private static bool Avalable(string conn, string user_id) { string cmd1 = "SELECT user_posts FROM public.users WHERE user_id = " + user_id; string cmd2 = "SELECT subscription_limited FROM public.users, public.subscription WHERE user_subscription = subscription_id AND user_id = " + user_id; return(Convert.ToInt32(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd1, conn).Rows[0]["user_posts"].ToString()) < Convert.ToInt32(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd2, conn).Rows[0]["subscription_limited"].ToString())); }
public static int NewPost(string conn, List <string> input) { if (Avalable(conn, input[0])) { string insert = "INSERT INTO (user_id, post_area, post_address, post_price, post_direction, post_floors, post_type, post_detail, post_restricted, post_header, post_image, post_view) VALUES "; string values = ""; foreach (string s in input) { if (values.Length > 0) { values += ", "; } values += "'" + s + "'"; } values = "(" + values + ", 0)"; string cmd = insert + values; SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn); return(1); } else { return(0); } }
//protected string GetUserId() //{ // string cmd = "SELECT user_id FROM public.users WHERE user_account = '" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + "'"; // string res = ""; // DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString); // foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows) // { // res = r["user_id"].ToString(); // } // return res; //} protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { restricted.Items[0].Selected = true; string conn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString; string cmd = "SELECT w.ward_name, w.ward_id FROM public.ward AS w, public.district AS d WHERE w.district_id = d.district_id AND d.district_name = '" + district.SelectedValue + "'"; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString); foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows) { ListItem new_item = new ListItem(r["ward_name"].ToString(), r["ward_id"].ToString()); ward.Items.Add(new_item); } if (!IsPostBack) { district.Items.Add(new ListItem(" ", "0")); ward.Items.Add(new ListItem(" ", "0")); street.Items.Add(new ListItem(" ", "0")); DataTable tbl2 = Function.GetDistrict(conn); foreach (DataRow r in tbl2.Rows) { district.Items.Add(new ListItem(r["district_name"].ToString(), r["district_id"].ToString())); } } }
protected DataTable ValidAuthentication(string username, string password) { string cmd = "SELECT user_role FROM public.users WHERE user_name = '" + username + "' AND user_password = '******'"; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString); return(tbl); }
public static DataTable GetPostByDistrict(string conn, string district_id, string price, string area, string type, string user_id) { string price_cmd; string area_cmd; string type_cmd; if (price == "-1") { price_cmd = " post_price > -1 "; } else { if (price == "10") { price_cmd = " post_price >= 10 "; } else { price_cmd = " post_price >= (" + price + " - 1) AND post_price <= (" + price + " + 1) "; } } if (area == "-1") { area_cmd = " post_area > -1 "; } else { if (area == "100") { area_cmd = " post_area >= 100 "; } else { area_cmd = " post_area >= (" + area + " - 10) AND post_area <= (" + area + " + 10) "; } } if (type == "-1") { type_cmd = " (post_type = 'Chung cư' OR post_type = 'Thổ cư') "; } else { type_cmd = " post_type = '" + type + "' "; } if (user_id != null) { user_id = " AND p.user_id = " + user_id; } else { user_id = ""; } string cmd = "SELECT p.* FROM AS p,public.district AS d,public.street AS s,public.ward AS w, public.users AS u WHERE u.user_id = p.user_id AND d.district_id = " + district_id + " " + user_id + " and d.district_id = w.district_id and w.ward_id = s.ward_id and p.post_address = s.street_id AND" + area_cmd + "AND" + price_cmd + "AND" + type_cmd + " ORDER BY (u.user_subscription) DESC"; //return cmd; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetPostDetail(string conn, string post_id) { string cmd = "UPDATE SET post_view = post_view + 1 WHERE post_id = " + post_id; SqlData.ExeNpSqlCmd(cmd, conn); cmd = "SELECT * FROM WHERE post_id = '" + post_id + "'"; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetPostListForUser(string conn, string price, string area, string type, string user_id) { string price_cmd; string area_cmd; string type_cmd; if (price == "-1") { price_cmd = " post_price > -1 "; } else { if (price == "10") { price_cmd = " post_price >= 10 "; } else { price_cmd = " post_price >= (" + price + " - 1) AND post_price <= (" + price + " + 1) "; } } if (area == "-1") { area_cmd = " post_area > -1 "; } else { if (area == "100") { area_cmd = " post_area >= 100 "; } else { area_cmd = " post_area >= (" + area + " - 10) AND post_area <= (" + area + " + 10) "; } } if (type == "-1") { type_cmd = " (post_type = 'Chung cư' OR post_type = 'Thổ cư') "; } else { type_cmd = " post_type = '" + type + "' "; } if (user_id != null) { user_id = " AND = " + user_id; } string cmd = "SELECT * FROM, public.users WHERE = true " + user_id + " AND = public.users.user_id AND" + price_cmd + "AND" + area_cmd + "AND" + type_cmd + "ORDER BY (user_subscription) DESC"; //return cmd; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable ValidAuthentication(string conn, string username, string password) { string cmd = "SELECT user_role FROM public.users WHERE user_account = '" + username + "' AND user_password = '******'"; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn); if (tbl.Rows.Count != 0) { UpdateLogIn(conn, username); } return(tbl); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = ""; string cmd = "SELECT user_id FROM public.users WHERE user_name = '" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + "'"; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString); if (tbl.Rows.Count != 0) { id = tbl.Rows[0]["user_id"].ToString(); } userInfor.Attributes.Add("href", "User/AuthorizedUser/UserInformation.aspx?id=" + id); }
protected string GetUserId() { string cmd = "SELECT user_id FROM public.users WHERE user_account = '" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + "'"; string res = ""; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString); foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows) { res = r["user_id"].ToString(); } return(res); }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string cmd = "SELECT s.street_name, s.street_id FROM public.street AS s, public.ward AS w WHERE s.ward_id = w.ward_id AND w.ward_id = '" + ward.SelectedValue + "'"; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString); street.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows) { ListItem new_item = new ListItem(r["street_name"].ToString(), r["street_id"].ToString()); street.Items.Add(new_item); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string cmd = "SELECT w.ward_name, w.ward_id FROM public.ward AS w, public.district AS d WHERE w.district_id = d.district_id AND d.district_id = '" + district.SelectedValue + "'"; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString); ward.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows) { ListItem new_item = new ListItem(r["ward_name"].ToString(), r["ward_id"].ToString()); ward.Items.Add(new_item); } }
public static string GetUserId(string conn, string username) { string cmd = "SELECT user_id FROM public.users WHERE user_account = '" + username + "'"; string res = ""; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn); foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows) { res = r["user_id"].ToString(); } return(res); }
public static string GetMess(string conn, string user_id) { string cmd = "SELECT noti FROM public.notifications WHERE user_id = " + user_id; DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn); if (tbl.Rows.Count != 0) { return(tbl.Rows[0]["noti"].ToString()); } else { return(""); } }
public static DataTable GetPostByStreet(string conn, string street_id, string price, string area, string user_id) { string price_cmd; string area_cmd; if (price == "-1") { price_cmd = " post_price > -1 "; } else { if (price == "10") { price_cmd = " post_price >= 10 "; } else { price_cmd = " post_price >= (" + price + " - 1) AND post_price <= (" + price + " + 1) "; } } if (area == "-1") { area_cmd = " post_area > -1 "; } else { if (area == "100") { area_cmd = " post_area >= 100 "; } else { area_cmd = " post_area >= (" + area + " - 10) AND post_area <= (" + area + " + 10) "; } } if (user_id != null) { user_id = " AND p.user_id = " + user_id; } else { user_id = ""; } string cmd = "SELECT p.* FROM AS p,public.street AS s WHERE s.street_id = '" + street_id + "' " + user_id + " AND s.street_id = p.post_address AND" + area_cmd + "AND" + price_cmd; //return cmd; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetPostByDistrict(string conn, string district_id, string price, string area, string user_id) { string price_cmd; string area_cmd; if (price == "-1") { price_cmd = " post_price > -1 "; } else { if (price == "10") { price_cmd = " post_price >= 10 "; } else { price_cmd = " post_price >= (" + price + " - 1) AND post_price <= (" + price + " + 1) "; } } if (area == "-1") { area_cmd = " post_area > -1 "; } else { if (area == "100") { area_cmd = " post_area >= 100 "; } else { area_cmd = " post_area >= (" + area + " - 10) AND post_area <= (" + area + " + 10) "; } } if (user_id != null) { user_id = " AND p.user_id = " + user_id; } else { user_id = ""; } string cmd = "SELECT p.* FROM AS p,public.district AS d,public.street AS s,public.ward AS w WHERE d.district_id = '" + district_id + "' " + user_id + " and d.district_id = w.district_id and w.ward_id = s.ward_id and p.post_address = s.street_id AND" + area_cmd + "AND" + price_cmd; //return cmd; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
// protected string mess; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string conn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString; List <string> userInfor = Function.GetUserInfor(conn, Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["id"])); DoB.Text = userInfor[0] + "/" + userInfor[1] + "/" + userInfor[2]; Username.Text = userInfor[3]; Address.Text = userInfor[5]; Phonenumber.Text = userInfor[6]; Subscription.Text = userInfor[7]; string cmd = "SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS post_num FROM WHERE user_id = '" + Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["id"]) + "'"; PostNum.Text = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn).Rows[0]["post_num"].ToString(); Label1.Text = Function.GetMess(conn, GetUserId()); }
public static DataTable GetPostByUser(string conn, string user_id, List <string> orderBy, string order, string state, string approve) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string approve_cmd; foreach (string s in orderBy) { if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Append(','); } sb.Append(s); } string listOfOrder = sb.ToString();; if (state == "2") { state = "(post_restricted = 0 OR post_restricted = 1)"; } else { state = "(post_restricted = " + state + ")"; } if (approve == "Pending") { approve_cmd = " post_approve = false AND "; } else { if (approve == "Approve") { approve_cmd = " post_approve = true AND "; } else { approve_cmd = " (post_approve = true OR post_approve = false) AND "; } } string cmd = "SELECT * FROM WHERE user_id = " + user_id + " AND " + approve_cmd + state + " ORDER BY (" + listOfOrder + ") " + order; //return cmd; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static List <string> GetUserInfor(string conn, string user_id) { List <string> result = new List <string>(); string cmd = "SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM user_dob) AS day FROM public.users WHERE user_id = '" + user_id + "'"; result.Add(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn).Rows[0]["day"].ToString()); cmd = "SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM user_dob) AS month FROM public.users WHERE user_id = '" + user_id + "'"; result.Add(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn).Rows[0]["month"].ToString()); cmd = "SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM user_dob) AS year FROM public.users WHERE user_id = '" + user_id + "'"; result.Add(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn).Rows[0]["year"].ToString()); cmd = "SELECT * FROM public.users WHERE user_id = '" + user_id + "'"; using (DataTable tbl = SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)) { result.Add(tbl.Rows[0]["user_name"].ToString()); result.Add(tbl.Rows[0]["user_password"].ToString()); result.Add(tbl.Rows[0]["user_address"].ToString()); result.Add(tbl.Rows[0]["user_phonenumber"].ToString()); result.Add(tbl.Rows[0]["user_subscription"].ToString()); } return(result); }
public static DataTable GetRecentPost(string conn, string user_id) { string cmd = "SELECT * FROM AS post RIGHT JOIN (SELECT * FROM public.history WHERE user_id = " + user_id + ") AS history ON post.post_id = history.post_id ORDER BY (visit_time) DESC LIMIT 5"; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetAddress(string conn, string street_id) { string cmd = "SELECT a.district_id, b.ward_id FROM public.district AS a INNER JOIN public.ward AS b ON a.district_id = b.district_id INNER JOIN public.street AS c ON b.ward_id = c.ward_id WHERE c.street_id = " + street_id; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetUserList(string conn) { string cmd = "SELECT user_id, user_name, user_lastseen AS lastseen, user_posts FROM public.users WHERE user_role = 2 ORDER BY (user_id) ASC"; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetStreet(string conn, string ward_id) { string cmd = "SELECT * FROM public.street WHERE ward_id = '" + ward_id + "'"; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetDistrict(string conn) { string cmd = "SELECT * FROM public.district"; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static string GetMess(string conn, string user_id) { string cmd = "SELECT noti FROM public.notifications WHERE user_id = " + user_id; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn).Rows[0]["noti"].ToString()); }
public static DataTable GetWard(string conn, string district_id) { string cmd = "SELECT * FROM public.ward WHERE district_id = '" + district_id + "'"; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }
public static DataTable GetTopViewPost(string conn) { string cmd = "WITH tmp AS (SELECT * FROM WHERE post_view != 0 ORDER BY(post_view) DESC) SELECT* FROM tmp, public.users WHERE tmp.post_approve = true AND tmp.user_id = public.users.user_id ORDER BY(user_subscription, post_view) DESC limit 5"; return(SqlData.ExeNpSqlToTable(cmd, conn)); }