Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Wird aufgerufen, bevor der MainActivator aktiviert wird.
        /// Hier sollten alle von einem DB-Objekt abhängige Initialisierungen
        /// durchgeführt werden.
        /// </summary>
        private void MainActivator_OnActivating(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                // Daten holen und prüfen
                ISingleDbObject dbobject = m_MainActivator.DbObject;

                if (dbobject == null)

                ISqlFormatter f = dbobject.Connection.SqlFormatter;

                string statement = string.Format("select UpdateWhereClause from DialogTableGroupRight where {0} and UID_DialogGroup in (select UID_DialogGroup from DialogUserInGroup where UID_DialogUser in (select UID_DialogUser from DialogUser where {1}))",
                                                     f.Comparison("UID_DialogTable", "SDL-T-SDLDomain", ValType.String),
                                                     f.Comparison("CanEdit", true, ValType.Bool)
                                                 f.Comparison("username", dbobject.Connection.User.Identifier, ValType.String));

                SqlExecutor exec       = dbobject.Connection.CreateSqlExecutor((byte[])m_MainActivator.Variables[GenericPropertyDictionary.ConnectionPublicKey, null]);
                IDataReader datareader = null;

                using (datareader = exec.SqlExecute(statement))
                    statement = "select count(*) from SDLDOmain where " + SqlFormatter.UidComparison("UID_SDLDomain", dbobject["UID_SDLDomainRDOwner"].New.String);
                    string wherest = "";

                    while (datareader.Read())
                        string where = datareader.GetString(0).Trim();

                        if (where == "")
                            wherest = "";

                        wherest = wherest.Length == 0 ? string.Format("({0})", where) :
                                  string.Format("{0} or ({1})", wherest, where);

                    if (wherest != "")
                        statement = statement + string.Format(" and ({0})", wherest);

                object result = exec.SqlExecuteScalar(Connection.Variables.Replace(statement));

                if (result != null && Convert.ToInt32(result) > 0)
                    m_MemberRelation1.WhereClause = string.Format("(UID_SDLDomain in (select UID_SDLDomain from ApplicationServer) or {0}) and not (UID_SDLDomain in (select UID_SDLDomain from ApplicationServer Where {1}))",
                                                                  SqlFormatter.UidComparison("UID_ServerTAS", "", CompareOperator.NotEqual),
                                                                  SqlFormatter.Comparison("IsCentralLibrary", true, ValType.Bool));
                    m_LblHinweis.Visible = false;
                    m_MemberRelation1.WhereClause = string.Format("{0} = {1}", SqlFormatter.FormatValue(1, ValType.Int), SqlFormatter.FormatValue(2, ValType.Int));
                    m_LblHinweis.Visible          = true;