Пример #1
    private List <Post> getComments(int postId)
        //Connect to the database and check to see if user already exists, if it does, compare the password
        string        connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnection"].ConnectionString;
        SqlConnection conn             = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        string        query            = "select TOP(20) * from postt p left join users u on u.userid = p.puserid left join groups g on g.groupid = p.pgroupid left join member m on m.mgroupid = g.groupid where (u.userid = p.puserid or m.muserid =" + Session["UserId"] + ") and p.commentid = " + Int32.Parse(postId.ToString()) + ";";
        SqlCommand    cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);


        //Actually execute the query and return the results
        SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

        string[] checkarray = new string[22];

        List <Post> posts = new List <Post>();

        while (reader.Read())
            checkarray[0]  = reader[0].ToString();                //postid
            checkarray[1]  = reader[1].ToString();                //ptext
            checkarray[2]  = reader[2].ToString();                //ptimestamp
            checkarray[3]  = reader[3].ToString();                //phascom
            checkarray[4]  = reader[4].ToString();                //commentid
            checkarray[5]  = reader[5].ToString();                //puserid
            checkarray[6]  = reader[6].ToString();                //pgroupid
            checkarray[7]  = reader[7].ToString();                //pcode
            checkarray[8]  = reader[8].ToString();                //ppicfile
            checkarray[9]  = reader[9].ToString();                //userid
            checkarray[10] = reader[10].ToString();               //username
            checkarray[11] = reader[11].ToString();               //userrealname
            checkarray[12] = reader[12].ToString();               //usergitname
            checkarray[13] = reader[13].ToString();               //useravatar
            checkarray[14] = reader[14].ToString();               //useremail
            checkarray[15] = reader[15].ToString();               //userpassword
            checkarray[16] = reader[16].ToString();               //groupid
            checkarray[17] = reader[17].ToString();               //groupname
            checkarray[18] = reader[18].ToString();               //groupavatar
            checkarray[19] = reader[19].ToString();               //muserid
            checkarray[20] = reader[20].ToString();               //mgroupid
            checkarray[21] = reader[21].ToString();               //madmin

            int      id          = Int32.Parse(checkarray[0]);
            DateTime time        = SqlDateHelper.parseSqlDate(checkarray[2]);
            bool     hasComments = bool.Parse(checkarray[3]);
            bool     isComment   = checkarray[4] != null && checkarray[4] != "";
            bool     admin       = false;
            if (checkarray[21] != "")
                admin = bool.Parse(checkarray[21]);
            int zero = 0;
            int one  = 1;

            //Check to see if the user is a group admin
            if (checkarray[13] == "")
                if (admin)
                    User    user = new User(checkarray[17], checkarray[18], Int32.Parse(checkarray[16]), one);
                    Control post = addFooter(UserPost.makePost(user, checkarray[1], checkarray[8], checkarray[7], time, isComment), time, id, hasComments, isComment);
                    post.ID           = "post" + id;
                    post.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;                     // this supposedly makes client ID's the same as ASP ID's
                    posts.Add(new Post(post, time));
                    User    user = new User(checkarray[17], checkarray[18], Int32.Parse(checkarray[16]), zero);
                    Control post = addFooter(UserPost.makePost(user, checkarray[1], checkarray[8], checkarray[7], time, isComment), time, id, hasComments, isComment);
                    post.ID           = "post" + id;
                    post.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;                     // this supposedly makes client ID's the same as ASP ID's
                    posts.Add(new Post(post, time));
                if (Int32.Parse(checkarray[9]) == Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString()))
                    User    user = new User(checkarray[10], checkarray[13], Int32.Parse(checkarray[9]), one);
                    Control post = addFooter(UserPost.makePost(user, checkarray[1], checkarray[8], checkarray[7], time, isComment), time, id, hasComments, isComment);
                    post.ID           = "post" + id;
                    post.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;                     // this supposedly makes client ID's the same as ASP ID's
                    posts.Add(new Post(post, time));
                    User    user = new User(checkarray[10], checkarray[13], Int32.Parse(checkarray[9]), zero);
                    Control post = addFooter(UserPost.makePost(user, checkarray[1], checkarray[8], checkarray[7], time, isComment), time, id, hasComments, isComment);
                    post.ID           = "post" + id;
                    post.ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static;                     // this supposedly makes client ID's the same as ASP ID's
                    posts.Add(new Post(post, time));