public void ReturnsSqlCommandExceptionAsString()
                // Arrange
                string       message     = null;
                SqlException inner       = null;
                string       commandText = "myCommandText";

                // Act
                var ex = new SqlCommandException(message, inner, commandText);

                // Assert
                Assert.Equal(@"toofz.Data.SqlCommandException: Exception of type 'toofz.Data.SqlCommandException' was thrown.

myCommandText", ex.ToString(), ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
            public void CommandTextIsNull_ReturnsSqlCommandExceptionAsString()
                // Arrange
                string       message     = null;
                SqlException inner       = null;
                string       commandText = null;

                // Act
                var ex = new SqlCommandException(message, inner, commandText);

                // Assert
                Assert.Equal("toofz.Data.SqlCommandException: Exception of type 'toofz.Data.SqlCommandException' was thrown.", ex.ToString());