public void UpdateL1(GameTime gameTime) { ks = Keyboard.GetState(); yarnBalls.moveDeltaXY(); // collision test for (int i = 0; i < yarnBalls.count(); i++) { Sprite3 s = yarnBalls.getSprite(i); bool coll = playerSprite.collision(s); if (coll) { kachingSound.playSoundIfOk(); s.setActive(false); points++; } } // used to move the kitty cat to the left if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { playerSprite.moveByDeltaXY(); playerSprite.animationTick(gameTime); successSound.playSoundIfOk(); = true; background.Update(gameTime); } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { // NOTE: the move right functionality does not work currently background.Update(gameTime); } if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.B)) { showBB = !showBB; } /// increases the player's jump speed - this is a secret function if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { playerJumpSpeed++; } // decreases the player's jump speed - this is another secret function if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.X)) { playerJumpSpeed--; } // this gives the small kitty cat the ability to jump around the screen if (playerJump) { playerVec.Y += playerJumpSpeed; playerJumpSpeed += 1; playerSprite.setPosY(playerVec.Y); if (playerVec.Y >= prevPos.Y) { playerSprite.setPosY(prevPos.Y); playerJump = false; } } else { if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { playerJump = true; jumpoSound.playSoundIfOk(); playerJumpSpeed = -14; playerSprite.setPosY(playerVec.Y); } } // transition over to level 2 if (points == 5) { state = 3; } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> /// This is a mess, please forgive me protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { //Console.WriteLine(enemies.count()); curPos = horse.getPos(); bool keyDown = false; switch (level) { case 1: horse.setWidthHeight(1568 / 8 * 0.3f, texHorseRun.Height * 0.3f); k = Keyboard.GetState(); if (!started) { started = true; StartMovement(8); } if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { keyDown = true; horse.setPosY(horse.getPosY() + movementSpeed - 2); } if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { keyDown = true; horse.setPosY(horse.getPosY() - movementSpeed + 2); } if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { keyDown = true; horse.setFlip(SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally); horse.setPosX(horse.getPosX() - movementSpeed + 2); } if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { keyDown = true; horse.setFlip(SpriteEffects.None); horse.setPosX(horse.getPosX() + movementSpeed - 2); } if (!keyDown) { horse.setAnimationSequence(anim, 0, 7, 0); } else { horse.setAnimationSequence(anim, 0, 7, 8); } //387 330 if (curPos.X >= -155 && curPos.X <= -75 && curPos.Y >= 330 && curPos.Y <= 387) { horse.setPos(xx, yy); started = false; horse.setFlip(SpriteEffects.None); level = 0; } horseRun.animationTick(gameTime); mainCamera.Follow(horse); break; default: if (!started) { if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.D1) || k.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad1)) { difficulty = 1; } else if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.D2) || k.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad2)) { difficulty = 2; } else if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.D3) || k.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad3)) { difficulty = 3; } } switch (difficulty) { case 1: difficultyOffset = 1; break; case 2: difficultyOffset = 0.5f; break; case 3: difficultyOffset = 0.1f; break; default: break; } horse.setWidthHeight(1568 / 8 * 0.5f, texHorseRun.Height * 0.5f); //This timer makes basic instructions disappear after 3 seconds if (textFadeTimer < 3 && started) { textFadeTimer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; } if (started) { enemySpawnTimer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; } if (enemySpawnTimer > difficultyOffset) { enemySpawnTimer = 0; LoadEnemies(); } //Escape key exits game if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } //Keyboard current and previous state prevK = k; k = Keyboard.GetState(); //Begin all game functionality essentially if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && !started) { started = true; StartMovement(8); } if (started) { //Bounding box activation key if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.B) && prevK.IsKeyUp(Keys.B)) { showbb = !showbb; } //Game over is a bool that is used to ensure the player can't move horse after it is dead, causes errors otherwise if (!gameOver) { //Player movement down if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { if (horseRun.getSprite(0).getPosY() < bot - horse.getHeight()) { horseRun.getSprite(0).setPosY(horseRun.getSprite(0).getPosY() + movementSpeed); } } //Player movement up if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { if (horseRun.getSprite(0).getPosY() > top) { horseRun.getSprite(0).setPosY(horseRun.getSprite(0).getPosY() - movementSpeed); } } } for (int e = 0; e < enemies.count(); e++) { if (enemies[e].getVisible()) { enemies[e].setPosX(enemies[e].getPosX() - enemyMovementSpeed); } if (enemies[e].getPosX() < 0 - texEnemy.Width) { enemies[e].setVisible(false); } } //Collision detection, arrow to enemy for (int ea = 0; ea < quiver.count(); ea++) { int ac = enemies.collisionWithRect(quiver[ea].getBoundingBoxAA()); if (ac != -1) { score++; Blood(enemies.getSprite(ac).getPosX(), enemies.getSprite(ac).getPosY(), false); enemies.getSprite(ac).setVisible(false); quiver[ea].setVisible(false); quiver[ea].setPos(new Vector2(0, 0)); //LoadEnemies(); } } //Allow player to increase or decrease speed if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { enemyMovementSpeed = fastEnemy; horse.setAnimationSequence(anim, 0, 7, fastPlayer); } else if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { enemyMovementSpeed = slowEnemy; horse.setAnimationSequence(anim, 0, 7, slowPlayer); } else if (started) { enemyMovementSpeed = normalEnemy; horse.setAnimationSequence(anim, 0, 7, normalPlayer); } //Scrolling background functionality if (scrolling1.rectangle.X + scrolling1.texture.Width <= 0) { scrolling1.rectangle.X = scrolling2.rectangle.X + scrolling2.texture.Width; } if (scrolling2.rectangle.X + scrolling2.texture.Width <= 0) { scrolling2.rectangle.X = scrolling1.rectangle.X + scrolling1.texture.Width; } scrolling1.Update(); scrolling2.Update(); //Game over is a bool that is used to ensure the player can't move horse after it is dead, causes errors otherwise if (!gameOver) { //Collision detection, enemy to player int rc = enemies.collisionWithRect(horse.getBoundingBoxAA()); if (rc != -1) { Blood(horse.getPosX(), horse.getPosY(), true); movementSpeed = 0; enemyMovementSpeed = 0; scrolling1.speed = 0; scrolling2.speed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < horseRun.count(); i++) { horseRun.deleteSprite(i); } gameOver = true; } } //Shooting arrow functionality if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !arrowShot) { Arrow(); arrowShot = true; } for (int a = 0; a < quiver.count(); a++) { if (quiver[a].getVisible()) { quiver[a].savePosition(); quiver[a].moveByDeltaXY(); } if (quiver[a].getPosX() > 800) { quiver[a].setVisible(false); } } if (arrowShot) { arrowTimer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; } if (arrowTimer > 0.5f) { arrowTimer = 0; arrowShot = false; } } //Animation ticks for anything that is being animated horseRun.animationTick(gameTime); enemies.animationTick(gameTime); bloodSplat.animationTick(gameTime); if (gameOver) { deathTimer += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; } break; } base.Update(gameTime); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // TODO: Add your update logic here InputManager.Instance.Update(); //deltaTime is in seconds, so calculations = pixels per second. deltaTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; //Press enter to start game/level if (!startGame) { if (InputManager.Instance.KeyPressed(Keys.Enter)) { startGame = true; } return; } timer += deltaTime; //update player spritePlayer.Update(gameTime); //update backgrounds scrollBack.Update(gameTime); scrollFore.Update(gameTime); scrollBack.setScrollSpeed(playerSpeeeeeed - 2); scrollFore.setScrollSpeed(playerSpeeeeeed); //limit scroll speed if (playerSpeeeeeed > -1) { playerSpeeeeeed = -1; } else if (playerSpeeeeeed < -10) { playerSpeeeeeed = -10; } //Every 2 seconds, spawn an enemy randomly. if (timer > spawnInterval) { AddEnemy(enemyList); timer = 0; } //inputs if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } if (InputManager.Instance.KeyPressed(Keys.B)) { showbb = !showbb; } //PLAYER MOVEMENT if (InputManager.Instance.KeyDown(Keys.Left)) { if (spritePlayer.getPosX() > playArea.Left) { spritePlayer.setPosX(spritePlayer.getPosX() - playerSpeed); } playerSpeeeeeed += 0.1f; } if (InputManager.Instance.KeyDown(Keys.Right)) { if (spritePlayer.getPosX() < playArea.Right - spritePlayer.getWidth()) { spritePlayer.setPosX(spritePlayer.getPosX() + playerSpeed); } playerSpeeeeeed += -0.1f; } if (InputManager.Instance.KeyDown(Keys.Up)) { if (spritePlayer.getPosY() > playArea.Bottom) { spritePlayer.setPosY(spritePlayer.getPosY() - playerSpeed); } } if (InputManager.Instance.KeyDown(Keys.Down)) { if (spritePlayer.getPosY() < playArea.Top - spritePlayer.getHeight()) { spritePlayer.setPosY(spritePlayer.getPosY() + playerSpeed); } } //PLAYER SHOOT if (InputManager.Instance.KeyPressed(Keys.Space)) { AddBullet((int)spritePlayer.getPosX(), (int)spritePlayer.getPosY()); } //Update all enemies and bullets to move. also inactive if outofbounds //In the past I called this instead of having an extended class with custom update // enemyList.moveDeltaX(-3); //Update/remove enemies enemyList.Update(gameTime); enemyList.removeIfOutside(new Rectangle(-100, -100, SCREEN_WIDTH + 200, SCREEN_HEIGHT + 200)); //update/remove bullets playerBulletList.moveDeltaX(5); playerBulletList.removeIfOutside(new Rectangle(-100, -100, SCREEN_WIDTH + 200, SCREEN_HEIGHT + 200)); //If player collides with enemy int collisionIndex = enemyList.collisionAA(spritePlayer); if (collisionIndex != -1) { Sprite3 temp = enemyList.getSprite(collisionIndex); //player collides with boss if (temp.getName() == "boss") { } else { //enemy dies? = false; temp.visible = false; AddExplosion((int)temp.getPosX(), (int)temp.getPosY()); score -= 5; textScore.text = "Score : " + score.ToString(); } } //if a bullet collides with enemy for (int i = 0; i < playerBulletList.count(); i++) { Sprite3 currentBullet = playerBulletList.getSprite(i); if (currentBullet == null) { continue; } if ( != true) { continue; } if (currentBullet.visible != true) { continue; } //if collision success int collision = enemyList.collisionAA(currentBullet); if (collision != -1) { Sprite3 currentEnemy = enemyList.getSprite(collision); //kill both enemy and bullet = false; currentEnemy.visible = false; = false; currentBullet.visible = false; //add particle AddExplosion((int)currentEnemy.getPosX(), (int)currentEnemy.getPosY()); //add score score += 10; textScore.text = "Score : " + score.ToString(); } } //update particles particleList.animationTick(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } // TODO: Add your update logic here prevK = k; k = Keyboard.GetState(); delTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; redTimer += delTime; timer += delTime; if ((timer > (float)spawnTimer)) { NewEnemy(enemyXX, bot - texEnemy.Height); timer = 0; } back1.Update(gameTime); grass1.Update(gameTime); //player collision int plCol = enemyList.collisionAA(paddle); if (plCol != -1) { Sprite3 temp = enemyList.getSprite(plCol); createExplosion((int)temp.getPosX(), (int)temp.getPosY()); = false; temp.visible = false; score += 1; if (spawnTimer > 1) { spawnTimer -= 1; } else { spawnTimer = 1; } } for (int j = 0; j < enemyList.count(); j++) { Sprite3 currentEnemy = enemyList.getSprite(j); currentEnemy.varInt0 += delTime; float prevPosX = currentEnemy.getPosX(); if (currentEnemy.varInt0 > 0.2f) { currentEnemy.setColor(Color.White); //redTimer = 0; currentEnemy.setPosX(prevPosX); currentEnemy.varInt0 = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < ballList.count(); i++) { Sprite3 tempBullet = ballList.getSprite(i); int enemyCollided = enemyList.collisionAA(tempBullet); if (enemyCollided != -1) { Sprite3 tempEnemy = enemyList.getSprite(enemyCollided); = false; tempBullet.visible = false; tempEnemy.setColor(Color.Red); tempEnemy.setPosX(tempEnemy.getPosX() + 10); tempEnemy.hitPoints -= 1; if (tempEnemy.hitPoints < 1) { createExplosion((int)tempBullet.getPosX(), (int)tempBullet.getPosY()); = false; tempEnemy.visible = false; score += 1; if (spawnTimer > 1) { spawnTimer -= 1; } else { spawnTimer = 1; } } } } enemyList.moveDeltaXY(); enemyList.removeIfOutside(playArea); ballList.moveDeltaXY(); ballList.removeIfOutside(playArea); if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { scrollSpeed = 0.5f; back1.setScrollSpeed(scrollSpeed); grass1.setScrollSpeed(1); } if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { if (paddle.getPosY() > top + 1) { paddle.setPosY(paddle.getPosY() - paddleSpeed); } } else if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { //if (paddle.getPosY() < ((bot- top) - (texpaddle.Height + 2))) paddle.setPosY(paddle.getPosY() + paddleSpeed); if (paddle.getPosY() <= playArea.Height - texpaddle.Height + 7) { paddle.setPosY(paddle.getPosY() + paddleSpeed); } } else if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { scrollSpeed = -1; back1.setScrollSpeed(scrollSpeed); grass1.setScrollSpeed(-30); } else if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { scrollSpeed = 0.5f; back1.setScrollSpeed(scrollSpeed); grass1.setScrollSpeed(1); } if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && prevK.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space)) { NewBall(xx, yy); } if (k.IsKeyDown(Keys.B) && prevK.IsKeyUp(Keys.B)) // *** { showbb = !showbb; } booms.animationTick(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { if (score >= 1000) { status = "THE END!"; } else if (player.hitPoints == 0) { status = "YOU DEAD!"; } else { status = "Missile Left: " + missileCount; } spriteBatch.Begin(); backgroundLevel2.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.DrawString(scoreFont, "Score: " + score + "/1000", new Vector2(20, 20), Color.Black); // Draw Score on top left spriteBatch.DrawString(scoreFont, status, new Vector2(1100, 20), Color.Black); // Draw missile count spriteBatch.Draw(texMouse, new Rectangle((int)mouse_x, (int)mouse_y, 16, 16), Color.White); // draw the mouse here enemy1.Draw(spriteBatch); enemy2.Draw(spriteBatch); player.Draw(spriteBatch); missileSmoke.Draw(spriteBatch); if (timer > 300) { life.setActiveAndVisible(true); life.draw(spriteBatch); } // If certain conditions are met, then draw these weapons if (drawMissile == true && missileCount != 0) { missile.draw(spriteBatch); missile.setPosY(missile.getPosY() - 3); missileSmoke.sysPos = new Vector2(missile.getPosX() + missile.getWidth() / 2, missile.getPosY() + missile.getHeight()); } if (anchorDraw == true) { anchor.setActiveAndVisible(true); anchor.draw(spriteBatch); anchor.setPosY(anchor.getPosY() + 4); } if (drawMines && mineCount == 1) { mine.setPos(minePos.X, minePos.Y); mine.draw(spriteBatch); } // If there is a collision, draw explosion animation if (collision1 == true) { drawMissile = false; drawExplosion(currXMissile, currYMissile); enemy1.setPos(Dir.rnd.Next(-400, -250), Dir.rnd.Next(200, 700)); if (explostionTimer == 100) { collision1 = false; score += 50; explostionTimer = 0; } } if (collision2 == true) { drawMissile = false; drawExplosion(currXMissile, currYMissile); enemy2.setPos(Dir.rnd.Next(-400, -250), Dir.rnd.Next(200, 700)); if (explostionTimer == 80) { score += 100; collision2 = false; explostionTimer = 0; missileSmoke.deActivate(); } } if (mineCollisionToggle == true) { mineCollission = false; mineExplostionAnimation.setPos(mineCurrPos.X - mine.getWidth() / 2, mineCurrPos.Y - mine.getHeight() / 2); mineExplostionAnimation.draw(spriteBatch); if (explostionTimer == 100) { mineExplostionAnimation.makeInactive = true; enemy1.setPos(Dir.rnd.Next(-400, -250), Dir.rnd.Next(200, 700)); mineCollisionToggle = false; explostionTimer = 0; } } if (mineCollisionToggle2 == true) { mineCollission2 = false; mineExplostionAnimation.setPos(mineCurrPos.X - mine.getWidth() / 2, mineCurrPos.Y - mine.getHeight() / 2); mineExplostionAnimation.draw(spriteBatch); if (explostionTimer == 100) { mineExplostionAnimation.makeInactive = true; enemy2.setPos(Dir.rnd.Next(-400, -250), Dir.rnd.Next(200, 700)); mineCollisionToggle2 = false; explostionTimer = 0; } } // Draw BB if (showBB) { player.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow); enemy1.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow); enemy2.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow);; missile.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow); life.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow); mine.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow); anchor.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow); //weaponList.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.White, Color.Yellow); } spriteBatch.End(); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { if (score >= 300) { status = "NEXT LEVEL!"; } else { status = "Missile Left: " + missileCount; } graphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Aqua); spriteBatch.Begin(); Dir.background.Draw(spriteBatch); player.draw(spriteBatch); enemyList.Draw(spriteBatch); missileSmoke.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.DrawString(scoreFont, "Score: " + score + "/300", new Vector2(20, 20), Color.Black); // Draw Score on top left spriteBatch.DrawString(scoreFont, status, new Vector2(1100, 20), Color.Black); // Draw missile count if (drawMissile == true && missileCount != 0) { missile.draw(spriteBatch); missile.setPosY(missile.getPosY() - 3); missileSmoke.sysPos = new Vector2(missile.getPosX() + missile.getWidth() / 2, missile.getPosY() + missile.getHeight()); } if (collision1 == true) { drawMissile = false; drawExplosion(currXMissile, currYMissile); enemy1.setPos(Dir.rnd.Next(-400, -250), Dir.rnd.Next(200, 700)); if (explostionTimer == 110) { collision1 = false; score += 50; explostionTimer = 0; missileSmoke.deActivate(); } } if (collision2 == true) { drawMissile = false; drawExplosion(currXMissile, currYMissile); enemy2.setPos(Dir.rnd.Next(-400, -250), Dir.rnd.Next(200, 700)); if (explostionTimer == 80) { score += 100; collision2 = false; explostionTimer = 0; missileSmoke.deActivate(); } } if (collision3 == true) { drawMissile = false; drawExplosion(currXMissile, currYMissile); enemy3.setPos(Dir.rnd.Next(-400, -250), Dir.rnd.Next(200, 700)); if (explostionTimer == 80) { score += 50; collision3 = false; explostionTimer = 0; missileSmoke.deActivate(); } } if (showBoundary) { //LineBatch.drawLineRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(1, 0, rightBoundary+4, bottomBoundary), Color.Blue); player.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.Yellow, Color.Red); missile.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.Black, Color.Red); enemyList.drawInfo(spriteBatch, Color.Yellow, Color.Purple); } spriteBatch.End(); }