Пример #1
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM Comment where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "CommentText,CommenterName,CommenterEmail", true);
                if (Web.Request["auctionId"].IsNotBlank())
                    // click link on auction list to get here - so filter by that auction
                    sql.Add(" and AuctionID=", Web.Request["auctionId"].SqlizeNumber());
                if (StatusFilter.IsNotBlank())
                    sql.Add("AND Status=", StatusFilter.SqlizeText());

                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                //sql.Add("and landingPageID=", landingPageID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.Comment().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #2
        // http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/holidaysandleave/publicholidays/publicholidaydates/ical/public-holidays-all.ics
        // http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/holidaysandleave/publicholidays/publicholidaydates/current.asp

        public static DateTime GetWorkingDay(DateTime date, int holidayRegionID)
            if (_hasCalendarHolidayTable == null)
                _hasCalendarHolidayTable = BewebData.TableExists("CalendarHoliday");
            DateTime nextWorkDate = new DateTime(date.Ticks);
            bool     isHoliday;

                isHoliday = nextWorkDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday || nextWorkDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday;
                if (_hasCalendarHolidayTable.Value && !isHoliday)
                    Sql sql = new Sql("select * from CalendarHoliday where HolidayDate=", nextWorkDate);
                    if (holidayRegionID > 0)
                        // return National and Regional Holidays
                        sql.Add("and (HolidayRegionID is null or HolidayRegionID = ", holidayRegionID.SqlizeNumber(), ")");
                    else if (BewebData.FieldExists("CalendarHoliday", "HolidayRegionID"))
                        // return Holidays without regions if regions exist (e.g. National Holidays)
                        sql.Add("and HolidayRegionID is null");
                    isHoliday = sql.RecordExists();
                if (isHoliday)
                    nextWorkDate = nextWorkDate.AddDays(1);
            } while (isHoliday);
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM ModificationLog where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add("and (1=0");    // custom sql
                    //sql.Add("or ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");    // custom sql
                    //sql.Add(")");    // custom sql
                    //sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "FirstName,LastName,Email", true);  // search more than one field
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.ModificationLog().GetNameField().Name, true);                      // just search by name
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                //sql.Add("and landingPageID=", landingPageID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");

                var weekEnding = WeekBeginning.AddDays(7);

                sql.Add("and UpdateDate >= ", WeekBeginning.SqlizeDate(), "and UpdateDate < ", weekEnding.SqlizeDate());
                if (SelectedTable != "(all)")
                    sql.Add("and TableName = ", SelectedTable.SqlizeText());
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.ModificationLog().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #4
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM ContactUs where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    //sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.ContactUs().GetNameField().Name, true);

                    sql.Add(" and FirstName like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike());
                    sql.Add(" or LastName like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike());
                    sql.Add(" or Email like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike());
                    sql.Add(" or Company like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike());
                    sql.Add(" or Comments like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike());
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                //sql.Add("and landingPageID=", landingPageID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.ContactUs().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #5
            public override Sql GetSql()
                //Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT TextBlock.* FROM TextBlock  where 1=1"); //left join textblockpage on textblock.textblockpageid=textblockpage.textblockpageid
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT TextBlock.*, groupname FROM TextBlock left join textblockgroup on textblock.textblockgroupid=textblockgroup.textblockgroupid where 1=1");                 //

                if (SearchText != "")
                    sql.Add(" and (sectioncode like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), " or title like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), " or bodytexthtml like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                    //sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.TextBlock().GetNameField().Name, true);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                if (Web.Request["TextBlockGroupID"].IsNotBlank())
                    sql.Add("and TextBlockGroup.TextBlockGroupID=", Web.Request["TextBlockGroupID"].SqlizeNumber());
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    //sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.TextBlock().GetDefaultOrderBy());
                    sql.Add(" order by SortPosition, GroupName, sectionCode");
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// write the lg for a given record, or null if log is disabled
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ShowModificationLog(ActiveRecord obj)
#if ModificationLog
            if (!Util.GetSettingBool("UseModificationLog", false))
            int    pkvalue         = obj.ID_Field.ToInt(0);
            string tableName       = obj.GetTableName();
            string ModLogTableName = "ModificationLog";
            var    sql             = new Sql("select top 100 * from ", ModLogTableName.SqlizeName(), " where TableName=", tableName.Sqlize_Text(), " ");
            sql.Add(" and RecordID=", pkvalue, "");
            sql.Add(" order by updatedate desc");

            string res  = @"<tr class=""dontprint"">
						<td class=label>Change History</td>
						<td class=field><a href="""" onclick=""$('.modlog').show();$(this).hide();return false;"">show</a><div class=""modlog"" style=""display:none"">"                        ;
            int    scan = 0;
            using (DbDataReader dbDataReader = sql.GetReader()) {
                foreach (DbDataRecord rsLog in dbDataReader)
                    var person = Person.LoadID((rsLog["PersonID"] + "").ToInt(0));

                    var    UserName = (person != null) ? person.FullName : "not available";
                    string descr    = rsLog["ChangeDescription"].ToString().FmtPlainTextAsHtml();
                    if (!(descr.Contains("Date Modified changed") && descr.Length < 94))                                                                 //eg skip Date Modified changed from &quot;29 Oct 2013 19:49am&quot; to &quot;29 Oct 2013 10:51am&quot;
                    //descr = descr.Replace("<br>", " | "); // removed and applied nice formatting below (JVB)
                        res += "<b>" + rsLog["ActionType"] + "</b> on " + Fmt.DateTime(rsLog["UpdateDate"] + "") + " by " + UserName + ":<br/> - " + descr + "<br/><br/>";
                        if (scan > 100)
                            res += "more...";
            res += @"</div>
					</tr>"                    ;

            //todo: remove any old mod logs when drawing a mod log page.
            return("Not available.");
Пример #7
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM NewsRSS where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.NewsRSS().GetNameField().Name, true);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                if (ShowActiveOnly)
                    sql.Add("and ispublished=", true);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.NewsRSS().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #8
            public void Init()
                Sql mainlist = new Sql("select top 25 * from blog where ispublished=1 order by dateadded desc");

                if (Web.Request["d"] != null)
                    mainlist = new Sql();
                    mainlist.SuppressQuoteChecking = true;
                    var startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Web.Request["d"] + "-1");
                    var endDate   = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
                    mainlist.Add("select top 25 * from blog where ispublished=1 AND DateAdded >= ", startDate, " AND DateAdded <= ", endDate, " order by dateadded desc");
                blogList = mainlist.GetDataTable();
                Sql archivelist = new Sql(@"SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CONVERT(CHAR(5), DateAdded, 120) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), DateAdded, 100) AS ArchiveDate, COUNT(BlogID) AS NumBlogs FROM dbo.Blog WHERE (IsPublished = 1) and dateadded<getdate()-30");

                //var d = Web.Request["d"] + "";

                 * if(d!=""){
                 *      archivelist.Add("AND ArchiveDate = ", d.SqlizeText);
                 * }*/

                archivelist.Add("GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(5), DateAdded, 120) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), DateAdded, 100) ORDER BY ArchiveDate DESC");

                blogArchiveList = archivelist.GetDataTable();
Пример #9
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM ClientContactUsPerson where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.ClientContactUsPerson().GetNameField().Name, true);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                var reg = Web.Request["region"];

                if (reg.IsNotBlank())
                    sql.Add("and ClientContactUsRegionID=", reg.SqlizeNumber());

                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.ClientContactUsPerson().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #10
            private void AddBreakdown(ReportLine h3, string title, Sql where, string fieldName, string breakdownBy)
                string fieldAggregate = "sum(" + fieldName + ")";

                if (fieldName == "COUNT")
                    fieldAggregate = "count(*)";
                else if (fieldName.StartsWith("COUNT"))
                    fieldAggregate = fieldName;
                Sql sql  = new Sql("select " + fieldAggregate + " as Amt from ").AddSql(where);
                var norm = AddLine(h3, title, sql.FetchNumber().ToInt());

                if (breakdownBy != null)
                    sql = new Sql().AddRawSqlString("select " + breakdownBy + " as Title, " + fieldAggregate + " as Amt from ").AddSql(where);
                    if (fieldName.DoesntContain("COUNT"))
                        sql.Add("and " + fieldName + " is not null and " + fieldName + " <> 0");
                    sql.AddRawSqlString("group by " + breakdownBy + " order by " + fieldAggregate + " desc");
                    AddSubLines(norm, "By Contractor", sql);
Пример #11
        private void Validate(Models.Page record)
            // add any code to check for validity
            //ModelState.AddModelError("Record", "Suchandsuch cannot be whatever.");
            string url = record.URLRewriteTitle;

            //if (!IsRouteFree(url)) {
            //  ModelState.AddModelError("URLRewriteTitle", "URL is already in use.");
            if (url.IsNotBlank())
#if PageRevisions
                var sql = new Sql("select * from page where URLRewriteTitle=", url.Sqlize_Text(), " and RevisionStatus = ", "Live".SqlizeText(), "");
                var sql = new Sql("select * from page where URLRewriteTitle=", url.Sqlize_Text());
                if (!record.IsNewRecord)
                    sql.Add("and pageid<>", record.PageID);
                if (PageList.Load(sql).Active.Count > 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("URLRewriteTitle", "URL is already in use.");
Пример #12
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM MailLog where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add("and (1=0");    // custom sql
                    sql.Add(" and (EmailSubject like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                    //sql.Add(")");    // custom sql
                    //sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "FirstName,LastName,Email", true);  // search more than one field
                    //sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.MailLog().GetNameField().Name, true);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                //sql.Add("and landingPageID=", landingPageID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.MailLog().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #13
            public override Sql GetSql()
                 * Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM Article where 1=1");
                 * if (SearchText != "") {
                 *      sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.Article().GetTextFieldNames(), true);  // search on all text fields - change this if slow
                 * }
                 * sql.AddSql(FilterSql);
                 #region custom filter examples
                 * //if (StatusFilter.IsNotBlank()) {
                 * //	FilterSql.Add("and x < y");
                 * //}
                 * //FilterSql.Add("and x <= ", MinDateFilter);
                 * sql.AddSql(base.GetOrderBySql());
                 * return sql;
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT a.*, p.Title as ParentTitle FROM Article a left join Page p on a.pageid=p.pageid where 1=1");

                sql.ResultSetPagingType = Sql.PagingType.sql2000;                 //!askMike do I have to use this now? :)

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "a.Title, p.Title, a.BodyTextHtml", true);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                if (PageID != null)
                    sql.Add("and a.PageID=", PageID.Value);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (PageID != null && SortBy.IsBlank())
                    if (pageRecord != null)
                        if (pageRecord.DisplayOrder == "Most Recent")
                            sql.AddRawSqlString("order by PublishDate desc, ArticleID desc");
                        else if (pageRecord.DisplayOrder == "Sort Order")
                            sql.AddRawSqlString("order by SortPosition asc");
                else if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    sql.AddRawSqlString("order by SortPosition, PublishDate");
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(", SortPosition, PublishDate");
Пример #14
        // GET: /Admin/Video/

        public ActionResult Approval()
            Breadcrumbs.Current.AddBreadcrumb(2, "Video Approval");
            //var dataList = VideoList.LoadByStatus("New");
            Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT video.* FROM Video  where 1=1");

            sql.Add("and status =", "New".Sqlize_Text());
            var dataList = VideoList.Load(sql);

            return(View("VideoApproval", dataList));
Пример #15
            public override Sql GetSql()
                //Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT p.* FROM Page p left join Page pp on p.parentpageid=pp.pageid where 1=1");
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT p.* FROM Page p  where 1=1");

                sql.ResultSetPagingType = Sql.PagingType.sql2000;
                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "Title,NavTitle,PageCode,UrlRewriteTitle", true);
#if PageRevisions
                if (PageIDForRevisions.HasValue)
                    sql.Add("and historypageid=" + PageIDForRevisions);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                if (Web.Request["code"].IsNotBlank())
                    var parent = Models.Page.LoadByPageCode(Web.Request["code"]);
                    sql.Add("and parentpageid=", parent.ID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    //sql.AddRawSqlString("order by isnull(pp.SortPosition,p.SortPosition), isnull(pp.PageID,p.PageID)");
                    sql.AddRawSqlString("order by PublishDate desc");

Пример #16
        public ActionResult SubNav(string sectionCode, Models.Page page)
            var data = new NavViewModel();
            //var sql = new Sql("where ParentPageID=", page.ID);

            var sql = new Sql();

            if (page.ParentPageID != null)
                sql.Add("where ParentPageID=", page.ParentPageID.Value);
                sql.Add("where ParentPageID=", page.ID);

            sql.AndIsActive <Page>();
            var pages = PageList.Load(sql);

            foreach (var childPage in pages)
                var item = new NavItem(childPage);
                if (childPage.ID == page.ID)
                    item.IsSelected = true;


            int selectedItemIndex = data.NavItems.FindIndex(item => item.IsSelected);

            if (selectedItemIndex > -1)
                data.NavItems[selectedItemIndex].CssClass = "active";

Пример #17
        public Sql GetOrderBySql()
            Sql sql = new Sql();

            if (SortBy.IsBlank() || SortBy == "SortPosition")              // if person sorts by sortposition, we assume they really want to sort by default sort order
                if (DefaultSortBy.ToLower().Contains("order by"))
                    // old behaviour for backwards compatibility with generated code
                    sql.Add("order by ", DefaultSortBy.SqlizeName(), (DefaultSortDesc ? "desc" : ""));
                sql.Add("order by ", SortBy.SqlizeName(), (SortDesc ? "desc" : ""));
Пример #18
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT video.* FROM Video  where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "video.title", true);
                sql.Add("and status =", StatusFilter.Sqlize_Text());
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                //sql.Add("and landingPageID=", landingPageID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                //if (SortBy.IsBlank()) {
                //  // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                //  sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.Video().GetDefaultOrderBy());
                //} else {
                //  sql.AddSql(GetOrderBySql());
                sql.Add("ORDER BY VideoPostedDate DESC");
Пример #19
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM Person where 1=1");

                if (Web.Request["admin"].ToBool())
                    if (!Security.IsDevAccess)
                        sql.Add("and role not like", SecurityRolesCore.Roles.DEVELOPER.SqlizeLike());
                    sql.Add("and (role like", SecurityRolesCore.Roles.ADMINISTRATOR.SqlizeLike());
                    sql.Add("or role like", SecurityRolesCore.Roles.SUPERADMIN.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                    ShowRole = true;
                    //}else { // only show staff
                    //	sql.Add("and role not like", SecurityRolesCore.Roles.DEVELOPER.SqlizeLike());
                    //	sql.Add("and role like ", SecurityRoles.Roles.STAFF.SqlizeLike());
                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike() ")");
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "FirstName,LastName,Email", true);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                //sql.Add("and landingPageID=", landingPageID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.Person().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #20
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM ShoppingCartOrder where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    sql.Add(" and (");
                    sql.Add(" (CustomerOrderReference like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                    sql.Add(" or (OrderRef like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                    sql.Add(" or (Email like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                    sql.Add(" or (FirstName like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                    sql.Add(" or (LastName like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");
                        var searchDate = System.DateTime.Parse(SearchText);
                        sql.Add(" or (DateOrdered between ", searchDate.SqlizeDate(), " and ", searchDate.AddDays(1).SqlizeDate(), " )");
                    catch (Exception)
                    sql.Add(" )");

                    //sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.ShoppingCartOrder().GetNameField().Name, true);
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                //sql.Add("and landingPageID=", landingPageID);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.ShoppingCartOrder().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #21
        protected void GetFiltersFromQueryString()
            string parentFieldName = Web.Request.QueryString["parent"];
            var    dummy           = new TActiveRecord();

            foreach (var field in dummy.GetFields())
                string filterParam = Web.Request.QueryString[field.Name];
                if (filterParam.IsNotBlank())
                    FilterSql.Add("and", field.Name.SqlizeName(), "=", field.Sqlize());
                    //SubTitle += " - " + field.ToString();   // this will display an ID as a number, upgrade to ToStringNice to do the lookup and show the title
                    SubTitle += " - " + field.ToStringNice();                      // MN2014: if you aren't using this and don't want to upgrade ActiveField just replace this with the line above
                //if (parentFieldName==filterParam) {
                //	// also set subtitle and go down a breadcrumb
                //	BreadcrumbLevel++;
Пример #22
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM Document where 1=1");

                if (Web.Request["DocumentCategoryID"] + "" != "")
                    sql.Add(" and DocumentCategoryID=", Web.Request["DocumentCategoryID"].ToInt().SqlizeNumber());
                if (SearchText != "")
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.Document().GetTextFieldNames(), true);                      // search on all text fields - change this if slow
                #region custom filter examples
                //if (StatusFilter.IsNotBlank()) {
                //	FilterSql.Add("and x < y");
                //FilterSql.Add("and x <= ", MinDateFilter);
Пример #23
            public override Sql GetSql()
                Sql sql = new Sql("SELECT * FROM BlogComment where 1=1");

                if (SearchText != "")
                    //sql.Add(" and ([--Field--] like ", SearchText.SqlizeLike(), ")");    // custom sql
                    //sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, "FirstName,LastName,Email", true);  // search more than one field
                    sql.AddKeywordSearch(SearchText, new Models.BlogComment().GetNameField().Name, true);                      // just search by name
                // handle an fk (rename fkid, then uncomment)
                sql.Add("and blogid=", blogid);
                //sql.AddRawSqlString("and [extra raw sql here]");
                if (SortBy.IsBlank())
                    // hint: to change the default order by for both admin and front end, override Destination.GetDefaultOrderBy in model partial
                    sql.AddRawSqlString(new Models.BlogComment().GetDefaultOrderBy());
Пример #24
        public ActionResult Search(string searchText)
            var data = new ViewModel();

            data.ContentPage = Models.Page.LoadOrCreatePageCode("Search");
            if (data.ContentPage == null)
                throw new Exception("Search page not found");
            data.SearchText = searchText;
            data.SearchArea = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Web.Request["SearchArea"]) ? "All" : Web.Request["SearchArea"];
            int itemsPerPage;

            if (data.SearchArea == "All")
                itemsPerPage = 5;
                itemsPerPage = 25;

            string keywords = searchText;
            var    search   = new KeywordSearch(keywords);

            //#if pages

            if (searchText.IsNotBlank())
                /*	if (data.SearchArea == "All" || data.SearchArea == "Pages") {
                 *              Sql sql = new Sql("select * from Page");
                 *              sql.AddSql(search.FullTextJoin("page"));
                 *              sql.WhereIsActive<Page>();
                 *              //sql.Add("and (rolesallowed is null)");   // if using page user access control
                 *              sql.Add("order by Rank desc,Title");
                 *              sql.Paging(itemsPerPage);
                 *              data.PageResults = PageList.Load(sql);
                 *              data.Counter += sql.FetchCount();
                 *      }
                 *      if (data.SearchArea == "All" || data.SearchArea == "Faqs") {
                 *              Sql sql = new Sql("select * from FAQItem");
                 *              sql.AddSql(search.FullTextJoin("FAQItem"));
                 *              sql.WhereIsActive<FAQItem>();
                 *              sql.Add("order by Rank,FAQTitle");
                 *              sql.Paging(itemsPerPage);
                 *              data.FaqItems = FAQItemList.Load(sql);
                 *              data.Counter += sql.FetchCount();
                 *      }*/
                //if (data.SearchArea == "All" || data.SearchArea == "News") {
                //	Sql sql = new Sql("select * from News");
                //	sql.AddSql(search.FullTextJoin("News"));
                //	//sql.WhereIsActive<News>();
                //	sql.Add("order by Rank,Source");
                //	sql.Paging(itemsPerPage);
                //	//data.NewsItems = NewsList.Load(sql);
                //	data.Counter += sql.FetchCount();
                //if (data.SearchArea == "All" || data.SearchArea == "Products") {
                //	Sql sql = new Sql("select * from Product");
                //	sql.AddSql(search.FullTextJoin("Product"));
                //	//sql.WhereIsActive<Product>();
                //	sql.Add("order by Rank desc,Title");
                //	sql.Paging(itemsPerPage);
                //	//data.ProductItems = ProductList.Load(sql);
                //	data.Counter += sql.FetchCount();

            data.NumPages = Html.CalcPageCount(data.Counter, itemsPerPage);
            // note: for full text search, instead use
            var keywordSearch = new Beweb.KeywordSearch(searchText);
            var columns       = keywordSearch.GetSqlFullTextWhereForTable("Page");

            if (columns.IsNotBlank())
                var sql = new Sql("select * from Page where 1=1");
                sql.Add("and historypageid is null");                 // if page revisions
                sql.AndIsActive <Page>();
                data.PageResults = PageList.Load(sql);

            columns = keywordSearch.GetSqlFullTextWhereForTable("Event");
            if (columns.IsNotBlank())
                var sql = new Sql("select * from event where 1=1");
                sql.AndIsActive <Event>();
                data.EventResults = EventList.Load(sql);

            columns = keywordSearch.GetSqlFullTextWhereForTable("News");
            if (columns.IsNotBlank())
                var sql = new Sql("select * from News where 1=1");
                sql.AndIsActive <News>();
                data.NewsResults = NewsList.Load(sql);
            return(View("SearchResults", data));
Пример #25
            public void Init()
                int blogid  = Crypto.DecryptID(Web.Request["id"]);
                var blogSql = new Sql("select * from blog where blogid=", blogid, " and ispublished=1");
                var rec     = blogSql.GetHashtable();

                BlogTitle = rec["Title"] + "";
                BlogBody  = rec["BodyText"] + "";
                BlogDate  = rec["DateAdded"] + "";
                Sql mainlist = new Sql("select top 25 * from blogcomment where blogid=", blogid, " and ispublished=1 order by dateadded desc");

                blogCommentList = mainlist.GetDataTable();

                Url = Web.Server.UrlEncode(Web.ResolveUrlFull("~") + "blogdetail.aspx?page=" + Web.Request["page"] + "&id=" + Web.Request["id"]);
                bool autopublish = false;

                if (Web.Request["go"] != null)
                    int id = (Web.Session["CurrentUserID"] + "").ToInt(-1);

                    if (id > 0)
                        autopublish = true;
                    var sql = new Sql(@"insert into blogcomment(title,bodytext
				,[Email],CommentByPersonID, blogid, dateadded, ispublished) values("                );
                            (Web.Request["title"] + "").SqlizeText(), ",",
                            (Web.Request["body"] + "").SqlizeText(), ",");

                            (Web.Request["company"] + "").SqlizeText(), ",",
                            (Web.Request["firstname"] + "").SqlizeText(), ",",
                            (Web.Request["lastname"] + "").SqlizeText(), ",",
                            (Web.Request["email"] + "").SqlizeText(), ",");

                            (id + "").SqlizeNumber(), ",",
                            blogid.SqlizeNumber(), ", getdate(),", autopublish.SqlizeBool(), ");select @@identity;");

                    decimal savedNewID = (sql).FetchDecimalOrZero();

                    //send email

                    string adminurl = Web.ResolveUrlFull("~/admin/") + "BlogCommentAdmin/EditEnc?encID=" + Crypto.EncryptID(savedNewID.ToInt());
                    //string EmailToAddress = Util.GetSetting("BlogEmailToAddress");
                    string EmailToAddress = Util.GetSetting("EmailToAddress");
                    //fromemail = "*****@*****.**";
                    //EmailToAddress = "*****@*****.**";
                    string msg =
                        "" +
                        "Site Admin,\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "	A new comment has been posted to your blog."+
                        "\n" +
                        "	Link to admin: "+ adminurl + "" +

                    if (!autopublish)
                        msg +=
                            "	Note that you will to review the data and publish it if it has appropriate content."+
                        msg +=
                            "	This was auto-published, as it was created by a logged in user."+
                    SendEMail.SimpleSendEmail(EmailToAddress, Util.GetSiteName() + " : New Blog Comment", msg);

                    //reload page
                    string url = Web.Request.RawUrl.ToString();
                    //Response.Redirect(url + (url.Contains("&post") ? "" : "&post=1"));
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Example of how to create migration scripts from an old legacy databse
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newServerDbName"></param>
        /// <param name="doCreate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Sql> GenerateDataMigrationScripts(string newServerDbName, bool doCreate)
            // generate models off old database with underscorized naming (connstr = guru)
            // newServerDbName = thatcher.rinnai
            var result = new List <Sql>();
            var models = ActiveRecordDatabaseGenerator.GetModelInstances();

            foreach (ActiveRecord model in models)
                var tableName = model.GetTableName().SqlizeName().value;
                if (!tableName.Contains("rn_"))
                if (tableName.Contains("homebanner"))
                if (tableName.Contains("filetracking"))
                if (tableName.Contains("rn_tracking"))
                if (tableName.Contains("rn_emailtemplate"))
                if (tableName.Contains("rn_categorybanner"))
                if (tableName.Contains("rn_pagecontent"))
                if (tableName.Contains("rn_promo"))
                if (tableName.Contains("rn_pagesection"))
                if (tableName.Contains("banner"))

                string sourceTable, destTable;
                sourceTable = tableName;
                destTable   = model.GetType().Name;
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("tradesmart", "_tradesmart_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("centre", "_centre_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("subcategory", "_subcategory_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("training", "_training_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("file", "_file_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("association", "_association_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("group", "_group_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("manuals", "_manuals_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("archive", "_archive_");
                destTable   = destTable.Replace("rn_tn", "rn_trade_");

                destTable = destTable.Remove("rn_").PascalCase();

                bool hasID = false;

                var fields     = new DelimitedString(",");
                var destfields = new DelimitedString(",");
                var creates    = "" + destTable + "ID [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, ";
                foreach (var field in model.GetFields())
                    fields += field.Name.SqlizeName().value;
                    var newFieldName = field.Name;
                    foreach (var repl in "meta,centre,areas,covered,subcategory,training,retailer,tradesmart,consumer,accessory,group,price,email,size,section,path,name,manuals,product,banner,studies,performance,compare,text,study,archive,video,type,manuals,content,outlet".Split(','))
                        newFieldName = newFieldName.Replace(repl, "_" + repl + "_");
                    newFieldName = newFieldName.Replace("dateandtime", "date_and_time");
                    newFieldName = Fmt.PascalCase(newFieldName);
                    newFieldName = newFieldName.Replace("Id", "ID");
                    if (newFieldName == "ID" && destTable == "Country")
                        newFieldName = "Code";
                    else if (newFieldName == "ID")
                        newFieldName = destTable + "ID";
                        hasID        = true;
                    if (newFieldName == "Priority")
                        newFieldName = "SortPosition";
                    if (newFieldName == "Image")
                        newFieldName = "Picture";
                    if (newFieldName == "Created")
                        newFieldName = "DateAdded";
                    destfields += newFieldName;

                    if (field.Name != "id" || !hasID)
                        creates += newFieldName + " " + field.GetSqlDataTypeDeclaration().Replace("tinyint", "bit").Replace("smallint", "int").Replace("char", "varchar").Replace("varchar", "nvarchar").Replace("varnvarchar", "nvarchar").Replace("text", "nvarchar(max)").Replace("NOT NULL", "") + ", ";

                if (doCreate)
                    var sql2 = new Sql("create table " + destTable + " (<b>" + creates + "</b> CONSTRAINT [pk_" + destTable + "] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (" + destTable + "ID ASC));");
                var sql = new Sql("delete from " + destTable + ";");                   // maybe use trunc table

                if (hasID)
                    sql.Add("set identity_insert " + destTable + " on;");
                sql.Add("insert into " + destTable + " (" + destfields + ") select " + fields + " from RinnaiOld.dbo." + sourceTable + ";");
                if (hasID)
                    sql.Add("set identity_insert " + destTable + " off;");

            foreach (var migration in result)
