public async Task ExecuteAsyncStopsWhenCancelled()
            var appBuilder = new Mock <IApplicationBuilder>();

            appBuilder.Setup(x => x.CreateApplication()).Returns(new Application());

            Uri uri    = new Uri("");
            var config = new SpringBootConfig()
                SpringBootServerUrl = uri, RetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5)

            var acessor = new Mock <IOptionsMonitor <SpringBootConfig> >();

            acessor.Setup(x => x.CurrentValue).Returns(config);

            var logger      = new Mock <ILogger <SpringBootClient> >();
            var restAPiMock = new Mock <ISpringBootAdminRESTAPI>();

            restAPiMock.Setup(x => x.PostAsync(It.IsNotNull <Application>(), It.Is <Uri>(x => x == uri))).Throws(new DuplicateKeyException());

            var sbc = new SpringBootClient(logger.Object, appBuilder.Object, acessor.Object, restAPiMock.Object);

            // the token passed to startasync is not the one used by ExecuteAsync (
            await sbc.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await Task.Delay(11).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await sbc.StopAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
