private static IEnumerable <BacklogPost> GetSortedBacklogPosts()
            // 1 in 3 chance of coincidental ordering being correct, yielding a false positive when implementation fails to order explicitly.
            const int Days                  = 3;
            const int ChannelCount          = 3;
            const int CollectionsPerChannel = 3;
            const int Posts                 = 6;

            var result = new List <BacklogPost>();

            for (var day = 0; day < Days; day++)
                var liveDate = new SqlDateTime(Now.AddDays(1 + day)).Value;
                for (var channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < ChannelCount; channelIndex++)
                    var channelId = new ChannelId(Guid.NewGuid());
                    for (var queueIndex = 0; queueIndex < CollectionsPerChannel; queueIndex++)
                        var queueId = queueIndex == 0 ? null : new QueueId(Guid.NewGuid());
                        for (var i = 0; i < Posts; i++)
                            var creationDate = new SqlDateTime(liveDate.AddMinutes(i)).Value;

                                new BacklogPost(
                                    new PostId(Guid.NewGuid()),
                                    i % 2 == 0 ? queueId : null,
                                    i % 2 == 0 ? PreviewText : null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? new FileId(Guid.NewGuid()) : null,
                                    i % 2 == 0 ? PreviewText.Value.Length : 0,
                                    i % 2 == 0 ? PreviewText.Value.Length : 0,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? 1 : 0,
                                    i % 3 == 1 ? 1 : 0,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileName : null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileExtension : null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileSize : (long?)null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileWidth : (int?)null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileHeight : (int?)null,

            return(result.OrderBy(_ => _.LiveDate).ThenBy(_ => _.CreationDate));
        private static IEnumerable <NewsfeedPost> GetSortedNewsfeedPosts()
            // Half the posts will be in the future relative to Now. Days move one day every two posts.
            var day = 0;

            var result = new List <NewsfeedPost>();

            for (var channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < ChannelsPerCreator; channelIndex++)
                var channelId = ChannelIds[channelIndex];
                for (var collectionIndex = 0; collectionIndex < CollectionsPerChannel; collectionIndex++)
                    var collectionId = CollectionIds[channelIndex][collectionIndex];
                    for (var i = 0; i < Posts; i++)
                        for (var isFuture = 0; isFuture < 2; ++isFuture)
                            var      liveDate = new SqlDateTime(Now.AddDays((isFuture == 0 ? -1 : 1) * day)).Value;
                            DateTime creationDate;

                            if (i % 2 == 0)
                                // Ensure we have one post that is `now` (i.e. AddDays(0)).
                                creationDate = liveDate;
                                creationDate = new SqlDateTime(liveDate.AddMinutes(-1)).Value;

                                new NewsfeedPost(
                                    new PostId(Guid.NewGuid()),
                                    i % 2 == 0 ? PreviewText : null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? new FileId(Guid.NewGuid()) : null,
                                    i % 2 == 0 ? PreviewText.Value.Length : 0,
                                    i % 2 == 0 ? PreviewText.Value.Length : 0,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? 1 : 0,
                                    i % 3 == 1 ? 1 : 0,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileName : null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileExtension : null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileSize : (long?)null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileWidth : (int?)null,
                                    i % 3 == 2 ? FileHeight : (int?)null,
                                    i % (UserIds.Count / 2),
                                    i % UserIds.Count,

            return(result.OrderByDescending(_ => _.LiveDate).ThenByDescending(_ => _.CreationDate));