Пример #1
        public override void Run()
            // A big thanks to Johan Vinet, pixel artist and animator, for the Mario animation! :-)
            // http://johanvinet.tumblr.com/
            // Twitter handle: @johanvinet
            var imageUri = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/MiniMario.png");

            // Get the pixels of the animation frames.
            Color[,] pixels = PixelSupport.GetPixels(imageUri).Result;

            // Create a sprite map from the pixels.
            var spriteMap = new SpriteMap(pixels);

            // Keep track of the animation frame...
            int    animationIndex = 0;
            Sprite sprite         = spriteMap.GetSprite(animationIndex);

            // ...and when it's time to update it.
            TimeSpan frameDuration           = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(70);
            DateTime nextAnimationUpdateTime = DateTime.Now.Add(frameDuration);

            // Keep track of the location and orientation of the sprite.
            int spriteX = 0;
            int spriteY = 0;
            DisplayDirection direction      = DisplayDirection.Deg0;
            bool             flipHorizontal = false;
            bool             flipVertical   = false;

            while (true)
                bool redrawSprite = false;

                //Is it time to update the animation ?
                if (DateTime.Now >= nextAnimationUpdateTime)
                    // Yes. The next time to update is:
                    nextAnimationUpdateTime = DateTime.Now.Add(frameDuration);

                    // Needs to redraw the sprite.
                    redrawSprite = true;

                    // Select the next sprite index.
                    if (animationIndex >= 6)
                        animationIndex = 0;

                    // Pick out the sprite.
                    sprite = spriteMap.GetSprite(animationIndex);

                if (SenseHat.Joystick.Update())                                                  // Has any of the buttons on the joystick changed?
                    UpdatePosition(ref spriteX, ref spriteY);                                    // Move the sprite.

                    UpdateDrawingDirection(ref direction, ref flipHorizontal, ref flipVertical); // Re-orientate the sprite.

                    // Needs to redraw the sprite.
                    redrawSprite = true;

                if (redrawSprite)
                    SenseHat.Display.Clear();                     // Clear the screen.

                    // Draw the sprite.
                    sprite.Draw(SenseHat.Display, spriteX, spriteY, true, direction, flipHorizontal, flipVertical);

                    SenseHat.Display.Update();                     // Update the physical display.

                // Take a short nap.
Пример #2
        public override void Run()
            // A big thanks to Johan Vinet, pixel artist and animator, for the Mario animation! :-)
            // http://johanvinet.tumblr.com/
            // Twitter handle: @johanvinet

            // Get the pixels of the animation frames.
            // (The image below is serialized using the ImageSerializer.Serialize() method.)
            const string serializedImage =
                "ATAAAAAIAAAAAP///wD///8A//////8ATf//AE3//wBN///x6AD///8A////AP///wD//////wBN//8ATf//8ej//wBNAP///wD/" +
                "//8A////AP//////AE3//wBN///x6P//AE0A////AP///wD///8A//////8ATf//AE3//wBN///x6AD///8A////AP///wD/////" +
                "/wBN//8ATf//AE3//wBNAP///wD///8A////AP//////AE3//wBN//8ATf//AE0A////AP///wD///8A//////8ATf//AE3//wBN" +
                "//8ATf//AE0A////AP///wD//////wBN//8ATf//AE3//wBN//8ATQD///8A////AP//////AE3//wBN//8ATf//AE3//wBNAP//" +
                "/wD///8A//////8ATf//AE3//wBN//8ATf//AE0A////AP///wD//////wBN//8ATf//AE3//wBN//8ATQD///8A////AP//////" +
                "AE3//wBN//8ATf//AE3//wBNAP///wD/////q1I2///Mqv+rUjb/AAAA///MqgD///8A////AP//////zKr/q1I2/wAAAP//zKoA" +
                "////AP///wD///8A///////Mqv+rUjb/AAAA///MqgD///8A////AP///wD/////q1I2///Mqv+rUjb/AAAA///MqgD///8A////" +
                "AP////+rUjb/q1I2///Mqv+rUjb/AAAAAP///wD///8A/////6tSNv+rUjb//8yq/6tSNv8AAAAA////AP///wD/////q1I2///M" +
                "qv//zKr/q1I2/6tSNv//zKoA////AP//////zKr//8yq/6tSNv+rUjb//8yq/6tSNgD///8A///////Mqv//zKr/q1I2/6tSNv//" +
                "zKr/q1I2AP///wD/////q1I2///Mqv//zKr/q1I2/6tSNv//zKoA////AP////+rUjb/q1I2///Mqv//zKr/q1I2/6tSNgD///8A" +
                "/////6tSNv+rUjb//8yq///Mqv+rUjb/q1I2AP///wD///8A/////6tSNv//zKr//8yq///MqgD///8A////AP///wD//////8yq" +
                "///Mqv//zKr//8yqAP///wD//////wBN//8ATf//zKr//8yq///Mqv//zKoA////AP///wD///8A/////6tSNv//zKr//8yq///M" +
                "qgD///8A////AP///wD/////q1I2/6tSNv//zKr//8yqAP///wD///8A////AP////+rUjb/q1I2///Mqv//zKoA////AP///wD/" +
                "/////wBN//8ATf///yf/Ka3//x0rUwD///8A//////8ATf//AE3///8n/ymt//8prf///6MAAP//////8egA//////8ATf///yf/" +
                "Ka3//ymt////owD///HoAP///wD//////wBN//8ATf///yf/Ka3//x0rUwD///8A////AP////8prf///wBN//8ATf///yf/HStT" +
                "AP///wD///8A/////ymt////AE3//wBN////J/8dK1P///HoAP///wD//////wBN///x6P8prf//Ka3//x0rUwD///////HoAP//" +
                "//8prf//Ka3//ymt//8prf//HStT/4N2nAD/////fiVT/ymt//8prf//Ka3//ymt//8dK1MA////AP///wD//////wBN///x6P8p" +
                "rf//Ka3//x0rUwD///8A////AP////8prf//Ka3///8ATf//AE3///HoAP///wD/////q1I2/ymt//8prf//Ka3///8ATf//AE0A" +
                "////AP///wD///8A/////6tSNv+rUjb/fiVTAP///wD///8A////AP////9+JVMA////AP////+rUjYA////AP///wD///8A////" +
                "AP///wD///8A////AP////+rUjYA////AP///wD///8A/////6tSNv+rUjb/fiVTAP///wD///8A////AP////+rUjYA////AP//" +

            Image image = ImageSerializer.Deserialize(serializedImage);

            // Create a sprite map from the pixels.
            var spriteMap = new SpriteMap(image);

            // Keep track of the animation frame...
            int    animationIndex = 0;
            Sprite sprite         = spriteMap.GetSprite(animationIndex);

            // ...and when it's time to update it.
            TimeSpan frameDuration           = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(70);
            DateTime nextAnimationUpdateTime = DateTime.Now.Add(frameDuration);

            // Keep track of the location and orientation of the sprite.
            int spriteX = 0;
            int spriteY = 0;
            DisplayDirection direction      = DisplayDirection.Deg0;
            bool             flipHorizontal = false;
            bool             flipVertical   = false;

            while (true)
                bool redrawSprite = false;

                //Is it time to update the animation ?
                if (DateTime.Now >= nextAnimationUpdateTime)
                    // Yes. The next time to update is:
                    nextAnimationUpdateTime = DateTime.Now.Add(frameDuration);

                    // Needs to redraw the sprite.
                    redrawSprite = true;

                    // Select the next sprite index.
                    if (animationIndex >= 6)
                        animationIndex = 0;

                    // Pick out the sprite.
                    sprite = spriteMap.GetSprite(animationIndex);

                if (SenseHat.Joystick.Update())                                                  // Has any of the buttons on the joystick changed?
                    UpdatePosition(ref spriteX, ref spriteY);                                    // Move the sprite.

                    UpdateDrawingDirection(ref direction, ref flipHorizontal, ref flipVertical); // Re-orientate the sprite.

                    // Needs to redraw the sprite.
                    redrawSprite = true;

                if (redrawSprite)
                    SenseHat.Display.Clear();                     // Clear the screen.

                    // Draw the sprite.
                    sprite.Draw(SenseHat.Display, spriteX, spriteY, true, direction, flipHorizontal, flipVertical);

                    SenseHat.Display.Update();                     // Update the physical display.

                // Take a short nap.