public ActionResult SponsorAllocation(string id, int page, string searching)
         page         = UniversalFunctions.GetCurrentPage(page);
         ViewBag.Page = page;
         List <Sponsor> sponsors = sponsorManager.GetListOfSponsors();
         ViewBag.counter = sponsors.Count();
         int nrofdocs = UniversalFunctions.GetNumberOfItemPerPageFromSettings(TempData);
         ViewBag.nrofdocs = nrofdocs;
         string stringofids = SponsorFunctions.GetStringOfIds(sponsors);
         ViewBag.stringofids = stringofids;
         sponsors            = SponsorFunctions.GetSponsorsAfterPaging(sponsors, page, nrofdocs);
         List <Event> events = eventManager.GetListOfEvents();
         ViewBag.strname   = EventFunctions.GetAllocatedSponsorsString(events, id);
         ViewBag.Eventname = EventFunctions.GetNameOfEvent(events, id);
         ViewBag.Evid      = id;
         sponsors          = SponsorFunctions.GetSponsorsAfterSearching(sponsors, searching);
         return(RedirectToAction("Localserver", "Home"));
Пример #2
        public IActionResult Index()
                List <Volcontract>         volcontracts         = volContractManager.GetListOfVolunteersContracts();
                List <Beneficiarycontract> beneficiarycontracts = beneficiaryContractManager.GetListOfBeneficiariesContracts();
                List <Volunteer>           volunteers           = volunteerManager.GetListOfVolunteers();
                List <Sponsor>             sponsors             = sponsorManager.GetListOfSponsors();
                Settings appsettings = settingsManager.GetSettingsItem();
                TempData[VolMongoConstants.CONNECTION_LANGUAGE]      = appsettings.Lang;
                TempData[VolMongoConstants.NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE] = appsettings.Quantity;

                ViewBag.nrofbds = UniversalFunctions.GetNumberOfVolunteersWithBirthdays(volunteers);
                ViewBag.nrofvc  = UniversalFunctions.GetNumberOfExpiringVolContracts(volcontracts);
                ViewBag.nrofsc  = UniversalFunctions.GetNumberOfExpiringSponsorContracts(sponsors);
                ViewBag.nrofbc  = UniversalFunctions.GetNumberOfExpiringBeneficiaryContracts(beneficiarycontracts);

                return(RedirectToAction("Localserver", "Home"));
        public IActionResult Index(string searching, int page, string ContactInfo, DateTime lowerdate, DateTime upperdate, bool HasContract, string WhatGoods, string MoneyAmount, string GoodsAmounts)

                if (searching != null)
                    ViewBag.Filters1 = searching;
                if (ContactInfo != null)
                    ViewBag.Filters2 = ContactInfo;
                if (HasContract == true)
                    ViewBag.Filters3 = "";
                if (WhatGoods != null)
                    ViewBag.Filters4 = WhatGoods;
                if (MoneyAmount != null)
                    ViewBag.Filters5 = MoneyAmount;
                if (GoodsAmounts != null)
                    ViewBag.Filters6 = GoodsAmounts;
                DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime("01.01.0001 00:00:00");
                if (lowerdate != date)
                    ViewBag.Filter7 = lowerdate.ToString();
                if (upperdate != date)
                    ViewBag.Filter8 = upperdate.ToString();
                ViewBag.Contact     = ContactInfo;
                ViewBag.searching   = searching;
                ViewBag.Upperdate   = upperdate;
                ViewBag.Lowerdate   = lowerdate;
                ViewBag.HasContract = HasContract;
                ViewBag.WhatGoods   = WhatGoods;
                ViewBag.GoodsAmount = GoodsAmounts;
                ViewBag.MoneyAmount = MoneyAmount;

                List <Sponsor> sponsors = sponsorManager.GetListOfSponsors();
                page            = UniversalFunctions.GetCurrentPage(page);
          = page;
                sponsors        = SponsorFunctions.GetSponsorsAfterFilters(sponsors, searching, ContactInfo, lowerdate, upperdate, HasContract, WhatGoods, MoneyAmount, GoodsAmounts);
                ViewBag.counter = sponsors.Count();
                int nrofdocs = UniversalFunctions.GetNumberOfItemPerPageFromSettings(TempData);
                ViewBag.nrofdocs = nrofdocs;
                string stringofids = SponsorFunctions.GetStringOfIds(sponsors);
                ViewBag.stringofids = stringofids;
                sponsors            = SponsorFunctions.GetSponsorsAfterPaging(sponsors, page, nrofdocs);
                string key = VolMongoConstants.SESSION_KEY_SPONSOR;
                HttpContext.Session.SetString(key, stringofids);

                return(RedirectToAction("Localserver", "Home"));
        public ActionResult SynchronizeData()
            string SERVER_NAME_LOCAL   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Common.VolMongoConstants.SERVER_NAME_LOCAL);
            int    SERVER_PORT_LOCAL   = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Common.VolMongoConstants.SERVER_PORT_LOCAL));
            string DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Common.VolMongoConstants.DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);

            string SERVER_NAME_COMMON   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Common.VolMongoConstants.SERVER_NAME_COMMON);
            int    SERVER_PORT_COMMON   = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Common.VolMongoConstants.SERVER_PORT_COMMON));
            string DATABASE_NAME_COMMON = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Common.VolMongoConstants.DATABASE_NAME_COMMON);

            ModifiedDocumentManager modifiedDocumentManager = new ModifiedDocumentManager();
            AuxiliaryDBManager      AuxiliaryDBManager      = new AuxiliaryDBManager(SERVER_NAME_LOCAL, SERVER_PORT_LOCAL, DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);

            EventManager               eventManager               = new EventManager(SERVER_NAME_LOCAL, SERVER_PORT_LOCAL, DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);
            SponsorManager             sponsorManager             = new SponsorManager(SERVER_NAME_LOCAL, SERVER_PORT_LOCAL, DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);
            VolunteerManager           volunteerManager           = new VolunteerManager(SERVER_NAME_LOCAL, SERVER_PORT_LOCAL, DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);
            VolContractManager         volContractManager         = new VolContractManager(SERVER_NAME_LOCAL, SERVER_PORT_LOCAL, DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);
            BeneficiaryManager         beneManager                = new BeneficiaryManager(SERVER_NAME_LOCAL, SERVER_PORT_LOCAL, DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);
            BeneficiaryContractManager beneficiaryContractManager = new BeneficiaryContractManager(SERVER_NAME_LOCAL, SERVER_PORT_LOCAL, DATABASE_NAME_LOCAL);

            EventManager               commonEventManager         = new EventManager(SERVER_NAME_COMMON, SERVER_PORT_COMMON, DATABASE_NAME_COMMON);
            SponsorManager             commonSponsorManager       = new SponsorManager(SERVER_NAME_COMMON, SERVER_PORT_COMMON, DATABASE_NAME_COMMON);
            VolunteerManager           commonvolunteerManager     = new VolunteerManager(SERVER_NAME_COMMON, SERVER_PORT_COMMON, DATABASE_NAME_COMMON);
            VolContractManager         commonVolContractManager   = new VolContractManager(SERVER_NAME_COMMON, SERVER_PORT_COMMON, DATABASE_NAME_COMMON);
            BeneficiaryManager         commonBeneficiaryManager   = new BeneficiaryManager(SERVER_NAME_COMMON, SERVER_PORT_COMMON, DATABASE_NAME_COMMON);
            BeneficiaryContractManager commonBenefContractManager = new BeneficiaryContractManager(SERVER_NAME_COMMON, SERVER_PORT_COMMON, DATABASE_NAME_COMMON);

            List <Volunteer>           volunteerslocal           = volunteerManager.GetListOfVolunteers();
            List <Event>               eventslocal               = eventManager.GetListOfEvents();
            List <Beneficiary>         beneficiarieslocal        = beneManager.GetListOfBeneficiaries();
            List <Sponsor>             sponsorslocal             = sponsorManager.GetListOfSponsors();
            List <Volcontract>         volcontractslocal         = volContractManager.GetListOfVolunteersContracts();
            List <Beneficiarycontract> beneficiarycontractslocal = beneficiaryContractManager.GetListOfBeneficiariesContracts();
            List <Volunteer>           volunteers           = commonvolunteerManager.GetListOfVolunteers();
            List <Event>               events               = commonEventManager.GetListOfEvents();
            List <Beneficiary>         beneficiaries        = commonBeneficiaryManager.GetListOfBeneficiaries();
            List <Sponsor>             sponsors             = commonSponsorManager.GetListOfSponsors();
            List <Volcontract>         volcontracts         = commonVolContractManager.GetListOfVolunteersContracts();
            List <Beneficiarycontract> beneficiarycontracts = commonBenefContractManager.GetListOfBeneficiariesContracts();

            List <ModifiedIDs> modifiedidlist = modifiedDocumentManager.GetListOfModifications();
            List <DeletedIDS>  deletedlist    = modifiedDocumentManager.GetListOfDeletions();

            int numberOfModifictaions = modifiedidlist.Count();
            int numberOfDeletions     = deletedlist.Count();

            string modifiedids = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modifiedidlist);
            string deletedids  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deletedlist);

            string commonvols                 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volunteers);
            string commonevents               = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(events);
            string commonbenefieciaries       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beneficiaries);
            string commonsponsors             = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sponsors);
            string commonvolcontracts         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volcontracts);
            string commonbeneficiarycontracts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beneficiarycontracts);

            string outOfSyncDocuments = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < volunteerslocal.Count(); i++)
                // If the common db does not contain the volunteer and it has been created since the last fetch/push it gets added.
                if (!commonvols.Contains(volunteerslocal[i]._id) && modifiedids.Contains(volunteerslocal[i]._id))
                // if the common db contains the volunteer, but it has been edited since last sync it gets updated
                else if (modifiedids.Contains(volunteerslocal[i]._id))
                    string auxiliaryDocument = AuxiliaryDBManager.GetDocumentByID(volunteerslocal[i]._id);
                    string currentDocument   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commonvolunteerManager.GetOneVolunteer(volunteerslocal[i]._id));
                    auxiliaryDocument = auxiliaryDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    currentDocument   = currentDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    //Checking whether or not the Document has been modified since we have last synced.
                    if (auxiliaryDocument != currentDocument)
                        outOfSyncDocuments += volunteerslocal[i].Fullname + ", ";
                    commonvolunteerManager.UpdateAVolunteer(volunteerslocal[i], volunteerslocal[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < volunteers.Count(); i++)
                // if the document has been deleted it will get deleted from the common db aswell.
                // the document will not be re-added unless someone has modified the document with this ID.
                if (deletedids.Contains(volunteers[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < eventslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!commonevents.Contains(eventslocal[i]._id) && modifiedids.Contains(eventslocal[i]._id))
                else if (modifiedids.Contains(eventslocal[i]._id))
                    string auxiliaryDocument = AuxiliaryDBManager.GetDocumentByID(eventslocal[i]._id);
                    string currentDocument   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commonEventManager.GetOneEvent(eventslocal[i]._id));
                    auxiliaryDocument = auxiliaryDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    currentDocument   = currentDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    if (auxiliaryDocument != currentDocument)
                        outOfSyncDocuments += eventslocal[i].NameOfEvent + ", ";
                    commonEventManager.UpdateAnEvent(eventslocal[i], eventslocal[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < events.Count(); i++)
                if (deletedids.Contains(events[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiarieslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!commonbenefieciaries.Contains(beneficiarieslocal[i]._id) && modifiedids.Contains(beneficiarieslocal[i]._id))
                else if (modifiedids.Contains(beneficiarieslocal[i]._id))
                    string auxiliaryDocument = AuxiliaryDBManager.GetDocumentByID(beneficiarieslocal[i]._id);
                    string currentDocument   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commonBeneficiaryManager.GetOneBeneficiary(beneficiarieslocal[i]._id));
                    auxiliaryDocument = auxiliaryDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    currentDocument   = currentDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    if (auxiliaryDocument != currentDocument)
                        outOfSyncDocuments += beneficiarieslocal[i].Fullname + ", ";
                    commonBeneficiaryManager.UpdateABeneficiary(beneficiarieslocal[i], beneficiarieslocal[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiaries.Count(); i++)
                if (deletedids.Contains(beneficiaries[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < sponsorslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!commonsponsors.Contains(sponsorslocal[i]._id) && modifiedids.Contains(sponsorslocal[i]._id))
                else if (modifiedids.Contains(sponsorslocal[i]._id))
                    string auxiliaryDocument = AuxiliaryDBManager.GetDocumentByID(sponsorslocal[i]._id);
                    string currentDocument   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commonSponsorManager.GetOneSponsor(sponsorslocal[i]._id));
                    auxiliaryDocument = auxiliaryDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    currentDocument   = currentDocument.Replace(" ", "");
                    if (auxiliaryDocument != currentDocument)
                        outOfSyncDocuments += sponsorslocal[i].NameOfSponsor + ", ";
                    commonSponsorManager.UpdateSponsor(sponsorslocal[i], sponsorslocal[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < sponsors.Count(); i++)
                if (deletedids.Contains(sponsors[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < volcontractslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!commonvolcontracts.Contains(volcontractslocal[i]._id) && modifiedids.Contains(volcontractslocal[i]._id))
                else if (modifiedids.Contains(volcontractslocal[i]._id))
                    commonVolContractManager.UpdateVolunteerContract(volcontractslocal[i], volcontractslocal[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < volcontracts.Count(); i++)
                if (deletedids.Contains(volcontracts[i]._id))
            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiarycontractslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!commonbeneficiarycontracts.Contains(beneficiarycontractslocal[i]._id) && modifiedids.Contains(beneficiarycontractslocal[i]._id))
                else if (modifiedids.Contains(beneficiarycontractslocal[i]._id))
                    commonBenefContractManager.UpdateBeneficiaryContract(beneficiarycontractslocal[i], beneficiarycontractslocal[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiarycontracts.Count(); i++)
                if (deletedids.Contains(beneficiarycontracts[i]._id))

            volunteers           = commonvolunteerManager.GetListOfVolunteers();
            events               = commonEventManager.GetListOfEvents();
            beneficiaries        = commonBeneficiaryManager.GetListOfBeneficiaries();
            sponsors             = commonSponsorManager.GetListOfSponsors();
            volcontracts         = commonVolContractManager.GetListOfVolunteersContracts();
            beneficiarycontracts = commonBenefContractManager.GetListOfBeneficiariesContracts();

            string volstring           = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volunteers);
            string eventstring         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(events);
            string benefieciarystring  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beneficiaries);
            string sponsorstring       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sponsors);
            string volcontractstring   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volcontracts);
            string benefcontractstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beneficiarycontracts);

            string localvols                  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volunteerslocal);
            string localevents                = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eventslocal);
            string localbenefieciaries        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beneficiarieslocal);
            string localsponsors              = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sponsorslocal);
            string localvolcontrcarts         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volcontractslocal);
            string localbeneficiarycontrcarts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beneficiarycontractslocal);

            for (int i = 0; i < volunteers.Count(); i++)
                if (!(localvols.Contains(volunteers[i]._id)))
                else if (!modifiedids.Contains(volunteers[i]._id))
                    volunteerManager.UpdateAVolunteer(volunteers[i], volunteers[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < volunteerslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!volstring.Contains(volunteerslocal[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < events.Count(); i++)
                if (!(localevents.Contains(events[i]._id)))
                else if (!modifiedids.Contains(events[i]._id))
                    eventManager.UpdateAnEvent(events[i], events[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < eventslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!eventstring.Contains(eventslocal[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiaries.Count(); i++)
                if (!(localbenefieciaries.Contains(beneficiaries[i]._id)))
                else if (!modifiedids.Contains(beneficiaries[i]._id))
                    beneManager.UpdateABeneficiary(beneficiaries[i], beneficiaries[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiarieslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!benefieciarystring.Contains(beneficiarieslocal[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < sponsors.Count(); i++)
                if (!(localsponsors.Contains(sponsors[i]._id)))
                else if (!modifiedids.Contains(sponsors[i]._id))
                    sponsorManager.UpdateSponsor(sponsors[i], sponsors[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < sponsorslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!sponsorstring.Contains(sponsorslocal[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < volcontracts.Count(); i++)
                if (!(localvolcontrcarts.Contains(volcontracts[i]._id)))
                else if (!modifiedids.Contains(volcontracts[i]._id))
                    volContractManager.UpdateVolunteerContract(volcontracts[i], volcontracts[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < volcontractslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!volcontractstring.Contains(volcontractslocal[i]._id))

            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiarycontracts.Count(); i++)
                if (!(localbeneficiarycontrcarts.Contains(beneficiarycontracts[i]._id)))
                else if (!modifiedids.Contains(beneficiarycontracts[i]._id))
                    beneficiaryContractManager.UpdateBeneficiaryContract(beneficiarycontracts[i], beneficiarycontracts[i]._id);
            for (int i = 0; i < beneficiarycontractslocal.Count(); i++)
                if (!benefcontractstring.Contains(beneficiarycontractslocal[i]._id))

            return(RedirectToAction("SynchronizationResults", "DatabaseManagement", new { numberOfModifictaions, numberOfDeletions, outOfSyncDocuments }));
        public string Get(string keys)
            string ids_   = string.Empty;
            string header = string.Empty;
            string key1   = string.Empty;
            string key2   = string.Empty;

            if (keys.Contains(";") == true)
                string[] splited = keys.Split(";");
                key1 = splited[0];
                key2 = splited[1];

            DictionaryHelper.d.TryGetValue(key1, out ids_);
            DictionaryHelper.d.TryGetValue(key2, out header);

            string[] finalHeader = new string[45];
            if (header != null)
                finalHeader = ControllerHelper.SplitedHeader(header);

            string jsonstring = "";

            string[] auxstring  = ids_.Split("(((");
            string   properties = auxstring[1];

            string[] ids = auxstring[0].Split(",");

            if (ids[0].Contains("sponsorCSV"))
                var sponsorcollection = sponsorManager.GetListOfSponsors();
                for (int i = 1; i < ids.Length; i++)
                    if (properties.Contains("0"))
                        var sponsor = sponsorcollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]);
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sponsor);
                        bool    first   = true;
                        Sponsor sponsor = sponsorcollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]).First();
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "[{";
                        if (properties.Contains("1"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[0] + "\":" + "\"" + sponsor.NameOfSponsor + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("2"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[1] + "\":" + "\"" + sponsor.Sponsorship.Date + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("3"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[5] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[5], sponsor.Contract.HasContract) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("4"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            var ContractDetails = sponsor.Contract.NumberOfRegistration + "," + sponsor.Contract.RegistrationDate + "," + sponsor.Contract.ExpirationDate + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[6] + "\":" + "\"" + ContractDetails + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("5"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[7] + "\":" + "\"" + sponsor.ContactInformation.PhoneNumber + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("6"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[8] + "\":" + "\"" + sponsor.ContactInformation.MailAdress + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("7"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[2] + "\":" + "\"" + sponsor.Sponsorship.MoneyAmount + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("8"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[3] + "\":" + "\"" + sponsor.Sponsorship.WhatGoods + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("9"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[4] + "\":" + "\"" + sponsor.Sponsorship.GoodsAmount + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "}]";
            else if (ids[0].Contains("beneficiaryCSV"))
                var benefeciarycollection = beneficiaryManager.GetListOfBeneficiaries();
                for (int i = 1; i < ids.Length; i++)
                    if (properties.Contains("0"))
                        var beneficiary = benefeciarycollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]);
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(beneficiary);
                        bool        first       = true;
                        Beneficiary beneficiary = benefeciarycollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]).First();
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "[{";
                        if (properties.Contains("1"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";

                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[0] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.Fullname + "\"";

                            first = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("2"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";

                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[1] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[1], beneficiary.Active) + "\"";;
                            first      = false;

                        if (properties.Contains("3"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";

                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[2] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[2], beneficiary.Canteen) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("Z"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[34] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[34], beneficiary.Weeklypackage) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("4"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[3] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[3], beneficiary.HomeDelivery) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("5"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[4] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.HomeDeliveryDriver + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("6"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[5] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[5], beneficiary.HasGDPRAgreement) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("7"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[6] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.Adress + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("8"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[7] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.CNP + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("9"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[8] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.CI.CIinfo + "\",";;

                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[9] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.CI.CIEliberat + "\"";

                            first = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("A"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[10] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.Marca.marca + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("B"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[11] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.Marca.IdInvestigation + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("C"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[12] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.Marca.IdAplication + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("D"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[13] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.NumberOfPortions + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("E"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[14] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.LastTimeActiv.ToLongDateString() + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("F"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[15] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.PhoneNumber + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("G"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[16] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.BirthPlace + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("H"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[17] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Studies + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("I"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[18] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Profesion + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("J"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[19] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Ocupation + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("K"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[20] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.SeniorityInWorkField + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("L"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[21] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.HealthState + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("M"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[22] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Disalility + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("N"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[23] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.ChronicCondition + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("O"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[24] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Addictions + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("Z"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[25] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[25], beneficiary.PersonalInfo.HealthInsurance) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("P"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[26] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[26], beneficiary.PersonalInfo.HealthCard) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("Q"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[27] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Married + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("R"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[28] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.SpouseName + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("S"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[29] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[29], beneficiary.PersonalInfo.HasHome) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("T"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[30] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.HousingType + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("U"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[31] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Income + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("V"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[32] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Expences + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("W"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[33] + "\":" + "\"" + beneficiary.PersonalInfo.Gender + "\"";
                            first      = false;

                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "}]";
            else if (ids[0].Contains("volunteerCSV"))
                var volunteerscollection = volunteerManager.GetListOfVolunteers();
                for (int i = 1; i < ids.Length; i++)
                    if (properties.Contains("0"))
                        var volunteer = volunteerscollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]);
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volunteer);
                        bool      first     = true;
                        Volunteer volunteer = volunteerscollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]).First();
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "[{";
                        if (properties.Contains("1"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[0] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Fullname + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("2"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[1] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Birthdate + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("3"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[14] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Address.District + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[15] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Address.City + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[16] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Address.Street + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[17] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Address.Number + "\"";

                            first = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("4"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[3] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Gender + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("5"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[4] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Desired_workplace + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("6"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[5] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.CNP + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("7"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[6] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Field_of_activity + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("8"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[7] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Occupation + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("9"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[18] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.CIseria + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[19] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.CINr + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[20] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.CIEliberat + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[21] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.CIeliberator + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("A"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[9] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[9], volunteer.InActivity) + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("B"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[10] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.HourCount + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("C"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[20] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.ContactInformation.PhoneNumber + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[21] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.ContactInformation.MailAdress + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("D"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[22] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[22], volunteer.Additionalinfo.HasDrivingLicence) + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[23] + "\":" + "\"" + ControllerHelper.GetAnswer(finalHeader[23], volunteer.Additionalinfo.HasCar) + "\"";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[24] + "\":" + "\"" + volunteer.Additionalinfo.Remark + "\"";

                            first = false;
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "}]";
            else if (ids[0].Contains("eventCSV"))
                var eventscollection = eventManager.GetListOfEvents();
                for (int i = 1; i < ids.Length; i++)
                    if (properties.Contains("0"))
                        var eventt = eventscollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]);
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eventt);
                        bool  first  = true;
                        Event eventt = eventscollection.AsQueryable().Where(z => z._id == ids[i]).First();
                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "[{";
                        if (properties.Contains("1"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[0] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.NameOfEvent + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("2"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[1] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.PlaceOfEvent + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("3"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[2] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.DateOfEvent + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("4"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[3] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.TypeOfActivities + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("5"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[4] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.TypeOfEvent + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("6"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[5] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.Duration + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("7"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[6] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.AllocatedVolunteers + "\"";
                            first      = false;
                        if (properties.Contains("8"))
                            if (!first)
                                jsonstring = jsonstring + ",";
                            jsonstring = jsonstring + "\"" + finalHeader[7] + "\":" + "\"" + eventt.AllocatedSponsors + "\"";
                            first      = false;

                        jsonstring = jsonstring + "}]";
            jsonstring = jsonstring.Replace("][", ",");
