Пример #1
    public static Texture2D GetThumbnailTexture(tk2dSpriteCollectionData gen, int spriteId)
        gen = gen.inst;

        // If we already have a cached texture which matches the requirements, use that
        foreach (var thumb in thumbnailCache)
            if (thumb.cachedTexture != null && thumb.cachedSpriteCollection == gen && thumb.cachedSpriteId == spriteId)

        // Generate a texture
        var param = gen.spriteDefinitions[spriteId];

        if (param.sourceTextureGUID == null || param.sourceTextureGUID.Length != 0)
            string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(param.sourceTextureGUID);
            if (assetPath.Length > 0)
                Texture2D tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
                if (tex != null)
                    SpriteThumbnailCache thumbnail = new SpriteThumbnailCache();

                    if (param.extractRegion)
                        Texture2D localTex = new Texture2D(param.regionW, param.regionH);
                        for (int y = 0; y < param.regionH; ++y)
                            for (int x = 0; x < param.regionW; ++x)
                                localTex.SetPixel(x, y, tex.GetPixel(param.regionX + x, param.regionY + y));
                        thumbnail.cachedTexture = localTex;
                        thumbnail.needDestroy   = true;
                        thumbnail.cachedTexture = tex;

                    // Prime cache for next time
                    thumbnail.cachedSpriteCollection = gen;
                    thumbnail.cachedSpriteId         = spriteId;


    public static Texture2D GetThumbnailTexture(tk2dSpriteCollectionData gen, int spriteId)
        gen = gen.inst;

        // If we already have a cached texture which matches the requirements, use that
        foreach (var thumb in thumbnailCache)
            if (thumb.cachedTexture	!= null && thumb.cachedSpriteCollection	== gen && thumb.cachedSpriteId == spriteId)
                return thumb.cachedTexture;

        // Generate a texture
        var param = gen.spriteDefinitions[spriteId];
        if (param.sourceTextureGUID == null || param.sourceTextureGUID.Length != 0)
            string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(param.sourceTextureGUID);
            if (assetPath.Length > 0)
                Texture2D tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
                if (tex != null)
                    SpriteThumbnailCache thumbnail = new SpriteThumbnailCache();

                    if (param.extractRegion)
                        Texture2D localTex = new Texture2D(param.regionW, param.regionH);
                        for (int y = 0; y < param.regionH; ++y)
                            for (int x = 0; x < param.regionW; ++x)
                                localTex.SetPixel(x, y, tex.GetPixel(param.regionX + x, param.regionY + y));
                        thumbnail.cachedTexture = localTex;
                        thumbnail.needDestroy = true;
                        thumbnail.cachedTexture = tex;

                    // Prime cache for next time
                    thumbnail.cachedSpriteCollection = gen;
                    thumbnail.cachedSpriteId = spriteId;

                    return thumbnail.cachedTexture;

        return null;