Пример #1
        // GET: Default
        public ActionResult Index(string OrderBy, string OrderDirection = "ASC")
            // Instantiate a repository class so you can start using data, since we're using SQL Repository, pass in either the
            // local file connection string or MsSql connection string, as the libraries they use are the same.
            SqlRepository repository = new SqlRepository(_LocalFileConnectionString);

            // Create a list of employees to return to the view based on our SQL statement

            // Basic select statement, however we do not get all the information we need.
            string sql = "SELECT * FROM Employee";

            #region Bonus - Joining another table
            // TODO: Bonus - Joining another table
            // remember relational databased store additional data in other tables. If we join
            // our employee on the Department table and Position table then we get that information to display
            //string sql = "SELECT * FROM Employee E INNER JOIN Department D ON D.Id = E.DepartmentId INNER JOIN Position P ON P.Id = E.PositionId";

            // TODO: How to we order the data by a column, enable sorting?
            ViewBag.EnableSorting = false;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderBy))
                // sql += ??
                // TODO: Bonus - How do we persist the OrderDirection?

            List <Employee> allEmployees = repository.GetEmployees(sql);
Пример #2
        // GET: Default
        public ActionResult Index(string OrderBy, string OrderDirection = "ASC")
            SqlRepository repository = new SqlRepository(_LocalFileConnectionString);

            string sql = "SELECT * FROM Employee";

            ViewBag.EnableSorting = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderBy))
                sql += String.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", OrderBy, OrderDirection);

                if (OrderDirection == "ASC")
                    _OrderDirection = "DESC";
                    _OrderDirection = "ASC";

                ViewBag.OrderDirection = _OrderDirection;

            List <Employee> allEmployees = repository.GetEmployees(sql);

Пример #3
        // GET: Default
        public ActionResult Index(string OrderBy, string OrderDirection = "ASC")
            // Instantiate a repository class so you can start using data, since we're using SQL Repository, pass in either the
            // local file connection string or MsSql connection string, as the libraries they use are the same.
            SqlRepository repository = new SqlRepository(_LocalFileConnectionString);

            // Create a list of employees to return to the view based on our SQL statement

            string sql = "SELECT E.*, D.DepartmentName, P.PositionName FROM Employee E ";

            sql += "INNER JOIN Department D ON D.Id = E.DepartmentId INNER JOIN Position P ON P.Id = E.PositionId";

            ViewBag.EnableSorting = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderBy))
                sql += " ORDER BY " + OrderBy + " " + OrderDirection;
                ViewBag.OrderDirection = OrderDirection == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC";

            List <Employee> allEmployees = repository.GetEmployees(sql);
