public void FixtureSetup()
            var connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[MiscConstants.GetEfDatabaseConfigName()].ConnectionString;
            var allSqlInfo = SqlAllInfo.SqlAllInfoFactory(connection);

            _sqlInfos = allSqlInfo.TableInfos;
 public void FixtureSetup()
     using (var db = new TestEf6SchemaCompareDb())
         var decoder = new Ef6MetadataDecoder(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(DataTop)));
         _efInfos = decoder.GetAllEfTablesWithColInfo(db);
         var allSqlInfo = SqlAllInfo.SqlAllInfoFactory(db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString);
         _checker = new EfRelationshipChecker(_efInfos, allSqlInfo, allSqlInfo.TableInfos);     //NOTE: we aren't able to filter potentialManyToManyTables
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This compares two SQL databases looking at each table, its columns, its keys and its foreign keys.
        /// It assumes the first database connection is the reference and the second is the one that should match the reference
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refDbNameOrConnectionString">Either a full connection string or the name of a connection string in Config file</param>
        /// <param name="toBeCheckDbNameOrConnectionString">Either a full connection string or the name of a to connection string in Config file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISuccessOrErrors CompareSqlToSql(string refDbNameOrConnectionString, string toBeCheckDbNameOrConnectionString)
            var refDbConnection = refDbNameOrConnectionString.GetConnectionStringAndCheckValid();
            var toBeCheckDbConnection = toBeCheckDbNameOrConnectionString.GetConnectionStringAndCheckValid();
            var refDatabaseName = refDbConnection.GetDatabaseNameFromConnectionString();
            var toBeCheckDatabaseName = toBeCheckDbConnection.GetDatabaseNameFromConnectionString();

            var refSqlData = SqlAllInfo.SqlAllInfoFactory(refDbConnection);
            var toBeCheckSqlData = SqlAllInfo.SqlAllInfoFactory(toBeCheckDbConnection);

            var comparer = new SqlCompare(refDatabaseName, toBeCheckDatabaseName, _sqlTableNamesToIgnore, _showMismatchedIndexsAsErrors);
            return comparer.CompareSqlToSql(refSqlData, toBeCheckSqlData);
 public EfRelationshipChecker(IEnumerable <EfTableInfo> efInfos,
                              SqlAllInfo allSqlInfo,
                              IList <SqlTableInfo> potentialManyToManyTables)
     _efInfosDict = efInfos.ToDictionary(x => x.ClrClassType);
     _allSqlInfo  = allSqlInfo;
     _sqlInfoDict = allSqlInfo.TableInfos.ToDictionary(x => x.CombinedName);
     _potentialManyToManyTablesDict = potentialManyToManyTables.ToDictionary(x => x.CombinedName);
     //This dictionary allows us to backtrack the foreign keys to the correct many-to-many table
     _foreignKeysGroupByParentTableName = allSqlInfo.ForeignKeys
                                          .GroupBy(key => key.ParentTableNameWithScheme)
                                          .Select(x => new Tuple <string, List <string> >(x.Key,
                                                                                          x.Select(y => FormatHelpers.CombineTableAndColumnNames(y.ReferencedTableName, y.ReferencedColName)).OrderBy(y => y).ToList())).ToList();
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This creates a new database based on the DbContext you give it, but with a new name consisting of the orginial name with
        /// ".EfGenerated" on the end. It then proceeds to check your SQL database against the EF Generated database
        /// NOTE: This sets a null database initializer on the database. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="refDbNameOrConnectionString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISuccessOrErrors CompareEfGeneratedSqlToSql<T>(T dbContext, string refDbNameOrConnectionString) where T : DbContext, new()
            var refDbConnection = FormEfGeneratedConnectionString(dbContext);
            var toBeCheckDbConnection = refDbNameOrConnectionString.GetConnectionStringAndCheckValid();
            //This creates the EF database with the new name

            var refDatabaseName = refDbConnection.GetDatabaseNameFromConnectionString();
            var toBeCheckDatabaseName = toBeCheckDbConnection.GetDatabaseNameFromConnectionString();

            var refSqlData = SqlAllInfo.SqlAllInfoFactory(refDbConnection);
            var toBeCheckSqlData = SqlAllInfo.SqlAllInfoFactory(toBeCheckDbConnection);

            var comparer = new SqlCompare(refDatabaseName, toBeCheckDatabaseName, _sqlTableNamesToIgnore, _showMismatchedIndexsAsErrors);
            return comparer.CompareSqlToSql(refSqlData, toBeCheckSqlData);
Пример #6
        public void CompareStart(string sqlDbRefString, string sqlConnectionString)
            if (sqlConnectionString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sqlConnectionString");
            if (CompareStartCalled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You have already called CompareStart.");

            _sqlDbRefString = sqlDbRefString;
            _allSqlInfo     = SqlAllInfo.SqlAllInfoFactory(sqlConnectionString);
            _sqlInfoDict    = _allSqlInfo.TableInfos.ToDictionary(x => x.CombinedName);

            _comparer = new EfCompare(sqlDbRefString, _sqlInfoDict);
Пример #7
        private ISuccessOrErrors CheckForeignKey(SqlAllInfo refSqlData, SqlAllInfo toBeCheckSqlData)
            var status         = SuccessOrErrors.Success("All Ok");
            var foreignKeyDict = toBeCheckSqlData.ForeignKeys.ToDictionary(x => x.ToString());

            //now we check the foreign keys
            foreach (var foreignKey in refSqlData.ForeignKeys)
                if (!foreignKeyDict.ContainsKey(foreignKey.ToString()))
                        "Missing Foreign key: The '{0}' SQL database has a foreign key {1}, which is missing in the '{2}' database.",
                        _refDatabaseName, foreignKey.ToString(), _toBeCheckDatabaseName);
                    var foreignKey2 = foreignKeyDict[foreignKey.ToString()];
                    if (foreignKey.DeleteAction != foreignKey2.DeleteAction)
                            "Foreign Key Delete Action: The [{0}] database has a foreign key {1} that has delete action of {2}, while database [{3}] has delete action of {4}.",
                            _refDatabaseName, foreignKey.ToString(), foreignKey.DeleteAction,
                            _toBeCheckDatabaseName, foreignKey2.DeleteAction);
            if (foreignKeyDict.Any())
                foreach (var missingFKey in foreignKeyDict.Values)
                    status.AddWarning("The '{0}' database has a foreign key {1}, which the '{2}' database did not have.",
                                      _toBeCheckDatabaseName, missingFKey.ToString(), _refDatabaseName);

Пример #8
        public ISuccessOrErrors CompareEfWithSql(IList <EfTableInfo> efInfos, SqlAllInfo allSqlInfo)
            var status = SuccessOrErrors.Success("All Ok");

            //first we compare the ef table columns with the SQL table columns
            foreach (var efInfo in efInfos)
                if (!_sqlInfoDict.ContainsKey(efInfo.CombinedName))
                        "Missing Table: The SQL {0} does not contain a table called {1}. Needed by EF class {2}.",
                        _sqlDbRefString, efInfo.CombinedName, efInfo.ClrClassType.Name);
                    //has table, so compare the columns/properties
                    var sqlTableInfo = _sqlInfoDict[efInfo.CombinedName];

                    //we create a dict, which we check. As we find columns we remove them
                    var sqlColsDict = sqlTableInfo.ColumnInfos.ToDictionary(x => x.ColumnName);

                    foreach (var clrCol in efInfo.NormalCols)
                        if (!sqlColsDict.ContainsKey(clrCol.SqlColumnName))
                                "Missing Column: The SQL {0} table {1} does not contain a column called {2}. Needed by EF class {3}.",
                                _sqlDbRefString, efInfo.CombinedName, clrCol.SqlColumnName, efInfo.ClrClassType.Name);
                            //check the columns match
                            var sqlCol = sqlColsDict[clrCol.SqlColumnName];
                            sqlColsDict.Remove(clrCol.SqlColumnName);            //remove it as it has been used

                            status.Combine(CheckColumn(sqlCol, clrCol, efInfo.CombinedName));
                    //At the end we check if any sql columns are left
                    if (sqlColsDict.Any())
                        foreach (var missingCol in sqlColsDict.Values)
                            status.AddWarning("SQL {0} table {1} has a column called {2} (.NET type {3}) that EF does not access.",
                                              _sqlDbRefString, efInfo.CombinedName, missingCol.ColumnName, missingCol.SqlTypeName.SqlToClrType(missingCol.IsNullable));

            //now we compare the EF relationships with the SQL foreign keys
            //we do this here because we now have the tables that wren't mentioned in EF,
            //which are the tables that EF will automatically add to handle many-many relationships.
            var relChecker = new EfRelationshipChecker(efInfos, allSqlInfo, _sqlInfoDict.Values.ToList());

            foreach (var efInfo in efInfos)
                //now we check the relationships
                foreach (var relationCol in efInfo.RelationshipCols)
                    var relStatus = relChecker.CheckEfRelationshipToSql(efInfo, relationCol);
                    if (relStatus.IsValid && relStatus.Result != null)
                        //It has found a many-to-many table which we need to remove so that it does not show a warning at the end

Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This compares two sets of SQL data looking at each table, its columns, its keys and its foreign keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refSqlData">reference database sql data</param>
        /// <param name="toBeCheckSqlData">sql data of the database that is to be checked as matching the reference data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISuccessOrErrors CompareSqlToSql(SqlAllInfo refSqlData, SqlAllInfo toBeCheckSqlData)
            var status = SuccessOrErrors.Success("All Ok");

            var sqlTable2Dict = toBeCheckSqlData.TableInfos.ToDictionary(x => x.CombinedName);

            foreach (var sqlTable in refSqlData.TableInfos)
                if (!sqlTable2Dict.ContainsKey(sqlTable.CombinedName))
                    if (!_tablesToIgnore.Contains(sqlTable.TableName))
                        //only mark as an error if the table isn't in the ignore list
                            "Missing Table: The '{0}' SQL database has a table called {1}, which is missing in the '{2}' database.",
                            _refDatabaseName, sqlTable.CombinedName, _toBeCheckDatabaseName);
                    //has table, so compare the columns/properties
                    var sqlTable2Info = sqlTable2Dict[sqlTable.CombinedName];

                    //we create a dict for columns in SECOND db, which we check. As we find columns we remove them
                    var sqlColsDict = sqlTable2Info.ColumnInfos.ToDictionary(x => x.ColumnName);

                    foreach (var col in sqlTable.ColumnInfos)
                        if (!sqlColsDict.ContainsKey(col.ColumnName))
                                "Missing Column: The SQL table {0} in second database does not contain a column called {1}.",
                                sqlTable.CombinedName, col.ColumnName);
                            //check the columns match
                            var colToCheck = sqlColsDict[col.ColumnName];
                            sqlColsDict.Remove(col.ColumnName);            //remove it as it has been used

                            status.Combine(CheckSqlColumn(col, colToCheck, sqlTable.CombinedName));
                    //At the end we check if any sql columns are left
                    if (sqlColsDict.Any())
                        foreach (var missingCol in sqlColsDict.Values)
                            status.AddWarning("Extra Column: The '{0}' database SQL table {1} has a column called {2} (type {3}), which database '{4}' did not have.",
                                              _toBeCheckDatabaseName, sqlTable.CombinedName, missingCol.ColumnName, missingCol.SqlTypeName, _refDatabaseName);

            //now see what SQL tables haven't been mentioned
            if (sqlTable2Dict.Any())
                foreach (var unusedTable in sqlTable2Dict.Values.Where(x => !_tablesToIgnore.Contains(x.TableName)))
                    status.AddWarning("Extra Table: SQL database '{0}', table {1} table contained an extra table, {1}", _refDatabaseName, unusedTable.CombinedName);

            //Now check the foreign keys
            status.Combine(CheckForeignKey(refSqlData, toBeCheckSqlData));

            //finally compare non primary-key indexes
            status.Combine(CheckAllIndexes(refSqlData, toBeCheckSqlData));

Пример #10
        //private helpers

        private ISuccessOrErrors CheckAllIndexes(SqlAllInfo refSqlData, SqlAllInfo toBeCheckSqlData)
            var status = SuccessOrErrors.Success("All Ok");
            //Note: There can be multiple indexes on the same table+column. We therefore group indexes by the scheme.tabel.column to make feedback useful
            var toBeCheckedIndexDict = toBeCheckSqlData.Indexes
                                       .GroupBy(x => x.CombinedName).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, v => v.ToList());

            //we also do not check on tables that we will ignore
            foreach (var refIndexGroup in refSqlData.Indexes.Where(x => !_tablesToIgnore.Contains(x.TableName)).GroupBy(x => x.CombinedName))
                if (!toBeCheckedIndexDict.ContainsKey(refIndexGroup.Key))
                    foreach (var eachKey in refIndexGroup)
                                                 "Missing Index: The '{0}' SQL database has an index {1}, which is missing in the '{2}' database.",
                                                 _refDatabaseName, eachKey.ToString(), _toBeCheckDatabaseName);
                    var listRef     = refIndexGroup.ToList();
                    var listToCheck = toBeCheckedIndexDict[refIndexGroup.Key].ToList();

                    if (listRef.Count() == 1 && listToCheck.Count() == 1)
                        //simple case
                        status.Combine(CheckSpecificIndex(listRef.First(), listToCheck.First()));
                    else if (listRef.Count() == 1 && !listToCheck.Any())
                        //simple case - missing in toBeChecked
                                                 "Missing Index: The '{0}' database has an index {1}, which the '{2}' database did not have.",
                                                 _refDatabaseName, listRef.ToString(), _toBeCheckDatabaseName);
                        if (listRef.Any() && listToCheck.Any() && listRef.Last().IsPrimaryIndex&&
                            //normal case is that both have a primary key, so deal with this and take out of list
                            status.Combine(CheckSpecificIndex(listRef.Last(), listToCheck.Last()));

                        //we cheat a bit here, in that we assume these are only two multiple indexes on a column: primary key and one other
                        //we assume that the indexes are in the right order to check (because of the order by in the sql request)
                        //it will work with other combinations, but might not give such good error messages.
                        var maxIndex = Math.Max(listRef.Count(), listToCheck.Count());
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++)
                            if (i >= listToCheck.Count())
                                                         "Missing Index: The '{0}' database has an index {1}, which the '{2}' database did not have.",
                                                         _refDatabaseName, listRef[i].ToString(), _toBeCheckDatabaseName);
                            else if (i >= listRef.Count())
                                //Note: this is warning, as an extra index in the toBeChecked database isn't an error
                                    "Missing Index: The '{0}' database has an index {1}, which the '{2}' database did not have.",
                                    _toBeCheckDatabaseName, listToCheck[i].ToString(), _refDatabaseName);
                                //they both have a index, so check it
                                status.Combine(CheckSpecificIndex(listRef[i], listToCheck[i]));

            if (toBeCheckedIndexDict.Any())
                foreach (var missingIndex in toBeCheckedIndexDict.Values.SelectMany(x => x).Where(x => !_tablesToIgnore.Contains(x.TableName)))
                    //Note: this a warning as an extra index isn't an error
                        "Missing Index: The '{0}' database has an index {1}, which the '{2}' database did not have.",
                        _toBeCheckDatabaseName, missingIndex.ToString(), _refDatabaseName);
