Пример #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a SQL command describing the database operation for retrieving XML data from the specified queue item in the Persistence Queue database.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="connection">The database connection object to be associated with the new command.</param>
            /// <param name="itemId">The unique ID of the queue item.</param>
            /// <param name="headerXPath">A collection of XPath expressions referencing the header part in the XML payload associated with the queue item.</param>
            /// <param name="bodyXPath">A collection of XPath expressions referencing the body part in the XML payload associated with the queue item.</param>
            /// <param name="footerXPath">A collection of XPath expressions referencing the footer part in the XML payload associated with the queue item.</param>
            /// <param name="nsManager">The <see cref="System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/> object providing the mechanism for resolving namespace prefixes to their respective namespaces.</param>
            /// <returns>A new SQL command initialized with the respective command text, parameters and their initial values.</returns>
            public static IDbCommand CreateDequeueXmlDataCommand(IDbConnection connection, Guid itemId, string[] headerXPath, string[] bodyXPath, string[] footerXPath, XmlNamespaceManager nsManager)
                Guard.ArgumentNotNull(connection, "connection");

                IDbCommand command = SqlCommandFactory.CreateCommand(connection, SqlCommandResources.SqlAzurePersistenceQueueDequeueXmlData);

                command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemID, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, itemId));

                for (int i = 0; headerXPath != null && headerXPath.Length > 0 && i < headerXPath.Length; i++)
                    command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SqlObjectResources.CommandParamTemplateHeaderXPath, i + 1), SqlDbType.VarChar, headerXPath[i]));

                for (int i = 0; bodyXPath != null && bodyXPath.Length > 0 && i < bodyXPath.Length; i++)
                    command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SqlObjectResources.CommandParamTemplateBodyXPath, i + 1), SqlDbType.VarChar, bodyXPath[i]));

                for (int i = 0; footerXPath != null && footerXPath.Length > 0 && i < footerXPath.Length; i++)
                    command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SqlObjectResources.CommandParamTemplateFooterXPath, i + 1), SqlDbType.VarChar, footerXPath[i]));

                AddNamespaces(command, nsManager);

Пример #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a SQL command describing the database operation for removing a queue item from the Persistence Queue database.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="connection">The database connection object to be associated with the new command.</param>
            /// <param name="itemId">The unique ID of the queue item.</param>
            /// <returns>A new SQL command initialized with the respective command text, parameters and their initial values.</returns>
            public static IDbCommand CreateRemoveCommand(IDbConnection connection, Guid itemId)
                IDbCommand command = SqlCommandFactory.CreateCommand(connection, SqlCommandResources.SqlAzurePersistenceQueueRemove);

                command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemID, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, itemId));

Пример #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a SQL command describing the database operation for adding a queue item with the specified unique ID.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="connection">The database connection object to be associated with the new command.</param>
            /// <param name="itemId">The unique ID of the queue item.</param>
            /// <returns>A new SQL command initialized with the respective command text, parameters and their initial values.</returns>
            public static IDbCommand CreateEnqueueCommand(IDbConnection connection, Guid itemId)
                IDbCommand command = SqlCommandFactory.CreateCommand(connection, SqlCommandResources.SqlAzurePersistenceQueueEnqueue);

                command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemID, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, itemId));
                command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateOutputParameter(SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemSize, SqlDbType.BigInt));
                command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateOutputParameter(SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemType, SqlDbType.VarChar, 255));

Пример #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a SQL command describing the database operation for applying XPath expressions against the XML queue item data in the Persistence Queue database.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="connection">The database connection object to be associated with the new command.</param>
            /// <param name="itemId">The unique ID of the queue item.</param>
            /// <param name="xPathCollection">A collection of XPath expressions that will be applied against the XML payload associated with the queue item.</param>
            /// <param name="nsManager">The <see cref="System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/> object providing the mechanism for resolving namespace prefixes to their respective namespaces.</param>
            /// <returns>A new SQL command initialized with the respective command text, parameters and their initial values.</returns>
            public static IDbCommand CreateQueryXmlDataCommand(IDbConnection connection, Guid itemId, string[] xPathCollection, XmlNamespaceManager nsManager)
                Guard.ArgumentNotNull(connection, "connection");

                IDbCommand command = SqlCommandFactory.CreateCommand(connection, SqlCommandResources.SqlAzurePersistenceQueueQueryXmlData);

                command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemID, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, itemId));

                for (int i = 0; xPathCollection != null && xPathCollection.Length > 0 && i < xPathCollection.Length; i++)
                    command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SqlObjectResources.CommandParamTemplateXPath, i + 1), SqlDbType.VarChar, xPathCollection[i]));

                AddNamespaces(command, nsManager);

Пример #5
            private static void AddNamespaces(IDbCommand command, XmlNamespaceManager nsManager)
                if (nsManager != null)
                    IEnumerator nsEnumerator = nsManager.GetEnumerator();
                    int         nsIndex      = 1;

                    while (nsEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        string nsPrefix = nsEnumerator.Current as string;

                        // Should filter the standard XML namespace, otherwise can get "Attempt to redefine namespace prefix 'xmlns'" error.
                        if (String.Compare(nsPrefix, "xmlns", true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) != 0)
                            command.Parameters.Add(SqlParameterUtility.CreateParameter(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SqlObjectResources.CommandParamTemplateNamespace, nsIndex), SqlDbType.VarChar, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SqlObjectResources.CommandParamTemplateNamespaceValue, nsPrefix, nsManager.LookupNamespace(nsPrefix))));
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Inspects the specified SQL command and takes appropriate actions based on the results of inspection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">The SQL command to be inspected.</param>
 public void Inspect(IDbCommand command)
     QueueItemSize = SqlParameterUtility.GetParameterValueAs <long>(command, SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemSize);
     QueueItemType = SqlParameterUtility.GetParameterValueAs <string>(command, SqlObjectResources.ColumnQueueItemType);