Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="enclavePackageBytes">byte package to be sent to enclave</param>
 /// <param name="enclaveSession"> enclave session to be used</param>
 internal EnclavePackage(byte[] enclavePackageBytes, SqlEnclaveSession enclaveSession)
     EnclavePackageBytes = enclavePackageBytes;
     EnclaveSession      = enclaveSession;
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks up and evicts an enclave session from the enclave session cache, if the provider implements session caching.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serverName">The name of the SQL Server instance containing the enclave.</param>
 /// <param name="enclaveAttestationUrl">The endpoint of an attestation service, SqlClient contacts to attest the enclave.</param>
 /// <param name="enclaveSession">The session to be invalidated.</param>
 public abstract void InvalidateEnclaveSession(string serverName, string enclaveAttestationUrl, SqlEnclaveSession enclaveSession);
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks up an existing enclave session information in the enclave session cache. If the enclave provider does not implement enclave session caching, this method is expected to return null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serverName">The name of the SQL Server instance containing the enclave.</param>
 /// <param name="attestationUrl">The endpoint of an attestation service, SqlClient contacts to attest the enclave.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlEnclaveSession">The requested enclave session or null if the provider does not implement session caching.</param>
 /// <param name="counter">A counter that the enclave provider is expected to increment each time SqlClient retrieves the session from the cache. The purpose of this field is to prevent replay attacks.</param>
 public abstract void GetEnclaveSession(string serverName, string attestationUrl, out SqlEnclaveSession sqlEnclaveSession, out long counter);
 /// <include file='../../../../../../../doc/snippets/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient/SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProvider.xml' path='docs/members[@name="SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProvider"]/GetEnclaveSession/*'/>
 internal abstract void GetEnclaveSession(string serverName, string attestationUrl, bool generateCustomData, out SqlEnclaveSession sqlEnclaveSession, out long counter, out byte[] customData, out int customDataLength);
Пример #5
 /// <include file='../../../../../../../doc/snippets/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient/SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProvider.xml' path='docs/members[@name="SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProvider"]/InvalidateEnclaveSession/*'/>
 internal abstract void InvalidateEnclaveSession(EnclaveSessionParameters enclaveSessionParameters, SqlEnclaveSession enclaveSession);
Пример #6
 /// <include file='../../../../../../../doc/snippets/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient/SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProvider.xml' path='docs/members[@name="SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProvider"]/GetEnclaveSession/*'/>
 internal abstract void GetEnclaveSession(EnclaveSessionParameters enclaveSessionParameters, bool generateCustomData, out SqlEnclaveSession sqlEnclaveSession, out long counter, out byte[] customData, out int customDataLength);